Monday, May 12, 2014

John Oliver finally provides the appropriate perspective on the Climate Change debate.

I love this.

They could do the same thing for the Evolution debate as well.

P.S. Okay I am going to include another video from John Oliver's new show that I am sure many of you have already seen, or at least heard about. I don't feel comfortable embedding the video since it contains full frontal nudity (And not the good kind either!), but it is still quite funny and if you are not easily offended you should get a kick out of it.

Click here to see for yourself.

And remember, I warned you.


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I saw it last night. bleuch!

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM

    He is ballsy!

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    OMG! That MUST go viral in Kentucky! I swear, I will never look at Mitch the Turtle the same way again! FLAWLESS, Mr. Oliver, simply flawless.

    Oliver's new show is quite good, btw, be sure to check it out if you haven't already. With it being on HBO, he can get away with A LOT of stuff that wouldn't be possible on Comedy Central.

  4. Anonymous5:30 PM

    On John Oliver’s new show on HBO, “Last Week Tonight,” Oliver covers the Eurovision Song Contest and the latest from Crimea.

  5. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Episode 1 Full Episode

  6. fromthediagonal5:33 PM

    Ohshit! I totally think this is bloody awesome!
    Have to tell Turtleneck about the old German saying though:
    "Two degrees colder, and you'll be a girl". Be that as it may...

    1. Balzafiar6:00 PM

      1. An inch more, he'll be a King.
      2. An inch less, he'll be a Queen.

      Hmm, now about that #2. From what I hear...

  7. Anonymous5:35 PM

    As an old white lady, I couldn't click fast enough; I thought you claiming "not the good kind" meant it was male!

    Gryphen, I'll never forgive you.

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I just watched it a little while ago and loved the old dicks running DC. Hilarious, both of the ads were great.

  9. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): Death Penalty

  10. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Thanks, G! After this mornings post, choaking the chicken has been on my mind all day, but suddenly, the urge went away!

  11. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Freedom? Republican Run States Are Now Telling People What They Can and Can’t Buy

  12. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

    That first one was epic! Today they said that Antarctica ice is melting quicker than they originally thought, it's now inching toward 4 inches by 2030, which, in essence, means Florida will be the first state to flood completely.
    I clicked the second link, it's the first time I saw yertle keep quiet.

  13. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Hey Gryphen, here's yet another open mouth insert foot Republican making an ass of himself...and of course, one of Sarah's buds.

    Louie Gohmert compares reality TV show cancellation to Islam and female genital mutilation

    'Gohmert has adopted the Santorum Slime political sexploitation obsession of totally nonsensical remarks for political convoluted justification'

  14. northernbassist7:41 PM

    What do you mean, "(And not the good kind, either)?" I defy anyone who looks at that video to *ever* be able to think of McConnell any other way.

    Course, some of us have always thought that about him, but now, a lot more people will.

  15. SHARON8:57 PM

    HBO....sheer genius giving Oliver his own show!! Old, white, wrinkled dicks....he nailed that one, esp the NRA groupies.
    I couldn't believe what I saw, I would find it hard to believe news of that clip hasn't reached the turtle man by now. Wanna bet we don't hear a peep about it???

  16. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Brilliant. Just brilliant.

    John Oliver has such a keen grasp of American politics. When he was hosting for Jon Stewart last year, it was obvious how much of the show's humor was Oliver's writing. I love a show with a high IQ.


  17. Anonymous3:03 AM

    I agree that his climate change segment was perfect. I am so tired of the need for media to give equal credence to "both" sides of a story when there are not two sides to it. PBS and NPR have been doing this since Bush II became president because they were so afraid of losing federal funding completely. When 97 to 99 % of scientists say one thing; that thing is true. That's fact and not opinion.

  18. Anonymous5:08 PM

    John Oliver Explains How He Cast Mitch McConnell’s Penis

    ...On Tuesday, Oliver revealed to Mother Jones just how his show went about finding the perfect penis for the job.

    Oliver generously explained:

    “Of course, you do need to cast a penis. And to do that you have to be presented with a selection of penii—I don’t know if that’s the collective term. And so then what you’re looking for—it’s amazing—when you look at then you start judging them for the purpose, because you want something that is funny but not sad. Because, you know, a sad penis does not help the comedy. No, it makes you think about the person the penis is attached to. So really, you just want a representative old man penis. And I’m not sure that sentence…has ever been said out loud before…We got to one that we liked, and the owner of that penis was generous enough to model it for us.”

    Once the team had made its decision, Oliver said, “you walk out of a room, and you stare out a window and question what the fuck you’re doing with your life…That’s basically how it goes.”

    Read the full interview at

  19. Anonymous5:11 PM


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.