Friday, May 16, 2014

So while protesters were threatening to throw the President out of the White House, and Sarah Palin was attacking him for twitter campaign that he did not start, what was he doing? His job of course.

Courtesy of the White House YouTube page:  

President Obama and Vice President Biden stop by Shake Shack for lunch, and talk briefly about the need for Congress to pass transportation funding.

That's the thing about being the President.

Regardless of who is calling you names, attacking your character, or  protesting your presidency, you still have a job to do.

And clearly this President takes that job seriously.

And without the infrastructure the President is trying to repair, how would those Operation American Spring hillbillies ever get their fat asses to Washington in order to bitch about the job he is doing?


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Those hillbillies are probably cashing their Social Security and government pension checks on their way to the rally to overthrow the system that keeps them in fried chicken and Depends.

    I'd love to hear one of them explain what a socialist-fascist-communist-Marxist government is -- the one they keep saying that our President has created. Do they know what these words mean, and how very different each of them is?

    They're probably so used to piling their plates to overflowing at the all-you-can-eat early-bird buffets they love that they don't know the difference between one category and another.
    Just pile on the adjectives: fascist, Marxist -- what's the diff?

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      oxymoron city.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      The hillbillies think that socialist-facist-communist-marxist = black man in white house

      Obama doesn't give a rat's ass about anything Palin has to say and I'm sure it just pisses her off that he doesn't react to to any of it. Sarah, you are a joke.

    3. Leland3:51 AM

      Paragraph One: What's wrong with fried chicken? Cooked properly, it is delicious!

      Paragraph Two: EXPLAIN it? They can't even really PRONOUNCE the words.

      Paragraph Three: I have always wanted to do a study proving that a great portion of the obesity in this country is NOT the "I have a medical problem" they usually claim and just plain gluttony. (Which they seem to forget is a listed sin!)

      Take unto thyself food and drink, but not unto excess. Gluttony is the sin.

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I want to know why Sarah wasn't joining the millions of patriots descending on DC today. They needed her desperately and that's her job. You still have time Sarah....hop on that plane and give the patriots a little thrill tomorrow. You can be a part of history in addition to new money for the Sarahpac coffers.


    1. Leland3:52 AM


      Now you KNOW she can't do that until she is "Pregnant" and about to deliver!

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Made me laugh. Traitors and seditionists threatening not only to overturn what democratic processes created, but personally threatening the President. What does he do - casually and publicly takes in a burger and shake. He's just so awesomely cool.

  4. Anonymous5:08 PM

    O/T Gryphen, Rachel Maddow is now talking about how to unredact computer documents. Time to unredact Palin's emails!!

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      But we didn't get the emails...we got photocopies of emails that were printed out.

      As I recall, the state said it didn't have the technology to sort, redact and distribute emails by cd.

      It only cost about $15,000, but the state instead opted to spend WAY more than that on labor to have staffers take, what was it a year? to go through and manually handle emails.

      It would be nice, though if we could get the redacted emails.

    2. Anonymous10:55 PM

      all's it'd be is sixth grade level mean girl bullshit -

      that's all the uneducated seditionistic crosseyed cowardly skank has ever been and always will be ..

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    We have classy folks in the White House and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Smart too!!!

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    People close to the President did similar things via social networking. THAT is what she's commenting on.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Yes, the WH has a message. And that is how it works you idiot.

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Good LORD, troll, she lives by social media! The more you comment here, the more I laugh. Do you understand the word "diplomacy?" Once again, the old heifer shows just how dumb and misinformed she is.

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      I don't respect anyone over the age of 25 that engages in social media; Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat and Facebook, all of those things are for kids, not adults and certainly not for the leaders of our country. I'd like to see all adults find a better way to communicate rather than through social media. Let's leave that to the kids, the under 25's or under 30's. It's rather unbecoming for adults to engage in this sort of communication. And yes, my father is nearly 70 years old and has a Facebook account, as do his older brothers and sisters. They keep trying to coax me into joining Facebook but I can't be bothered with their mundane conversations!

    4. Anita Winecooler8:16 PM

      Sarah barely knows how to use a computer, President Obama won TWICE by brilliantly using social media to connect, network, get out the vote, recruit volunteers, get his message out and keep everyone up to speed.

    5. Anonymous12:50 AM

      6:17 PM If you have to explain what Sarah Palin was doing, then she has FAILED again.

    6. Leland3:56 AM

      @ anon 8:06

      Sorry, but I think your comment is simply stupid. Who gives a rat's ass WHAT form of communication is used if we can get those girls back?

      Besides, who CARES if you respect them or not?

  7. Anonymous6:20 PM

    It's funny when government protesters barely outnumber the amount of bastard grandchildren Sarah Palin has.

  8. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Thank goodness for our wonderful president. He is on task and on the saddle!

    As to Sarah Palin? Sarah, you are an ignorant person with a big head. Literally and figuratively. Go home, take care of your children.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      If this wonderful man had only been given the opportunity to do live his vision, our country could be so different today. What boggles my mind is people so ill-informed that they don't understand he was undermined from day one by the GOP and their ilk to make sure he goes down in history as a failure. At the expense of we citizens.

      Forget $arah, she's toast and knows it. A paid harridan jealous that she lost to a black man. In her head it was Palin/MCCain, she said so herself. Just like she lost Miss Alaska. Boo hoo, bitch, it seems you've been put in your place! Run 2016, I dare you. You know you can't! Here kitty kitty kitty....

  9. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Sports Anchor Famous for Defending Michael Sam Mocks Kiss Hysteria

    Texas sports anchor Dale Hansen became nationally famous back in February for defending Michael Sam against the ridiculous anti-gay outcry over him possibly being drafted by the NFL. Well, this week Hansen stuck up for Sam again, mocking the absolute hysteria by which some people reacted to ESPN broadcasting him kissing his boyfriend. And let this serve as a direct contrast with how someone on the exact same TV network reacted to the Sam kiss, with the kind of shock and disdain Hansen was mocking.

    Hansen opened the segment by praising Sam’s abilities before showing video of the kiss. He mockingly observed, “The world apparently shook, we almost collided with the sun, yet somehow we have survived another day.”

    He roasted an NFL player who tweeted out a negative reaction to Sam and said, “I do not understand why so many people are so afraid of a gay man in an NFL locker room. I think the other players are gonna be okay.”

    Watch the video below, via WFAA:

  10. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Things that had more people attending than Operation America Spring--the Chihuahua parade.

  11. Anonymous7:32 PM

    God, I love that man.

  12. Anonymous7:34 PM

    By the looks of many of those Operation American Spring protesters some Irish Spring may be necessary

  13. Anita Winecooler8:19 PM

    He's got our backs and he does his job extremely well. He'll be one of the best Presidents of all time, all things considered.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      The great thing about him is, that's not his goal, being the best Prez of all time. He cares about people and does his best for them everyday.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.