Friday, June 27, 2014

Do you know where it is probably NOT a safe place to provide a gun safety class? In the parking lot of your local Target.

Did this guy actually feel it necessary to point out to a bunch of folks carrying long guns and assault style rifles where the muzzle is located? And then call it "the dangerous end" as if he were talking to preschoolers?

This Open Carry Texas group recorded and posted this video, I'm sure, to help put people's minds at ease about their activities. But it actually had the opposite effect on me.

At one point the guy conducting the instruction says "Keep your hands away from the trigger mechanism. We have no reason to be shooting at anybody today." As if that is something that individuals openly carrying weapons designed for warfare must be reminded of.

If this is the level of confidence these organizers have in the people participating in their silly little protests, that just convinces me even more that somebody, somewhere. is going to get shot by one of these ammosexual idiots.

(H/T to Americans Against the Tea Party.)


  1. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Idiots. I hope when the shooting occurs, it is one of them shot by another moron. They haven't figured out that guns kill, and more often than not, they do not kill an 'intruder,' but a family member. So keep on pushing gun ownership, idiots. Don't come crying when your teen son takes one of your prize possessions and threatens his girlfriend with it (as has happened in my small town. Tragedy averted that time, but the kid did shoot himself to death a few years' later.) And if this crew catches on and shows up at my Target, I will never set foot in there again. I have signed a petition to that effect.

  2. Randall5:35 AM

    The obvious problem with these open carry enthusiasts is that they assume everyone is a responsible adult, when in reality, most of the people that are willing to march around with a loaded weapon are barely literate, much less cool, calm, responsible adults.

    And what happens when a group of open-carry redneck crackers turn a corner and run face-to-face with a group of Mexican Mafia guys that are also practicing open-carry? Or Bloods or Crips? Or another of the 100 or so American gangs?

    Is this guy in the cowboy hat going to be held responsible when some kid gets killed in the crossfire?

    If it's OK for you to open-carry a loaded assault rifle, then it's also OK for them to do so as well.

    Think about that.

  3. Shit.
    This country is doomed to idiocy and gunfire.

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    What the hell is wrong with Target that they allow this to take place in their parking lots and stores?!? I worked for them for almost 30 years and was always annoyed with how they catered to the NASCAR crowd and contributed money to Michele Bachmann's campaign. Now they are on the side of the NRA open carry nitwits and thugs.

  5. Anonymous9:06 AM

    There is no "dangerous end". The whole f'ing weapon is dangerous.

    This isn't a gun safety class. This is the strutting of penis substitutes in an attempt to achieve alpha status by intimidating passers-by. The KKK did the same thing with white hoods and burning crosses.

  6. Anonymous2:42 PM

    "Looks like she brought one of those feisty uncooperative wigs with her." I have not laughed so hard in a long time!! Thank you!

  7. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

    I imagine they picked Target because of those logos and those HUGE red concrete balls. Odd what fetishists do in public to feed their exhibitionist fantasies when they get home.
    "This is a really great area here and we got lots and lots and lots of support" says the gun safety instructor. Love the technical terms, "the dangerous end" and "trigger mechanism" Sounds like an expert, but what happens when a gun just goes off and hurts or kills someone "accidentally"?? Is there signage at Target warning customers to enter at their own risk? Have they had an attorney look this idea over? Someone slips on ice in their parking lot, and they're liable. Sorry, epic fail. Wanna learn gun safety? Go to a shooting range.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.