Here are some excerpts from today's venomous Facebook post:
Barack Hussein Obama, there you go again. You underestimated the wisdom of the people, the valor of our vets, the patriotic pride of military families, and the moral courage of our servicemen. You are shocked that our collective jaw dropped when the inner circle you command told us an anti-American deserter met your standards of having “served with honor and distinction.”
(Did she really just use his middle name again? That is sooo 2010. But she is not done yet.)
From the apology tours, to the military cuts, to the VA scandal’s “death panel” rationing of care for vets, to the Commander-in-chief’s blundered references to corpsmen as, ironically, “corpse-men,” Americans have patiently endured Team Obama’s military cluelessness, but even your own base is abandoning you after this latest disaster.
Mr. President, you’ve been on our case since Day One, and your constant disparaging of conservatives is, you claim, just “keeping folks accountable.” In the interests of equality, I hope you can appreciate that now America is holding Team Obama accountable for the disaster that erupted from your unbelievable terrorist negotiations – a scandal with even more disastrous long-term consequences ahead. After so many fumbles, you crossed a line into dangerous territory atop soil created by the complete opposite of “honor and distinction.” We won’t follow you there. Nor, even, I predict, will previously politically correct church leaders, influential business tycoons, down-to-earth celebrities, and low-information voters. This is part of our nation’s great awakening.
(Didn't she predict much the same thing after Benghazi?)
You freed terrorists who were captured for a reason. Our brave ones sacrificed blood and treasure to keep America safe by doing what you send them into war zones to do – to get the bad guys off the street. You just undid that. The icing on this devil’s food cake is that you did it for an anti-American deserter whose actions have created even more harm for his comrades and former countrymen.
(She does know that George Bush freed over 500 Guantanamo detainees right?)
This deserter chose to put our soldiers in greater danger by abandoning his post and purposefully hooking up with the enemy after writing of his disdain for the USA. (Since when is being captured the same thing as "hooking up?" She makes it sound like he went out cruising for some Islamic man flesh.) He told others he was ashamed to be an American. His own father proudly shared these comments with media back in 2012. He also proclaimed while in uniform, “The horror that is America is disgusting.” And he’s the one you honor at the White House? Why not give the Rose Garden podium over to the families of the men who died during the rescue efforts mounted to find this ungrateful, disloyal, and dangerous one. (Does she mean the ones made up by the conservatives?) In sympathy, you risked innocent lives to bring him back inside the security of the country he chose to leave! So, have you asked yourself what exactly were we “rescuing” him FROM? According to some reports, he actually renounced his citizenship, in addition to publishing his contempt for our nation, before cowardly trading himself from Team America to Team Taliban. In doing so out in the field, he may have aided our enemies of the Islamic Terrorist persuasion.
You obviously play way too much golf. At the cost of America’s faithful soldiers who’ll never get a second chance, on your scorecard a deserter gets the mulligan? You underestimated the wisdom of the people, Commander-in-Chief, for we are horrified and disgusted by your secret negotiations with radicals to free five Islamic terrorists in exchange for an anti-American deserter whose actions got others killed. Even more disgusting is your celebration of the cowardly act that initiated this disaster.
- Sarah Palin
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The photo Palin used of dead soldiers in order to attack the President. |
So she is absolutely positive that Bergdahl is not only a deserter, but also a traitor who probably aided the Taliban? Let me guess, she has secret sources?
You know I have seen more than my fair share of Sarah Palin vitriol in my time, but this one....this one is off the damn charts!
I already shared with all of you the Rolling Stone article which explains Bergdahl's disillusionment with the military and America during his time in Afghanistan. Apparently Palin did not bother to read it however.
There is also some new information that suggests that the Taliban threatened to kill Sgt. Bergdahl if details of the prisoner swap were leaked to the press, which might explain why Congress was left out of the loop.
And apparently the Obama administration is not only aware that there will be weeks of backlash, they are counting on it:
The signs are everywhere this morning that the skirmishing over the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap is set to escalate into a protracted political battle that could go on for weeks or months. And the White House is placing its bet on Da Crazy.
That is to say, White House officials are bracing for months of assaults on Obama’s handling of the swap, but they believe the Conservative Entertainment Complex will veer into over the top attacks that will alienate the broader public, which won’t see the basics of the situation in such lurid terms.
And if Palin's Facebook rant is any indication then over the top they are determined to go.
For the President's part he is standing firm:
'I make absolutely no apologies for making sure we get back a young man to his parents,' he said in Brussels during a joint press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron, 'and that the American people understand that this is somebody’s child and that we don’t condition whether or not we make the effort to try to get them back.'
'We had a prisoner of war whose health had deteriorated, and we were deeply concerned about [him],' Obama told reporters. 'And we saw an opportunity and we seized it. And I make no apologies for that.'
So the conservatives can rant and rave until their are too hoarse to shout. But in the end the American people will realize that he did the right thing, the honorable thing, and the thing we would expect ANY Commander-in-Chief to do.
Oh, and before I forget, fuck Sarah Palin!
The solution is simple. Have Obama waterboard Bergdahl live on Hannity's show to get the truth of the matter out of him and proceed accordingly based on that information. Talk about a ratings block buster......
ReplyDeleteLove the fact President Obama isn't apologizing to any of the assholes on the right! He did the right thing and he knows it! Love our President!
DeleteOh, wait a minute about the water boarding on Hannity's show. He promised to get water boarded to show that it wasn't torture, but he has never kept that promise. I vote for a double header-- Bergdahl and Hannity. Let's see who cracks first.
DeleteWhy not waterboard yourself, ASSCLOWN? Bergdahl has been through enough. You would shit your pants after 1 day in captivity.
Deletethis rant is not about bergdahl or president obama.
Deletethis rant is about megyn kelly. megyn kelly is everything and has everything skank isn't /doesn't have. look- in the world of political grifting if faux news doesn't want you then you have hit rock bottom. ailes is over you sarah-move on.
this is all about roger ailes. he won't take her calls and won't call her back. megyn is the new girl in town and she is the STAR skank never could be.
not about anything other than an old and wrinkled used to be crying out loud over the loss of something she never had.
no one cares sarah. really -no one cares what you say or that you are ugly or that you are wasting away or that you are an idiot. we only care about locking you up so as not to be a danger to yourself or others. mentally /criminally ill is your name sarah palin.
I hope she is all methed out and Breitbarts herself!
DeleteSTFU you dumb cunt!
Megyn Kelly is so much more educated, prettier, and classier than Sarah Palin. Megyn also knows how to dress appropriately, unlike Sarah, who always dresses like she just woke up late from an afternoon and is rushing around in a panic to pick the kids up in the car line.
DeleteBut we know that Sarah is never home to raise her "young family". Her parents and sisters have to take up her slack because she's too lazy to be bothered and usually too drunk/high to care. Truth.
Megyn Kelly might be more educated, prettier, classier (thats really subjective, neither are that classy), and probably more intelligent than Palin, but from the short bits ive seen, she is really just getting paid to play a sassy blond bimbo whore for ratings, and even with that being the reality, she is doing a way better job at it than Palin can.
DeleteWhew! Makes me wonder if Brancy wrote that screed.
ReplyDeleteSomeone did; there are too many big words to have come from Sarah's hand.
DeleteI think there is tag team in operation. Bristol's twitter/blog tests the waters, then Sarah's team re-uses the least ridiculed phrases to stitch together a semblance of what they consider a well thought out rant.
DeleteIf it is one garbled, run-on sentence, as long as a paragraph, then Sarah wrote it. Since this Facebook post has many paragraphs, someone wrote it for Sarah, but she may have juiced it up because it reeks of hatred and spite. Hey, Sarah, no matter how rudely you address President Obama, he doesn't care about your post, and he is going to respond. We know that you do that just to get your base upset and angry, with hopes that they will donate some money to you. If there is anyone who is anti-American, that would be Sarah, tearing the county apart in order to stay visible and get noticed.
DeleteThere is no way that SP wrote this. While it is one of the most hate-filled diatribes I've ever almost read, it is in English, not Palish. This woman, and her followers, are beyond ugly. I hope she rots in hell. But before that, I want her to pay in this world for all her crimes. Please, Alaskans in the know, is it not yet time to tell the truth about Palin and all her tribe? She is creating hate and division at an even higher level than usual with this screed!
Delete2:12 PM It is obvious Brancy channeling their 6 year old on a pop-sickle high wrote that. lol
DeleteWhat? Does she think going this far with her rant will get her back on fixed noise?
ReplyDeleteYes. And if it doesn't, she'll go even lower. That sounds like an impossible task but I have faith that Sarah will find a way.
Deletenah-she knows that megyn kelly has taken the place that ailes tried to create for her. megyn however actually is attractive, smart and can carry a show unlike the idiot and unwashed skank.
Deleteshe has no clue what the hell she is talking about and doubt she even understands any of it at all.
Oh's obvious that Ms. Dumber than a Box of Rocks is getting desperate for attention. Seems like she has to amp up the vile, off-the-wall nutiness more and more these days....and she still ain't gettin' much attention! If she is even mentioned in history, it will be as a psycho. Works for me!
ReplyDeletebecause she knows just like we know-roger ailes has megyn kelly so skank is toast. megyn got her own show and what a coincidence-skank stopped being interviewed. notice how megyn hasn't had her back on her show since the first week it aired.............go megyn- show that skank who prom queen is at faux news! cause it sure ain't skank!
DeleteThe fun part about Palin going off (or RAM) is that she most assuredly brings Da Crazy. Still not getting any attention from the Prez--huh Sarah?
ReplyDeleteShe is SCUM!
ReplyDeleteTreasonous Bitch is the correct term.
DeleteShh the quitter who abandoned Alaska is throwing a tantrum and yelling "look at me I'm an idiot". This is the way she lives vibrantly. The day she sits down and shuts up, there will be numerous celebrations across the world.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you could say that Sarah Palin is a deserter. She walked away from a duty which she'd sworn to carry out, and gave someone else the job of doing what she'd enlisted to do. She just didn't feel like performing her obligation, so she upped and quit.
DeleteYep, upped and quit for a corporation.
DeleteConsidering the number of Congress Critters who have made no secret of their desire to destroy this president, it would have been foolish to tell them ANYTHING beforehand. How many of the little KochSuckers would have run straight to Faux or Drudge.
ReplyDeleteBoy, are you correct 2:19! The WH showed them the video viewed by the POTUS and the top military (to assist in making their decision) - which was suppose to be classified!
DeleteAnd, what do you think some of the U.S. Congress members did immediately after the showing? They ran to the mikes and announcefd to the media their take on the situation - which, of course, was counter the POTUS!
In that category of godforsaken people were: Lisa Murkowski (AK), John McCain (AZ), etc.
John McCain is the LAST one that should be speaking negatively about this matter. He says one thing and then counters it the next day! Plus, he was a POW and squealed! Much has been written about him too that was not positive as a military man. He was a disaster as one and was a huge disappointment to his father who was high up in the military!
John drank, crashed military airplanes, ranked near the bottom of his military graduating class, married and divorced numerous times and on and on! The guy is a friggin' mess just like his partner in crime, Sarah Palin! Thank god President Obama beat the shit out of McCain in that election!
Here is a link to an excellent Kos diary with some very good points about Bergdahl's situation.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This needs to be spread around.
Yes, good article. Thanks!
DeleteThe distinction between AWOL and desertion are not as clear-cut as outlined in the Kos diary when a soldier is deployed in a combat zone. In effect, the soldier is always on duty. Leaving at any time without permission is AWOL, and it's potentially desertion since the duty avoided is hazardous by nature.
DeleteThe Vietnam war had no shortage of deserters. Most of those who were found or who returned voluntarily were dealt with leniently, unless treason was suspected. There were amnesty programs in place long after the war to enable deserters to return to the US. And in spite of what people keep saying, the military does leave some people behind.
Lots of speculation on this case, and here's mine: Bergdahl's case will be handled with administrative procedures, rather than court-martial. Because of his ordeal, he may even be given a general discharge, instead of other-than-honorable or the ultimate disgrace of a dishonorable discharge. This is assuming that Bergdahl is really what he seems to be at this point, i.e., a naive, well-meaning young man who's not cut out for military service.
Palin needs to be strung up from the highest tree! Treasonist! Anti-American! Fucking bitch!
ReplyDeleteSarah's tirade originally was written by a ghost, because the tenses and grammar are mostly correct. But then Sarah got her hands on it, and, oh, baby, she couldn't stop! The snide vitriol oozes from every sentence.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to suggest that we compose a list of Sarah Palin's most egregious or unwittingly hilarious, screeds. My nomination, from today:
"High on their newsroom pedestals, they’re looking down rhinoplasty noses on the rest of us...."
(I think this also is another one of her not-so-subtle anti-Semitic jabs.)
Yes, that is particularly nasty! I think she is referring to Katie Couric too. It must be hard to be Sarah Palin, filled with so much hate.
DeleteBlood libel. Nuff said.
DeleteAs long as it isn't a rhinoplasty chin it is cool.
DeleteSarah, Sgt. Bergdahl was brought up in a strict Calvinist -- Christian -- home. Can you show no christian charity for him?
ReplyDeleteI tried not to think of the Clintons as snakes but they're making it hard for me not to, they're very good at what they do, and if she runs in 2016 she will not get my vote, many times bubba sublimely put the knife in Obama's back, but hillary throwing obama's camp under the bus for $arah,,I'm done
ReplyDeleteWould you please be so good as to add some FACTS to your statement?
DeleteHillary threw the Obama camp under the bus? How when and where? "Bubba" stabbed the POTUS? With what? And again, when and where?
Unfounded statements only labels you a troll. Try backing it up with some facts if you want people to do anything except challenge you to prove it.
DeleteDo you even know what article you are responding to, doofus@2:40pm?
DeleteThe topic of the article in the lying idiot, Granny Grifter and her ghostwritten FecesBook tripee. Sarah hasn't a clue and neither do you.
Yeah, this is just the latest bandwagon that Sarah is jumping on. This is what she does. She finds something to latch on to so she can rant and rave and get attention. She's done it so many times it's laughable. And in it she interlaces her anger at the lack of attention she gets from President Obama. She is spittin' mad that he doesn't acknowledge her facebook screeds, her smarmy tv appearances and her lameass daughters' blog. She just gets nastier and nastier. Ramping up those dogwhistles for the Islamophobes in her base. She's off the charts sick in the head.
ReplyDeleteWow! That wonky eye, she looks like a rabid DOG. Someone PLEASE expose this skank and her family and give the rest of us a break. Talk about projection. Her husband wants to secede, and her parents still belong to that group, yet she calls a young kid in the heat of battle a traitor?? Looking at those flag draped coffins, remember when W refused to let them be recorded for TV? His bitch mother Barbara said "Who cares how many body bags there are today?" I would wager that the loved ones of the servicepeople in those coffins would gladly exchange their loved ones for Bergdahl. Chances are, the deceased felt the same way as Bergdahl did about this useless war for OIL. Remember Pat Tillman, and all the lies his "buddies" told about him and his heroic death, then it turned out to be friendly fire? His parents fought to get to the truth of his death. Palin is a used up piece of trash, a floosy, a waste of space. I LOATHE this person, I refuse to call her a woman since she has no qualities whatsoever. I hope she drowns in her own bile.
ReplyDeleteSarah's vodka-pickled liver is causing all sorts of age spots, and her poor general diet has reduced her muscle tone to non-existence. Sarah will not be with us much longer, pity the thought.
DeleteBless her heart.
There she goes again. Sarah has never been one to let the facts get in her way.
ReplyDeleteAnd The Cuntress strikes again.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, it is PRESIDENT Barack Hussein Obama you dip shit.
DeleteTalk about jumping a fucking shark. Jesus Christ, Sarah, smoke some more crack and relax and wait for what really happened instead of listening to a network and news sources not reporting the truth!
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah: 4 words: Obama will ignore you.
And that right there is the reason she is is screaming and stomping her feet with rage on the graves of American service men and women.
DeleteWhat Republicans Don’t Want You to Know: 500 + Detainees Were Released from GITMO Under Bush
ReplyDeleteRepublicans are acting as if Obama never should have done this. Senator Lindsey Graham is talking impeachment if Obama releases any more prisoners or tries once again to close Gitmo. Yet, in 2009, PolitiFact confirmed that “More than 500 Guantánamo detainees were released or transferred under Bush.”
And Reagan traded 1,500 missiles for hostages in 1986.
DeleteShe's a troll. She's competing for the I-hate-Obama-the-most Award and begging for a spot on one of the Fox News shows. Most of those engaging in these unprecedented, unprincipled, unethical, contemptible attacks over the prisoner exchange are playing politics. I think Sarah Palin may be different and may be stupid enough to actually believe the vile shit to which she signed her name.
ReplyDeleteAnd she's probably madder than hell that Track wasn't captured or killed in Iraq or Afghanistan so she could get some real media mileage. Yeah, I think she's that evil.
I agree
DeleteShe IS that evil
Yup, evil like you've never known evil.
DeletePoor poor $arah, bless your heart, President Obama has been on your case since Day One? He doesn't even THINK of you, baby, is that's what's bothering you? Once again, you prove your ignorance of foreign affairs. Might I remind you that prisoner exchanges have been going on for decades and decades? Even your precious saint Ronnie did, you moron. And gee, you yourself posted an "in Todd's and my prayers" for Sgt. Bergdahl just a few days before you QUIT your governorship. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? Just what WAS in that e-mail you got, hmmmmmm?
ReplyDelete'Doctor' Saxby Chambliss has already said Bergdahl didn't really look all that ill.
ReplyDeleteWell then, let's leave him in the hands of the Taliban. These people are unbelievable. I know we've said it before, but they really do want to bring down America just to get at this President. They are all traitors to this country.
Why aren't all the adult Palin children in uniform and protecting our red, white, and blue?
ReplyDeleteGranted, Track did a little driving for VIPs, and now is so drug-addled he's hopeless. He'd probably desert if he were in Afghanistan so he could be closer to the poppy fields.
But Bristol and Willow? They can shoot guns, right? They love the U.S. of A., right?
Get ye to a recruitment station tomorrow, young women, and put your words into action! So your mother can be proud of at least some of her children.
Exactly. To your first sentence. She putting being patriotic above everything, why isn't all her kids in the military?
DeleteI'd love it because President Obama would be their boss! Come on - Bristol, Willow and Piper (when you are old enough!) - join the military! Your Momma loves her some vets!
DeleteThose Palin girls can't pass a written test. Everything that they have done was done with 'a helping hand'.
DeleteAnd then let her tell the world how honorable it was to leave her child behind....oh wait, what? Oh sorry, I thought you would at least want your own child brought home....Oh? you need to play the victim....sheesh, at least she is consistent.
DeleteThis is quite possibly, the vilest, nastiest, most disgusting thing this traitorous piece of filth has ever thrown up on her facebook (notice I am not giving the illiterate dunce credit for writing it, just disseminating it). The ghostwriter who churned this out deserves to spend all eternity in hell right next to traitor Palin.
ReplyDeleteWrapping herself in the flag? She is grabbing the flags right off of coffins and rolling around in the dirt with them and then spitting on them.
How do you respond to filth like that without sinking to her level? I can only hope that like all of her vicious, lying, ignorant facebook rants, this one gets no play from actual media. She is getting more and more desperate for attention/$$$.
Roast in hell, John McCain.
DeleteSarah ... let's talk about deserters.
ReplyDeleteEvery boyfriend Brissy has ever had has deserted her. Maybe you need to figure out why this happens.
Doesn't the Palin cabal have a family friend named Jeremy Morlock who felt that murdering a few Afghan civilians and desecrating the dead bodies of a few others was the way to distinguish his 'military' career?
DeleteYet the rabid she-wolf wants us to believe an 'alleged' desertion ranks far worse than cold-blooded murder.
Senators Admit Leaving Classified Briefing On Bowe Bergdahl Early
Senator Rand Paul didn't even bother to show up. His ignorance has not stopped him from criticizing the President, of course.
DeleteThese bozos know that if they find out too much, and learn the delicate diplomatic nuances involved, then they can't slam the President as their handlers are telling them to do.
Rebecca Mansour, you'll never be anything but a big fat loser fuck with huge carcass to house all the Hate in your black heart. I look forward to the end of you.
ReplyDeleteShe is one huge piece of nasty, cut from the same cloth as palin.
Delete2 more bacon cheeseburgers and RAM is History. Maybe she can get a part in the new Batman movie as The Penguin.
DeleteSarah and her ilk are so high on their sense of patriotic superiority that they don't believe in second chances. So what if Bergdahl may have felt ashamed of some of the things his country did? So what if he abandoned his post?
ReplyDeleteDoes Sarah Palin think she's god almighty? Condemner of a young man who enlisted with good intentions? Is national patriotism SO important that you'd trade your faith in God for vendetta and vengeance against a young man? Didn't Jesus say we should forgive 70 times 7? Did he say forgiveness is not allowed for anti-american deserters? Did he say forgiveness is not for the Taliban? Did he say forgiveness is not for terrorists? Did he forgive Bristol for her promiscuity and having sex before marriage? Yes. And, He can forgive Bowe. And, YOU, Sarah Palin, have absolutely no say, no control, no voice, no influence with our Lord in Heaven, thank His Holy Name, when you stand before His throne, like Satan, and act like the accuser of the brethren. You, Sarah Palin, are a devil; and not a christian of the Holy Bible, or a lover of the brethren, of which Bowe is OF the brethren.
Get your soul right, Sarah Palin.
I thought she was for succession?
DeleteDeserting is a lot like quitting mid term...
ReplyDeleteShe did desert the folks that elected her to that office - no doubt about it!
DeleteWe should now call her the 'quitter a/k/a deserter' of AK! She no longer deserves being referred to as 'gov'!!
"Apparently Palin did not bother to read it however."
ReplyDeleteRead?? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Oh my. Someone was sure ranting and snorting and snarling and sneering and spitting and foaming at the mouth. I have just one question for her: "What date was your TWOBULL?"
ReplyDeleteThe answer to that question is more relevant than anything you fling from your twisted mouth, Ol' Demented One.
Someone swears an oath to serve for four years and then quits in the middle of her service. Yes, Sarah Palin, former half-term governor of Alaska. Sarah dishonored every person in Alaska who voted for her because she quit. She deserted. She did not serve her full term of office. Sarah fits the very description that she has been trying to pin on Bergdahl.
ReplyDeleteThere is someone else who joined an anti-American group for seven years. That would be Todd Palin, who was part of the Alaska Independence Party. They wanted to secede from the United States. That's not very patriotic.
As for our politicians lying to us, I give you Ronald Reagan, Oliver North and everyone else in the Reagan administration who was involved in selling guns to Iran in exchange for hostages. Then, they used the proceeds to fund another war in Latin American. They lied. The best that they could come up with was "Mistakes were made." No, they performed illegal acts and then they lied about it.
Since Sarah doesn't like people who lie to us, I suggest another look at the GWB Administration, who lied us into a needless war in Iraq. There never were WMD, despite the lies that Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld told. There was no smoking gun, no mushroom cloud, and in their case, more than 4,000 Americans lost their lives in that senseless war, along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. We ruined their country. And, they lied to us-- a far bigger lie than trying to bring home one POW.
As for POW's who say something anti-Amerian-- what about John McCain? To make the torture stop, McCain was videoed making anti-American statements, yet he wasn't left behind when he was a POW.
Sarah Palin writes that terrible stuff to get noticed. If Sarah is so worried about a marine (not on active duty) who entered Mexico with illegal weapons, maybe she had better rethink her philosophy of who gets rescued and who gets left behind. Come to think of it, Sarah has written a number of posts that quoted her version of the military ethos, never leaving anyone behind. She used this as an argument about Benghazi, but it doesn't apply to Bergedahl. For a quitter and the wife of an anti-American, Sarah is not the one to be throwing stones when she lives in such a glass house.
Plus, sister Sarah spoke/actual presentation to the AIP group when she was the gov of Alaska (before she quit!).
DeleteAbout the marine in Mexico who took in illegal guns! We are not at war w/Mexico! He is not a POW. He committed a crime! She has no fucking clue about a damned thing!
She truly is a fucking retard!
Sarah Palin is a loser in every facet of her life.
DeleteThis must be what Sarah is all spun up about:
According to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and supplied by a shady right wing “private intelligence” firm run by a guy who was convicted of lying to Congress and pushes false stories through Breitbart “News,” this is getting ridiculous.
hahahahaha, The Quitter is still bitter!
ReplyDeleteAnd that should be a bumper sticker.
I agree!
DeleteGood one!
DeleteSorry Palin, even that flipped-out rant won't get the distinguished President of the United States to acknowledge you. You may get a few bucks donated to one of your PACs. I'm so hoping it's enough for you to buy yourself a fucking clue.
ReplyDeleteGryphen: NOW would be a REAL GOOD TIME to reveal what you know about this traitorous skank that was almost a heartbeat away from the nuclear trigger!
ReplyDeleteDamn all your 'confidential' sources and torpedoes away! SINK HER BOAT ALREADY!!! Get the information out there and take no hostages. You do not need to name names, but GET THE FACTS OUT THERE, P L E A S E !!!!!!
I second this.
DeleteI third it, seriously, the time has come.
DeleteTotally agree.
DeleteDo we have to launch a petition for that, Gryphen?
3:17 She would NOT have been near the nuclear tigger! It would have been John McCain - he was the one that ran for POTUS and LOST, thank god!
DeletePalin ran for VP and she would not have had access to it at ALL! That is an item that is very much protected - in fact, they just had a TV special on the subject not that long ago That 'trigger' area as you state it - is very, very much protected by more folks than the POTUS!
(If my previous comment got through, which I'm not clear on, please disregard this one )
DeleteI've been thinking this for a while Gryphen. But if anytime was the time for her to go, this would be it. She needs to go down in flames! Please make it happen, if you can!
Enough is enough! Swift-boat the bitch!
Delete4:20 : that's why I said "a heartbeat away" - we all know that she would have been able to make McShame have a heartattack within the very first year.
DeleteThat bitch is Teflon. Please prove me wrong, Gryphen.
Deleteso what else is new. sarah's having another hissy fit for attention. and on the back of dead soldiers, for god's sake. she is beyond despicable. a sick and twisted one, she is. looking for any possible way to slam our president, and to rile up her base so that they send her more money so she can live off the ignorant rubes that lap up her toxic waste. she's pulling the islamophobe number by using the president's middle name. it's so damn obvious. what happened to her that she became such a hateful, vile, vicious excuse for a human being? it's just escalating as time goes on. she gets more and more unhinged with each day. is that the cocaine? or menopause hormones? or adderal? or alcoholism? these raging posts speak to such extreme mental illness and brain dysfunction, it's stunning to me that she isn't locked up somewhere under the care of mental health experts.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is longing for a replacement for Glenn Rice, and her tea party minions won't allow it. Sarah had a taste of the 'forbidden fruit' and she can't forget it.
DeleteFuck you to hell, Sarah Palin. Karma's a bitch...and she's got both of her eyes on you.
ReplyDeleteI hope the Bergdahls sue her for slander.
ReplyDeleteI will happily chip in to help cover their legal costs. She should be sued.
DeleteThat won't calm that frigid nasty piece of work down at all.
ReplyDeleteSarah, there's something about the game of golf -- played by every 20th c. President except FDR -- that drives you crazy!
ReplyDeleteI believe you think it's a stand-in for President Obama being lazy and not doing his job. In rebuttal, here are the number of vacation days, taken through the fifth summer of their
George W. Bush: 367 days.
Barack H. Obama: 92 days.
Thus we see that Mr. Obama has taken just 1/4 the number of days that Bush did.
Of course, Bush, like his father and Reagan, had their own various vacation homes or ranches, so when Bush went to Texas to "clear brush," or went to Maine to fish and boat and golf with his parents, his absences didn't seem as much like the vacations they were as it appears when President Obama has to rent a place to take his family for vacation.
No one shouted "How dare he play golf!" when Dwight Eisenhower was on the links.
I think you're just winking at your rabid La-Z-Boy fans, implying that the only way Barack Obama should be on a golf course is as a white man's caddy.
Well done and well said.
DeleteWell done and well said.
DeleteShe must read c4p, or chuckles jr fills her in because they talk about his golf playing all the time.
DeleteShe probably stuck her fist down her throat when she saw the picture of the Duck Dynasty guys playing golf without their Muslim beards.
Deletefukin' crosseyed skank can't come to her demise soon enough - until then a NFL pro level kick to her c-nt would suffice
ReplyDeleteI totally concur...especially your last statement!
ReplyDeleteWow. She has really gone over the edge. So much hate in her.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
What did she spew? Crap. That is all folks, but please fact check everything. Thank you Gryphen and others for fact checking all the time. I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteHiding behind FB posts, yep SfB I mean SP, no i don't. She can't even do a normal interview for God's sake!
How do we know it is really her spewing too? HIding behind FB, how silly.
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything about this story -- I just had a baby and don't want to ruin my mood with this negative shit -- but the little I have heard about this and the proganda portraying this guy as a baddie reminds me of Jessica Lynch and how the PR machine went to work to turn her into a hero when she really wasn't. To me, this seems like this is the same thing, only in reverse, where they're tearing him apart and making him into a boogie man.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your baby! Rest while the baby sleeps, and read some nice stuff to him/her. Make sure your baby will be well educated.
DeleteRachel Maddow covered the Jessica Lynch story beginning to end just the other night. It also reminds me of the Pat Tillman story.
DeleteYour new baby has one smart mama!
She's got it bad for Barack Hussein Obama, and no matter what she says or does, our classy president and first lady do not even acknowledge one Sarah Heath Palin.
ReplyDeleteWhy the Republican Party attracts provocateurs, faux martyrs, and grifters in droves.
ReplyDeleteIf you want money and attention, you could do worse than become a conservative provocateur. Right-wing resentment—stoked by impossible promises and harnessed through donations—built a fortune for Glenn Beck, a political career for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and a burgeoning media empire for the late Andrew Breitbart.
Poor sp, woke to just a tiny bit of reality, she lost McCain the presidency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMore realizations will set in honey.
ahem, we are in 2014 now honey.
$arah, please have your inevitable stroke and get it over with already.
ReplyDeleteSarah didn't write that.
ReplyDeleteHad to be RAM. No one else spews hate like that.
Agreed. $a®ah™ just rubber stamped her approval on this one.
Deleteshe's just all fucked up...
ReplyDeleteShe could use a little wrenching, has anyone seen todd?
DeleteAsk Obama if this little temper tantrum by the queen of grifting bothers him.He'll say "Sarah Who?"
ReplyDeleteThis is really bad. Shouldn't a soldier who served in combat at least get an investigation before he is labeled a traitor and condemned? He's still too weak to defend himself and even that is mocked by this lady. It is so clear that this is more about Obama hate than anything else. Absolutely no shame and no decency.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't a soldier who served in combat at least get an investigation before he is labeled a traitor and condemned?
Not if it's President Obama who is rescuing him. Throw him to the terrorists, no investigation or trial. This is America, don't you know. The NEW America.
Delete5:34 - With President Obama, it will always be "damned if you do, damned if you don't". You just know that if Sgt. Bergdahl had died in captivity, all these c-words condemning him would be weeping for a true patriot and demanding Obama's head on a platter.
DeleteA song request for the bitch in Wasilla:
She's only able to show that photo because Obama allowed it. Bush wouldn't let pictures of the returning dead be shown at all.
ReplyDeleteShe's utterly vile.
So is her picture: The snapping, snarling, yap dog that is Sarah Palin.
DeleteSarah projects so much and lives in such fear and hypocrisy you can smell it coming off of her.
ReplyDeleteShe deserted the people of Alaska so she's a little touchy about that. She gets pissy about people being un-American because Todd was AIP. She talks about tiny starlets when she weighs ninety pounds and hosts a television show. She screeches about how everyone should have a gun but can't actually shoot one. She wails about god but doesn't go to church. She is a constant hunchbacked scold to President Obama but it kills her that he doesn't acknowledge her.
I have to say today I almost feel sorry for her. It must be sad to have to strip all your clothes off at fifty to get attention.
Bravo! Well said!
DeleteSarah WHO?
ReplyDeleteSarah From Alaska.
DeleteWhy you want to hate on Todd so much?
ReplyDeleteTodd is inadequate, Sarah has been satisfied by more endowed companions.
ReplyDeleteThe Gay Tea Party Is In Trouble
Berghdal was a losing proposition for President Obama no matter which course of action he took.
ReplyDeleteHe would've been severely criticized if
Obama left one of our soldiers on the field of battle!
and instead he's being criticized for
"letting five terrorists go free in exchange for a traitor".
Our President is handling this "no-win" situation pitch-perfectly.
He made the right decision and is standing up to the screeching assholes (Hey, Sarah: if the shoe fits...) with no apologies.
Her shoes never fit,,,,,
DeleteRandall, you're a hundred percent right. Imagine if President Barack HUSSEIN Obama pulled out all the soldiers except Bergdahl. Now imagine the outrage from these crazy loons. President Obama is handling this perfectly.
DeleteWhether it fits or not, shove it up your ass, Sarah!
DeleteIs it really possible that one backwoods, illiterate, mentally unstable housewife from Alaska could be the undoing of humanity and civilization?
ReplyDeleteFor the past 5 years we have had more in fighting, violence and hatred of fellow Americans, lack of civility, and no progress in our govt.... and they say it's since Obama became president. I'm much more inclined to look at the Quitter Queen and even venture to say the fault all rests on her head. The blood is on her hands.
Nice legacy, Palin.
Sorry, but she's not the only racist in this country.
ReplyDeleteHere's some facts for the hopelessly stupid:
The five Afghanis that were released, have been held for 5 years or longer without any charges brought against them.
The war is coming to an end, and detainees cannot be held without charges against them.
Part of the military motto is, "Never leave a man behind". If he is a traitor, he will face court martial, here in America.
President Obama is not the first to release detainees. Can you say Bush 500?
Learn something, Sarahtard, I feel embarrassed for you.
Keep on overreacting, Mrs. Palin! America knows they made the correct choice in 2008 each time you open your big fucking mouth!
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I am sooo angry with you!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you never told us that Sarah served in Afghanistan with Sgt. Bergdahl 5 years ago!
I mean, she MUST have actually been there herself to witness everything since she seems to know all the details that the top brass of the military is still investigating. How could she possibly know exactly what happened if she wasn't right there?
I am amazed that she managed to fit in a stint in the Army somewhere in between the 2008 campaign, quitting her governorship, filming a reality show, having multiple plastic surgeries, appearing on Faux and caring for her children and grandchildren. What a superwoman and we didn't even know that she joined the Army too!!!
She's believing the crap written by World Nut Daily.
DeleteAnon @ 3:14 P.M. - forget it, Toad don't want any ass from her since she fucked Brad. No wonder he's a goddamn PIMP!
ReplyDeleteCalm down, Toots. I'm sure if the President hears about "your" loud little attempt to throw chum at your worshipers in the Low Gene Pond, he'll have a good chuckle. You KNOW he's prepared for the over-reactions of you and your unbalanced cohorts. BTW, dear, I think you need a bit of a vaca after expounding all "your" creative energy on rants over the past few days. I've booked a lovely room for you at the Bates Motel...
ReplyDeleteThe only positive (besides bringing a POW home) is that the Republicans are making it VERY clear that, while they are eager to send our sons and daughters off to war - said military personnel may be on their own should they be captured. Apparently, Republicans are just as eager to leave our kids behind (unless of course extractions are done by white Republican presidents (Bush) and maybe sweetened with some weapons trading) ala Reagan, Oliver North etc.
ReplyDeleteAs a Vietnam era veteran it makes me sick. We don't rescue our POWs and hostages because of who they may or may not be - we rescue them because of who WE are --- or at least who we used to be before Palin et al began to spread the hatred, sedition, and terrorism that seemingly has become all the rage. I've never been more ashamed of fellow Americans or prouder of a President.
Thank you.
DeleteHear that, $arah?
DeleteDouble Thank You.
Yes, exactly. So well said.
DeleteWonder why the fact that these terrorists will be held at Quatar for one year and aggressively monitored and the reason for that is by the end of the year most troops will leave Afghanistan and by 2016 all troops will be gone. never was mentioned in Palins facebook screed? Well those pesky facts may play a major part in the decision. Idiot that she is she can only think on one level and a leader needs to think on multiple levels and long term weighing out the situation, all she does is jump to conclusions without all the facts Idiot does not have access to priviledged info. This is her way of getting in the news and hoping Fox has her on with Inanity, i mean Hannity to blat about it, note she is never on a discussion panel with the half way smart she can't hack that even though she is a hack and that's all she is, a paid barking ankle biter.I believe the term for female pit bull is bitch.
ReplyDeleteDang $arah/RAM/Nancy-y'all need to calm down before you blow a gasket. Everytime you scream "off with his head" and everyone starts running around throwing ape shit the POTUS proves again that he is the grandmaster of political thinking. He is so many moves ahead of all of us that, generally speaking, none of us ate even on the same board, let alone playing the same game. Don't think for a minute that thisove hasn't been thought out and carefully planned (including knowing exactly what the right wing reaction to it would be). This is going to blow up in the faces of all of the acreaming idiots and then we'll be back to Benghazi and the VA- rinse and repeat.
ReplyDeleteNancy's getting paid double time and a half. She, also, too goes off the rails with her own rant vs. the POTUS as well as a redux of what "Mom wrote". I wonder when the personality integration begins for Beefaroni, Nancy and Sarah?
DeleteThey are screaming and hollering to appeal to Sarah's fans. They need to keep them anger and outraged in order to stay on Sarah's side. And, they need to keep them donating to Sarah's PAC.
DeleteLet's see how this works. Sarah is furious that the politicians in Washington lied. What do you call it when you pretend to be pregnant and present a DS child that you claim to have given birth to-- especially when you don't look pregnant, and there is absolutely no proof that you gave birth to the kid? Further complicating the story was Sarah's lie about leaking amniotic fluid and being in labor while flying for 12 hours (risking the life of the unborn child and the people on the airplane). We all know that it was a lie, Sarah, so stop accusing others of something that you have been doing. And, please stop insulting a soldier who may have deserted, while you were a quit-- you deserted Alaska. You walked out in the middle of a term of office that you swore to uphold.
ReplyDeleteyep - deserter she is.
DeleteSarah's a deserter from the responsibilities of raising her family and from the elected office of Governor of AK.
DeleteRAM, on the other hand, is a "desserter" after every meal with double portions on weekends.
RAM, wipe your face and you're excused.
Sarah, you suck at life.
Another aspect for the sane of us to consider:
ReplyDeletethe Guantanamo Five, who've been our prisoners since 2002, may not be trusted now by their Taliban brethren. What secrets did they divulge to the Americans?
Since they can't prove or disprove what they might have told us, they may never again be trusted with any Taliban business. Being in captivity for so long has neutralized them.
When the war is over, all of the POW's are returned to each side. We can't keep those guys in Gitmo forever.
Deleteto say she's a shameless twat is an insult to twats
ReplyDeleteCraven Palin and her miniscule coven of parasitic enablers are exemplary undead examples of the grotesque ... I apologize folks. I am just venting and these words came to mind.
ReplyDeleteWell it's Sarah we're talking about, was someone expecting something close to smart or civil? She's crossed the line from crazy to sedionly out of her mind to stark raving mad cray cray. What a beautiful photo to use to pimp dead soldiers to emphasize your bullshit. President Bush sanitized the war by not allowing the flag draped coffins to be publicly saluted and mourned on their homecoming. You using that photo on your facebook manifesto of ignorance and hate is a disgrace to their service. Where's the photo of your hot body in running shorts challenging President Barack Hussein Obama to a race? My money's on President Barack Hussein Obama, not Sarah Louise Paranoid Palin.
ReplyDeleteI hope, when all the facts are in, you and your ilk suffer the consequences of jumping to conclusions.
This was absolutely written by RAM.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the disgust over Track's friend's shenanigans?
ReplyDeleteThat's different. Track's friend is from Wasilla.
DeleteOh PLEASE, Sarah/RAM,please share with the crowd what the warrior-bodied Track did in Iraq for you to write such a grandiose screed. C'mon, we're waiting........
ReplyDeleteEat another cheeseburger and down another Big Gulp, RAM!
Snort another line, $arah.
"judge not, lest ye be judged likewise." Sarah here is one for you.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to maintain civil discourse with a raving lunatic. Sarah Palin is out of her gourd. I actually view her to be a public menace.
ReplyDeleteWhy would Toad even be interested in her? First off, can you imagine her in the nude and secondly, she is so bitter, cold and nasty. She's pretty unattractive for sex!
ReplyDeleteHey Palin. Go key President Obama's Presidential Limo,
ReplyDeleteslash the leather seats , stamp your feet and pout and get
it over with, you old jealous thing you! Do your "I'll show him thingy."
Aww, Facebook, that's sweet. Teens use it to communicate with their friends and enemies. Grandmas use it to get photos of their grandkids. Really, Facebook is not a political platform, I don't care if you are Sarah Palin or Barack Obama. It's just a trash heap of modern minutiae. I take points off for seriousness if anyone of substance uses Facebook or Twitter to communicate.
ReplyDeleteSocial media is a morass of stupidity. Should be ignored and passed by.
To all you people with negative comments against Sarah Palin, her son Track never abandoned his post and Sarah should be proud she raised a combat vet.
ReplyDeleteIf by "combat vet" you mean "being a chauffeur for an officer and never leaving the military base", then you are correct. Track was one hell of a chauffeur, but never a soldier. If one has to choose between enlisting and jail, one often chooses enlistment.
DeleteIf Track's mommy wasn't Sarah Palin he would have been on the frontline, given his lack of intelligence and emergency enlistment due to bad behavior, instead, Mommy got him a cushy job driving cars, yet she still calls him her "combat vet". It's probably a good thing that his father didn't live long enough to see what a fuck up he turned out to be. Track received a preponderance of the Heath genes and only a small dash of the Menard's. Very sad, he had a 50/50 chance of being an achiever, but instead he's just another crazy inbred Heath.
Track Palin is his own person. If he served honorably
Deletehe did it on his own. If he had followed his mother's example he would have deserted---you know, just like Sarah deserted the people of Alaska for money, book deals, reality shows, screeching for Fox.
Track had to enter the military or go to jail. Sarah and Toad told Trackmarks he "owed them".
DeleteWhat parents tell their kids to go risk their lives because "they owed them?"
Sarah WANTED Trackmarks to die in combat so that she could play up the grieving mother role forever.
Thing is, the kid wasn't fit for combat and good thing someone saw that.
Then, if Sarah Palin were a normal human being, she would be pleased that the young man is finally coming home. And she wouldn't be out there, in everyone's face, ranting against the President as she has done ever since McCain lost the race in 2008. It's really all about poor little Sarah who did not become vice president, although she did not have a clue what that position involved, and who is so consumed by jealousy of the President that she attacks all the time. Most of us are sick of it.
He certainly came home too many times not to have "abandoned" his post. Maybe with "special" permission?
DeleteHe was never in combat.
She didn't raise him. She sent him off to another state when he got in trouble in AK.
With all his drug problems, maybe she did raise him to be a meth head, just like she is one.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA Track is a Drug Addicted non-combat vet who was FORCED into the Alaska National Guard. It was either Jail or the National Guard. You are a fool if you believe anything else. Sarah LIED about Track Menard, Tri-g's birth, Bristol's pregnancies, and Willow's pregnancy. Her part time husband is a Pimp and Sex Trafficker. Sue me Sarah, BWAHAHAHAHA, I would love to see you in court.
DeleteTodd would turn himself over to Al Queda to be tortured before he'd get between the sheets with his donkey-faced wife.
ReplyDeleteHere's a suggestion, why can't we take all those prisoners from Gitmo and house them in Sarah Palin's compounds? Sarah has a furnished cabin in Alaska, two houses in her Wasilla compound and one house in her Arizona compound. It's not as if Sarah needs all those houses since she is always going to high school graduations.
ReplyDeleteMy suspicion is this in Palin leaping to be the most extreme outspoken one to create a resurgence of painting Obama as a terrorist and run with a script that he rescued a soldier who joined the Talibans. This is the new spin for Palin to use as her personal springboArd to reinvent her glory days
ReplyDeleteWell, people who know me know that besides faith and family, nothing is more important to me than money, I meant to say our beloved Alaska. Serving her people is the greatest honor that I could imagine.
ReplyDeleteAnd though it may be tempting and more comfortable to just kind of keep your head down and plod along and appease those who are demanding, hey, just sit down and shut up, but that's a worthless, easy path. That's a quitters way out.
I will not seek reelection as governor.
-Louise Sarah
Still dumb as bag of hair, I see 10:19PM
ReplyDeleteHe did not abandon his post and ummmm hey I know you are incredibly fucking stupid or you wouldn't be here every day thinking you can nag us into only writing wonderful, perfect things about the wonderful walking bucket of STD's you call a leader. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe it isn't Sarah fucking Palin's place to judge this man? It's always seemed weird to me that her son was enlisting JUST AS mommy was accepting the nomination for VP and we've never seen all the pics Track has from his army days because they don't exist. She is a heartless bitch to mock and attack this man and his family, using a picture of the coffins of men and women who gave everything to their country in a war that was all for a lie- to BEG FOR FUCKING MONEY! Pictures she never would have even been aware of had Obama not lifted the ban on these photos so the world could SEE clearly what you idiots have cost us with your lies and greed. President Obama doesn't know or understand our military.?! Sarah, HE is the one who has to go and receive these fallen soldiers, he has to talk to the parents and spend time comforting them. He didn't send them into those wars but he's gonna make sure they get out. If any wrong-doing was done TO us we'll deal with that later, but we do not leave our people to rot in foreign lands.
You're the same troll-tard who keep telling us we can't judge Sarah because we don't know her personally. She's a smug, arrogant, whiny braggart with a very unforgiving streak towards anyone she has perceived as attacking her. But she can sit her stupid ass on Fox and facebook platform all day lying her fucking ass off and disrespecting Obama who still to this day has never said an unkind word about her. She LOOOVVVEESS to pretend she has some kind of deep understanding of Obama's psyche or his intellect and thinking. I mean has this bitch EVER finished a sentence? And you're as bad as she is if not worse! How does it feel to be such an incredibly unintelligent and brain-challenged mongoloid that you think PALIN is smart? Whatever, you're both stupid and repulsive. Jesus please fuck off already.
+ 1,000,000
Delete*standing up, applauding* Brilliant rant!
DeleteAlso, our President is not only the smartest person in ANY room, he is also the most logical and compassionate. We are SO lucky to have him!
Sarah Palin is the "horror that is America".
ReplyDelete10:09 He was NOT a combat vet, never saw action, get over it. PayME lied about that also, too. They said he drove officers around, and that proved to be false, so what exactly DID he do? Peel potatoes? Was he even REALLY in the service, or was that another fabrication added to the many, many PayMe family lies. Show his discharge papers, Trig's birth certificate, Bristles kids birth certificates. No proof of anything comes from this lazy family, just lies all the time. Can't wait for the $$$$ to dry up, just like $carah is dried up. Her hate is draining her of any human decency, she is looking as VILE as she sounds.
ReplyDeleteThe photo she used was one of the ways product from the Afghan poppy fields was transported to America.
ReplyDeleteI recognize the above posted lost speech from Sarah Palin's Facebook, that's the "I hate Barack Hussein Obama" speech Sarah wasn't allowed to speak on stage in 2008. That is Sarah Palin's lost vice-presidential concession speech.
ReplyDeleteHey, $arahbitch! Here's a little something from your friend Andrew Sullivan:
Caint Get Right set the record straight. Be a man and tell us what you really did in the war?
ReplyDeleteIs it true Track cried on his way to the recruitment office? Was it Sarah or the Department of Law that made him go?
ReplyDeleteWhy is Sarah Palin waving the American flag?
Really, really enjoying her meltdown! can't wait until the Boys Will Be Boys movie comes out also, she will come unglued, meanwhile everyone needs to repost this everywhere especially her home turf of fb. this vile little c**t needs the world to truely see how vile ,nasty and traitorous she really is, granted this is another ghostwritten rant with her stamp on it but the more sane normal people that get this out there the less power this vindictive little skank will have in the media, we have to do all we can to stop this bitch and her ilk
ReplyDeleteMake John McCain put the kracken back into the depths of Hdes from whence it came. Gee whiz, enough already. Recork the bottle already you despicable pos. You have betrayed this country in the worst way and if people think one evil person cannot create a disaster in the world with their evil machinations, just look at Hitler. Hitler junior and Rebecca, the evil words witch need to be taken down many notches. Palin has been encouraging sedition since she first was unleashed. Someone, anyone, if you love this country, take her down, expose the fraud.