Courtesy of Raw Story:
A magazine editor in Oklahoma was putting together candidate information for a feature when a friend alerted him to online comments posted last year by a candidate for state representative.
“This guy posted on Facebook that homosexuals should be stoned to death,” said Rob Morris, who published the Moore Monthly and “My first response was, ‘You’re nuts, nobody would be stupid enough to do that.’”
But Scott Esk, a Tea Party Republican and John Birch Society member, did exactly that – repeatedly.
The GOP candidate responded to a post on Pope Francis saying “who am I to judge?” on homosexuality by posting numerous Old Testament quotations prescribing capital punishment for LGBT people.
Another commenter asked, “So just to be clear, you think we should execute homosexuals (presumably by stoning)?”
“I think we would be totally in the right to do it,” Esk said. “That goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.”
Damn! Just when you thought the Teabaggers could not get anymore batshit crazy.
So does this mean that he also believes that if a man sleeps with another man's wife they should both be put to death? (Leviticus 20:10)
Or that people who work on Sunday's should be murdered? (Exodus 31:12-15)
And while we are at it how about stoning to death young girls who lose their virginity before marriage? (Deuteronomy 22:20-21)
You know if you are going to rely on the Bible for instruction as to who you should murder, how will you know who NOT to kill?
goddamn this asshole.
ReplyDeletePaul in Indiana
They're starting to scare everyone. That's good, I guess.
ReplyDeleteNo guessing about it.
DeleteIt is absolutely good.
Sane people know Esk's statement is tantamount to saying, "We would be totally in the right to stone all men with beards to death."
Nothing more than silliness and ignorance parading down the street.
This skirmish, this battle, this war has already been won.
Straight, white, very proud Veteran.
Yes, but only if they win their primaries -- then the "moderate" GOPs voters will have to abstain from voting for these dipshits or swing to the Democrats (most unlikely, but...).
DeleteCould this mean "death panels" that $carah screeches about? What a judgemental prick. Reminds me of Limbaugh saying "All drug addicts should be put in prison" Except him, of course. Why do these religious nuts run for office, instead of getting into the God game? Probably because the pay and benefits are better in politics. Can't wait for this smirking ass to get caught in a bathroom stall, with a wide stance.
ReplyDeleteDeuteronomy 22:20-21 should not be read at the Palin household. Starting with Sarah Palin, they are all in violation of their Bible. How's that Fake Fundamentalist meme treatin' ya, Sarah, Bristol, and Willow?
ReplyDeleteSally also, too!! It IS a Heath/Palin tradition.
DeleteMany times I've had people say to me that they have met Sally and Chuck Heath, and they are such nice people! Sally loves to come off as helpless and innocent. Perhaps she is, and if so, she's a complete tool for her husband. They are both so steeped in their own crap they can't even smell the stench or see the flies circling.
DeleteThese religious nuts freak me out! No wonder the USA is turning more and more non Christian!
ReplyDeleteMore non-religious, you mean. They're already freaked out by the fear (fanned by Fox and far too many other RWNJs) that the USA is going to be overtaken by Muslims.
DeleteAnd, irony of ironies, these same paranoid fools who are so terrified of Islam wish to establish Shari'a law right here....
DeleteDon't these fundamentalists know that the Old Testament gave way to the New Testament with the death and resurrection of Christ? Or have they forgotten the Christ part?
The only thing they can see is that jesus said he was not here to throw out the old laws! And they are wearing that out!
DeleteThey WANT the OT so they can shout "So and so should be stoned!"
Let's start with ignorant, smirking redheads with sunburn!!
DeletePerry is an idiot, just another one from Tex Ass.
DeleteTypical libertarin - when it's THEIR practices it's "who are you to judge" and MYOB. Bu the minute it's about someone else's rights and a practice they find personally distasteful then it's all authoritarian all the time.
ReplyDeleteTexas Gov. Rick Perry (R) raised eyebrows Wednesday at an event in San Francisco when he drew a parallel between homosexuality and alcoholism.
An audience member asked Perry about the Texas Republican Party's recent endorsement of "reparative therapy" for gays during the governor's appearance before the Commonwealth Club of California, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Perry responded that he didn't know whether the therapy worked.
Perry was then asked whether he believes homosexuality is a disorder.
"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," he responded, as quoted by the San Francisco Chronicle. "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."
That response "drew a murmur of disbelief" from an audience that included many Perry supporters, according to the Chronicle.
Cowards, someone should have stood up and said "YOU LIE".
DeleteWatch: Anderson Cooper Holds Texas GOP Lawmaker Accountable For Supporting ‘Ex-Gay’ Therapy
ReplyDeleteCNN’s Anderson Cooper last night, with surgical precision, sliced, diced, and effectively demolished a Texas Republican lawmaker’s false claims about so-called “ex-gay” or “reparative” therapy. The Lone Star State’s GOP embraced the harmful and ineffective practice that supporters claim turns gay people straight, as part of its official 2014 platform last week.
Well, bless his cold, dead heart.
ReplyDeleteYeah, well in some countries they beat the living shit out of you if you're a 'ginger', biblical or not. Red heads are considered possessed by the devil, you dickface, so watch out or someday YOU may be deemed inferior based on your genes!
ReplyDeleteI'll buy the ticket to send him there.
DeleteEven an 11 year old knows better!
Another proper christian?
ReplyDeleteANd the whole dang thing is countermanded by that "thou shalt not kill" commandment, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteWell. I wonder if he'd be so cavalier about deciding that it is okay *for him* to kill *other* people if the rest of us decide that it is reasonable to stone libertarians to death.
ReplyDeleteOr bearded red heads. My guess is he has some skeletons in a little closet some where since he is so flamingly anti gay.
Delete>>My guess is he has some skeletons in a little closet some where since he is so flamingly anti gay.
DeleteI suspect you have nailed it with this statement, and I won't be at all surprised when it comes out, because this is so typical of homophobia, you can almost count on it.
Yes, Anonymous 8:37 and 8:53, I totally agree with you. This guy doth protest too much!
DeleteGryphen - if that's even your real name, which 75% of 6 out 10 Alaskans surveyed claim it is not - here you go again with your typical libtard knee-jerk negativity. I feel sorry for you. smh
ReplyDeleteWhy can't you wait until this douchebag provides all the details of his "stone the gays" plan before declaring you're against it?
For example, if he's proposing just roaming bands of deranged xtian conservatives randomly stoning suspected gays to death, sure, that's an approach that a lot - or at least some - xtian conservatives won't support.
But if you're talking about a carefully crafted judicial approach with due process and investigations to responsibly identify, accuse, adjudicate and punish teh gays, the darkies, the jooz, the immigrants, the gypsies, the heretics, the atheists, the catholics, etc, - imagine something like, for example, say, The Spanish Inquisition - is that such a bad thing?
Of course, nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition and, of course, it would have to be conducted in English, but, according to the severe conservative Torquemada Institute, this could be a model for creating the Bible-thumpin', gun-totin', rootin', tootin', Jeebus-centric Conservative Utopia we are all praying for! (and by "all", I mean everyone who isnt gay, a darkie, a joo, an immigrant, a gypsy, a heretic, an atheist, a catholic, etc)
Try doing a little research before you get your panties in a twist, Gryphen. I'm sure this fuckwad has every intention of ensuring that the stonings of The Others will be undertaken in a responsible and humane manner, just like it says in the Bible.
If the election for the United States Senate were being held today, would you vote for Alison Lundergan Grimes, the Democrat candidate or Mitch McConnell, the Republican
Alison Lundergan Grimes 49%
Mitch McConnell 46%
Undecided 5%
Lesbian couple’s Utah home spray-painted with homophobic slurs, dog poisoned
Fucking Utah. I have to travel through the SLC airport a few times a year and have even been stuck overnight in that hell-hole that is Salt Lake City and there are a bunch of fucked up morons residing both in that town and in that state. It's best avoided, if possible, unless you can save a few hundred bucks on a connecting flight going thru their hellhole of an airport. I have relatives there, but won't visit. If they want to see me in AK then come up here, I won't visit you hellhole town.
DeleteJust another example why taking the Bible literally is dangerous and stupid.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Cartman, on Southpark, Gingers "have no soul". Perhaps that is why this douchebag is trying so hard to get right with his god? Sorry Ginge, you're doomed to hell no matter what....
ReplyDeleteI rarely say this, but my gaydar went to 12 just looking at his pic. He looks like a funeral director who's hit bad times and is trying to drum up business, and what better tool than the Bible? Scott Esk, remember than name. Something tells me we'll see it again!
ReplyDeleteDon't forget my favorite: wearing cloth of mixed threads.
ReplyDeleteLike cotton polyester.
Yet another socially-regressive Republican whack job who wants to party like it's 1599.