Monday, June 23, 2014

Faith and Freedom Coalition founder Ralph Reed compares the fight against gay marriage to the fight against slavery, and suggests it is still a winner for conservatives. And Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal threatens Washington D.C. with a "hostile takeover."

Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

Seeking to encourage social conservative activists to persevere in the fight against same-sex marriage, Faith and Freedom Coalition founder Ralph Reed drew parallels between the ongoing debate over marriage equality and the nation’s long struggle over slavery and civil rights for African-Americans. 

Speaking to about 40 attendees at an afternoon breakout session during the organization’s annual “Road to Majority” conference in Washington, D.C. on Friday, Reed gave a speech in which he suggested the 1857 Dred Scott Supreme Court decision —which ruled that African American slaves remained the property of their owners even if they traveled to or resided in free states — held a lesson for contemporary conservative activists concerned about what they see as judicial overreach on the issue of gay marriage. 

Before the abolitionists triumphed, Reed reminded, it appeared for many years that the courts would squash the hopes of human rights reformers. 

“The battle looked like it was lost, but it really wasn’t,” Reed said of the immediate aftermath of the Dred Scott decision, which went on to embolden abolitionist activists. “And that’s kind of like where we are right now. Anybody heard lately that we’re losing the marriage issue? Anybody heard that argument? You notice some similarities? I’m not comparing slavery to same-sex marriage, OK? (Yes you are.) I’m just pointing out that when you have these fights, what’s interesting is that if you look at same-sex marriage, it’s now legal in 17 states.”

Continued Reed: “Only six of them, six out of those 17, six out of 50 states, had done it by referendum or by state legislature. In every other case, it was imposed by courts. Just like the courts had to impose Dred Scott. Because they couldn’t do it on the country because the country didn’t agree with it. The country, by the way, doesn’t agree with same-sex marriage.”

Seriously what part of the country is HE looking at? Just the South?

There is literally progress being made almost on a daily basis for gay Americans, and if the conservatives keep fighting against granting them rights, the Republican party will go the way of the Whigs well before 2024 when they might actually have a shot at the Presidency.

Which by the way might not be a bad thing.

And if that were not batshit crazy enough Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal seemed to be calling for an open revolt against President Obama and the White House in his speech on Saturday.

 Courtesy of NBC News:  

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Saturday night accused President Barack Obama and other Democrats of waging wars against religious liberty and education and said that a rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for "a hostile takeover" of the nation's capital. 

Jindal spoke at the annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed. Organizers said more than 1,000 evangelical leaders attended the three-day gathering. Republican officials across the political spectrum concede that evangelical voters continue to play a critical role in GOP politics. 

"I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States," Jindal said, "where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren." 

The governor said there was a "silent war" on religious liberty being fought in the U.S. — a country that he said was built on that liberty. 

"I am tired of the left. They say they're for tolerance, they say they respect diversity. The reality is this: They respect everybody unless you happen to disagree with them," he said. "The left is trying to silence us and I'm tired of it, I won't take it anymore."

You know usually the domestic terrorists are more low key than this.

Exactly what does one do when the governor of a state is calling for a hostile, and I assume heavily armed, takeover of the United States government?


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    The only one waging a religious war in America is these nutcases, aka the Religious Right. The real war is them trying to force their wacky belief system on the rest of us.

    1. Leland9:12 AM

      Unfortunately, as long as you have shits like SP and that garbage Faux, you will have fools who can NOT be convinced of that under ANY circumstances.

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Seems to me that Jindal is ginning up activities that are seditious and he should be visited by Secret Service and stripped of his position as a state governor. Sounds like he is un-American to me! In reality, his statement does suggest that other people are planning a rebellion against the government, ie: civil war. It seems to me that with his statement, he is advocating for or supporting this idea. The last time there was a civil war in America, the South lost. I imagine the same thing would happen this time. The GOP needs to tone down their war rhetoric!

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      My thoughts as well. I could hardly believe that he is saying this in speeches. Seems as if he is leaving himself wide open to being investigated by the Secret Service or FBI. Couldn't happen to a more deserving idiot.
      As a Southerner I just want to add that not all of us are like him or have any of the same opinions as he does. There are lots who do, I am sad to say. But there are some of us who are not idiots and who do not vote against our own interests. I hope our number grows and we can dump the "Bobby" Jindals and all those like him at the voting precinct.

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      6:34, what he's "ginning up" is votes from the base! Catering to the extreme is what is killing the republican party.

    3. Anonymous8:22 AM

      I always took him for scum. He has yet to disappoint in that department.

    4. Anonymous9:00 AM

      The first time I saw Jindal was when he was chosen to give the rebuttal to President Obama SOTU. He crept around the doorframe, and I thought it was a Saturday Night Live skit. He was really strange. Then they announced that he was a shining star in the gop, prepping for the WH!!! Holy cow! Little Ralph "Pencil Neck Geek" Reed should have been in prison with his partner in crime, Abrahamoff. These repubs. either get wealthy through religion or politics. Normal, regular, hard work is beyond them.

    5. Run, Piyush, run ! ! !

    6. Yes he is one of the stupid party members. What this little ignorant fool doesn't realize is that his brown ass will be thrown out if (it will never happen) his state left the Nation.

      Also by not fixing up NO he prevents native Louisianans from returning. his little bony ass won because the minorities left and didn't come back. He does this purposely.

      He is ruining the state by trying to kiss the ass of his stupid, fake, racist gop.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

      Amen, you each got him pegged for the pos he is. This is the GOP "winning" in a Charlie Sheen kind of way. A "Hostile Takeover" on Pennsylvania Ave? Pretty Boy Bobby got some 'splainin to do.

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    These guys from the Faith and Freedom conference will forever be the 'latrine' movement, imv. Their focus on gays is so obsessive, it speaks volumes to what their agenda is. It is to stop 'freedom' in it's tracks and punish all perpetrators. It's not just gays that are targets now, it's everyone who looks different, doesn't agree with their agenda and now it's other christians they are kicking out of their camp, because they don't agree.

    These people seem dangerous. And anything they say is niul and void, also, because they didn't even apologize for the urinal cake issue. Does anyone else feel like this is a replay of 30's Nazi Germany?

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      On the bright side, Reed addressed 40 people! 40?? Hardly a door busting crowd.

  4. I say Bobby Boy should lead by example and stage his hostile takeover at the capitol in person.
    That way he can be in prison "in person" with let's say, "Big Bruce"?
    I'd be first in line with the popcorn to watch that spectacle.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      So advocating prison rape is the way to combat Jindal's desperate (his once rising star in the Republican universe sank a long time ago) and ugly extremism? I don't think so. I think your attitude is just as bad as his. Rape is never EVER humorous or justified.

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Are you referring to Dickless BRUCE Cheney??

  5. Jindal knows no one would actually follow him. He reminds me of my little dog who would threaten the wild horses when he was safely on the leash.

    Regarding gays, most families have well-loved gay members. What's next, criticizing Hillary for coloring her hair? Most Republican women have colored hair. Painted hussies, lol.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Well they've worn out the old 'pantsuit' meme so they may need something new to rant and rave about. Can pretty much assume Palin will keep her nasty mouth out of that attack line cause - glass houses.

    2. the insufferable witch doesn't care about glass houses. The little piece of shit is scared of Hillary just like her wigs are afraid of water and combing.

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Has anyone reported him to the FBI and/or Secret Service? These guys are loony tunes that is for sure!

  7. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Somehow your tagline, "Courtesy of Yahoo News," struck me as particularly apt in this case.

  8. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren." -- what dream is that ? The dream where their children die in unnecessary wars; can't get a job because if the high unemployment numbers; live in poverty while the 1% bask in paradise. THAT dream ?!?

  9. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Little Bobby Jindal has dreams of being POTUS, dreams that will NEVER, EVER happen, but he still likes to entertain it in his little mixed up mind. He's a shameful man with no power and all he is doing is projecting his smarmy behavior on the 'left'. What a pathetic loser.

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Maybe we should start a Freedom From Faith Coalition. If I hear one more on the right talk about how our country was based on faith I'm going to scream.

  11. Beldar Bushmaster Conehead7:27 AM

    "and I assume heavily armed"

    Gryphen - which I now strongly believe is not your actual name, tho I have no way to prove it - once again, you are completely, 100% liberally WRONG! I feel sorry for you. smh

    "heavily armed" is a relative term. A single paunchy douchebag standing in line at the Burger Trough with an AR-15 riding laughably atop his straining-at-the-seams soiled t-shirt is "heavily armed". TEN THOUSAND similarly attired and equipped douchebags marching together on Washington to commit a traitorous "hostile takeover" of the duly - tho sometimes unwisely - elected government of THE freaking UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is about as "heavily armed" as the swordsman who confronts Indiana Jones with some swordly razzle dazzle in the bazaar before being casually picked off like an annoying fly at a late summer's picnic.

    On a positive note, Bobby "Bobby" Jindal's reprehensible call for a hostile takeover of the United States government can only be interpreted as his official recognition that he will never, ever, ever, never, ever, never, never be elected president.

  12. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I like how Reed spoke to 40, four o, people about the same - sex marriage issue in a break - out (STDs, herpes, acne, hives lol) session. Only 1000 people attended this? More people attend an elementary school musical performance. Not too concerned about gay-fearing Reed and ultra-tanned Jindal.

  13. hedgewytch7:50 AM

    So Reed at their Annual Conference spoke to a whole 40 people? Wow! And Jindal? A bit over 1,000 at their "Big Annual Conference"? Wow! That's some constituency there! The numbers will overwhelm the opposition!

    To quote the great Philosopher, Bugs Bunny, "What a bunch of maroons."

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    2013 Pay-me Palin was the keynote speaker at the Faith and Freedom Coalition

    2014 Crickets

  15. Anonymous8:13 AM

    There is nothing "free" about faith: it is a mind jail that permits for all manner of abuse and death. Freedom and faith simply cannot co-exist, at least from what I have seen of these deluded, hypocritical goose-stepping zealots.

    1. "Faith" also costs. Money.

      As the RCs say: Pray, Pay, Obey.

      Faith = invitation to be scammed

  16. Reed should get his money back from that bad nose job.

    1. Was Michael Jackson his nasal ideal?

  17. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What is the American Dream that Governor Jindal is so bent on preserving? Did he define it? they all throw it out there because it sounds good after all it has the word American in it.Is it Ozzie and Harriet? can women get back to wearing dresses and pearls while they stay home? The fifties are gone, most women have to work now the choice of staying home and raising their kids has been taken out of their hands and it wasn't President Obama who did it, it was corporate America shipping jobs off to China for more profit, the same corporate America who the Rebublicans said of "They are people too".

    Jindal also just signed an executive order to block the use of tests tied to Common Core education because he believes Federal government has no right, no role and no place dictating [ note the use of the word dictating,,scary word] standards in their local schools. This may be ok if Louisiana schools didn't rank 49th in education. or 7th in worst crime rate because there is a correlation between crime rates and lack of education, so maybe Jindal had better concentrate on fixing his own states problems before he goes off on how the country is run. Let him name one instance where someone was told that they could not worship the God or Deity of their choice but say your an atheist and suddenly you have no morals. The real war is on diversity in this Country, on acceptance of different thoughts than what the Fundamentalist so called Christians have and acceptance of all people and different view points IS what America was founded on...freedom not freedumb.

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    1) Jindal is NEVER going to be president or VP, no matter how much he tried to woo the teaparty.

    2) Ralph Reed has a very weird nose.

  19. Caroll Thompson1:55 PM

    Ralph Reed is not even worth discussing. The 40 people listening to his little speech is proof of that. Jindal is an idiot. His call for a hostile takeover of our capital borders on treason.

  20. Randall3:08 PM

    There's a difference between "trying to silence" someone and calling them out on their bullshit.

    Look: I'm not saying you can't continue to try to spread your nonsense as you always have
    ...I'm saying that as you do so I'm going to point out that you're lying.

  21. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Bobby Jindal, if you are tired of anything, it should be the stupidity that spews out of your mouth and company you keep. Why is it always the pencil dicks are the ones always talking loud and saying nothing?


  22. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    So Reed lectured 40 people on the evils of homosexuality. Did he do any research? Provide footnotes? Interview real homosexuals? Or did he rely on bigotry and hate.

    Bobby can shove his version of the "American Dream". Anyone calling for a "Hostile Takeover" of the Government with the ammosexuals on manic alert doesn't reflect THIS child of parents who landed on Ellis Island.


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