Thursday, May 01, 2014

More good news for Hillary Clinton, not such good for the Republicans.

Courtesy of Business Insider:

Fairleigh Dickinson University's new PublicMind poll of the 2016 presidential race released Tuesday contains good news for Hillary Clinton. 

FDU found Clinton well ahead of all her hypothetical Republican rivals among registered national voters. 

All of the likely GOP candidates in the poll; New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Wisconsin Congressman and 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush performed similarly. 

Krista Jenkins, the director of PublicMind and an FDU political science professor noted the "strong position" Clinton seems to be in. 

"Christie, Paul, Ryan, Bush and Huckabee are not one and the same, and yet they all seem to do about the same among registered voters when paired against Hillary Clinton. No one’s record is impenetrable, but these findings point to the strong position Clinton would find herself in should she officially become a nominee for the Democratic primary," Jenkins said in a statement accompanying the poll. 

 This kind of information can do nothing but further panic the GOP.

After all can even they continue to hold onto the House through potentially eight more years of a Democratic presidency? I seriously doubt it, and instead believe that the Democrats will rally and start picking off Congressional seats right and left.

If these numbers hold that would mean that even if the Republicans hold onto the House, or gain more seats in 2014, that they may not be able to do much more than temporarily hold back the tide of change before the Democrats get their legs under them and start to really push back on their obstructionism.


  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    They missed Starlight Screech...I predict that one would poll 95% for Clinton!

  2. Caroll Thompson2:56 AM

    Hillary is the best and I so hope she picks Elizabeth Warren as the VP. That would be a dream team for me.

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Haaahaah haahahaa haaaaaaahhaha.

      Haaaahhaahaahaa aa hahah ha. ha.

      Thanks Caroll, the coffee wasn't cutting thru this morning and I needed a good wake up.

  3. Randall5:23 AM

    I fear information such as this might energize the Republican base and cause complacency in Democrats.

    Democrats really MUST get out and vote this year as well as 2016.

  4. I hope some intelligent and creative tacticians in the Dem party are aware of what findings like this are doing to the Repubs' equanimity -- destroying it -- and have measures in place to guard against rightwingnut destructive behavior.

    Case in point: the situation in Nevada, where the self-appointed Bundy militia is taking over Bunkerville and other towns on the Nevada-Arizona border.

    It's not too extreme to consider the Repubs might try create an explosive situation to undermine their opposition and burnish their own problem-solving credentials. More explosive than what they've done already, anyway.

    Although with the Keystone Kops that have been running the Republican party the last 20 years or so, I can only imagine they'd f... up their next try.

    It HAS been said, however, that the Repubs are secretly content with maintaining their stranglehold on as many state governorships as possible, and holding on to their majority in the U.S. House, since both have succeeded in bringing government efficacy to a near-standstill.

  5. Issa is doubling down on BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi now.

    I'm sure his sphincter has rendered him pee-less by now.


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