Thursday, May 01, 2014

Guess who's coming to Alaska.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:

Duck Dynasty stars coming to Alaska State Fair: Get ready, Alaska. The Alaska State Fair announced Wednesday that the stars of Duck Dynasty, the hit A&E channel show, will be hosting "An Evening with the Robertsons." That includes revered matriarch, Miss Kay, blue-cup-holding, story-telling Uncle Si and brothers Jep and Alan, as they "share insights into their family life, booming business and the filming of A&E’s most-watched series." Also included is Phil, the "Duck Commander" himself, who weathered controversy last year after making homophobic remarks in an interview with GQ. The evening is scheduled for Aug. 30. Tickets go on sale May 2.

As if we don't already have enough racist rednecks up here. 

Well you know that the Lunatic from Lake Lucille will certainly not let this opportunity pass without trying to take advantage of it in some way.

However there is some question as to whether the Robertson clan would welcome her participation in anything they would do up here, or whether she would be willing to show her face in Palmer which is only a hop, skip, and a drunken stumble away from Wasilla. (I can guarantee she would be greeted with boo's.)

Well I haven't decided if I am going to the State Fair this year or not, but I can assure you that I will not be there on May 2nd.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    What possible fucking "insights" could these Christo-fascist homophobes possibly offer?!? Moreover, I wasn't aware that plummeting television ratings was how one "weathered" any storm. Finally, will there be complementary "baptisms" to go along with my cotton candy?

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:28 AM

      This is how you weather plummeting "reality show" ratings: start making lame-o sideshow appearances for dinero. May I suggest charging your fans 20 bucks a pop, also too and in addition, for a photo opportunity with you and your fake family? You're welcome.

      BTW, the bearded wonders don't really seem to be too thrilled to meet Cutie Patootie up there in the pic. "Drunken stumble"...LOL!

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Why is Quitter hangin' with Mario Lopez in AK? This is the same gossip site that reported her cocaine use.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Did she ask Mario Lopez to help her work the gun under her bed?

    4. Anonymous4:11 PM

      They go way back. Ewwww

      "Lopez said the Republican candidate for vice president is on the top of his list of interviews he'd like to nail while on the show"

      Was he eating moose casserole? Or something else?

    5. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

      Dumbo and Dimples, perfect together! Maybe Mario has a swag room for her to loot!!!

    6. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Mario Lopez is a shady character from way back. It's hardly surprising he would like Sarah Palin.

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    How embarrassing.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Is this the image that Alaskans want to portray? Who's opening before their act, Ted Nugent and Mrs. Palin? Alaskans take back your state from these wingers.

  3. Oh, I think you should plan to be there, as well as every other progressive Alaskan. And Palin should be well aware of such plans just in case she thinks for even a nanosecond about horning in on the possibility of free publicity with the DD douchebags as her human shields

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    That's kinda early for duck hunting season, isn't it? Or are they all beard and no duck?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

      Shhhh. Ms Fuddette doesn't have to know

  5. janice9:31 AM

    What happened to Sarah's latest reality show, her cookbook, Todd's reality show and is she still employed by Fox?

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      You forgot to ask about Sarah's new fitness book. So I will.

      Hey Sarah: When is your fitness and well being book expected? Will it be before or after the Tripp child custody case is settled?

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    The quitter former governor Sarah Palin has two houses and a cabin in Alaska and has lots of rooms, lets see how hospitable she is to her red neck buddies.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      There's Bristol's house also too. And a poontang boat. Party time!

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The Duck Dynasty appearance scheduled for April 26 in Springfield, Missouri was cancelled
    due to " poor ticket sales ".
    The Robertsons said the reason for the cancellation
    was " unforeseen circumstances " which must be the new euphemism for
    " the 15 minutes are over ".
    Springfield , Missouri is Ozark country and should have been a perfect venue for the Ducks.
    If the Robertsons can't muster interest
    in the Ozarks , it's hard to imagine them being rock stars elsewhere.
    Palin, Nugent , Ted Cruz , the tea party and
    now Duck Dynasty have become so toxic, even their natural demographics are turning against them.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Anyone know who ticket sales and "celebrity" pay works at the Alaska State Fair?

      Do the performers pay the state fair to lease space and time? Does the fair get a percentage of ticket sales? Does fair board get any say in what and who uses the fair to promote themselves?

      I hope they get their money up front because you've got to wonder if some of these presenters have the funds to cover a trip to Alaska and have a bust of an event.

      Are these duck dudes making the rounds in Alaska or just going to the fair? Can't imagine they'd make enough ticket sales anywhere but the fair to cover the cost of airfare and a hotel to somewhere else in Alaska.

  8. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Well you know that the Lunatic from Lake Lucille will certainly not let this opportunity pass without trying to take advantage of it in some way.
    I'm sure SHE is the one who flippin' invited them! I guess they haven't had enough of "The palin curse" yet....?

  9. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Their "booming business"?

    I saw their cheap merchandise on sale 75% OFF at my grocery store the other day.

    The Palin Curse has struck again.

    Enjoy your last few minutes, Duck People.

    1. 75% off?

      Still too much.

      It's my understanding that if you're not too choosey about which refugee camp you stay in, you can get all the WTD t-shirts and lunch boxes you want for free.

  10. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I don't think the Palin klan (including Sarah and Todd) would have the balls to show up at the fair for these guys. They'd not be able to handle the booing, etc. You know how Sarah always tries to hide....wonder what they could or would do to provide her cover - curtains, etc. Hope they don't! She is the curse of evil!

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Sarah won't do anything unless she's being paid. I doubt these guys can come up with the bucks to pay her.

      Maybe some group will pay her to pretend that she supports and is interested in these creeps. If that's the case, she'll ignore the boos, pretend they are not happening and cash the check while looking for another paying gig.

  11. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Why would the State of Alaska finance people like this? At least it should be public information about how much they are paid, if they get top accommodations in Alaska. If they are provided flight-seeing trips, river rafting, other freebies. The State of Alaska is financing THIS? "Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil." -- Speaking at the 2010 Wild Game Supper in Pottstown, Pa.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Just to clarify. The State of Alaska, as the government of Alaska has nothing to do with the Alaska State Fair. It's run by a non-profit.

      "...the 2013 Alaska State Fair. We cannot put on a Fair without sponsors. We are a private non-profit organization and we are not funded by State or Borough tax dollars. Sponsors contribute to the promotion of the Fair, entertainment, events support, and exhibit premiums. We count on the support of sponsors for the on-going future and success of the Fair.

      Best bet for Alaskans is to send letters questioning the Duck Dude's attendance to Fair Board Members.

      I don't see info on the site, but there is a contact name, phone, and email at the bottom of the sponsor page.

  12. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Schmucks and a Skank!

  13. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I am shocked by how much disrespect you have with the people in your state. Snob doesn't cover it.

    Just because a person doesn't live YOUR lifestyle doesn't give you the right to poopoo it or mock people.

    I am reassessing you and the things you write about and claim to believe as I type this.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Alaskans just don't go for people like this: ""Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil." -- Speaking at the 2010 Wild Game Supper in Pottstown, Pa."

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      This is snark, right, 10:14? Ha ha! You're not seriously defending these fake hillbillies with MBAs, right? (By the way, that's why they make fun of Sarah Palin behind her back. They all went to college.)

    3. "doesn't give you the right to poopoo it or mock people"

      We have every right to "poopoo" or mock people that speak viciously and hatefully about other peoples' lifestyles, as the Duck Dynasty leader does.

    4. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Confusious once say:

      Better to be a poopoo-er than a poopoo-on! And 10:14 - if you aren't one then you might be the other!~

    5. Anonymous2:38 PM

      10:14 No Shit?

    6. Cracklin Charlie8:56 PM


      You've been "reassessed".


  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    So, where's your post about Michelle O canceling her gad speech after the protests?

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      It was rescheduled, if I recall correctly.

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      10:14 - It got rescheduled and moved to a bigger arena. Try to keep up, you poor uninformed low info voter.

    3. gad?

      She certainly was more gracious than many of the racist pigs from out of state that signed the students' petition. Was that your point?

      If you want to see a blog post, set up a blog of your own and write one. Be sure to then add a couple hundred repetitive, stupid comments.

    4. Anonymous2:37 PM

      10;14 AM You can only Dream that your Sarah would draw as many fans as Michelle Obama. Most people appreciate an Intelligent Woman with charm and grace.

  15. Anonymous10:16 AM

    The only places I see Sarah these days are rinks and others porting events. She and her family was at the car races last summer though. Besides trips to Target and the like stores, and yoga in Anchorage, where would she go?

    1. "Besides trips to Target and the like stores, and yoga in Anchorage, where would she go?"

      To hell? Where she belongs?

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Will she be at the Derby on Saturday? She was such a hit last year! HAHAHAHAHAHA

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      You don't actually "see" Sarah Palin anywhere (maybe in your dreams).

    4. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

      I was at a porting event and it took awhile, but I, too, saw Sarah, I think. Or maybe someone was losing at "hangman", whateves. Port Wine takes awhile to kick in, just sayin'.

  16. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Hey Gryphen, look what just arrived in my email. I just gave them some bucks, I'll be very happy to see this go viral. She needs to feel the wrath....bigtime.

    Dear Faithful America member,

    Sadly, there's nothing new about a conservative politician like Sarah Palin misusing Christianity to say something hateful like "waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists."

    Usually, the media breathlessly reports on the story as if all Christians are right-wing extremists. But this time is different, because they're reporting that Christians are leading the blowback:

    "Thousands of Christians organize against Sarah Palin after waterboarding joke mocks baptism"

    "Christian group slams Sarah Palin for ‘blasphemously twisting our faith’"

    "Faithful America, Christian online community, launches petition against Sarah Palin following waterboarding remark"

    Palin has responded by calling those of us who've criticized her "overly sensitive wusses," but the truth is that we've struck a nerve, and we should do everything in our power to seize this opportunity.

    Can you chip in $20 to help us spread the word with a new ad campaign?

    Here's why this matters:

    For most of our lives, the Christianity we read about in the newspapers has looked little like the one we hold in our hearts. The reporting is almost always about how conservatives use Christian teachings to justify hatred and cruelty. We too rarely see headlines like the ones above.

    This petition has already become the biggest in Faithful America's history -- more than 55,000 signatures, many of them from new people inspired to join our community.

    But this should be about more than condemning Sarah Palin. If we want to change the national conversation about Christianity, we can't afford to let the moment slip away.

    So here's our plan to go big -- if you're willing to help:

    A big ad in the Wasilla newspaper. We can keep Christians in the center of this story by announcing an ad in a paper Palin can't ignore.

    Smart, targeted online ads. The best bang-for-your-buck in advertising these days is online, where we can reach fellow Christians who share our outrage but haven't joined our community yet.

    Demonstrate our building momentum to the media. Reporters are already interested in this story, and a little money on advertising can go a long way if we bring on extra hands to update the media on our campaign.

    If we can raise just $5,000, we can jump into action immediately. If you're as excited as I am about this moment, can you chip in $20 to help keep it going?

    Donate to Faithful America


    -- Michael and Aaron

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I signed and donated as well! Real Christians are raising money off of "Sarah the Devil."

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM

      "Can you chip in $20 to help us spread the word with a new ad campaign?"

      Hmmmm. I may be wrong, but something smells fishy.

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Can you chip in $20 to help us spread the word with a new ad campaign?
      Unless I'm misunderstanding, seems to me someone is "exploiting for bucks" with this.

    4. Anonymous11:46 AM

      What is Faithful America? A corporation? A charity? A PAC? Who runs it? I can't find any organizational or financial information about them. Donations are collected by the CEL Education Fund.

      I realize I'm annoyingly negative about this. I'm burned out by groups fundraising off of magnified outrage, in general, and Sarah Palin, in particular; and, then, making money off my email by selling or renting it as part of a mailing list.

      Palin is not going away as long as she's a useful fundraising tool or click-bait.

    5. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Here is what I don't get

      A big ad in the Wasilla newspaper. We can keep Christians in the center of this story by announcing an ad in a paper Palin can't ignore.

      And then what?

    6. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Sounds as if it might be a scam. Asking for a specific amount for a donation seems a little odd. I would investigate this organization before sending them money.

    7. Anonymous12:45 PM

      A big ad in the Wasilla paper? Who reads that? Certainly not Sarah Palin--heck, she doesn't even live there anymore.

      Besides, Alaskans, and I'm guessing Wasilla residents even more, already know Sarah is contemptible and don't like her.

      Better to put their money and their ad toward education Christians around the country that they need to buck up and speak up whenever Sarah, or other Religious in Name Only people use religion in an inappropriate and offensive way.

    8. Anonymous12:47 PM

      The National Council of Churches of Christ (NCC) created Faithful America (FA) in 2004, with the aim of making the latter a “religious version of” Characterizing itself as “an online community of tens of thousands of citizens motivated by faith to take action on the pressing moral issues of our time,” FA “mobilizes” its members by soliciting their participation in petition-signings, letter-writing campaigns, demonstrations, and lobbying events. Such activity is typically orchestrated in conjunction with organizations that have similar, though not necessarily religious, agendas.

    9. Anonymous7:28 PM

      The woman's illiterate, how's twenty bucks to a Christian organization for an ad in Wasilla going to help?

  17. Anonymous10:27 AM

    You have my deepest sympathies. :-(

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Poor Gryphen, we all sympathize with you. The trolls just don't learn anything, do they?

      Poor Alaska, having the Duck Dynasty crew trying to revive their failing fortunes in your state.

  18. Bill F10:27 AM

    Gryphen, you should attend the State Fair and give the Robertsons and the Palins a big IM greeting.

  19. Anonymous10:36 AM

    They're coming,!!

  20. Anonymous10:47 AM

    They don't sing. They don't dance.
    But get your tickets quick: $35 to sit on the lawn or $70 for 'reserved' see a reality tv show family in the flesh and listen to them talk.
    Seriously?! Someone would buy a ticket for this?

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Who would buy a ticket so see the Dukk Fukkers?
      Well we will soon find out. Maybe a cancellation in Alaska just like in Missouri if not enough rubes step up to buy a ticket.

      If this show happens in Alaska every dollar spent will be one dollar less to elect Joe Miller to the US Senate!

      Maybe the Dukk Fukkers can do a fundraiser for the vaguely bearded lawsuit happy patriot attorney while they are up there! Isn't Fagan back in town? Schaefer Cox is still kind of occupied at the PMITAFP... so he won't be able to make it.

      Maybe chuckie dum fuckie and the Chena Ridge explosives dealer could be special guests!!!

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Can we bring our guns?

  21. Anonymous10:50 AM

    So BUSTED!

    Wikleaks Openly Admits They ‘Advised’ Snowden to Flee to Russia

    The official line from the Greenwald gang for some time has been that Edward Snowden was on his way to South America when the evil United States revoked his passport for no reason whatsoever except maybe those stolen top secret documents, and forced him to get stuck in Russia. In other words, Snowden didn’t choose Russia; it’s all Obama’s fault he ended up there.

    But today, the official account of Wikileaks blew this story up, admitting openly that they “advised” Snowden to flee to Russia. And also, they’d like you to give them some money.

  22. Anonymous10:51 AM

    These are all carnival acts. It's for the Fair. Sarah, too, is a mere Carnival act, part of the Freak Show.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Sideshow. See the walking skeleton woman. Step right up. Wig and bone. Gloves off, stilettos on. Bracelets, bible belt, bangles and dangles. Skin and bones. Step right up. Only a small donation to SarahPac.

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      The venue obviously has fallen. A few years ago the fair hosted Garrison Keeler and the tickets flew out of the box office! How will these idiots go down? Time will tell!

  23. Anonymous11:07 AM

    C'mon, chickenshit Lou Sarah!
    Show up and be BOOED!

  24. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I was just in the park. In recent times, I've had to stop socializing with other moms because of sheer ridiculousness. I remember when people could take their kids to the park and actually have fun and chat with other moms about funny things their kids do or "oo look, theyre so cute playing with each other."

    Nowadays, the world has become a huge competition. Even to the point where moms cut others down in indirect ways.

    WTH people. There is NO WRONG WAY TO PARENT. Parenting is YOUR journey and learning with YOUR kids.
    Every little thing you brag about can be oneupped by another person. But who the hell cares. People who need validation make me sad for them. People who have to broadcast such cutesy things and accomplish to anyone who will listen need lives. It's not normal parenting bragging when you do it all the time. It's just annoying and shows your neediness. Funny, these are the same people who hinder their children's growth by smothering them, the people who will probably have an 8 yr old in their bed still.

    Because spring and summer are the biggest park times, I foresee so much more of this in the future. But for the sake of humanity, this shit needs to stop.

    lol, sometimes, I think about posting only "real" moments on facebook. i.e. "Lol my daughter just screamed bloody murder for 5 minutes in CVS over a snickers bar." or "haha my son just chucked a boot at the window, breaking it, because he doesn't want a bath."

    I may do this and make it viewable to only the braggarts and snobs on my feed. Because that is life as a parent.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Hey, 11:17 crazycakes- maybe you should go write your own anti-park parenting blog. It can be: WHY I HATE PARKS. You're welcome.

    2. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Thanks for sharing?!

    3. Anonymous11:57 AM

      What does your post have to do with Duck Dynasty?

    4. Alrighty then. Doubt very much that you have ever had kids, but oookay.

    5. Anonymous1:46 PM

      11:17 you must really love this blog, not that I blame you but C4p or Breitbart seem more like your cup o'tea.

    6. abbafan3:01 PM

      11:17 - what the fuck are you high on?? Your drunken babble has no relevance to this thread! Go have a Twinkie snapperhead!

    7. Anonymous3:13 PM

      "There is no wrong way to parent."

      WRONG, absolutely and utterly wrong.
      Although I do find it funny that in the same screed on how there's no wrong way to parent, you criticize how other people parent.

      Of course, I don't actually believe you have any children, only your deep, unending girl-crush on Bristol Palin.

    8. Anonymous7:19 PM

      This is that lady that gets on the bus and keeps acting like she dropped something as an excuse to sniff the seats. Poor thing is to be pitied, really.

  25. Anonymous11:35 AM

    in my experience the only acts that show up at the Alaska State Fair are has-beens/washed up and that's exactly what these clown frauds are

    1. The Duck*ucks must be the fair's main Freak Show event.

  26. Anonymous11:36 AM

    If I pay $70 for a reserved seat for duck dynasty then I won't have any money for ShePac, SarahPac or Amazing America.

  27. Anonymous11:36 AM

    They must be hoping that the 'yuppies in hillbilly yahoo threads' truth didn't get all the way up to Alaska. I hope Alaskans are more alert and aware than the DuckDicks give them credit. The only good thing is that Palin will have another excuse to put on her camo fashion gear.

  28. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Hey, Sarah -- camo is the new black.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      So does that mean Sarah's Glenn Rice is camo?

  29. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Perry: Palin goes too far, again

    She loaded her speech with religious metaphors, claiming that true leaders would put "the fear of God in our enemies." She said,

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Is that how Sarah gets Todd to carry her purse? She puts the fear of God in him.

  30. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I told you she would be on the fair circuit before the year was out.

  31. Anonymous12:46 PM

    OT - Palin made an ass of herself again this morning responding incoherently to a tweet which linked to an article about the baptism issue. She either didn't read or didn't comprehend the article in question.

    @jpatlynch Pat, these liberals mad about my waterboarding comments need to respect my rights as an American. The Bible is clear about that.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Like Rick Perry said- OOOPS!

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Yes. Big OOPS! ;-)

      The tweet is satire yet still fairly accurately represents Palin's ideology. She believes that the Constitution is based on biblical law and that the 1st Amendment should protect her from criticism.

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Here is the article link and 12:46 calls it! "She either didn't read or didn't comprehend the article in question"

      Some of the analysis about what Sarah understands about biblical doctrine fails sadly as it rests upon an assumption which is likely false.

      "Now let us turn to Mrs. Palin, Follow me carefully because this has several steps in the discussion. Palin attends a Bible church up in Alaska and one might easily presume that it does not teach or practice very much in the way of sacramental theology."

      I personally doubt she attends church much since the Kenyan usurper moved himself and his family into the White House. Luckily for the world that open door slammed shut in Sarah's face just as she was getting ready to waltz through it. Her nose has been a little out of joint ever since.

    4. Anonymous1:27 PM

      The article is real- the Palin tweet about it isn't.

    5. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Sarah Palin and family have not been seen in a church in the Valley (Wasilla and Palmer, AK) for years.

      They did attend the service for Ted Steven (Congressman/AK) in Anchorage, but left quickly thereafter.

      The family is not Christian! They do not live the teachings at all.

  32. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Oops. Ignore the comment about the Palin tweet.
    It's a satire account.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      It does have some funny tweets! (SATIRE NOT THE RILL SARAH!!!)
      Sarah PaIin @SarahPaIinUSA

      I think if the people of Gluten want to be free, like the Librarians after Gaddafi, they'll need to show the al-Qaedas they're in Democracy.

  33. Anonymous1:11 PM

    But doesn't that say a lot?

    We can't tell the real stuff from the satire because the real stuff is so out there. The satire that is meant to be "out there" and funny isn't nearly so out there as what Sarah says....did that make sense? I get so confused trying to make sense out of anything Palin.

    Speaking of Satire on Sarah: is it real or not? Mudflats had a good post yesterday saying that when she first heard the Sarah waterboarding story she thought it MUST be satire as even Sarah wouldn't be so dumb to say something like that.

    Ha. Ha. Gotcha! Like we've all gotten used to saying: You can't make this stuff up!

    Anything to do with Sarah is so farfetched that most people think it's made up. Now they are getting a peak at the Sarah we know. Someone who says the dumbest, most offensive things.

    No, we didn't make any of this up. Sarah did it all herself--and even brags about it.

  34. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Levi and sunny will go. So you can BET that Bar$tool and Willblow and $carah are gonna be there right up front and ON STAGE. Possibly even with Tripp, to show him off to everybody and poke a thorn into his dads eye.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      I seriously doubt Levi and Sunny will be attending this function. Think you, 1:23, are just hyping things up when you know nothing about the subject!

      I also doubt Sarah will put in an appearance at the State Fair, unless she can hide behind some curtain. That's been her mode of operation in the lower 48 when she doesn't want to be bothered by the public or has some fear of them!

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Go read sunnys facebook entry. She seems to be quite giddy about them coming to alaska.

  35. Anonymous1:31 PM

    O/T I think I got this link from this post. Thanks to whoever posted it. Good reporting on the letter sent to the NRA.

    I've been wondering about all this publicity and was anyone complaining to the NRA for their hosting--and presumably supporting these abhorrent comments by Palin at their event.

    "On Wednesday, the National Religious Campaign against Torture released a powerful condemnation of the speech. To Palin, the organization's executive director wrote, "Your statements play into a false narrative conveying that somehow, the conflict between the United States and the terrorist cells is a conflict between Christianity and Islam, or Islam and 'the West.'

    "The group's letter to the NRA, signed by 17 faith leaders from many different religions and denominations, reads, "For Christians, baptism is a profoundly holy act. It is in stark contrast to the abhorrent act of waterboarding. Equating baptism to an act of torture like waterboarding is sacrilegious -- and particularly surprising coming from a person who prides herself on her Christian faith."

    And he nailed the head on this one below.

    "But it's not actually all that surprising. Palin's public rhetoric relies on crafting existential binaries between "us" and "them," creating a kind of sacred empowered victimhood among her listeners. She draws from the language of militant Christianity to claim the status of both persecutor and persecuted. This is not an accident, and I do not believe she will repudiate her remarks."

    Some powerful stuff on the website for the National Religious Campaign Against Torture. Includes info on how to lobby against torture.

    "The National Religious Campaign Against Torture Action Fund works to ensure that U.S. leaders oppose torture in all circumstances. It does so primarily by educating current leaders. The NRCAT Action Fund staff regularly meet with top decision-makers to discuss what interrogation techniques ought to be permitted, how prisoners can be adequately protected from torture and other abuse, how we should respond to past instances of torture, and what proactive steps the U.S. can take to help prevent torture in all parts of the world."

    It's nice to know such groups exist within the framework of "Christianity" in this country.

    Thanks again to whoever it was that posted the original link.

    Yes, I love the snark on this site, but I just gobble up the links and the additional info I find there.

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      That's a great organization and a great statement. I'm not too sure that Sarah Palin could understand it though . . . .

  36. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I'm boycotting the Alaska State Fair this year. This is ridiculous

  37. Anonymous7:04 PM

    If Sarah Palin is afraid that she will be booed at the Alaska State Fair in front of all those people then here's a suggestion.

    Since Sarah is a multimillionaire, she could rent out the whole Alaskan State Fair facility for a private appearance.

    Any hoot that ass wipe is too scared to face the Alaskan people.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Oh how the mighty has fallen.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Ten bucks says Caint Get Right is not going.

  38. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

    8 plus quack, one quacker and one pimp. Do they get their own tent? What's a loon to wear?What's closest to the top of the hamper??

    Good idea on avoiding it, Gryphen. They're known to fling their own poo.

  39. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sarah you going to the Arizona State Fair?

  40. Anonymous7:34 PM

    If Sarah does go to the state fair most likely it will be without Trig. Sarah will find an excuse for not bringing him.

    Ummm Trig can't find his prescription glasses.

  41. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Bristol are you taking your trial husband, what's his name, to the fair?

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      How come Willow doesn't have a trial husband?

  42. So, it looks like the Monkey Queen has her fuck-buddies lined up for the summer months... Did she just recently have an annex built on the Hall of the Mountain a Harem ??

    They fit right in...

  43. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Willow looks like a body guard or a bouncer in that picture.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.