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Rick Perry knows nothing about being gay. But his corndog might. |
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) raised eyebrows Wednesday at an event in San Francisco when he drew a parallel between homosexuality and alcoholism.
An audience member asked Perry about the Texas Republican Party's recent endorsement of "reparative therapy" for gays during the governor's appearance before the Commonwealth Club of California, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Perry responded that he didn't know whether the therapy worked.
Perry was then asked whether he believes homosexuality is a disorder.
"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," he responded, as quoted by the San Francisco Chronicle. "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."
You know I think ole Rick might be on to something here.
I remember watching my alcoholic father stumbling around the house and thinking, "That's so gay."
Obviously being gay is NOTHING like having a predisposition toward alcoholism. And suggesting that it does demonstrates a deeply inaccurate view of homosexuality.
If he wants to make a more accurate comparison he might suggest that homosexuality is like the need for water, in that without love they will die.
It seems to me that people always get hung up on the mechanics of gay love ("Oh God, he put his winkie in his butthole! Gross!"), instead of recognizing that, just like heterosexual love, there is an emotional and even chemical connection.
If you ever meet an elderly gay couple, and I suggest you do because they are often delightful, you will notice that, much like elderly heterosexual couples, they may not have sexual relations very often anymore but the love and sense of connection is as strong as ever. Perhaps even stronger.
If my father had been able to resist his impulse to drink he might still be alive today.
But if a gay person resists the impulse to love, then what is there to live for?
Would be fun to push that 'dog' down his throat and shut him up forever! Much the same should occur w/Palin too! Such idiots!
ReplyDeleteHe's had something that looks somewhat like that shoved down there before -- more than a few times.
DeleteGag a maggot. I cannot stand that idiot.
DeleteTo quote the Lady Gaga song, in many cases, homosexuals are born this way. It could be due to something that occurred during the 9 months before they were born. There could be a genetic mutation. We do know that alcoholism can run in a family, making that a genetic condition, too. And maybe Perry is on to something. People enter a 12 step program to address their addiction (to drugs as well as alcohol). There is such a thing as an addictive personality. But, the only thing that they can change is behavior, and recovering alcoholics really cannot have "just one" drink. They claim that they can pray away the gay, but that is about as realistic as praying away your skin color ( Michael Jackson is the exception). If you are born with light colored skin, then you know that you are going to burn in the bright sunlight so you need to use a sun screen and maybe wear a coverup. We are born with a number of conditions that affect our lives. We are years away from being able to change our DNA, so until they, the course of action is behavior modification. It works for some people and some things (giving up smoking, alcohol, drugs) and there are some things that will not change your DNA (being homosexual).
ReplyDeleteMaybe Rick could coax Monsanto into his state to work on the genetic "problem". Tax breaks and all, ya know.
DeleteSo, good old Ricky accepts (but doesn't understand) the science of genetics "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way." but he doesn't accept what the scientists have to say about climate change? It always amazes me when people like rick perry really are as dumb as they look.
ReplyDeleteThere's only one comment to make about Rick Perry:
ReplyDelete"Head Figure Head: The Search for the Hidden Life of Rick Perry", by Glen Maxey, the first and only openly gay state legislator in the history of Texas. The book is the story about the down-low secret life of Rick Perry, bisexual and supreme hypocrite. ISBN 9781468025989
He sure is, I read the book. HYPOCRISY at its finest.
Deletelol at your picture caption!
ReplyDeleteHe's working it. Everthang's big in Texas, huh, Ricky-Boy?!
DeleteOT: The pig mutilator's has to apologize for her husband's misogynistic remarks once again.
Thanks for the link. I can't believe the immaturity and misogyny of the candidate's husband, despite the fact that he's married and they have three daughters. He's revealed via Facebook that he's obviously a RW nut & gun goon himself.
Good Facebook Comments from Iowans here:
And Jodi is just now realizing what a sexist idiot she married? Is she stupid or "just a little slow"?
DeleteOnly the 7 words following "Because" are required.
ReplyDeleteThere's a cure for being a Republican! It's called Ed-U-Cation!
ReplyDeleteScary, but it works!
I love seeing stories about same-sex couples who have been together for decades and finally have the opportunity to marry. Their happiness is contagious and the love they share is so inspiring!
ReplyDeletePerry looks and acts gay to me (do not mean harm to folks that are gay and have come out!). Why the photo w/the dog in his mouth? That is the 'last' picture that should have been released to the national media!
ReplyDeleteAll politicians that appear to be gay should never eat a dog when the media/photographers are nearby! Major goof, Perry! You idiot!
A good PhotoShop person could do wonders by compositing that photo.
DeleteAmazing how many gayaphobic Rs are caught "in the act"! Bachmaan loves her some corndogs too....
DeleteCan we call that "doggy style"?
You are correct, all in black and white, written by Glen Maxey in Head Figure Head. Maxey was the only gay rep in the state legislature and he knows all about RP. It is on Amazon for download if anyone wants to read it. I did and it was quite interesting.
DeleteHillary called out for having a change of heart on gay marriage, just last year, only as the political winds blew in that direction.
Gosh I also remember when those Arkansas couple were 'dead broke' after leaving the white house.
She flaming out Gryph. Better find another horse to back.
lol. Listen here, Sweet Cheeks.
DeleteThere will be hundreds more of moments for the faint-of-heart repugs and concern trolls to clutch their pearls before November 2016. You better get a grip on your "nerves", dear, or you won't ever make it until Hillary Clinton's inauguration!
So clutch away and pray and breathe deeply (very slowly). If it doesn't get any better, we'll take you out back behind the barn and shoot you so you don't have to suffer.
Your Dear, Devoted, Loving & Always Faithful Husband
I'll take a flexible mind over an ideologue any day. I wonder which one will win the gay vote.
DeleteVery excellent, 3:14.
DeleteSo weary of the "all politicians are corrupt" "I don't vote" "Hillary is doomed" "YOU people are blind/hypocritical/indoctrinated" posts. Whistling past the graveyard, those folks are. I just hope they are paid and not just idiots.
Nicely done, G!
ReplyDeleteRick Perry has the genetic makeup of an idiot, and proves it each time he opens his mouth. He was born that way!
ReplyDeleteFor this, thank you Gryph:
ReplyDeleteIf he wants to make a more accurate comparison he might suggest that homosexuality is like the need for water, in that without love they will die.
Read Head Figure Head by Glen Maxey, who catalogs Perry's predilections. The man is closeted, pure and simple.
ReplyDeleteAs long as Perry is comparing alcoholism to homosexuality, we should throw heterosexuality into the mix. The predisposition for all three is genetically coded.
ReplyDeleteAlcoholism is often a debilitating disease; sexual orientation isn't anything like a disease. Any blanket negatives surrounding homosexuality come purely from societal judgment. And it's pure joy to see judgment against gays erode away.
What you said about older couples is so true. They've lived the seasons of their lives and their love changed as they grew together. All that matters is they still see the person they fell in love with and still love.
ReplyDeleteRick Perry seems lacking in a few areas, alcohol and homophobia aside, there's something seriously wrong with that boy.