Friday, June 20, 2014

Alaska's sole Representative, Don Young, reprimanded by House Ethics Committee for misusing campaign funds and accepting illegal gifts. Forced to repay nearly $60,000.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Longtime Alaska Rep. Don Young improperly used campaign funds for personal use, accepted “impermissible” gifts and failed to report those gifts, the House Ethics Committee announced Friday. 

Young, a Republican, has to repay nearly $60,000 to his campaign, and donors, the Ethics Committee said. He has also been reproved by the committee. 

The Ethics Committee said that Young, who has represented Alaska in the House since 1973, accepted improper “gifts and expenses related to” 15 hunting trips. The trips occurred between 2001 and 2013, the Ethics Committee said. 

Eight trips that Young took were improperly paid for, or were paid for by his campaign improperly. Young also did not disclose any of these gifts on his financial disclosure.

Okay while I am very happy that Young got his wrist slapped, I have to say that this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

I have said before that I was completely shocked when Ted Stevens was indicted back in 2008. NOT because I thought Senator Stevens was innocent mind you, but because of the two of them I simply assumed the Feds had more evidence on Don Young than they did on Uncle Ted.

And the fact that Young remains out of prison today is completely ridiculous in my mind.

The guy needs to go to prison for the rest of his life, and you would be hard pressed to find an Alaskan who did not think he was guilty.

At the very least he needs to be voted out in the 2016 election cycle.

I mean come on Alaska! At least we can manage that, right?


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Who is his Democratic opponent so I can send all my support to him or her immediately?
    Or is this Young guy made of special Alaska-grade Teflon and there's no hope of sending him home to a melting iceberg where he belongs?

    1. Matt Moore.

      Don't know much about him yet.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Matt Moore slogan - "I'm not Don Young."

      Even fits on a bumper sticker.

    3. Yes, but be careful. We got Palin because she ran on the "I'm not Frank Murkowski" platform.

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Let's see which TV Channels in Anchorage carry this as news tonight? Channel 2 is very biased - in favor of the Republicans (watch how they cover Murkowski over Begich as an example!). I suggest switching to Channel 11 - think they are giving Channel 2 a damned good run for their money.

    I don't know how Don Young has continued to be elected in Alaska. He does nothing in the U.S. Congress - misses votes, etc. He's nothing more than a bullshitter and should be kicked out of office next election cycle!

    Voters in Alaska - pay attention for whom you cast your vote! When Young is next up for reelection, check his record, how he has voted, how much is he actually in attendance, how many votes has he missed, what does he say about an issue (if he even does!) and how does he vote - IF he votes, how much good has he done for Alaska throughout the past five years, how often is he in Alaska to visit w/his constituents, how many Bills has he introduced in Congress during the past five years (?), etc.

    I personally don't think he represents Alaska well at all! He's been in D.C. way too long - suggest Alaska having stated (by law) tenures for their elected officials.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Good idea, I think I’ll watch one early this evening and then watch the other before I go to bed. And, Gryphen, c’mon! DonYoung gets a pass on anything in this state. It’s as if everyone knows he is crooked beyond anything we can imagine, but we keep electing the asshole. I listened to him last year being interviewed on APRN and even the most obnoxious and lame answers (and he actually insulted the interviewer at one point!) were given a pass. I was stunned nobody called in and called him out on his arrogance, hubris and ignorance. His banner goes up down at the canneries the minute his campaign begins, so it is clear the fishing industry is in his pocket.

  3. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Hey $carah, it's only a matter of time before they look into your special pac where you & your KLAN get to live off for free....tick tock tick tock....the mouse run up the clock....This must mean that brisket, track, willow, and even junker will have to get a job. awwwww

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I truly believe greed is the root of all evil.
    Whatever happened to integrity, ethics and honesty?

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I hope the DNC and DCCC will step up and help Matt Moore more than what they're doing in my district....which is nothing.

  6. Some go to prison for such things - I will never understand why sometimes it is a "mistake" and other times an indictable offense.

  7. Anonymous3:39 PM

    He should be prosecuted and spend some time in prison.

  8. Anonymous4:06 PM

    This is the 'essential' Don Young. He is much worse than just imperious. I suspect he pines to be a despot on a broader scale.

  9. Big deal. It will all be donated back to him. And if he runs again, his doofus constituents will blindly vote for him again.

  10. Chenagrrl7:30 PM

    Time for old geezbulb to go. He was running for name-recognition when Boggs and Begich disappeared. He has had a good ride. Time to go where nobody knows his name.


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