Thursday, June 19, 2014

Outgoing White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has just about the best response possible to criticism from Dick Cheney on Obama's handling of Iraq.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

During his final briefing on Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney got in a jab at Dick Cheney after the former vice president wrote in the Wall Street Journal that “rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many” with regards to Iraq and Middle East policy. 

“Which president was he talking about?” Carney zinged as ABC reporter Jon Karl read off the quote, prompting laughter from the packed room. “I believe he was talking about President Obama,” Karl joked back. 

 Carney ultimately settled with this response: “He’s entitled to his opinion.”

The idea that anybody should seriously listen to anything Cheney has to say about Iraq is being universally dismissed. 

From the New York Times: 

This, from the man who helped lead us into this trumped-up war, searching for nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, a war in which some 4,500 members of the American military were killed, many thousands more injured, and that is running a tab of trillions of dollars.

To the Washington Post:  

When it comes to being wrong about Iraq, Dick Cheney has been in a class by himself. It was Cheney who said, “Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.” 

It was Cheney who said: “it’s been pretty well confirmed” that 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta “did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service.” 

It was Cheney who said: “we do know, with absolute certainty, that [Saddam Hussein] is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon” 

It was Cheney who said in 2005: “I think they’re in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.” 

All those things, and many more, were false. There is not a single person in America — not Bill Kristol, not Paul Wolfowitz, not Don Rumsfeld, no pundit, not even President Bush himself — who has been more wrong and more shamelessly dishonest on the topic of Iraq than Dick Cheney.

And even, believe it or not, over at Fox News:

 “In your op-ed [in the Wall Street Journal], you write as follows: ‘Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” Kelly said on her show “The Kelly File.” “But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well sir.” 

And while all of that is good, it is really not good enough. 

Good enough would be seeing Dick Cheney giving interviews from behind bars.

Good enough would be seeing the entire Bush Administration prosecuted for war crimes.

Good enough would be the Republican party admitting publicly that they helped lie a nation into war and lose their standing as a political party of worth in this country.

It would not bring back the thousands of dead American soldiers, nor the hundreds of thousands dead Iraqis, but at least it might do something to keep such a travesty from ever happening again.


  1. Beldar J Conehead12:12 PM

    One word for Dick "Dick" Cheney: heinouswarcriminal

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM


    2. Boscoe2:10 PM

      I like this one from Wonkette:

      "kitten devouring war monkey" LOL

    3. @Boscoe
      But that's more than one word.


      There, I fixed it.

    4. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Going to miss Jay...."Which President", lol!!!
      Hope the new Press Sec has some spunk like this guy did.
      We need to throw the shit back in their faces....

    5. Anonymous8:32 PM

      LOVED that, 6:27 PM!
      labrat - politicususa reader

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Cheney should be hung from the rafters! Just look at the man - he eludes evil and has one creepy smile! His daughter got her comeuppance - surprised she is showing her face again - much less w/her horrible father!

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Oh she isn't done yet, this is her way of getting back in the limelight after her disastrous senate campaign where pretty much everyone told her to fuck off in Montana, when she thought she could rider on Daddy's coattails right into office. She's the worst of the bunch, walking in Daddy's footsteps whenever she can. She's vicious, though not stupid, she's a neocon to the core. I feel sorry for her brood of kids, that's for sure. Imagine having such a horrific mother! And worse, a criminal grandfather.

  3. It's appalling that such a man would have the privilege of a heart transplant, when there are decent people who are of worth to this country.

    "Good enough" would be George Bush, Dick Cheney and the whole gang of criminals being tried in an international court for war crimes.

    1. sewnup1:01 PM

      I couldn't agree more ardently, on both counts.

    2. Anonymous3:00 AM

      I have suspicions that Dubya is in the early stages of either Dementia or Alzheimers. How come HE is not all over the TV, defending his wars? When those self portraits that he painted were exposed, I started thinking that he is in therapy. Painting is supposed to be helpful. I thought he was getting therapy for his boozing or drug use. Everyone knows he was never too sharp, but why is he being kept off the "grid"? It would not be the first time the gop has covered for a president who was, lets call it "unavailable" Reagan was already suffering from Alzheimers while in office. Dickless Cheney might be scared that if the shit hits the fan, he will be facing justice ALONE, without W to hide behind. The old "I was just following orders" defense.

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Mr. Cheney, meanwhile, is still trying to bend history toward an exoneration of his guilt and an expunging of his record. But history, on this, is stiff, and his record is written in blood.

    Now watch this drive!

    1. betsy s1:54 PM

      Give this comment a Facebook Like..

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      "Now watch this drive"? Impeach him!!!
      OMG Golf a impeachable offense...wait, what? Oh yeah only if the Golfer is PBO...
      I can't believe Cheney and Bush.
      Cheney must be pretty sure his new heart won't stop tickin'...

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    CNN Intentionally Avoids the Truth About the Tea Party and The GOP

    The common link between Neo-Nazis and the Tea Party lies in the belief that the Federal government is “evil” because it’s coming after your guns, your jobs, your economic opportunities. By logical extension, the Tea Party talks about an imaginary war on the right wing’s cherry picked version of Christianity. As Meeink’s autobiography explains, the nexus between religion and right wing ideology was part of an indoctrination process he endured during his earliest days with the skinheads.

    It’s also a common element in the Tea Party’s rhetoric which equates good Christianity with its ideology and a deliberate effort to demonize anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their ideology.

    Again, while this is a common element and possibly a factor in what attracts skinheads to the Tea Party, this is not to say that Tea Party fascism is a full embrace of the skinhead variety.

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Obama Smacks Down GOP, “American combat troops will not be fighting in Iraq again.”

    The message from this White House was clear. The warmongers can stomp their feet all they want, but for as long as Barack Obama is president, combat troops won’t be returning to Iraq.

  7. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Scott walker is in trouble and the case is growing against Chris Christie.

    I won't fool myself to think the veil is being lifted but perhaps, just perhaps, There is some good eroding the base of this evil group.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      And McDaniels is up to now good:

  8. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Cheney is a self deluded, paranoid, power hungry abomination of a politician. If he's breathing, he's lying.

    I hope Cheney and Bush plan an abroad vacation soon so we can see them finally prosecuted for the war crimes they committed.

    Btw, DICK and George can still book a vacation abroad at anytime. I'm sure they'll be very happy to confront this opinion in another sovereign nation:

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Btw, DICK and George can still book a vacation abroad at anytime. I'm sure they'll be very happy to confront this opinion in another sovereign nation:
      Like 1000+

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Actually Bush and Cheney aren’t spending a lot of time abroad because they are considered war criminals in some parts of the world.

    3. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Dickless was SO sure he would slip under observation for these wars, he bought a luxury condo in Dubai!! He really should take a family vacation there, SOON.

  9. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Okay, this Scott Walker thing looks interesting. Looks like Kochtopus might have a gangrenous tentacle.

  10. Anonymous4:17 PM

    If there's one thing that truly frightens me, it's a person who has absolutely no conscience.

    Cheney is a perfect example of this...a truly evil man whose lies guaranteed himself untold wealth and power, paid for with the blood of thousands of American and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives.

    And he would do it again tomorrow with no guilt, able to face the families of the fallen and tell them that their loved ones' lives weren't worth as much as his ego and his bank account.

    A disgusting, dangerous and destructive waste of oxygen.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Anonymous4:17 PM
      Cheney is a sociopath...just like Sarah!
      He prob had the Guy killed when he needed a heart!
      And yes he would send more troops, not his kids! Notice none of the GOP kids ever see action...and
      Troll don't even bother...telling us otherwise.

    2. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Remember the DC Madam case? She had a list of clients, including a "Bruce" (Cheney is Dickless BRUCE Cheney) Just as she was about to make the list public, she was found hanged in her garden shed. Everyone who knew her said she NEVER would have committed suicide. Just like the Palins,, his enemies (truth tellers) are taken care of. I hope he lives, and suffers, FOREVER and the entire truth is exposed.

  11. Ranall5:30 PM

    WHY doesn't someone ask "Bloody Dick" Cheney - or any of the other chickenhawks - how they suggest we pay for more war? (Iraq = $1Trillion and counting)

    The same chickenhawks won't PAY for Veteran's care because it isn't budge neutral.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:50 PM

    I liked the restraint Jay Carney showed, but he should have went off on Dick Cheyney, GWBush, Rummsfeld etc, IT was his last day on the job, and I'm sure President Obama wouldn't have minded from the golf course. How many vacay days did Bush spend? Cheyney? Undisclosed bunker, my ass. He was out duck hunting and bagged a lawyer instead.

    Along the same vane

    Jenine Pirro, the brunette hispanic sounding last named token female with her own show accuses Obama of "releasing the newer version of Osama Bin Fishfood.

    And I thought Sarah's been a nasty bitch lately, who knew?

  13. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Yep, you have it right. Wh isn’t he behind bars?

  14. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Seriously. Somebody must pull the plug on that old man. He is truly a very sick and ugly human. I thought for sure that a new heart might help that crazy evil old man....But NO. He triples down. The man is like sarah.....look at the family sitting around letting him MAKE A COMPLETE EVIL AZZHOLE OUT OF HIMSELF.....just like sarah.......

    1. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Well, $$$ trumps decency in the GOP. His bitchy daughter Lizzie should go home and raise her 5 kids before they end up like $carah's, unwed mothers.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.