Friday, May 30, 2014

Oh now I get it. I think.

So is that clear?

The parts of the Bible that are true are the ones that don't contradict modern values and social norms, or have not been subjected to scientific review.

The other parts were never supposed to be taken literally, except of course they were, and thousands, nay millions, died for not respecting the rules laid out in those ancient texts.

Still confused? Well then this video is certainly not going to help clear that up.

So clearly the Bible is the inerrant word of God, except for the parts that aren't. But we don't know which parts those are since nobody seems to know who wrote any of the parts, and the original writings have all been lost over time.

And this is the religion that has dominated the world for centuries.


  1. Kinda makes you go "Ahhh" doesn't it? This is why the Catholic hierarchy insisted on only a Latin translation for so many years, so the followers had no idea what was really in the book the priests read to them on Sundays. It's why the fundamentalists are full of crap when they call whatever book it is they hold 'the inspired work of God.' God wrote none of these books. What is amazing is that these stories have been around for centuries. Of course, the Brothers Grimm stories have been around for a long time too, and we are still making movies and writing books based on them, and Shakespeare, and the Canterbury Tales. We humans love our myths and stories.

  2. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Religion: Always with the easy answers and cheap justifications.

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Priests didn't read the Bible in Latin during Mass. The Mass is about celebrating and receiving the body and blood of Christ. Weird, yes, but not Bible oriented. Bibles started being translated many centuries ago.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      @6:24 you are wrong. They sure did. Are the readings in Latin?

      "Yes and no. When the scriptural passages are read in the context of the Mass, they are read in Latin, though of course you can read along with the English translation in your missal. Immediately before the sermon, the priest then repeats the readings in the vernacular language."

      The RCC is about dogma, and they didn't trust their people to read the Bible directly (hello this is what Luther was protesting back in the 16th century as well as others of the Reformation.) Once Wittenberg came along, the RCC could no longer control people reading the Bible for themselves if it was printed in the local language. so they tried to keep it in Latin, and the learning of Latin only to the clergy. when that didn't work, they came up with actual injunctions for RCC NOT to read the Bible becuase it "required special training" to interpret it correctly; Catholic school kids didn't read the bible, they read The Baltimore Catechism, a Defense of the Faith. though as Eddie Ryann says, "who was attacking it, we were never told."

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Catholic school kids do read the bible; I certainly did. Was taught bible stories throughout grade school and had to buy my own bible for Catholic high school. Never cracked open a Baltimore catechism.

  4. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Great graphic.

  5. Randall7:40 AM

    The Bible is the world of God and is so perfectly clear there are no divisions of thought about how to worship God.
    Except for:
    Eastern Orthodox,
    Continental Reformed,
    7th Day Adventists,

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I agree with everything you said, except "...the original writings have all been lost over time." I could be wrong, but I believe the Vatican is in possession of a number of the original documents.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      … in possession of a number of the original documents.

      Not to be confused with the oral history upon which they were based.

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      No, the Vatican does not have the original documents - nobody does. The Vatican does have one of the oldest Bible manuscripts, the "Codex Vaticanus" (Old & New Testaments) but it is dated to the 4th century, several hundred years after the original texts were supposed to have been written. The New Testament texts were all written decades after the dates given for the death of Jesus. Also, there is no historical evidence for Jesus, although many Christian and Biblical scholars pretend that there is. The evidence is all hearsay, extremely sparse, and comes from writers born long after Jesus was dead.

  7. Anonymous8:25 AM

    The Bible = original conspiracy theory.
    'nuff said.

  8. Anita Winecooler4:54 PM

    I get it. The biggest whopee moment that highlighted my RCC upbringing, was having the altar face the pews and having the Priests read homilies and small interpretations of some bible quote or other. We were raised to study the Baltimore Catechism, which was brainwashing by studying the answers to questions until you knew them by rote. Things like "Do you Renounce Satan?" "Yes, I renounce Satan" "Where is God?" "God is Everywhere" etc etc etc. From what I recall, there usually was just one bible on the altar, unless you brought your own, and the teachings had little or nothing to do with Bible Study and everything to do with how each priest interpreted the Bible. When my kids hit school age, the big argument was using the term "common era" instead of "BC" "Before Christ" because "common era" replaced "Christ" and was an attempt to teach science in GASP "Public School".
    Does the idea that various religions had leaders who happened to appear during a common period of time belittle or negate any of em, all of em?

  9. Anonymous5:36 PM

    It's just weird, I can't understand believers and I try not to associate with them if I can help it. Something is broken in their brains. Maybe not their fault because their parents brainwashed them, maybe homeschooled them and kept them away from normal and sane people, but wow, I can't believe that more people that were indoctrinated into these cults don't find the power to break free. So sad, so very sad.


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