Friday, May 30, 2014

Sean Hannity interviews Sarah Palin about "Obama doctrine." Update!

Hannity interviews Palin at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans.

Of course the first questioning Hannity asks is about the VA scandal.

Let the word salad begin!

"I think there's a lack of understanding on our commander-in-chief's part, what the mission of the military is, and why it is that we owe a debt of gratitude that's manifested in benefits paid to those who already earned them. When it comes to what our military's all about. And you know that was really evident in his speech the other day to the cadets at West Point. Weak speech where truly it was illustrated by his words that he just doesn't understand why our young troops especially are those who would volunteer to sacrifice all for the freedoms in this country."

Yes, of course it is the PRESIDENT who does not understand the military mission.  You know the guy who ended two wars and is trying to get our troops home to their families, and out of war zones that they had no business being in in the first place. (For a much better take on the President's West Point speech I refer you to this article over at Slate.)

And by the way you lunatic, cadets do not enter the military to "sacrifice all." They really hope to survive their military careers, and someday retire with a chestful of medals and some stories to tell their grandchildren, NOT to bleed out on foreign soil so that America can gain access to their oil.

Next Hannity asks the moron about the "Obama Doctrine."

She starts with a snide comment, "What is the Obama Doctrine? And do you believe in it?" Which brings laughter from the crowd, at which point she asks them if they remember that, alluding to her 2008 interview with Charlie Gibson (Whose name she forgets. "Mr. Reporter, from wherever.") and her terrible response to the question about the Bush Doctrine.

Then another helping of word salad.

"No it's beyond isolationist even. Again he not being a believer in American exceptionalism. In what it takes to remain a superpower. And not for any kind of arrogance in our country, but to actually be that shining light, that...that beacon upon a hill that other countries can look at and count on to be an example, they wishing to emulate it, and that was the Reagan Doctrine."

Hannity then brings up Dick Cheney's remarks about the President being weak, whihc of course Palin is happy to chime in on.

"Yeah and that was a great interview with the former Vice President when he said that..uh..this is a very, very weak president, and it's not that we are weak as a country, but we are so unreliable now under Obama. But even more than the effect that it has on other countries, my concern is the effect that his doctrine, his policies, his attitude has on those volunteering to serve this country. To those whom we owe a debt of gratitude."

Of course this leads to talk about the VA which allows Hannity to ask the question that Palin has been waiting all night to answer, "Is the VA a death panel for many?"

"That's a great point!" (Well of course it is.)

 Hannity then asks for a show of hands among his handpicked audience as to how many think it's  death panel, and of course hands shoot up all through the crowd.

Of course Palin is loving this.

"Well that is what government run health care will result in. It's inefficient. It takes away choices. And isn't it ironic that that those who are willing to sacrifice all, to put their life on the line, to allow the freedom of choices in health care, and economic decisions, and everything else, our soldiers, our airmen, our Marines, they're the ones getting screwed by the VA and our commander-in-chief is in charge of this ultimately."

Wait, the military is killing people overseas, and risking their lives, so that we can have better healthcare choices, and so that we can decide whether to open an IRA or not? Has anybody told them this?

Hannity and Palin then agree that the prisoners at Gitmo and illegal aliens in this country are receiving better benefits than the veterans, which of course is nonsense.

There is more to the interview during which Hannity and Palin discuss upcoming primaries and their vision for the Republican party moving forward, but seriously it is all bullshit, that I do not feel like transcribing.

The nicest thing I can say about this interview is that at least Palin managed to shower and get her wig under control for this one.

Update: By the way the President just, very reluctantly, announced the resignation of VA Secretary Eric Shinseki.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    FUCK her.

  2. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I love President Barack Obama.

  3. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Lord, how I detest that woman.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      I abhor that idiot.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Treasonous pig in LIPSTICk! Fuck you Bitch! What about Alaskan Death Panels that 254 died under YOUR WATCH? June 09 right before you quit Medicare stopped funding b/c you fucked up the Medicare so bad.
      Fuck YOU Bitch for "Rill" Fuck YOU kocksucker!

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    satire warning:
    Headline: "Obama Defends Controversial Policy of Not Invading Countries for No Reason"

    "Conservative critics were taken aback by Obama’s speech, which was riddled with incendiary remarks about only using military force for a clearly identified and rational purpose."

    “History tells us that the best way to earn respect around the world is by using your military in a totally unpredictable and reckless manner,” he [Dorrinson] said. “Today, President Obama showed once again that he doesn’t get it.”
    ~Andy Borowitz

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Dumping a wheelbarrow load of turds in the punchbowl for a paycheck. F-these assholes.

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Sarah was not on the official list of speakers for the Republican Leadership Conference, so she crashed the party, appearing with Hannity on Fox and at a last minute, thrown together rally for Maness. I really did like the lace top and very short skirt that Sarah wore before she went out for her nightly rounds with Todd's girls. At least, I thought she dressed that way to ooze sex.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      She is stupid and she is grotesque !

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    She went to a hairdresser and had blonde highlights put in During this process, the hairdresser had to wash Palin's hair. If this hadn't happened, the odds are good that she'd have shown up with her usual dull, unbrushed, dirty wig.

    -- Which twin as the Tony?

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Just a different wig.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Hair dresser? What happened to Willow?

    3. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Hold up, hair has just been explained over at the Pee Pond:

      an hour ago

      Go back and look at all of the pictures taken when she was Alaska's Governor. Recognize that 'do now? It reminds me of her 'executive' hair do. What say YOU?

      7minutes ago

      afternoon VG sarah hasI am in charge hair do going

      an hour ago

      Yes that's her executive hair do.

      Must be some kind of Al Haig porno thing she has going for the inmates over there.

  8. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Hey guess what American exceptionalism Sarah:
    The place I get my pedicures from is owned by Vietnamese who came over here. And guess what? They think on many levels they had it better in Vietnam. They are here only to make a buck. They stream Vietnamese TV, they eat Vietnamese food. They think we are SPOILED and OUR FREEDOMS will be our undoing. They have no gun violence, they say, because they can't own guns. No need for them. They are aghast at what goes on here. They raise their ids in little Vietnamese enclaves, make bucks off of pampered Americans, like me, who get pedicures (me - summer only.) They have NO INTEREST in becoming like us..just take our money. Thry actually have disdain for us.
    And there are millions like them, of all races and ethnicities who feel that way. IN OUR OWN country. Imagine how we are looked st GLOBALLY?

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      She is too stupid to care and too arrogant and narcissistic to learn anything new. Sarah is an idiot.
      A nasty stupid vapid ugly person who should not be given a voice by the media. What a joke Sean is.
      I can't wait until he loses his job and that day is coming soon. Look how desperate he is- having a moron, hate filled loon like Sarah on his show?

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I think the words you are looking for are ignorant, vicious and malicious.

    3. Anonymous1:05 PM

      hannity needs to be kicked in the balls repeatedly

  9. Anonymous7:09 AM

    i'm inside and the chirping birds outside my patio door just quit when the clip came to the part of Sarah yelling "Remember that???? Remember that?????"

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      She has a severe mental illness that's obvious. Does she ever let go of a wrong? She has textbook classic borderline and narcissistic personality disorders.

    2. Anonymous7:49 AM

      As another blogger put it, she grips every grievance and holds onto it, as though it were a shiny dime.

  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    She's so slick. Acting like she's got intelligent things to say, like everyone is hanging on her word. But, all she does is complain. And her voice! And the timid angle she and Hannity use towards the President. She's agreeing with "Good" every time Hannity makes a change proposal; but instead of contributing to any ideas, she can't think of anything else to say, so she goes, "drill, baby, drill".

    She a one-woman comedy show. She's like the half of a ventriloquist skit, and she's the dummy. She just parrots what she's been programmed to say.

    Her plan? Do whatever she can to do to help, she says. Of course, whatever she does is all off of OPM.

  11. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I LOATHE this skanky bitch. Such an expert on what the President is doing wrong, yet has a yard full of illigitimate grandkids, unemployed husband and kids, uneducated grifters. Her speech pattern sounds like some phrases are from Shakespeare. Constantly constipated Sean is a perfect partner, since she has diarrhea of the mouth. Trying like HELL to get her overpaid gig at Faux renewed. Poor $carah has a houseful of deadbeats to support, and a shrinking earning capacity. High school graduations do not pay enough.Looks like she gave those custy black penis jeans a rest, maybe Sean was intimidated by them?

    1. abbafan8:03 PM

      Anon @ 7:19 A.M. - palin spawn are lazy-ass slackers; they will not amount to anything useful in life! You nailed it - deadbeat morons!

  12. Anonymous7:21 AM

    The "Reagan Doctrine" was based on bringing the U.S.S.R. to its knees. There's great controversy about how effective it was. Much of what the U.S. pursued during the Reagan administration was the legal, and illegal, support of guerilla actions in various countries. Some of our "allies" were domestic terrorists.

    All of the U.S. armed forces are volunteers, and have been for almost 40 years. Why Sarah seems to differentiate the people who are now serving is a mystery. No one since Vietnam has been a conscript.

    It is evident to any foreign power that the two Bush/Cheney wars have bled us nearly dry -- the more than a trillion dollars in cost, which will only continue in the care of the millions of veterans from those wars; as well as the domestic cost, which helped cripple our economy. We cannot afford to launch military actions around the world, whenever we feel like it, as Bush and Cheney (war criminals) felt free to do.
    Neither should we! We lead the world by showing that we are sober and judicious. The people who are judging us now, and are our greatest threat, are the Chinese. We must wait out the developments that they're influencing, in Asia and Africa, before we act, lest we stumble into a trap.

  13. Anonymous7:22 AM

    "Run, for dog-catcher"? she growls.

    Talk about being insensitive to her avid fans and donors who've been begging her to run and sending their last dimes to keep her politically relevant. Didn't Sarah's SarahPac just send out letters asking for more money recently?

    What do her donors expect out of her? What do they think her 'plan' is? She is not going to run, seeing how glib and callous she is in answering Hannity's question. This has always been a big joke for her, riding off the donations of desperate fans who really believe it her.

    Of course her fans are brainwashed by her charisma and spell-binding persona, but, how much longer can they believe in this idiot?

    1. Anonymous3:32 AM

      She voices their insane hatred for this nation, its people, and its leaders. That is how she "inspires" them. They know she'll never actually step forward and BE a leader, but she will appear in public at every opportunity to shit on the President and all other caring and patriotic people in this country. Nothing ever comes of it but the civilized world once again shaking their heads at her stupid, belligerent, arrogant attitude, and she drives off just a FEW more of her supporters, and she gets even nastier and uglier in her desperate bid to keep the attention of a world that has long moved on. Her remaining devotees are the last of a dying group of low I.Q. jerks who are hateful, mean and stupid just like her and can't figure out why all other people don't just adore her for those qualities. Sarah knows they are all she has left and that makes her even more bitter because in her mind she is far above them. She really does think that she's an equal to Barack Obama, or would be if he hadn't "stolen" the White House from her, yet she can't get his attention and she can't do anything to harm him and it makes her meaner and crazier by the week. Her downfall WILL come very soon, and it is going to be one SPECTACULAR flame-out. I can't wait to see it.

  14. Anonymous7:23 AM

    So Sarah went to New Orleans, but she's still not a part of the Conference, although her BFF, the Duck patriarch, has been given that honor.

  15. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Sorry, I meant to write "Duck pederastic patriarch...."

  16. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Sorry, I meant to write "Duck pederastic patriarch...."

  17. hedgewytch7:26 AM

    Sarah STILL doesn't understand what the hell the "Bush Docrtrine" was and she never even read that last "interview" with Dick Cheney.

    We are watching the last of the bowl water swirl around the edges before finally going down to the septic tank.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      ...taking the turd that is $carah with it this time, hopefully.

  18. Anonymous7:28 AM

    GOP Senate Candidate Calls UCSB Shooting ‘Unfortunate Accident’

    Republican U.S. Senate candidate and current Iowa State Sen. Joni Ernst referred to Elliot Rodger‘s mass shooting near UCSB as an “unfortunate accident”

  19. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Sarah and Sean are lying treasonous jerks. Anything for entertainment and a buck, no matter how inaccurate and how nasty. Fuck both of you, really...

  20. Anonymous7:33 AM

    That outfit. She just can't dress appropriately. It's her narcissism that fuels this. People probably have given her advice, and to a malignant narcissist, an advice-giver is enemy No. 1. They hate anyone who tries to change them.

    So, they dig in their heels and do the exact opposite of what well-meaning people suggest. Sarah dresses the way she thinks insults her advisers, peers, Fox News staff, etc.

    She's a rogue and if someone asks her to dress up, she'll dress down. If they ask her to dress modestly, she'll put on a mini-skirt. If she's angry at her christian base (because they called her out on her offensive remarks), she'll wear low cut tops from thereon in. Everything she wears is a direct reaction to whoever insulted her the week before.

    She knew Louisiana has lots of conservative Roman Catholics. She dressed like a hooker to stick it to them.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      I'm all for being thrifty and recycling, but that beige top of hers shouts "1988"!

      She still suffers from body dysmorphia -- she can't escape from her addiction to black clothes, which she thinks make her even thinner than her already emaciated frame reveals.
      Women who long for power are known for wearing red and black, which is her normal combo, when she's not completely in black from head to toe. Someone must have talked her into that hideous beige top, and washed and ironed it for her, too.

    2. Anonymous9:16 AM

      I think she read here that she looked better dressed when the rnc styled her. She shed the leatherette biker look for this-- FAIL!

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      1988 jacket indeed! I know someone who announces that SHE does not like spending money on clothes. I bite my tongue from saying "That is obvious, perhaps you can use discrimination to be more selective in thrifty choices and buy fewer and better clothes.

  21. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Made my day.

  22. Anonymous7:38 AM

    At this point, the resignation was probably the right thing to do. It may open up a range of illegal activity and finally get rid of the crooks who were in charge.

    I wonder how Fox News will spin this to insult POTUS. They got their wish now, Shinseki is gone. What comes next?

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Put all vets on Medicaid. Close the VA except fro research arm and give vets first in line privileges.

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      8:10, excellent idea.

    3. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Now FOX will be negative toward our POTUS and temporary appointment Sloan.

      Cannot imagine who would want that job permanently when you have the 'do nothing' Republican Senators and Representatives in Congress constantly being negative! And, the media is no different! .

      I don't know how President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama keep their cool - I'd be hard pressed not to tell certain politicians to 'f-ck off' were I in their shoes!

      Same goes for the media/press/supposed journalists that ask the nasty, sick and accusatory questions of President Obama. They show him total disrespect like no POTUS before him!

      Watch your news programs on TV - you can flip from one to the other in your cities and they are saying the same thing at nearly the same time! Timed exactly the same as to reporting their 'news(!) - weather and sports. They say very nearly the same thing - and, all will use a specific word 'for the day' throughout all the channels! There is no individual channel or network that stands out! None!

      Our media is a market that works together and are doing nothing more than dumbing down our society.

      Many that report get 'fact checked' and are found to be incorrect in what they have said. That occurs more than not in our world today.

      It even goes to the TV shows that interview folks like John McCain, etc. They don't do follow up questions when an off the wall statement is made by say, John McCain! He needs to be challenged! He's on the Sunday shows WAY too much.

      Interviewers need to get more Democrats on their shows to be interviewed. They 'use' more Republicans than Democrats. Diversification is sorely needed. The majority of us are sick of hearing from the Republicans and the drop in ratings is proving it for these different networks.

  23. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Joe The Plumber Says Guns Are For Hunting Down Politicians

    ...Joe the Plumber (Samuel Wurzelbacher) channeled his inner Jared Loughner this week by declaring on his web site that the most important reason for having guns is to hunt down politicians. On his Joe for America web page, he gave a list of reasons for why guns are needed, ending with this commentary:

    And – this is the most important one:

    Guns are mostly for hunting down politicians who would actively seek to take your freedoms and liberty away from you.

    Well then, let's start with Sarah!

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Yep. He is too stupid to realize his statement, taken in principle, could be used by every fertile woman to take out a pro-birth politician?

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      That would mean the extinction of nearly all the GOP!

      God does work in mysterious ways

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Agree with starting w/Sarah Palin and then John McCain, McConnell and Boehner!

    4. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Too stupid to realize the FBI does not take too kindly to statements like that.

  24. Chenagrrl7:53 AM

    Thanks for the translation. I can't listen to her without getting a terrible headace (Made it about 25 seconds on this one.) Better to watch her without sound, and notice the practiced and involuntary gestures. Most of this is her development of the training she got through the Miss AK competition. Kay Linton, wherever you are, we need to talk.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      What, they trained the girls to flail their arms around hysterically, and begin sentences with no idea how they will end?

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      I've not played one video that has been put up on this blog because I detest the woman and learned a long time ago that I cannot stand her voice or the word salad spewed. She's too hateful, uneducated and uninformed.

      I immediately read all the commentary which typically gives me all the info I need along w/Gryphen's intro.

    3. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Anon @9:10 AM

      I also won't endure her snide ignorant hate. She is not bearable.

  25. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I'm betting she knows as much about the "Obama Doctrine" as she did about the "Bush Doctrine." Though in this case, Hannity is stupid enough to let her weave her web of ignorance like a spider in a windstorm.

    It's okay honey, pretty soon you can mouth-off about the "Hillary Doctrine" and be ridiculed for that as well.

  26. She is always ready to criticize and smear the President, yet she never has a suggestion or hint of an idea how to do differently what she so readily denounces. No clue what to do with Russia, but she is certain POTUS is handling it incompetently, weakly, ineffectively, blah, blah, blah. She is so predictable.
    I just loathe this creature. The fact that people give her airtime to spew her venom makes me sick. It signifies all that is broken with our national media. She embodies the mediocrity and stupidity of our "news" in this country.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      The media (that she claims she hates!) have given her continual coverage since McCain and she lost! It has only emboldened her! Plus, someone is behind her in doing this continual racism and hate speech against President Obama! And, I would wager she's being paid very well to do it, since we already know the Palins do nothing for free!

      This VA situation is driving me nuts! It's NOT something President Obama and his administration created - it's an accumulation of wars and years!

      The fact he had to accept the resignation today of the head of the VA (who is an outstanding military man and individual!) was very difficult for our President. Who is the hell is going to want to take that job w/the negative crap the Republican party members and media continue to spew?

      This is not a problem that is going to be easily fixed and it's going to take years! But, I'm sure that too will be blamed on President Obama!

      Our country is a fucking mess and it's not because of President Obama! It's the uninformed and uneducated Americans across then nation and/or the racists since President is 'half black'!

      Plus, the US Congress is going to have to increase funding for them and they already voted it down last session! That information was put up on internet yesterday along w/who voted pro and con. Republican majority voted it down!! They really support our veterans - NOT!!!!!!!

      I have never seen such obstruction against a sitting president in all my life and I'm a senior in my 70's!

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      The fact that they do not care who knows what they are doing tells me the $$$$ must be flowing.

  27. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Dear $arah, please stop trying to speak English. You suck at it. Don your pink top under your cammo and march your flat ass over to the front lines, sling your firearm of choice over your shoulder, open your mouth and spew forth something about how exceptional the USA is and see how long it takes to get your head blown off. You must stay there for no less than 1 year. You must go outside the green zone every day. You must learn to speak English properly before you can come back. Then and only then, if you return, I suggest that you don a burkha and see if anyone listens to anything you bark about.

  28. Anonymous8:12 AM

    oh for idiot's who watch fox!
    they switched the audience behind skank during the interview. watch the wide shot with her and hannity and look who is to the left of her left shoulder and just behind it.......bunch of old white people in beige colors. now look at the close up of her bobble head and there is a GASP-black man in the back smiling-a young woman in front of him smiling and bobbing her head up and down, another young girl in front of some younger older folks.

    they photoshopped rallies and marches on dc and everything else you can name and now they are photoshopping people into the background that don't exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Oh please, with all that is wrong about her you really think THIS?

  29. Anonymous8:16 AM

    She and Mr. Duck had a hugging and kissing festival in New Orleans last night. He did not walk away from the vile remarks he said to GQ last year. Now he defends himself by saying "It's in the Bible," and alleging that his First Amendment rights are being abridged because of the outcry about his racist, homophobic comments.
    Big Duck Daddy: Proceed to say whatever you wish. We, in turn, will respond. Your rights would be violated if the government tried to stop you. If the broadcast network that's been airing your show finds your remarks thoughtless and incendiary, they've got a right to suspend you or pull you off the air.
    As A.J. Leibling wrote long ago (Sarah, you should know who he is, but you undoubtedly don't): "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one."
    Nowadays, with twitter and facebook, anyone in the world can let loose with their opinions. Even Mr. Duck and Ms. Duckface.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      I'd rather they wait till Mardi Gras. At least Sarah's jewelry will get a huge upgrade. Just make her keep her shirt on, please

  30. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Thanks for what you did transcribe, Gryphen. I think you made a good call to ignore the rest of the interview. Yikers! It's scary that they acted as though she was making sense.

    "And that was really evident in HER speech" and "it was illustrated by HER words" that she was clueless, merely tossing out her over-used, vague, empty words in a way that said nothing at all. But there was drama--arm waving, fist pumping--and a lot of stuttering.
    [There's no reason to believe she listened either to Pres. Obama's speech or the Cheney interview.]

  31. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Mark Twain: "There are two types of speakers in the world:
    1) the nervous; and
    2) the liars.

  32. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Palin: the only true patriot is a dead soldier/Marine...if only my son had died...just think of it...I would be President (Palin's wet dream).

  33. Anonymous8:45 AM

    As to Sarah Palin - fuck her!

    I'm just sick that the VA head put in his resignation. He and President Obama inherited this mess, but you sure as shit wouldn't know it the way the Republicans and the media are handling this matter.

    I watched President Obama's speech - you could see it was hard for him to accept the resignation. Where is he going to find someone that actually wants to fill that roll w/how horrible the press is with their constant blame, blame, blame and zero history or facts. They should ALL be taken to the barn and given some lessons on being good and responsible journalists!

    We need to make sure Republicans are voted out in Congress in the upcoming elections (that are up for reelection) and make sure we don't put anymore of the jerks in there! They truly are ruining this country!

    They are the ones that have voted down funding for the VA in Congress! Senator Murkowski of Alaska voted against their increased benefits...she is Republican. Mark Begich, on the other hand voted to increase them - Democrat - from Alaska who is up for reelection. The majority took the vote - Republicans. Yea, they are really for our veterans!

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I agree with you 100%. Everyone must vote in November! I would love to see President Obama with a clear majority in the Senate and with a Democratic House. He deserves the best.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Thank you, Beaglemom! I agree w/you too!

  34. Anonymous8:45 AM

    "Well that is what government run health care will result in. It's inefficient."

    So, does that mean Sarah Palin wants the VA privatized? She doesn't want a government run VA medical system? Does she want private hospitals making a profit from the medical problems of our veterans?

    If Sarah Palin was forced to state the exact policies she would implement, her little brain would implode from the vacuum. And Hannity's massive ego and tiny intellect would be sucked into the vortex.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      The majority of veterans that have had hospital stays have indicated their care in America to be very good.

      The problem is getting the appointment w/a doctor - as President Obama indicated. Is it due to the outdated computer system or a lack of doctors? If it is either, more funds are going to be needed and approved by the U.S. Congress.

      Will they vote the request/Bill down again as they did last session when increased veteran pay and benefits was presented? (Republicans voted as the majority against it!)

      Yea, they really do support their veterans! Assholes!

      Vote them out of office next time they are up for reelection! They do not represent Americans!

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Isn't Sarah's Family's Native Healthcare run by the Government? Should we eliminate Native Healthcare, Sarah???

    3. Anonymous11:26 AM

      @10:54 AM

      I saw first hand how they extract those favorable ratings for VA hospital stays. The vets are pretty much stuck with not alienating a system they can't escape. The staff you diss on the rating sheet today will be the same bunch you are stuck with for all the following months, years, decades.

      In my family's case, the comment forms were not confidential or anonymous. They were filled out with the "assistance" of staff while family members were not in the room. And I strongly suspect unfavorables were disposed of or altered.

      Is this different that what happens in non-VA hospitals? Probably not. But self-reported favorable ratings with no independent oversight are just another route to bigger, better bonuses for staff.

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      And $carah's upset about the IHS services her family has been receiving all these years? And Bitchtol brags Tripp still receives?

    5. Anonymous3:49 AM

      Nobody tell the stupid bitch that the entire military is also run by the government! She apparently doesn't realize this. Never stopped her from flapping her stupid face about it, but ya know...she claims she understands it much better than the man who has commanded it for 6 years. What an arrogant little twit she is! I want to slap the taste out of her mouth.

  35. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Yesterday, the New York Times had an article about the cable ratings for May

    Every cable channel lost viewers, even Fox.
    The big news from the article was just how geriatric Fox viewers are.
    They cannot attract the prime demographic which is the
    25-54 age group.
    On an average day, only 177,000 Americans in the 25-54 demo watch Fox.
    The average age for an O'Reilly viewer was 72.1,
    a new high.
    The lowest rated show was Hannity's , with an average audience of 230,000/ night.
    When you consider we are a country of 350 million....
    The average age for an MSNBC viewer was 62.5.
    CNN 62.8 and all Fox shows -68.8.

  36. Anonymous8:55 AM

    whoa, if I can't really completely understand her word salad. How do those morons who hang on her even understand. What gooblygop!

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      They aren't paying attention to her words, if you know what I mean

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      actually, she shouts out the code words, so that all they get is Exceptional, Patriot, Freedom, Guns, and Lamestream. They do the figuring out on their own if they want to, but I think they just puff up with pride and murmer, "you tell em Sarah!"

  37. Anonymous8:57 AM

    SP is like the blackgoat of the family just sitting in a corner just hitting all the negatives, nothing but negatives and no one really trying to understand noise in the corner.

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:46 AM

      Somebody in that awful family is paying this woman to show up at these events and spew this nonsense. (Nonsense, by the way, being the key word.) We know she doesn't work for free.

      Who is paying this raggedy old tarantula to spew these talking points? She always seems to be out ginning up the latest scandal du jour. It's starting to look like a pattern.

  38. Anonymous8:57 AM

    My what hate she spews. God did do right as she claimed!

  39. Anonymous8:58 AM

    If you lie about a country having WMD in order to invade them, that is not a doctrine. It is just a lie. War should be the last resort, not a first resort. That's a doctrine.

  40. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Conservatives in Alaska have been trying to get Palin to run for the U.S. Senate there, but it does not seem as if she has many plans to return to the campaign trail on behalf of herself. After her Hannity interview, Palin spent several minutes chatting with convention goers. When one told her about a house he had just bought in Alaska, the former governor said that she wanted to head home for fishing season.”

    “But then I’m going somewhere warmer,” she said.

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:38 AM

      I know someplace warmer she can go.

      A lot warmer.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      She won't run for anything - especially from Alaska - as she does not have their support anymore. We already know she would not be able to handle a campaign. I'm sure she wouldn't do the expect debates or answer questions from the media. Because she would not have the answers or knowledge to do so spontaneously. Read "Game Change" - there is no way she'll run for anything anywhere!

      She likes spreading hate across the nation -and, I'll wager it'll continue once Hillary Clinton is elected for two terms!

    3. Anonymous10:48 AM

      8:59 Conservatives in Alaska have not been promoting a run by Palin in their state! Prove your information! She is in terrible standing w/the Alaska Republican party which is the majority currently in Alaska!

    4. Anonymous11:05 AM

      10:48 Conservatives in Alaska have not been promoting a run by Palin in their state! Prove your information!
      It is a quote from the article.

    5. Anonymous7:59 PM

      What article? Be specific.

    6. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Anonymous7:59 PM
      What article? Be specific.

      The link given @8:59

      Would you like me to pop over and click on it for you, too?

  41. Anonymous9:04 AM

    P.S. Loved the hair, style, smile, and tan. Who would you like to look at on TV for the next 10 years? Palin or Hillary?

    Yeah, that's about the extent of my criteria for leader of our country, too. Oy, and these people vote!

  42. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Loved the "What, should I run for, dog catcher?" in one of her many voice affectations. Or maybe it was one of her other personalities coming through.....

    1. Gee, now who has been suggesting that she could not be elected dog catcher for year?

      Don't tell me crazy eyes does not visit IM on a regular basis.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      So that was your voice she was imitating? :)

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM


    4. Anonymous1:06 PM

      OMG! I thought you were kidding.

      If anyone else missed this, it's worth watching. This is the most affected I've ever seen her. I'm also curious if it sets off anyone else's gaydar (not that there's anything wrong with that but it would explain a lot if she's closeted and kept from being true to herself because of her religion and politics.)

      Hannity asks the question at 9:24. Palin's affect includes, but isn't limited to:
      rubbing her legs, hiking up and then tugging down on her skirt, sticks out and darts her tongue back and forth while frowning, eyes dart, sneers, flairs nostrils, pouts, hunches forward, throws head back, speaks with a growl

      What a performance! It might make a funny gif.

    5. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Also...Hannity is shameless the way he sets up Sarah's performance and goads the audience into participating. As for Sarah, she's just desperate to appear relevant during contract negotiations. This may be the closest she's been to losing a dependably large income stream since 2009.

    6. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

      She's a regular reader of IM. IT's happened too often to be coincidence that something mentioned in the comments somehow makes it to one of her snake oil sales, facebook manifestos, or not so brite bart.

  43. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Palin rearing her ugly head at Esquire Politics Blog:


  44. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Her hair is ugly, her clothes are ugly, her tan is ugly that is here and there. What ugliness.

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:36 AM

      Bitch is ugly at the cellular level! Inside and out!

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      CC @10:36 AM

      It seems to extend to the subatomic. At least that is my impression. I have no sixth sense. I see no evidence of the metaphysical, but with her, I see evil.

  45. Anonymous9:30 AM

    since 2008 or was it 2007, she hasn't looked in a dictionary to look up doctrine.

  46. Anonymous9:39 AM

    We really need Sarah in the White House
    Instead of the Luo tribesman

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:33 AM

      Sarah needs to be in a white room...

      with padded walls.

      Sarah's the Queen of the freak show!

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Sarah Palin never ran for the presidency. Sarah Palin will never run for the presidency. Because she is stupid, but not stupid enough to expose herself to a proper vetting.

      Keep sending her you money, though. Much better than investing a candidate that will try to win an election,

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      9:39 AM Is that the name of your Mom's tribe? Sarah Palin would not qualify for Custodian in the White House. Sarah has too many Bastard kids and Grandkids to worry about keeping secret.

    4. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Actually, sp will never treat you with respect if she really knew or ran into you. So, just tear up your money that you were going to give to her. There.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

      Yeah, I hear there's an opening just for her. IT starts on the roof and ends in the incinerator. Shame she didn't clear the security check and isn't allowed on the grounds without an escort. Something about AIP?

  47. $arah knows more about the military than the Commander in Chief cus her son chose the military over jail when he got in trouble. God, that woman is an idiot!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      Funny, no mention of her warrior son's sacrifice and personal experiences while being a combat vet er secretary er envelope licker. Doubt they'd trust him near jeep brake lines

  48. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I feel very sad about Shinseki's resignation. He was apparently well liked by veterans for whom he did much. This VA hoopla has become the newest version of "Benghazi, Benghazi" scandal for FOX News. It was disgraceful for John McCain to run around to every television station he could think of just to get his two bits in; he's voted against veterans time and again. I do not think that there has been an Administration in the past 60 years that has worked so hard to address veterans' issues. And we've never seen the GOP in Congress to vociferously opposed to any additional funding for the VA or veterans. Just as they are pro-life before a child is born but decidedly anti-child once the child is born, the modern GOP is all teary-eyed as soldiers march off to war but unwilling to support them either on the battlefield or in the hospitals.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Jay Carney has now resigned, too.

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      You'd think someone in congress would realize there is an oversight committee for the VA. Eventually someone will point out that they weren't doing their job either.

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      I detest the Republicans we have in the U.S. Congress today! John McCain and McConnell are the biggest jerks on this planet! I don't see how they can even show their faces due to their being anti veterans (voted down their package for increases last session).

      They lie, cheat and steal - don't represent Americans across the nation and continue to gain individual wealth.

      Sincerely hope Americans are paying attention when called to vote in the next election cycle. I will not vote for a soul that is of the Republican party!

      Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is one of the worst. She talks out of both sides of her mouth and votes completely the opposite. She voted with her party in not increasing the veteran package last session! And, then today, she puts out a statement that makes her appear as though she is pro the veterans. What a liar! She's as bad as Sarah Palin!!!

    4. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

      I agree, Anonymous 10:21. First, don't fund the VA nor add hospitals for the influx of veterans returning, just make due with what you have, you know, the loaves and fishes thing. Then the GOP screams, yells, stomps their feet, and the pound of flesh they get is exactly the person who could make it work had it been funded.
      Watch, the USPS is next.

  49. As stated by NJFan on another blog -

    Doesn't everyone remember Veterans having a HELL OF A TIME getting treatment for Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam during the 1970's and 1980's?

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Getting PTSD diagnosis and treatment was a circus for my WWII vet dad.

  50. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Gryphen, you neglected to mention that the desperate old slut dressed up in see-through underwear for the interview, like she thinks she's Madonna. Also too Sarah's hair has gone missing someplace..... did the airlines lose it?

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      She was wearing a sheer blouse not "see through underwear." She is not a slut, no woman is no matter how many sex partners they may have. Sarah is married. As for old? most of you on here are 65 and older. LMAO!!!

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Anon @12:56 PM

      How did you determine the demographics of the folks who comment here? The "LMAO!!!" sign-off is certainly a clue you are either Sarah, a troll, a child, or someone with some type of emotional retardation (like Sarah).

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Married and cheats on her husband, and he cheats on her. Besides, he is a damn pimp. Just ask Shailey. Think everyone here is over 65? Think again.

    4. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Sheer blouse? It looks to me like a low-cut blouse (combined with a high-cut skirt), with a lacy black bra showing underneath. Am I seeing this wrong? If not,oh man, talk about grossly inappropriate dress. It is a major sign of serious mental illness, when a person can't keep herself appropriately groomed or dressed.

    5. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Sarah is an old dried up menopausal woman with dry crusty hair and probably genitalia to match. There is a reason that Todd had a 4-year affair with his hooker friend and spends his time "fishing" in Dillingham banging hot young chicks. There is very little sexual about Mrs. Palin, although she does try to be flirtatious.

      Plus, she's pumped a bunch of kids out of that oven, I don't think there are a lot of men that are interested in getting it on with a 50-year old with 4 kids. Uggghhhh.

    6. Anonymous6:33 PM

      She dresses for success when Seany Boy interviews her. Would love to be a fly on the wall in his dressing room afterward. She's undressed to the bone and he's drooling at the VP red leather jacket cfm pumps the GOP paid tons for.
      Don't look down, Sean!

  51. Palin is like an abomination out of Kafka's imagination. She is a perversity.

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      She is grotesque!!!!! I love your description!

  52. Anonymous10:41 AM

    10:22 I remember due to being a senior citizen and having a brother that was in Vietnam that was not welcomed back by the American people when he returned!

    The Republicans are hell bent on discrediting President Obama any way they can. They pushed for the resignation of that superlative military man heading VA. He resigned even though President Obama did not want to accept it. Now our president has had to appoint a temporary head - Sloan Gibson - and seek a permanent head. Who in their right mind would want to take that position w/the media and Republicans projecting so much crap? It will not stop, I'm sure of it!

    This veteran problem was not formed by our current POTUS! It's been going on for years - Viet Nam agent orange, remember the government and American actions then?

    All the Republicans do (since he took the first oath of office) is create chaos for President Obama. Look what that asshole Boehner (U.S. Congress) has already stated - "the resignation isn't going to change things"! No shit, you asshole!

    This is going to take time to fix and it cannot be done by one person.

    I detest Republicans in our world today. They need to lose their individual seats in Congress and offices held across our country. Their replacements should be Independents and/or Democrats.

    They are nothing more than obstructionist who voted down funding for the veterans last session (Republican majority) and want President Obama to fail. They are horrid evil folks that shouldn't even call themselves Americans!

    I personally think that John McCain, Boehner, McConnell, Cantor and Sarah Palin should be tried for treason by our judicial system and jailed for life!

  53. Did the Sarahtard mention that the GOP blocked a $21 Billion Veterans bill for healthcare and education, because it was too expensive? Did she mention that the GOP just passed a $600 Billion Tax Cut for corporations? (Yes Sarahtard, a tax cut IS spending). No, she didn't. Sarahtard just spews the same old lies that the GOP have been spewing. Pathetic. She just repeats what her flying monkeys want to hear because; quite frankly, they are much more retarded than herself.
    The best flying monkeys here, are the ones with a single cell brain. The ones that say that she would have been a better President, blah, blah, blah. Well little monkeys, God did pick the better candidate in 2008, and since the chicken shit did not run for POTUS in 2012, your assumptions mean dick. And, I hate to tell you but, the Sarahtard WON'T be running for a Senate seat OR for POTUS, ever. She's a grifter. That is all she is good for.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Little heart-challenged monkey vg1 in the pee pond:
      Many don't get it, or don't want to get it but Palin is IN. She is playing the waiting game before announcing sometime after the mid-terms. What remains to be seen is if she will run as a republican or an indie. On the other hand, the wannabees are making all kinds of noise about THEIR intentions. Poor little wannabees, they SO want to appear before the Palin sized crowds, but hey, they ain't Palin! Palin knows she has massive grass roots support. She has promises of donations from conservative movers and shakers. Everywhere she goes, she hears, "Run Sarah Run! Run Sarah Run!" Ya know, the gal ain't deaf don't ya? So YOU can believe whatever you want, she is or she ain't, no problem, but a little birdie whispered in my ear, 'she's going for it '.
      Poor little monkey is going to be soooo disappointed.

  54. Anonymous10:57 AM

    These idiots want less less less govt, and when they succeed in draining the bathtub, they gripe about lack of services and blame the guys who is trying to help make it better.

    Oh, and, Fu%$ that B#&ch.

  55. Anonymous11:37 AM

    The Obama doctrine is Aliens over residents in general, esp in terms of tuition and grants etc


    Other than that, I couldn't tell you what he believes. He changes with the wind

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      He believes the gop should stop voting against the vets on every bill that aims to help them out. How about that for starters?

    2. You are a lying idiot. Maybe if you stopped shaking your head, you would have less brain damage.

      "Changes with the wind"? That's Romney, you drooling half-wit.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      Like the smh troll is college material HA! Hey, sweetie, I mean this as a complement, so don't get all pissy, k?
      You're a moron.
      You're Welcome.

    4. Anonymous9:14 PM

      11:37 AM Can you tell us what Sarah Palin believes? Sarah believes in the Glenn Rice BIG GULP DOCTRINE. Is that why she has the 'HOTS' for President Obama?

    5. Anonymous4:09 AM

      Maybe if your stupid ass didn't watch Fox News all the time and you paid attention to what was actually happening, you would know what he believes. But you would rather let idiots like Sarah and Sean do your thinking for you. America is sick of you low-info assholes messing it up for the rest of us. You'll find that out in November. The tears of Fox and the psychotic GOP will be sweet, just like when they lost the '12 election. Little morons like you will be stunned, but like last time, you won't learn a damn thing, you'll just foam at the mouth even MORE than usual, insult Americans more, and act like even bigger assholes. You dumbasses won't be in power again for decades, if ever. You can thank people like Sarah for that :)

  56. cckids11:46 AM

    Palin approvingly referred to Dark Lord Cheney's interview, in which he called Pres. Obama "weak". He & she must have forgotten W, who couldn't speak to Congress about 9/11 without Cheney sitting by him. Wouldn't speak on the official record about his actions AT ALL.

    For a wonderful read about that BS, I refer you to Balloon Juice, here:

    A short, but EPIC quote: "ask Osama bin Laden what a candy-ass Obama is, Cheney, you desiccated, bloodthirsty, death-eating, chickenhawk war criminal. Better yet, shut your fucking pie hole for all eternity and silently thank your master below that you aren’t rotting away in a cell at The Hague.

    No one who matters gives a flying fuck what you say. You and your flunky did enough to destroy America. At least have the decency to trouble us no more."

    I think I need a cigarette. Also, the comments there are fabulous.

  57. Anonymous12:03 PM

    1. Hannity's makeup artist needs to be fired for missing the red between his nose and upper lip.

    2. Palin sounds as coherent trying to form a sentence as I do when I'm drunk. Ergo, like an idiot.

  58. Anonymous12:09 PM

    The Obama Doctrine Is to Not Have a Doctrine

    You know, the one time I felt a little sorry for Sarah Palin was when she got so much grief for not knowing the Bush Doctrine. Hell, I didn't know it either. You're either with us or against us? Bring 'em on? We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud? The truth is that I still couldn't tell you. Nor could I really tell you about the Carter Doctrine or the Reagan Doctrine or any other doctrine more recent than the Monroe Doctrine. They never really meant all that much, did they? Every president has an underlying worldview, and that's about all we can expect. I think Obama has articulated his as well as anyone has.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      I was at the 2008 inauguration, watching from the cheap seats, with other folks who wanted to witness the momentous occasion but were short on the connections that were required for a better seat. At one point Obama talked about reestablishing the country's respect and moral authority, or words to that effect, on a world stage. That was met with big-time applause. I travel quite a bit, and in my professional capacity have interactions with people in a number of countries, as well as the US foreign service. Not everyone in every country is crazy about Obama -- those drones in Pakistan don't go over so good -- but the difference between the way that the US was viewed during the dark days of the Bush administration and now is night and day. As far as I'm concerned, the Obama Doctrine is that the US can again hold its head up proudly on a world stage.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM


      I still don't fess up to being from America when I'm abroad. Unless someone has to see my passport I travel as Canadian, just a nice person from Victoria (where I have relatives).

      No way do I want to identify as American even in the era of Obama.

  59. Anonymous12:51 PM

    "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson preached to the Republican Leadership Conference on Thursday, telling the GOP to "get godly" and referring to statements from the White House as "evil."

    "You can't be right for America if you're wrong with God," Robertson said, according to The Times-Picayune. And, if "you want to turn the Republican party around, get godly," he told the crowd.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Is being godly fake beards, hate speech, and ill-gotten gains? I'd be surprised if $arah hasn't slept the whole bunch, they're peas in a pod!

  60. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Those are no runner's legs. She's got a good 3 inch slab o flab on that exposed thigh. The way she keeps carresing her thigh is quite suggestive. As is the lace bra that is exposed under her shirt. Does she really think she is still in her 20's?

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      She's anorexic and losing all of her fat has made what muscle has survived the privation of her disease look sinewy. It's hard to believe she can even walk without help at this stage of her disease.

      Her body is totally wasted and permanently affected by her anorexia, however someone gives her enough drugs to make her semi-coherent enough to be trotted out on a stage or in front of a camera to spout her same old talking points.

      She's a hate-filled, wind-up anorexic grannie; give her some uppers and pull her string and off she goes until she totally crashes for a few days, then do it all again, until the day where she truly can't even get out of bed.

  61. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Sean believes in American Exceptionalism... really you buffoon, if these two are the best we have to offer we are screwed. And for Sarah to critique the Presidents speech is laughable, the woman can't even string together a coherent sentence.
    Exactly how much lead paint did she ingest during her childhood? Is she still eating it?

  62. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

    I love how the fool, when asked about the Bush Doctrine, acts like it was a "Gotcha" question. She still believes it didn't show her abject stupidity of the basics of governance? Is she serious? "Remember That?"
    No, imbecile, but thanks for reminding us! I wonder what incentive Roger Ailes gave her for taking a bath and taming the polyester shrew on her noggin? Did Todd make arrangements? That woman is a dingbat. President Obama edited the Harvaard Law Review and graduated on time. Sarah went to school for journalism, it took six years to graduate and she edited her brain cells,

  63. Anonymous7:29 PM

    6:16 Don't forget that many don't think she ever graduated from a college. She attended various ones and professors were contacted that didn't even recall having her in their classes. She never provided a copy of a degree and it was asked for many times - as was the birth certificate for the retarded child (she faked the pregnancy!).

    Personally, I think her too stupid to have the title 'college graduate'! McCain was the one that pushed that along w/her being an 'energy expert' which was the biggest lie of all! Ask folks in Alaska! She didn't know shit and had answers to questions she'd receive at press conference be provided by members of her administration that she always included in her conferences. Proof of those are on videos!

    Sarah Palin is a friggin' idiot!

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      She didn't. Trust me from someone that did, no way in hell. Look at her.

  64. Contrary to what John McCain claimed, and by extension his VP pick, McCain never supported veterans. During the 2008 campaign, several websites posted links to every Senator's voting record, showing McCain's failure to support the new GI bill, funding to improve moldy outpatient quarters at Walter Reed for injured vets, etc. Disabled American Veterans gave McCain an F for his voting record on vets' rights. Iraq and Afghanistan Vets gave him a D. Both organizations gave Obama and Biden Bs and As, respectively, for their votes as senators in favor of pro-vet legislation.

    Yet this person is still pretending to be a patriot supporting veterans, and portraying Obama as an anti-military villain.

    In defense of VA health care, but not to diminish VA responsibility for mismanagement resulting in needless suffering and loss of life, I give an example in my own life and that of my husband. He was an Army Ranger in Vietnam 1969-70, patrolling in III Corps Tactical Zone around Viet Cong headquarters, disrupting enemy supply routes, mapping tunnels, collecting intel, and engaging in frequent firefights with VC and NVA. The densely-forested terrain was sprayed heavily and repeatedly with Agent Orange to remove cover for enemy troops and to destroy their crops. The AO was manufactured quickly, resulting in high concentrations of dioxin contamination, which caused permanent damage to the DNA of the Vietnamese people, and as well as any troops serving in treated areas. This caused a host of illnesses, including several types of cancer, labile diabetes, and birth defects, which took the life of my second child, and are still affecting the Vietnamese people today.

    My husband developed diabetes in the early 90s, and suffered strokes in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2005. In early 2006, he was diagnosed with vascular dementia. His disability rating rose from 50% to 100%. (The rating system VA uses actually gives him a total of 160% disability.) His VA disability payments rose accordingly. They can't compensate for the loss of his mental and physical health, but they are not ungenerous.

    All of his care, including dental and vision, are free from the VA. Last month he had another stroke, and received state of the art care from the VA. He's presently a patient in a civilian rehab facility near our home, where he's receiving physical, occupational, and speech therapy five days a week. His medical care is supervised by a civilian doctor. Both the rehab facility and the doctor have contracts with the VA. I don't even see the bills. The VA just pays them.

    Since 2006, my husband has been declared mentally incompetent by the VA, unable to drive, to care for himself, or be left alone for even a moment without supervision. It's too soon to tell if he will be able to return home after this latest stroke, or if he will require nursing home care for the rest of his life. Yet throughout his years-long catastrophic health crises, no death panels have materialized--just excellent medical and rehab care, with the VA footing the bill.

    Sarah Palin knows nothing. Everyone who reads this blog knows that. I'm just amazed that she continues to have audiences who believe a word that comes from her lying mouth.

    N.B. Anyone needing VA care who is unable to get it, contact a service officer at any American Legion post or other service organization near you. They will help you at no cost. Be persistent. Write your legislators for help. Draw attention to your plight by contacting local media. If all else fails, just present yourself at the nearest VA clinic or emergency room, and refuse to leave until you are seen. Don't take no for an answer if your claim is denied, and don't give up until you receive the care you need.

  65. This from the woman who couldn't explain what the Bush Doctrine was when she was running for Vice President of the United States?

    Are we to believe she is more studious and aware of political policy now than when she was trying to get votes?

    Okay, we all know she is an ignorant, uneducated moron who can't even speak English as her first language.

    Her visibility in the media is rapidly fading. Perhaps if we ignore her she'll finally go away.

  66. Anonymous2:21 PM

    good grief this woman is so full of shit.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.