Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sarah Palin inserts herself quite aggressively into the jailed Marine in Mexico kerfuffle.

Former Marine Andrew Paul Tahmooressi
So Palin has decided that she is now the go between for the mother of Sgt. Tahmooressi and the authorities in getting the former Marine out of the pokey.

Here is little Miss Nosy Britches most recent Facebook post:  

As promised, here's the press release on the current situation with Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the U.S. Marine stuck in a Mexican prison for months now. 

Palin then links to this press release from Serving California, which is a Christian organization that counsels veterans, ex-offenders, and crime victims. (I'm not sure how many of those labels describe Sgt. Tahmooressi.)

The press release essentially chronicles the Marine's mother's attempts to get him a new lawyer, his struggles with PTSD, and of course Palin's "mother to mother" conversations with the mom.

Having read this document Palin's participation actually makes more sense.

It is the newest Right Wing cause celebre, which increases her conservative bonafides.

It concerns a soldier, so Palin gets to pander to the military.

The mother and son are very religious, and receiving support from Christian organizations, so Palin gets to check off that box as well.

And of course Palin gets to use the situation to attack the President again, and isn't that really its own reward?

Of course the facts that keep coming to the surface kind of take a big crap ( I know Sarah likes that word.) all over Palin's pity party parade.
The weapons and ammunition found in Sgt. Tahmooressi's truck.

Here is something posted last month by a blogger called Mexico Trucker: 

Former Marine Andrew Paul Tahmooressi did not enter Mexico by mistake, according to an article published Friday in the Tijuana newspaper ZETATIJUANA. 

Information obtained from a surveillance camera video showing Tahmooressi’s entrance into Mexico and investigations done on both sides of the border have led to this conclusion which is included in the investigative package that has been forwarded to the Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), Mexico’s equivalent to our Attorney Generals office. According to the report, this wasn’t the first time Tahmooressi had been in Tijuana and had “personal interest” in Mexico. The statement doesn’t specify when the previous visits to Mexico occurred, however, there is a heavy Marine presence in the southern part of California with Camp Pendleton less than 100 miles north of the border.

Tahmooressi was arrested on April 1, 2014 when he crossed into Mexico carrying a loaded .45 caliber pistol, AR-15 type assault weapon and a 12 gauge shotgun, as well as extra ammo clips and ammunition for all three weapons.+

He was charged with being in possession of firearms “reserved exclusively for military use” and faces from 6 to 21 years in Federal prison in Mexico if convicted.

And here is a little more from the same source:

The story changes with the time of day it seems. Some news outlets deem it prudent to stick with the story of how he was driving to San Ysidro to meet friends for dinner. Nothing said of Mexico. When truth be known, Mr. Tahmooressi had spent the day carousing around in Tijuana on foot. 

He left his late model Ford F-150 pickup with his belonging in the back seat in garbage bags and the weapons, an AR-15 assault rifle, a 12 ga. shot gun and a 1911 Model .45 Caliber pistol in the vehicle, parked in a public parking lot on the border while he went partying. Not very responsible of him. These are the weapons he had in his possession when he was arrested and charged.

Fox News and all of their pundits deliberately overlook the fact that Mr. Tahmooressi had 400 rounds of ammunition for these weapons in his possession, further complicating things for him. He also had extra clips for both the assault rifle and the .45 in his possession. Nobody with the least bit of common sense would say that this was for his personal protection. It’s also notable that possession of these weapons and transport of these weapons is a felony in California. 

If the statements made by Mexican Trucker are accurate, and he seems to know what he is talking about, then Sarah Palin's little military angel is really a PTSD suffering, wild child, who may have been transporting weapons into Mexico for the purpose of sale.

Another thing that is completely being ignored is that according to the head of Mexican Customs in Tijuana, Tahmooressi "Never, and I want to say this categorically, never did he say that he had made a mistake."

A mistake, by the way, that seems virtually impossible since THIS is the entrance to Tijuana, Mexico.

Seriously, how could anybody really be expected to notice that?

Another day, another example of Sarah Palin throwing her support behind a liar, criminal, or deviant.

Or, in this case, perhaps all three.


  1. abbafan4:37 PM

    What the fuck would one expect? The retarded village idiot comes from a coven of liars, criminals, and deviants!

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      You need happy pills.

    2. A. J. Billings2:23 AM

      I am always amazed and have to laugh at Palin's pathetic ghost written blather on Facebook and Twitter.

      Does she really think that President Obama, or his staff, or anyone in the executive branch of the government cares one damn thing about what she writes?

      The Wicked witch of Wasilla is showing her utter narcissist personality disorder by her fantasy that something she writes on facebook has any interest for people in power.

      $arah, here's a little tip for you: You blew it big time.

      You blew it when you revealed to the nation that you didn't know what the VP did all day, and got the answer wrong on national TV.

      You blew the Katy Couric interviews so badly, that McCain's crew decided to keep you shut up like a nun in a cloister

      You blew it completely when you tried to keep Todd's AIP membership a secret and Steve Schmidt had to swat you like a fly.

      You completely wrecked you reputation in Alaaaassska by lying, ethics violations, acting like a diva, pandering to the ultra Christian right, and the final death knell was QUITTING your sworn duty to serve as Governor.

      We know the reason you quit was a horrific scandal, and to avoid it, you quit, and lied about why you were doing it.

      $arah, you are like a mosquito, flitting around the people in power who are governing, and working for the country every day. You have no power, no influence
      and you've spread hatred, racist language and nasty rhetoric in your path since 2008.

      You are doomed, and destined for karma to bitch slap you hard, so you WILL have to finally sit down and shut the hell up forever.!

    3. abbafan4:28 AM

      8:32 - as a matter of fact, I DID take happy pills this morning! Did you take your RU-486 pills, willblow?

    4. Anonymous6:12 AM

      8:32 Troll, are you playing with your 2-toned Palin Dildo again? Are you experiencing a Palin Orgasm while viewing their pictures on your wall, STALKER?

    5. Anonymous9:52 AM

      "You need happy pills."

      This from the most miserable, self-righteous, no-life-having turd on the internet LOL

      But seriously, are "happy pills" what you take to keep from killing yourself due to the realization that you are worthless, preachy, hypocritical, functionally retarded, and no one gives a fuck about you? Telling the truth and having an opinion isn't slander, dipshit! You wanna hear some fucking slander, pull your head out of Sarah's ass, clean the shit out of your ears, and watch any of her gajillion speeches or whine-fests on Fox. I know it's hard to stay awake during one of her appearances, and apparently she even puts YOU to sleep, or you would know that lying, slandering and nonsensical babbling is how Sarah rolls.The way she talks about President Obama is VILE and she slanders his wife, too. Without cause, without any wrong-doing towards her, she has viciously attacked and mocked Barack and Michelle, since day one. All for committing the deadly offense (at least, in that wind tunnel she calls a brain) of being better, smarter, more popular, classier, more respected, and more privileged than she is. It's also pretty clear they share a strong love and family devotion that Palin could never hope to experience. She is so jealous and bitter that she will hate the Obamas until the day she dies. So go preach to her ya fucking troglodyte, maybe before she gets any more people shot?. You are so pathetic.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Please straighten something out for me: is this man on active duty, or has he been discharged, and is a veteran?

    My husband was a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, honorably discharged, but no one goes around calling him "Lt. Jones." He's just plain "Mr.," just like the rest of all us civilians.

    This case is murky enough, with all the fact-lets being thrown around, to make it more confusing to call the man a "Marine," when he once was one but is no more.
    Calling him a Marine captured by a foreign government is a deliberate lie. He's just a plain old fool who, it appears, wanted to sneak weapons and ammo into Mexico so he could sell them. Whether or not he'd been a shoe salesman or a Marine in a previous life makes no difference at all.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Whoever is doing his PR and lying their butts off for him is thinking of public opinion and a fund drive. The only way he can get out of a sentence in Mexico is to have the money his case is worth to them.

      Sarah needs to go the whole 9 yards for her "mom to mom" act and promote and participate in funding his court costs.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      He is not on active duty. Discharged. A veteran.

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      A Marine is always a Marine, period. It is a Corps thing (I was married to a Marine for over 20 years).

      However, this guy is an idiot. I'm from so. California. In the 70's a friend of a friend got caught with drugs and a weapon in TJ...he was toast....anyone that knows the area and knows TJ (Baja California) knows the rules.

      And MARINES are discouraged from going to TJ. They are warned about drinking, drugs, prostitutes, etc. More importantly they are informed that: they have NO AMERICAN RIGHTS once they cross the border.

    4. "A Marine is always a Marine, period. It is a Corps thing (I was married to a Marine for over 20 years). "
      This is true. I too was married to a Marine for over twenty years. He retired with 21 years in. You were always expected to uphold Marine principles and standards.

      But the "always a Marine" applies only in regard to other Marines. As far as the rest of the world goes, you are Mr./Ms. Jones, a shoe salesman, manager, whatever, if you are no longer on active duty.

      There is no reason for the media to refer to him as "Sergeant." He is not entitled to any special status, standing, or rights based on his military background.

    5. Anonymous9:23 AM

      One: " It is a Corps thing" applies to "other Marines."

      Two: Granted, the use of Sergeant should be prefaced with an "EX". But to say he is "not entitled" is weird to me. He "was" (in non-marine language), a military man, he "was" a sergeant. Those are descriptive and give us some (and I do mean some) background info. No different than saying "he was a gang member" blah, blah, blah.

      Three: Bottom line is Palin is ONLY involved in this because of his military background. If he was, an 'EX" (anything else) she would not be involved.

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I think I know why Sarah Palin has so much interest in Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. Looking at the picture posted above, this guy is a tattooed warrior combat vet like Sarah Palin's son Caint Get Right

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      CAIN'T GET RIGHT is still not right. Sarah Palin avoids saying anything about her drug addicted son Track Menard.

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      He is Track-like.
      Marine Reservist Andrew Tahmooressi, 25

    3. Anonymous8:16 PM

      The attorney said the case is even more complicated because it involves two federal governments and different law enforcement agencies.

      “You’re basically asking the U.S. government to tell the Mexican government, ‘Please don’t press charges on this person even though he broke your laws,’” he explained.

      And, though leaders and Tahmoressi’s family are doing all they can to set him free, Nasseri said that right now, it’s really a waiting game.

      “Unfortunately, he’s just to have to wait,” said Nasseri. “A little bit more time until the U.S. government and the Mexican government can get situated with each other and a resolution can be found.”

    4. Anonymous8:33 PM


      Track is one of the best examples of a man and father you will meet. But thanks for showing YOUR true ugly colors.

    5. Anonymous9:54 PM

      >>Track is one of the best examples of a man and father you will meet.

      Oh please. Any father who chooses his guns over family is no man or father that I'd ever hold up as an example. We're not buying it, troll.

    6. Anonymous6:07 AM

      8:33 Track is no Father, he is an unemployed drug addict and a Mama's Boy. Kyla is Bristol's DWTS Baby, and you know it.

  4. I think I know all of one person under 40 who doesn't have at least one tattoo. When any trend reaches that saturation level, then getting one isn't being risky or daring, it's genuflecting to conformity itself. To me, they're now so commonplace, they're like billboard clutter along the highway you try to mentally tune out.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      So what you are saying is that if I am an African American man with daughters then I shouldn't worry if several guys from the Aryan Brotherhood nation rents the house next door. I only need to mentally tune them out because they are not risky or daring?

    2. (5:19 No I'm not saying that, because I didn't read the article before I reacted. I just saw that inked torso -ugh- and blew the same mental fuse.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Have you seen the shoulders and chest of a 70 year old man? Those tats will be delightful on dry wrinkled skin. I think people who get tattoos have a death wish- die young before the upper arm skin is drooping over the elbow.

    4. Anonymous5:57 PM

      When I was young a friend's mother had a tattoo. I thought she was the oldest thing, in her 40s. It was an old tattoo and the ugliest faded mess. I have had a visceral reaction ever since. Strange they do come off as conformance now.

    5. Anonymous8:20 PM

      How many Palin women have the Queen of Spades tattoo? Sarah?

    6. "Have you seen the shoulders and chest of a 70 year old man? Those tats will be delightful on dry wrinkled skin."
      I remember a comedienne who advised ladies not to get a pretty hummingbird tattoo on their perky young breasts because it would look like a California condor when they were 70.

  5. If Sarah Palin and this guy's mother and all the bleeding hearts get their wish and this guy is extradited back to the United States, won't he be charged with that possessing-and-transporting-assault-weapons felony, perhaps go to trial and be convicted and imprisoned?

    Is that what Sarah wants? A "victim" of the legal system, albeit one that probably will get more justice than some other folks we can name.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Sarah wants to be relevant and have favor with military cred. She was once Commander in chief and her son, yadda yadda. This may yet morph into fundraising. She would get her take.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      No need for Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi to worry about coming back to the good old USA and facing charges for transporting illegal firearms. Sarah would just get her lawyer to represent this soldier and he will never see a day behind bars.

    3. Anon 5:29. Palin will NEVER use her money to help anyone. Are you kidding. It will be someone else's money.

    4. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Just send your money to MEE and I'll send it along to my latest warrior body. Bitchcunt.

    5. abbafan6:24 PM

      Anon @ 5:29 P.M. - I wouldn't count on the simple moron to do anything for this guy. Remember the palin mantra - "what's in it for us"? Besides, the bitch turned a blind eye to the young Morlock when he needed help, but got her snot-nosed delinquent punk kid off the hook for vandalizing the Morlock house with her buddies. Unfortunately, the buddies took the rap!

    6. Oh, KaJo, this is Palin we're talking about. Thinking ahead? Thinking things through? Thinking logically?

      Looking past the end of her Pinocchio nose? Considering the law of unintended consequences?

      "Is that what Sarah wants?"
      I think it is safe to say that Tundradunce hasn't gotten quite that far in her super awesome this-will-take-down-the-President plan.

  6. PalinHoax5:19 PM

    I have to say, the boobs on this former marine's chest look naturally bigger than the ones on the Ol' Chesticled One, until she straps on her balloons.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Todd is that you?

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    This is the description given for the blogger writing these articles:

    35 years in the trucking business and living in Mexico for the past 15 years, make me uniquely qualified to offer my insight and opinion into the Mexican trucking industry and other border issues. A contributor to SiriuxXM Road Dog Channel 106 and to the award winning Lockridge Report, Mexico Trucker Online continues to publish the unvarnished truth about the subjects we cover.

  8. Anonymous5:49 PM

    So now Jill’s baby boy has himself a real ‘mob lawyer”, for all the good it’s going to do.

    Even mama Jill is all hyped up and using mob terminology as evidenced in the statement she gave to Fox News this afternoon.

    Jill Tahmooressi, said Wednesday that following the advice of California defense attorney Phil Dunn, she has hired Mexican attorney Fernando Benitez Alvarez del Castillo.

    “I’m comfortable that I now have a competent attorney to represent Andrew,” Tahmooressi told

    Dunn has assumed the role of consigliere for Tahmooressi after two previous failed attempts at lawyers.

    Shades of Michael Corleone! What’s next? Will Judge Octavio find a dead horse dressed in Marine blues in his bedroom soon?

    This post is part of the thread: US Marine Andrew Paul Tahmooressi – an ongoing story on this site. View the thread timeline for more context on this post.

    US Marine Andrew Paul Tahmooressi

  9. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Sarah is using this guy to get attention for herself. She has no idea about the different versions of his story. She just knows the buzz words: Marine arrested in Mexico, PSTD, weapons were purchased and registered legally, guy was on an unmarked road at night and the next thing he knew, he was in Mexico. That's her story and she is sticking to it.

    The original story was that Tahmooressi was suffering from PTSD and he could not get an appointment at a VA Hospital in Florida where he lived. San Diego is not the nearest, next best hospital, but that's where he headed. Some how, visiting across the border, hanging out with friends in Mexico, maybe there's a gal involved, he had been back and forth across the Mexican border before. What ever happened to the VA excuse? You don't visit Mexico to be seen by an American VA hospital if it's the PTSD that brought you to California.

    The highway is clearly marked. He had been there before on foot. The signs plainly warn not to bring weapons or ammunition into Mexico. It doesn't matter if they were legal in the States. They were not legal in Mexico.

    The problem for Sarah is that she has taken up this story as a way to heckle President Obama, who clearly has far more important international situations to deal with. Sarah hopes to attract some attention for herself, maybe raise some money for his mother to pay a lawyer, and no small coincidence, Sarah's BFF, Greta, has also been on the case, trying to show how easy it is to get in the wrong lane and ooooops, oh, I didn't mean to go there, look, I'm in Mexico. Sarah has so few ways to attract attention and heckle the President. This is all that she's got right now. How sad.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Sarah and several others are using Tahmooressi's dilemma to further their own agendas. It's definitely the right winger cause celebre at the moment.


    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      I read some of the comments on her FB page. Yes, many of her followers compare this to immigration. They think President Obama is moving children from Mexico around and ignoring a US Marine. They also are indoctrinated with the Bergdahl comparison. It makes total sense to them. If only he would free a Marine in exchange for aliens, or he needs to be impeached (the nicer solution to their perceived problems). Right Wing propaganda does have it's share of believers. Oh yeah, they need 2016 Sarah to clean up the messes. Like she is going to run, $end her money as soon as you stop praying.

    3. Anonymous3:20 AM

      8:09, I know you're saying the truth, but it makes my head hurt. Bergdahl, an active-duty soldier on duty in a war zone, ended up in enemy hands (just how is not clear yet) and was held and tortured for five years. Tahmooressi is a former-Marine who was proven by hotel receipts and credit-card transactions to be roaming back and forth across the border--was he selling guns? Why else would he need 400 rounds of ammo and multiple guns (he only has two hands--can't shoot any more guns than that!).

    4. "Sarah hopes to attract some attention for herself, maybe raise some money for his mother to pay a lawyer, "
      I think you can end the sentence right after "attention for herself." She doesn't give a flying whoop if the mother has enough money for a lawyer and would probably resent any money raised in responses to her caterwauling going anywhere except SarahPAC.

  10. Anonymous6:01 PM

    That Marine looks like he's ready to breast feed.

    1. sewnup6:31 PM

      ...and after he royally screwed up he has his mommy and Sarah-Look-How-Wonderful-I-Am looking out for him. A real he-man Marine, huh? I can see why the Marine Corps is not making loud noises on his behalf....what a monumental embarrassment he is.

  11. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Isn't the US state dept working on this? I would imagine they are. So why would she screw it up?

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Because she is Sarah Palin. Ask John McCain who screwed up his presidential bid.

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Who needs the State Department? Congressman Duncan Hunter wants to Invade Mexico and rescue U.S. Marine in Tijuana

    3. Maple8:52 PM

      So much for the GOP being the law and order party. The guy broke the law period. Full stop.

      OR... is it that law and order only applies to the U.S. and who cares what happens when American citizens go abroad and break the law? It's not as though he hadn't been warned of the consequences...

    4. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Maple at 8:52 pm. Maybe the "law and order" thin gee doesn't apply to a white guy with lots of guns and ammunition. It's hard to tell with Sarah. Anything that she thinks might embarrass President Obama is a good cause to her mind.

    5. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Maple, He broke US laws but didn't get caught in US. In the San Diego area when they catch former military with loaded arsenal and ammo do they just let them go? Would that be a domestic terrorist? Homeland security would say so what, he was a Marine?

      Sarah and the sub-humans, how about respecting our neighbor's laws and enforcement?

  12. Have driven over the border dozen of times...never once could you have taken a wrong turn!
    SIGNS: You are now Leaving the United States of America. ..blah are now in Mexico.
    Pretty hard to take a wrong turn, especially with that type of weaponry.
    Bless his heart though for being so patriotic.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      I live about an hour north of the border but have never crossed into Mexico. Don't they stop everyone to check for a passport?

    2. They don't check your passport when you enter, but on the way back you have long lines to get back home.
      Interesting though the Mexican Gov. have Federal especially that STOP everyone at check points and toll roads when traveling throughout the country.

    3. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Thanks for the info, Tyroanee.

    4. I too have used that crossing many times - used to vacation there. Numerous large warning signs and time to turn off before you cross. And Mexican authorities do check each vehicle that crosses - not always thoroughly. Lots of checkpoints along the north- south highway down the Baja Peninsula, but not in Tijuana.

  13. Anonymous6:13 PM

    As usual, the idiot is jumping on the WRONG bandwagon! She needs to be taken out into a field somewhere and left there! How about one in Mexico? We'd be assured never to hear from her again!

  14. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I can buy that he ended up at the border by accident but there's no way he didn't know it was illegal to take the weapons into Mexico. I don't understand why he didn't stop and tell the guard he didn't intend to enter Mexico. Wouldn't they have allowed him to do whatever was necessary to turn around?

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      He was in possession of a hotel receipt in Tijuana. So, he had been gallivanting about. He KNEW he was in Mexico, and he KNEW he had loaded weapons with him. As a Marine, he also KNEW he was not supposed to take any weapons into Mexico.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      He was also high as a kite. Not only the booze.

  15. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Sarah Palin has been relegated to Nowhere Land. Her cohort, Bristol/Nancy, once did the light stuff. Like ask the President to go all over the planet to rescue Christians from jails in foreign countries. Now poor Sarah is stuck with that job. Oh Please, President Obama fix her latest cause célèbre. Our troops have nothing else to do, it would take care of so many problems to go into neighboring Mexico and rescue a good Christian son. The only other way is to do a back room deal like anyone with money would do.

  16. Why does The Screechy Wretch(tm) refer to his weapons as "registered", as if to suggest his intentions were more innocent than if he were caught with "unregistered" firearms? The whole thrust of the conservative masturbatory gun-worshipping cult is that registering, licensing or otherwise declaring ones guns - other than brandishing them in a fast food restaurant - is an evil act unto itself. How then can carrying registered guns be considered exculpatory in this case?

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    2. Anonymous12:58 AM

      They may be registered in the US,but they sure aren't in Mexico.

    3. "Why does The Screechy Wretch(tm) refer to his weapons as "registered"
      Because she is a moron.

  17. Anonymous6:25 PM

    So the clown who is the epitome of habitual lying thinks she has the clout to get this tatted gun toting loser freed, eh? hey Sarah, go fuck yourself! He'll rot in the TJ jail until the Federalies say so!

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      I say the bikers are the ones to get him out.

  18. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Each time Palin involves herself in something she has no clue about reminds me of a male dog piss marking its territory.

  19. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Sarah is it true that you rode Glen Rice when Todd was your boyfriend?

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Is it true that Sarah rode Curt Menard and Brad Hansen while Todd was on the North Slope.

  20. Anonymous7:04 PM

    BREAKING! Lawrence is coming back! Can't WAIT to hear his commentary on current events!

    A Bearded Lawrence O’Donnell Announces MSNBC Return Date on Maddow

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      In an exclusive interview, the MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell reveals how he survived a head-on car crash, and why afterwards he cut himself off from the negative litany of the news cycle.

      “What a stupid way to die,” Lawrence O’Donnell thought to himself.

  21. Anonymous7:10 PM

    OMG Sarah.
    STFU you bitch.

  22. Anita Winecooler7:13 PM

    Sarah's such a moron. That's NOT how people set their tables here or in mexico. Once again, she's frustrated, fact free, and full of shit. The mother and the prisoner are Christians. I wonder if Sarah would feel, er, fill the same amount of empathy if a person from another religion had their name posted with gun sites on "Facebook"? Or if they happen to be Muslims, Rastafarians, wiccans, or Atheists?

    "WTF? Someone hire him a translator"!
    Go back to picking your weeds, crazy lady.

  23. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I stubbed my toe in Cabo San Lucas and President Obama won't send Obamacare Ambulence to rescue me. I was a Boy Scout!

  24. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Well, I've been reading that blogger, Mexico Trucker, for a while now and there is NO question my mind that he knows what he's talking about. The more I read, the more I'm convinced. This blogger is on top of facts and figures, has details and insight and experience that he completely validates him and his blog.

    Sarah is riding on the back of a guy who is most likely a small time gun runner, thinking he could get around the laws of Mexico. He is in no way innocent, though clearly brazen, and stupid. It's not the first time he's done this, and gotten away with it, which is WHY he was so brazen about it. He got greedy and thought he had a good thing going, and got cocky and careless about it. There's a mexican woman in the mix, most likely she's working with the cartels and pulled this idiot in on the deal. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is happening, former troops with access to firearms, traveling over the border to drink and party and cartel women seduce them and convince them with sexual prizes and attention to bring american arms over the border, which eventually end up in the hands of the cartels.

    He's the one who got caught. And probably, like I said, after successfully crossing the border with weapons a few times before, he got cocky and careless.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      No drugs are involved?

  25. She really is cold fucking stupid isn't she? I don't think she's that good at manipulating facts, she is slow, how the fuck she got this far??? She acts like a complete twatwaffle because she senses there is something that's not right about her.
    Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods and "Jill" should call on the fine fit and mentally alert patriots of Operation American Spring for a "rescue op!" They're not too occupied at he moment:-)

  26. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Gryphen, new show you might like to know about is starting tonight.


    Dominion is an epic supernatural drama set in the near future. Specifically, 25 years after "The Extinction War," when an army of lower angels, assembled by the archangel Gabriel, waged war against mankind. The archangel Michael, turning against his own kind, chose to side with humanity. Rising out of the ashes of this long battle are newly fortified cities which protect human survivors. At the center of the series is the city of Vega, a glistening empire that has formed from the ruins of what was once Las Vegas.

    20 years after evil angels descended from Heaven to lay waste to the human souls they felt God had favored over them, a reluctant “savior” must arise to protect Vega, the last remaining stronghold of humanity. The savior has more to fear than just angels, as the elites of this new society conspire to gain power for themselves.

    Season 01, Episode 01 – “Pilot”
    A soldier learns he is the “chosen one,” destined to lead humanity and end the devastating war with the angels once and for all in premiere of this supernatural drama.

  27. Anonymous7:40 PM

    whatever the truth about this guy, the Palin curse is now upon him, and too bad for him. she should've left well enough alone

  28. Anonymous7:52 PM

    The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Palin really found herself a crusade. Here's a man who really knows how to stand up for his Second Amendment Rights. He is a Marine and you know how much she loves a body in uniform. Christian tattoos just like Track! WOW!

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      I don't think that they recognize our constitution as the rule of law in Mexico. There goes those 2nd amendment rights.

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Thank God that Sarah Palin did not end up as vice president. She has absolutely no understanding about the role of "borders" in this world. Sarah, different countries have different laws. Heck, different states in the US have different laws. How stupid is this woman? And how could John McCain have attempted to foist her upon the rest of us? Upon the world?

    3. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Johnny Mac was able to foist her upon the electorate because he, like Palin, has no soul and has lived a life of fakery on the backs of others. His little protege didn't have a legacy military career to fall back on but she had little competition in sparsely settled Alaska and had fewer people to fool. Neither of them cares one iota for anyone or making a positive effort for humanity and both are willing to do anything for a 'title'. Anything.

  29. Anonymous8:05 PM

    "Another day, another example of Sarah Palin throwing her support behind a liar, criminal, or deviant."

    ...that's because she's all three.

  30. Anonymous8:21 PM

    "Another day, another example of Sarah Palin throwing her support behind a liar, criminal, or deviant." -- Gryph
    Remember, IMers, Queen Heifer only switched her political affiliation to Republican in order to run for office. She is AIP all the way. "Keep up the good work," opening their meeting. Remember the pic on the Heath porch of Creepy Chuck Sr. and Sally with the Schaeffer Cox crowd in fatigues?

    The GOP knows exactly who and what she is and kicked her OUT. We ALL see it, and no amount of trolls here calling us names will ever change the fact that we'see right through it. She's one crazy loon and done politically.

    Thank you, Gryph, for a delicious smorgasbord of topics today!

  31. Anonymous8:27 PM

    It's hilarious a woman who couldn't name one written news source she read in an interview leading up to being the losing Republican VP candidate in 2008 now spends her days trolling the internet for stories to attach herself to. How Low Can She Go???

    1. Anonymous10:50 PM

      Sarah has nothing else to do.

    2. Anonymous1:54 AM

      Sarah lives in the gutter so she doesn't have to "go low". She just wallows around looking for filth to latch on to.

  32. Anonymous8:29 PM

    It's sad how easily democrats use people. A mother talking to a mother is a good thing in today's world.

    1. Anonymous1:30 AM

      Seems both these mothers are delusional about their children.

    2. A. J. Billings3:20 AM

      Troll idiot>>> why do you think everyone on IM must be a "democrat"?

      Is your bible based world so small and insular that anyone not a $arah worshiper has to be an evil librul?

      Many of us on here are independents, and even conservatives!

      You are just delusional and stuck on Palin stupid, which is truly pathetic

    3. Anonymous5:54 AM

      8:29 2 incompetent Mothers talking to each other about their Criminal children and how to get them out of jail is a disaster. At least this EX-MARINE can't opt to JOIN THE MILITARY to get out of jail like Track Menard Palin did. That ASSCLOWN was 'gun running' in Mexico, and he got caught. He will get what he deserves. Sarah Palin can't read the facts before jumping on a bandwagon for publicity.

    4. Anonymous5:58 AM

      A mother talking to a mother is a good thing? Does Sarah Palin talk to Michelle Obama? Does Bristol Palin talk to MRS. Sunny Johnston? Does Willow Palin talk to other mothers?

    5. Palin is no mother.

    6. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Mom to Mom can be a good thing or it can be more crap. If my wayward child went wrong in a foreign country I would be desperate and might do about anything, including a Mom to Mom with Palin, if I believed that was the only hope. I can give the gun runner's Mom a break. Understandable she could be out of her mind, delusions may be all she has to hold on to at this time.

      Sarah is just doing what she always does, using someone for her own purpose and demonstrating her total ignorance.

      I don't know how the legal system in Mexico will view this particular case. In other incidents an American with money gets the right Mexican lawyer and a deal is made. He would be in a Mexican jail about 9 months to a year. Each case has a monetary value. With all the rich Republicans involved I don't think Tahmooressi will go cheap.

      What would concern me is if Homeland Security is not doing their job and scrutinizing all his friends and contacts et al. He is a domestic terrorist (alleged) and his contacts do matter. Will Mexico have a terrorist return to freedom in the US for the right price?

  33. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Do you ever get tired of creating propaganda and using people for a couple dozen people who actually believe you're honest?

    1. Anonymous2:59 AM

      Do you ever get tired of looking like a full blown idiot?

    2. Anonymous5:47 AM

      8:30 PM Do you ever take a break from Trolling for Palin?

  34. Anonymous8:31 PM

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Anonymous8:31 PM
      HAHAHAHAHAH..thanks for that photo post. Those people can't spell or write properly, but the thing that's most werid is that they think they are the GREATEST.

  35. Anonymous8:33 PM

  36. Anonymous8:36 PM

    In Gryphen's world, no democrat shall be questioned, ever. Legitimate, unprompted questions are unfair. When a democrat ramble incoherently repeatedly at a rally, it's because ... oh wait, you've never given a reason for stupidity in your own party. You ignore it.

    A democrat shall never be considered wrong, even as they lie every day to your face.

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      8:36: What the fuck r u talking about?

    2. Anonymous12:54 AM

      Stop rambling incoherently.

    3. PalinsHoax5:39 AM

      Hey wait a minute! When did a Democrat stuff a pillow up their shirt, pretend to be pregnant, concoct a "Wild Ride" adventure and have a TWOBULL to boot?

      Tell me.

    4. Anonymous5:46 AM

      @8:36 PM Are you Drunk? WTF are you trying to do?

    5. Anonymous9:16 AM


    6. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Anonymous8:36 PM: Palin, is that you?

  37. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Why the excitement? He entered Mexico and was arrested. California Highway Patrol would have thrown him in jail as well. New Jersey and most east coast states from DC north to Maine would arrest him for simply having guns in his car. DC would throw him in jail if he had an empty cartridge case and a dud round of ammo. Before we cry about Mexico,

  38. Anonymous8:44 PM

    hmmmmm...dude is having dinner with some friends in San Ysidro and "accidentally" crosses the border....San Ysidro is the LAST exit on the Interstate 5. before the, is what he's saying is that he also made a wrong turn and meant to go NORTH on the interstate instead of south....Yah I guess he was confused....right

  39. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Just wait until the, what, 25, regular pee puddlers realize how they've been had by her.

  40. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Sarah has another facebook post about Our US Marine. Greta is also involved in the story. Not long ago, Greta went down to the Mexican border to prove how easy it was to get lost and wander over the border. Now, Greta is reporting that the President of Mexico and President Obama spoke today about the plight of the undocumented children who have been fleeing violence in Central American countries. They have really latched on to this latest prop to show how much they hate President Obama.

    1. You can't "wander over the border" without a swim suit.

    2. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Let Greta and $arah milk this creep. There is no "there" there.

  41. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Oh of course ms wacko scum bucket comes to the inked man boob dude defense. Gun trafficking? prostitution, lying? Quitting, it all goes together. And ms todd palin knows all about it, so she is the expert blabbering dingdong from wasilly. Crazy scab is toxic waste.

  42. Anonymous10:39 PM

    When will the USA gov pay attention to ms todd palin? When will they have that little talk with them? How much longer will johnny mcnut cover and excuse ms todd palin and his wacko staff for his failures? Why must we be exposed to the devils toxic waste daily? When will one of sarahs friends tell her it is time to quit, time to go home, time to confess, time for her mental rapture to end.

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      johnny mcnut will cover forever for johnny mcnut, he is forever stuck with Scarah. His precious legacy (fairy tale crap). I am starting to think it could be the Palins are informants, that is how they always get a pass. They are free to murder in broad daylight on video and they won't be touched.

    2. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Yes indeed. Palins? Informants? Yes it sure smells like it. Little liars have tiny gonads and boobies

  43. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Is this guy taking guns to Mexico and bringing back drugs?

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      I doubt he is donating that arsenal to some small time cartel. He didn't have a little pink pistol he was transporting military weapons and ammo.

      They know if they take down one gun runner there are 10x more coming up. His connections are of interest.

  44. Anonymous2:22 AM

    So the guy drives over 2,500 miles from Weston, FL, in search of VA healthcare...has $100,000 in the bank, an almost new truck, a motorcycle and $3,500 worth of guns but "he's homeless". Goes into Mexico several times but on the day he was arrested, he leaves his truck in the Border parking lot, walks across, spends the day in a red light district, rents a hotel room then goes back to bring his truck and illegal guns into Mexico. All of that sounds like normal activities that a good Christian boy would engage in. Sarah Palin normal that is. "Christian" right-wing normal. The right-wing extremists as a group, are the stupidest bunch of people I've ever heard of.

  45. Anonymous3:03 AM

    My thought; his mother says he has $100,000 in the bank. How does a former sgt., currently unemployed guy get that kind of money? Was he going into Mexico to sell all those guns he was carrying? And the ammo? They're illegal in Mexico. Typical of the Shrilla from Wasilla to back a loser and a felon.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      How long was he in California? Did he ever go to the VA Hospital to check in? Call for an appointment?

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      He went to Mexico to complete his illegal arms deal.

    3. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Maybe he us a drug dealer?

  46. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Why the hell would we want this guy back? So he can shoot up a school?

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Bergdahl was Republican guilty and didn't deserve to come back to US for a trade. Tahmooressi did no wrong because he registered the military guns. They want him back and no trial or hearings because he didn't get caught in USA. Forget the ammunition. The only way out he can have is if Republicans buy his freedom.

  47. Anonymous4:07 AM

    "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."

  48. Anonymous4:24 AM

    If someone is stupid enough to take guns and ammo into Mexico they deserve to be locked up. I can't think of any reason the President of the United States would even consider getting involved. The joker is a former marine. If he was a marine carrying out official duties, I can see a reason for State Department involvement. Why the hell is Fox News so big on this one? Tahmooressi deserves to be in prison in Mexico.

    1. "Why the hell is Fox News so big on this one?"
      Ding, ding! You just asked the best country! Suddenly it becomes clear.

      The hateful 'baggers and republicans might have finally gotten it through their nasty skulls that many people think their treatment of Bergdahl was shameful, especially as more information comes out about his treatment and the motives of his platoon mates.

      So they are showing that they can so support one of our troops locked away in a furrin country.

      It's a stupid plan, but hey. Stupid is as stupid does.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Republicans would trade all the hardworking immigrants they call 'aliens' for the gun running terrorist dude.

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Faux news is big on this is because they take cases such as Travon's killer, Bunddy, racists, killers, KKKers, Palins, etc, and they see them as THEIR heroes. They are the mouth of the KKK, aka, the teapartiers and republiCONS.
      You try being a Mexican and accidently crossing the border with assualt weapons, or no weapons.

  49. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I imagine Sarah's happy we're talking about this and not about the death of AGIA.

  50. Anonymous9:47 AM

    If the guy EVER had a chance to get away from breaking the law and international law, now the Palin curse is upon him. HAHAHAHAHA

  51. Anonymous9:49 AM

    who or what is AGIA

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      alaskan gas pipeline project.

  52. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Border Patrol watchdog under investigation for rapes, abuse, bribes from drug lords
    Tomsheck was ousted earlier this month amid complaints that his unit failed to complete investigations of excessive use of force by border agents. But those complaints, McClatchy has determined, were only part of the story.

  53. Tahmooressi will eventually be released, sans truck, guns, all his possessions and $100,000. (If that's all he has.)

    As soon as he's penniless he'll be returned to his Mother.

  54. Anonymous6:27 AM

    1. Andrew is still a reservist therefore still has the right the be addressed as Sgt.

  55. Anonymous6:28 AM

    2. It's not about seeing the signs for the border. He saw them. Can anyone point out the retorno

  56. Anonymous6:29 AM

    3. Saying that because he had 400 rounds his intent was to sell? Obviously nobody here owns a firearm. That is a standard purchase for one trip to the ammo store.

  57. Anonymous6:31 AM

    4. Bashing on this marine because very few people like Sarah palin is completely ignorant. Did he go party? Who knows...but is that abnormal for Americans to "party" in mexico? How does it make him a bad person or bad marine?

  58. Anonymous6:31 AM

    5. I would love to see how many of you start crying and hoping that everybody fights for you when you are on foreign soil and don't get treated like an American.

  59. Anonymous6:37 AM

    6. All this talk about the illegality of the firearms again from people who obviously don't own any. What was illegal? The .45 or shotgun? The AR? I have all three that are completely California legal. Does anybody know the documents required with the cadoj


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