Friday, May 16, 2014

Governor Bobby Jindal to appear on season opener of Duck Dynasty.

Courtesy of On Politics:

 Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is set to appear on Duck Dynasty when the reality show returns to TV next month for its sixth season. 

Jindal, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, defended family patriarch Phil Robertson’s right to free speech last year when he was briefly suspended by A&E for making anti-gay comments in a magazine interview. The governor has called the Robertson family, whose Duck Commander empire is based in West Monroe, La., “great citizens” of the state. 

A&E says the Duck Dynasty season premiere on June 11 will feature an appearance by Jindal, who will present Willie Robertson — CEO of the family’s business — with an award. 

In February, Jindal was at Duck Commander headquarters to present the first Governor’s Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence to the Robertson family. The award is aimed at honoring “homegrown Louisiana businesses that grow and provide more opportunity, more jobs and more commerce” for the state, according to a news release from the governor’s office.

You know if Jindal thinks that his appearance will improve the ratings of the show he might want to rethink that strategy. I think it is far more likely that associating with the Robertson's might damage his political aspirations.

However the reason for his support might be more financial rather than altruistic.

Take a look at this from an industry blogger:

I often write about the absurdity of film subsidies and in the United States, one of the biggest offenders is the state of Louisiana which offers a 35% subsidy for film and television shows that shoot there. This is sort of why you probably see so many shows with Louisiana-based themes like Duck Dynasty. 

This subsidy also goes to pay cast salaries which reportedly is $200,000 per episode. That means the Louisiana taxpayer cut Duck Dynasty producers a check of about $70,000 per episode for each cast member...

That's quite an investment, and I am sure that Louisiana has benefited in the past from having such a high profile show filmed in their state, however I think that considering the amount of anger and vitriol that the Robertson clan has attracted as of late, that ANY politician who gets close to them might find their careers caught in the vortex as the show sinks into the icy depths of viewer apathy.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Jindal is a greasy as Palin. They both look like they haven't bathed in months.

  2. Run, Piyush, run ! ! !

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Why spend tax money on education when you give it to wealthy corporations?

  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The hateful bitch is at it again, Gryphen. She's just so starved for says she who LIVES only through Twitter and social media, hiding out from any real scrutiny.

    Media Laughably Calls Sarah Palin’s Thinly Veiled Obama Hate Foreign Policy Criticism

    ...Sarah Palin, the reality TV “star” who years ago ran to her Facebook bunker to hide from the mainstream media’s mean, gotcha questions about what she reads, mocked the wife of the man who beat her and her running mate 6 years ago for using social media to try to raise awareness of a cause.

    ...Don’t tell Ms Palin, but the Obama administration got bin Laden, so they know how to “kick their ass.” This is apparently how Right wing Christians demonstrate their Christ-ness, by using curse words to hungrily urge on war, death and destruction while showing their failure to love their country unless they are in charge. Role models!

    And don’t tell Sarah Palin, but Boko Haram was named to the terror watch list in November 2013. So sad, but she can’t blame Hillary Clinton for this one. This will go way over the heads of the folks who think their opinions are equal to the expertise of scientists and doctors, but there are reasons why we didn’t designate Boko Haram as a terrorist organization. One such reason was explained by Howard LaFranchi at the Christian Science Monitor:

  5. janice1:22 PM

    Wasn't Sarah invited?

  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Dream on Jindal. You'll never be president. Where do these bloviated egos come from?

    1. Boscoe1:50 PM

      Bullshit Mountain. :)

  7. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Head of Texans for Operation American Spring has the sads, no one showed up for the revolution

    Jackie Milton, 61, a Jacksboro, Texas, resident and the head of Texans for Operation American Spring wasn’t too pleased with today’s rally which sought to oust leadership from the nation’s capital. Operation American Spring, touted the event as expecting up to 30 million protesters in Washington, D.C., and not the dozens of old guys that did make an appearance. This was the worst revolution ever.

    Milton said, “It’s a very dismal turnout.” He contined to tell the Washington Times that hopes were high when he arrived in Alexandria, Va., a day or so ago and found motels and hotels were sold out for 30 miles around.

    He said, “We were getting over two inches of rain in hour in parts of Virginia this morning. Now it’s a nice sunny day. But this is a very poor turnout. It ain’t no millions. And it ain’t looking like there’s going to be millions. Hundreds is more like it.”

    Milton said, “This is very disappointing. I’ve been talking to everybody for six months.”

    He explained that the weather may have delayed some from showing, but he said, as the sun comes out, and the weekend weather dawns balmy, more could show up.

    He said optimistically, “This isn’t just the one day thing. Most of our group [126 from Texas] are going to stay most of the weekend. And when the bikers come in, there will much more. I know Connecticut’s here. I know Colorado’s here. I think Utah, maybe.”

    The Washington Post reports, “He also said the some of the planned Operation American Spring members who were planning to head to Washington, D.C., instead traveled to Nevada, to give support to cattle rancher Cliven Bundy in his fight against the federal government over grazing fees.”

    I’m sure it’s quite the dilemma; overthrow the government, or support a moocher.

    “A lot that were supposed to come here went there instead,” Milton said.

    Rachel Maddow did the math last night, “For context here, there are maybe like 320 million people in this whole country, and that includes babies and the infirm.” She added, “But they are expecting 10 to 30 million people. That’s their plan for tomorrow, and if they’re expecting that many people, statistically speaking, you’re probably going.”

    If this isn’t a sign of the Tea Party’s demise, I don’t know what is.

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The weather didn't stop General Washington's brave little army of patriots. The brave soldiers ofcWW I and WWII weren't stopped by bad weather. These guys must be a bunch of sissies.

  9. Leland2:15 PM

    They can HAVE Jindal!

    Do you think there is any chance the dynasty guys can lose him in the swamp?

  10. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Will there be an exorcism.......?

  11. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I'm sorry, but every time I see this guy he just appears as 'goofy' to me. How did he get elected in Louisiana? He'll never make it as a candidate for POTUS. Never!

    1. Leland4:01 AM

      Hey! Leave my hero Goofy out of this! He's far more intelligent than most repubes.

  12. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

    Hey Bobby! Being from Louisiana and of Indian Ancestry, a couple of points to help you out.
    1 Wear your rubbers, they'll save your shoes. It's not called a swamp for nothing.
    2 Bring more than you think you'll need in hair products, especially hair gel.

    3 Carry an extra mirror to preen yourself like you did before the SOTU speech.
    4 Bring your own shaving kit, sharing that stuff with a bunch of inbred idiots might give them a disease or something.
    5 The duck that quacks the loudest isn't a duck, it's Sarah Palin complaining she wasn't invited.
    6 make sure you mention "religious freedom". "Christian Persecution" "Guns" and think of something nasty to say about President Obama. Doesn't have to be true.
    7 Parlay this into a month long interview fest on Fox News. They're the ones who advance the careers of all the GOP presidential candidates.

  13. Chenagrrl7:24 AM

    Well of course he will. The state is paying those welfare queens. Guess he thinks there is some political mileage to it. Someone needs to photoshop a picture of Bobby Baby with a price tag on each duck caller.


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