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Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy |
They are:
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Chairman
Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN)
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS)
Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL)
Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL)
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA)
Apparently this is out of the 206 House Republicans that were scrambling to be on the list.
As of right now the Democrats are not even sure that they want to participate in this lynch mob and in my opinion, they should ignore it so that the American public can see it for the partisan witch hunt that we all know it to be.
Update: By the way did anybody else notice who is NOT included in the above list?
That's right, Darrell Issa is now considered too damaged by his repeated failed inquiries into Benghazi to be considered a viable candidate to be included in this newest clown car.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the Democrats should ignore this committee. I'm surprised that Gowdy didn't include Bachmann on it.
ReplyDeleteI think the Dems SHOULD participate. "Someone" made the video...that started it all. (the turd they arrested had just gotten out of jail he had no money) Since Romney met with Pam Geller in Aug and this incident just happened to erupt on Sep 11....? Also too, someone with money bankrolled the turd who MADE the movie and had it dubbed etc.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention got it on Egyptian you tube.
Wonder who could of done that, maybe someone who was hoping to win POTUS?
I WAS waiting for this little gem to fall in Rmoney's lap as a October surprise.
As usual if anything comes up, like Issa & McCain and "Secret Service Scandal" they were all ON IT! LIKE FLIES ON SHIT...... Until it was revealed the Secret service-->David Chaney--->Todd Palin (Pimp)---> Shay Tripp "connection" and then the "scandal" went Poof????
I'm glad Malia is not letting it go "poof" but she is being stonwalled 6 ways to Alaska!
"I think the Dems SHOULD participate. "Someone" made the video...that started it all. (the turd they arrested had just gotten out of jail he had no money) Since Romney met with Pam Geller in Aug and this incident just happened to erupt on Sep 11....? "
Except that the committee is purposely set at 7 republicans to 5 democrats and that topic would never be allowed to be brought up.
There is no point to the democrats lending a shred of legitimacy to this kangaroo court, I'm sorry, "bi-partisan committee."
It does appear that the media is slowing coming around to the fact that this is nothing but an expensive witch hunt, which will be all the more apparent with no Democrats on the committee.
Nefer -
DeleteWith a ratio of 7 to 5, they're not even TRYING to look like anything but a witch hunt.
The video, the video THE VIDEO! Solve that...and you will fuck up the gop but good.
DeleteThat's why we NEED the DEMS to ASK Video, video, video.
As Per Anon @ 2:50
Delete"As usual if anything comes up, like Issa & McCain and "Secret Service Scandal" they were all ON IT! LIKE FLIES ON SHIT...... Until it was revealed the Secret service-->David Chaney--->Todd Palin (Pimp)---> Shay Tripp "connection" and then the "scandal" went Poof???? "
I think the Dems should participate ONLY if they have a most excellent plan for Political Theater.
But the question of who made the video is, of course, the key.
Over at Malia's blog some commenters have suggested that the $$ for the film (called "The Innocence of Muslims") came from a Birth Right Trust that the Palin, Heath and Moe families embezzled.
What a joke!! Redneck dumb idiots embarrass our country.
ReplyDeleteCarney: GOPers Admit Benghazi About ‘Trying to Raise Money and Motivate Their Base’
ReplyDeleteRepublicans have confessed that the effort is not aimed at uncovering the truth but to increase campaign donations and excite the GOP base.
“House Republicans, in what is a blatantly political and partisan effort, voted to start another investigation into this matter,” Carney began, “presumably because the six previous investigations by Congress, by Republicans, were somehow not adequate.”
“It’s unfortunate that House Republicans continue to pursue this in a highly partisan manner,” he added. “And, in fact, they themselves have acknowledged how political it is and how oriented it is toward trying to raise money and motivate their base for a midterm election.”
Watch the clip below via MSNBC:
Krauthammer Warns GOP: Benghazi Committee ‘Very Dangerous Political Waters’
...Krauthammer added that organizing this committee is a “very high-risk operation” that needs to focus solely on understanding what, exactly, happened in the aftermath of the 2012 attacks on the U.S. consulate. If the committee deviates at all into a “political circus,” he reiterated, it will hurt the GOP.
For nearly two years, he has been the designated legal attack dog on the Internal Revenue Service and Benghazi controversies. This week he became chairman of a new Benghazi select committee, making him de facto leader of the GOP’s strategy to whip those issues into an apocalyptic constitutional narrative.
I'm kind of two minds on this one but leaning towards the Democrats participating. They have already lost their first request, that the composition of the committee be equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. It's 7-5 R. Now apparently they are negotiating about whether the "minority" will have equal access to witnesses, documents, etc. Why that is even an issue I do not understand.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess it comes down to this. If you boycott, you're out. Period. But if you designate 5 Dems and at least seat them for the first day or more, you're a force. And if things start to get way out of hand (which they might) they can all pack up their legal pads and march out of the hearing room and declare the whole thing a Kangaroo Court not worthy of the Institution.
Polls show that most of the American people haven't got the slightest interest in this on-going charade. So I say tee it up and let it fly with our side participating. And really, if you've been watching the on going bull shit from the House Oversight Committee, Chaired by Darryl Issa, about damn near everything but which side of the planet the sun rises on, you know we need Congressman James Clyburn in this fight. That man has game.
A Fan From Chicago
With all of the egregious examples of manipulation, lies and cherrypicking of evidence and witnesses we've already seen in Benghazi and IRS hearings when the Dems WERE present, I can't imagine what kind of fantasy production it would be without someone at least trying to rein them in.
DeleteAs much as I hate giving in to the obviously corrupt makeup of the committee and unethical rules, I think it would be even more of a sideshow if we let the GOP run it unchecked.
House Dems Call Boehner Offer a Slap In The Face and Refuse to Be Props In Benghazi Circus
ReplyDeleteHouse Democratic leaders have flat out rejected John Boehner’s offer to be props on his special Benghazi committee. After meeting, Democrats called the offer a slap in the face.
After House Democrats rejected Boehner’s proposal, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) spoke to the media, “I consider it a slap in the face. It is actually worse than the current situation that we have in Oversight and Government Reform [Committee]. It’s a step backwards…It basically left the door open for abuse, the same kind of abuse as we saw in Oversight and Government Reform…I’m hopeful that the conversations will continue, but right now, what he has sent is extremely … disappointing.”
In order for this select committee to have even a whiff of credibility, House Republicans need Democrats to be a party of this panel. If there are no Democrats, no one will pay any attention to this investigation. The problem is that Republicans are proposing rules that turn the Democrats into props.
The Oversight and Government reform committee that Rep. Cummings was referring to is the pit of partisan witchhunt, waste, and abuse that is chaired by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). For Cummings to suggest that the panel that Boehner has set up will be worse that what Issa is doing is really saying something.
House Democrats aren’t going participate in a sham that is designed to embarrass the president before this year’s midterm elections. Democrats don’t want to be part of any panel where Republicans hold a 7-5 majority, and under the rules, hold all the power.
The offer that Republicans made confirms the idea that they don’t want to hold a serious investigation. Boehner and company are only interested in a publicity stunt. They are wasting taxpayer money by exploring conspiracy theories in a desperate attempt to hurt the president.
Democrats aren’t going to play along, and their lack of participation will expose this stunt for the shameless political ploy that it really is.
It's good to know Gryphen and IM is still the king of libel and defamation.
ReplyDeleteDefine libel and defamation please? Cut and paste is not allowed, Asswipe!
DeleteOh you poor pitiful thing. You are so deeply threatened at the power that Gryphen wields with his blog and his knack of posting truthful and well-researched posts. So you come here and spit out some sort of lame nonsense, thinking that you matter. You don't.
DeleteYou are damn fucking lucky that Gryphen has the open mind to ALLOW your posts to even come through, a clear indication of his maturity and fair play.
That harridan you worship, the skank woman from Wasilla, can't bear to not purge every single post that happens on her FB page that isn't fawning over her and hers. No, she has to maintain her fake appearance of appeal by misleading the world with her lies and deceptions. She doesn't even have the courage of her 'convictions' to allow 'free speech' on her FB page, she's THAT insecure and frightened of the truth.
Gryphen does the country a huge service to continually call out her lies, her rants, her twisted logic and her nasty mouth so that those of us who are normal, healthy human beings can be informed of the garbage she spews and the attempts she makes to rewrite history, to deny the very things she is on tape saying, to backpedal and obfuscate in an attempt to remain relevant.
She isn't, you're not, so fuck off.
Oh, fuck off, you silly lying dunce.
DeleteWhat are you worried about, 3:06?
DeleteGryphen's blog is defunct.
It's good to know that YOU, 3:06 PM, are the Queen of Juvenile gibberish and Palin Fawning.
DeleteAnonymous3:06 PM
DeleteIt's good to know Gryphen and IM is still the king of libel and defamation.
Like it'll come up as a final jeopardy question!
DeleteWow, the lack of maturity here in so many people is mind blowing.
DeleteAllow me to permanently vacate this part of the net.
And the clouds opened, streams of light descended to hearth, trumpets played and someone discovers there's porn on the net!
DeleteNo democrat should attend this farce.
ReplyDelete---Except for the five on the committee so they will know what the idiot republicans are planning. And did I hear that the democrats initially were not going to see pertinent papers or know who was being subpoenaed in the beginning (I know that doesn't sound quite right, but you never know what the morons in GOP dominated congress can come up with).
Boycott the insanity!
House Dems Torn Over Benghazi Probe: Boycott Or Participate?
ReplyDeleteHouse Democrats left town on Friday divided and with a cloud of uncertainty hanging over their heads about whether they'll participate in or boycott the GOP-led select committee to investigate the Benghazi attacks of 2012.
There are strong views on both sides of that internal debate, and while Democratic leaders haven't made any final decisions, the mood of the conference has shifted somewhat in recent days from boycott to participation, sources say.
Democrats don't "want to legitimize a process that has been completely partisan for the last year and a half," said a senior Democratic aide, "but on the other hand, if Democrats are not in these interviews and seeing these documents, it is much harder to respond to false allegations."
The pro-boycott school of thought, which House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been sympathetic to, is that participation would "legitimize" what they universally believe will be a partisan witch-hunt aimed at tarnishing the Obama White House and Hillary Clinton ahead of an expected 2016 presidential bid. On Friday, Pelosi called the probe a "political stunt."
But now that Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has rejected Pelosi's demands to give Democrats equal membership and power on the panel, they're left with a difficult choice. In the near term a boycott could be an effective messaging tool to portray the investigation as a political exercise. But as numerous Democrats have warned, refusing to participate carries its own risks.
Eventually the focus will turn to the work of the committee, and there is substantial concern that if Democrats don't claim their seats at the table Republicans would have free rein to issue subpoenas and make allegations without rebuttals or cross-examination. And so the momentum among Democrats has shifted somewhat toward participation.
Democrats outlined three concerns with the protocols of the committee, which will have 7 Republicans and 5 Democrats: the majority can issue subpoenas without consulting the minority, they can exclude minority staff from witness interviews, and they can deny the minority equal access to witnesses.
Republican leaders, by contrast, are concerned that if they accede to Democrats' demand that they be in the room for every witness interview, Democrats could essentially shut down the investigation on any given day by refusing to send a member to an interview.
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), who announced the 7 GOP members on Friday, is ready to initiate the work of the committee.
"We made a fair offer and we hope that Democrats will appoint members," said Michael Steel, Boehner's spokesman. "At this point it's time to get to work."
"Republican leaders, by contrast, are concerned that... Democrats could essentially shut down the investigation on any given day..."
Oh, you mean like the senate republicans have done to the Senate and governing?
It's really sad how manipulative, malicious and unscrupulous blogs have become in the last few years. Hypocrisy isn't a strong enough word. Neither is bias.
ReplyDeleteReally . . .do shut up.
DeleteIs this the dumbass who always said slander before?
DeleteMalicious and unscrupulous? Hey everybody, the projection troll is here!
DeleteI KNOW! Bristol's blog is so outrageous and full of hate and lies and mean girl posts. She (or should I say Nancy) really oughta shut the fuck up. I'm SURE you'll agree.
DeleteOooooooh! Using those big words like you have any clue to what any of them mean!
DeleteAnd most here would be banned from posting at RW blogs that refuse to accept any opinion that differs from their own - Griff has the patience of Job to let idiots like you post day after day with the same drivel.
Delete3:22 PM STALKER is a strong enough word for you.
DeleteCRAZY is 2nd.
Anonymous3:22 PM
DeleteIt's really sad how manipulative, malicious and unscrupulous blogs have become in the last few years. Hypocrisy isn't a strong enough word. Neither is bias.
I guess G is not letting her post on the Levi thread so she has to shit up the comments here.
A$$HOLE, Libell, slandder, bla, bla, bla, fuck off you pathetic pos!
3:52 -
DeleteAnon 3:22 must have finally graduated to the intermediate Word of the Day calendar this year.
I am sorry you find life and prolife and babies negative.
DeleteI am sorry for many things about you all.
There are a lot of good points made on both sides regarding whether or not the democrats should sit on the committee.
ReplyDeleteI finally came down on the side of them not participating in this farce. Every single thing the committee does will be the result of a "bi-partisan" 7-5 vote which the republicans will trumpet relentlessly is the "proof" that it is not a partisan witch hunt.
The Democrats will achieve nothing except to be the dupes of the republicans.
All the hearings and investigations that need to be done have been done and the truth as well as rational explanations are there for anyone to see.
If the media can't focus on squabbles between the Democrats and republicans on the committee and how "both" sides are being partisan, they may focus on "Hey, didn't we already hear this question and the answer months ago?" Or "Didn't the Pentagon already debunk this line of questioning" and so on.
Nefer, I'm sick and tired of it all. How many embassy attacks were on GWB's watch? "Crap occurs," and the beat went on to the next issue. They'll ride this to the end because of our Black President and Hillary being the only legitimate contender for 2016.
DeleteFamily Member Of Benghazi Victim Opposes GOP Select Committee
ReplyDeleteA member of one of the victims of the Benghazi tragedy’s family reached out to Congress recently in support of a speech railing against the newly formed special committee in the House of Representatives, countering the conservative narrative that all of their investigations are being done in the name of the victim’s relatives.
The NRA Just Created Its Own Netflix To Convince Young People That Guns Are Cool
Liars and dickheads and freakazoids, oh my!
ReplyDeleteSomebody make them stop this ridiculous bullshit.
ReplyDeleteOK, this is soooo off topic, but Gryphen, I found this absolutely brilliantly hilarious and right on target for today's media interpretation of that 1980's event. They really got the 'personalities' of the different media websites down to a T.
I lived through that time in history, as I'm sure many of the readers here did. Buzzfeed did a spot on job of nailing the 'flavor' of those blog/web sites. Although I think Twitter would be blown out and off the charts more electrified than the example given, the rest are on target.
DeleteLooks like Boehner picked all the losers in the clown car. You notice he sacrificed no big name Republicans just in case they find nothing in the investigation. Talk about your human offerings to the teabaggers!
ReplyDelete>>Talk about your human offerings to the teabaggers!
DeleteBINGO! That is exactly right!
Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the minority leader, told reporters on Friday that the Republican-controlled committee was a “political stunt.” But heading into the weekend, the Democratic leadership team remained divided over whether they should boycott the committee entirely, participate fully or find some middle ground.
ReplyDeleteParticipating in the committee would allow Democrats to offer their witnesses some protection from Republican questioning, and to know what subpoenas and evidence are coming. But it could also hurt Democrats by offering the committee bipartisan cover and further legitimizing what they consider a right-wing witch hunt.
Earlier in the week, Ms. Pelosi and Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the Democratic whip, sent Mr. Boehner a letter requesting several concessions that they said would help make the investigation more fair and open, and those items have been part of negotiations between members of their staff. Among other things, the Democrats asked to be included on any trips and requested that Republicans would not selectively release or leak any testimony.
Democrats would also like at least one Democrat to sign off on all subpoenas, but that is an area where Republicans are unwilling to budge.
On Friday, Ms. Pelosi implied that the newly formed committee was a Republican attempt to move the Benghazi investigation out of the jurisdiction of Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, the chairman of the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee. Democrats said that Mr. Issa, whom Ms. Pelosi called “damaged goods,” abused his power when he led the charge into investigating the Benghazi attack.
Mr. Boehner sent a response to Ms. Pelosi on Friday afternoon saying that Mr. Gowdy would “endeavor” to consult with the minority when “practicable,” but the speaker would make no promises that Mr. Gowdy would not, for instance, issue unilateral subpoenas without consulting the Democrats on the committee or exclude Democratic staff members from witness interviews, according to both Democratic and Republican leadership aides.
That left Democrats unsatisfied. Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, called Mr. Boehner’s response “a slap in the face.” Ms. Pelosi, in another letter to Mr. Boehner on Friday afternoon, called the Republicans’ counteroffer “fundamentally unfair.”
“The American people deserve and expect us to work together in a fair, balanced and open manner,” Ms. Pelosi wrote. “For the sake of the families of the brave Americans who died in this tragedy, this process must not be politicized.”
But by late Friday afternoon, Republicans had made clear they were through negotiating. “We made a fair offer; we hope they will appoint members,” said Michael Steel, a Boehner spokesman. “At this point, it’s time to get to work.”
A spokesman for Ms. Pelosi said, “The ball is in their court.”
Though Democrats are reluctant to proceed until they feel that Mr. Boehner is willing to work with them to ensure a fair investigation, they are still wrestling with how to continue.
“I don’t know that you do yourself a whole lot of good volunteering to participate in the kangaroo court,” said Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, the No. 3 House Democrat. “If you know it’s a kangaroo court, why would you validate it or give any credibility to it?”
Can't have Issa make an ass of himself this time? No backbone or is Elijiah Cummings totally right? Where are the heavy hitters in the GOP? The Dems should put manikins in seats and call it a day. Boy Howdy, Trey Dowdy is one strange bird!!
ReplyDeleteHere is another very good article on this issue by Juan Cole at Common Dreams.
ReplyDeleteIt's called "Top Ten Reasons GOP Benghazi Witch Hunt is Just a Campaign Fund Raising Ploy."
Who the hell are those people? I've never heard of them.
ReplyDelete206 republicans wanted to be on the committee, precisely for that reason. They want you to hear all about them and their big ol' badass bitchslapping the administration and Hillary.
DeleteThey think this will be their ticket to fame and fortune and ooh, maybe even the presidency.
anon @10.22: I never heard of them either, but you probably saw Gowdy aka Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series...