Sunday, July 06, 2014

Conservatives are now modifying their diesel trucks into "coal rollers" which purposefully emit more pollutant in order to piss off liberals. WTF?

Courtesy of Business Insider:

"Coal Rollers" are diesel trucks modified with chimneys and equipment that can force extra fuel into the engine causing dark black smoke to pour out of the chimney stacks. These modifications are not new, but as Slate's Dave Weigel pointed out on Thursday, "rolling coal" has begun to take on a political dimension with pickup drivers increasingly viewing their smokestacks as a form of protest against environmentalists and Obama administration emissions regulations. 

Last month, Vocativ noted many coal rollers focus their fumes on "nature nuffies," or people who drive hybrids, and "rice burners," or Japanese-made cars. 

 "The feeling around here is that everyone who drives a small car is a liberal," a roller named Ryan told Vocativ. "I rolled coal on a Prius once just because they were tailing me." 

Here is how one salesperson explained it:  

"I run into a lot of people that really don’t like Obama at all," the salesperson said. "If he’s into the environment, if he’s into this or that, we’re not. I hear a lot of that. To get a single stack on my truck—that’s my way of giving them the finger. You want clean air and a tiny carbon footprint? Well, screw you." 

If that does not infuriate you enough take a look at one of these "cola rollers" in action.

Courtesy of Slate:  

At 23 seconds, the engine revs and the viewer finally learns what the arrows were pointing at. Smoke pours out of dual stacks, right in the path of the Prius, which retreats into the rear view. The truck’s passengers share a well-earned chortle. 

“Alright, enough!” says one of them. 

“You got ’im!” says another. 

“We got ’im!” says a co-conspirator.

Yep this is what the people who want to improve the planet for their children, and protect them from an environmental disaster, are up against. 

And they vote too.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I thought the term "knee-jerk" was only applied to "libruls". It's beginning to seem as though it's becoming the sole properties of conservatives. "knee-jerk" conservatives? Think about it.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      It also works if you cut off the "knee-" part.

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I actually witnessed this last week and didn't know wtf it was. Read about it the next day. Saw ANOTHER truck doing it on Saturday. My daughter just got a Prius and said she has noticed how rude truck drivers are to her now.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      I actually also saw this. I did not know it was THIS sh*t, though. There was a truck going the other way on the freeway, and all of a sudden, thick black smoke came out of his stack. I remember showing it to my hubby and commenting on the environmental damage that would leave...

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Suspect states would put laws into effect that would stop that idiocy!

    1. Not the red(neck) ones. They'll pass laws to protect it as free speech.

    2. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Stupid people being stupid to spite "Obama". DUMBASSES.

      In some TN cities, if car doesn't pass inspecion for air quality emissions, no new tag. If tag is expired, ticket results and not a minor one. Plus it gives cops a reason to stop and do attitude checks, check the rednecks for meth, etc. Happens all the time for noise ordinance and improper tinted windows. Stupid rednecks and rowdy kids. Rednecks drive up from MS, then don't pay tickets. So they are arrested in MS.

      I had to go to traffic court w my son bc he didnt put new stickers on tag (dumbass!) and would've had to pay $85 fine, but judge let him off bc he brought the receipt that showed I paid for tag a week earlier he failed to put it on. He showed the judge a pic of his tag with new stickers on tag on his car. I was surprised judge cut him slack, but there were punks in there that were lying about drag racing, loud ass radios and stuff. I think when my boy said " my dad was on my butt every day even though I was back at college, so it's my fault 100%. I was sitting in 1st row shaking my head and laughing'm under my breath. Judge said, "Well, that's a relief that you know that now, but if you drive too fast or without license or registration, he doesn't get a ticket, you do. My son got a minor rebuke and judge asked what his GPA was. He said it might be all A's. Judge told him if he made all As and no tickets for 6 months, there would be no fine. Judge asked if we could stay to hear a few other cases, so I said sure, so my son could see that this judge could be a hardass if he wanted to be with those who disrespect him and disrespectful to the police, saying the officer lied, etc. No contrition = max fine. No BSingthe judge either. When his grades came in, he made a copy to mail to the judge. I laughed and told him, hopefully he won't have to worry with that if he doesn't get a ticket. But if he got a ticket, no slack next time and no excuses. I told him if he were dumb enough to do the crime... his ass would pay every penny, as well as the $increase for insurance. Some of those twentysomething punks got fines of $250, $350 &more for multiple citations. I know their insurance went thru the roof. Didn't see any w diesel trucks w the stacks, but if it impaired vision or visibly smokes, Memphis popo will pull their happy asses over pdq.

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    This is the equivalent of the impotent ammosexuals parading around with their open carry penile extensions in public places. I venture to guess that this strategy will actually HELP the alternative clean energy movement, in much the same way as the ammosexuals are shooting themselves in the foot with their own weapons. This is extremely annoying to reasonable people and therefore very bad PR for their own cause.

  5. angela9:23 AM

    When I was young some kid told me that a lot of dinosaurs died because their brains were so tiny that half of their body would be eaten by another dinosaur before they realized it. . . . Who knew
    they were still around.

    Maybe us liberals and the President should tell them not to crap in their armchairs (they'll do it) and make sure they don't eat out of garbage cans where they're processing raw chicken (they'd fight over the remains). We could wipe 'em out in a month.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Angela, that sounds like a great plan!

  6. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Premature ejaculators with small penises, that's all I think abut when I see these dopes. And I drive a truck!

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Maybe a little sugar in their gas tank would create even more smoke. Try it guys, I heard it really works well.

  7. Anonymous9:24 AM

    That is absolutely pathetic! Some people are truly born stupid and stay childish all their lives. Big truck showing small cars who is King of the Road.

  8. They also have taken to "rolling coal" on cyclists. A couple weeks ago near where I live, some bonehead rolled coal on a cyclist who happened to be an off-duty cop. Not a smart idea.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM


      (There seems to be some sort of contest among the religious right to see who can be the biggest arsehole.)

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      (There seems to be some sort of contest among the religious right to see who can be the biggest arsehole.)

      Maybe they think there is a special place in heaven for the "biggest arsehole"

      Is it written somewhere in their bible about being more arseholier than thou?

    3. Anonymous11:37 AM


      I dunno.

      Marry my sorry arse.


    4. Anonymous12:35 PM


      I dunno.

      Is it even legal for two sorry arses to marry each other?

    5. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Is it even legal for two sorry arses to marry each other?

      Legal, but difficult logistics since they both have to be out of jail at the same time.

    6. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Ah well, that's that then.

      Just two shits that passed in the night.....

  9. And these fucking moronic sociopaths are the same ones who roar the loudest about President Obama's policies saddling "our children and grandchildren with debt and that's why we have to shut down the gummint, for the children."

    Befouling the air and water and earth that their children and grandchildren will breathe and drink and walk upon? That's A-okay in their rancid little minds.

    1. Like so many of their policies and values it's about CONTROL.

      They figure the water, air, earth and wildlife all belongs to them and they can do whatever they want (preferably for profit) and no one can tell them they can't.

      There are two current House bills looking to disband environmental protections and open up Yellowstone Park. It is essential that come November we make sure as few Republicans are elected as possible. If we lose the Senate we are totally screwed.

  10. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I have heard this phrase "head exploding", but really, right now my head is exploding. Are these people totally brainless?

    Will the ignorant lowlifes of our species be the cause of our extinction? Just because Obama is for clean air? This is absolutely the lowest I've seen them go.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      If this were done to me, I would also file a civil suit against them - take video - license plate and photo of driver.

  11. The stupidity in that video was so staggering that it went right over the event horizon and actually generated intelligent you tube comments. That is an impressive accomplishment.

    Show something awful, rude, tasteless, trashy, nasty, or cruel in a you tube video? The comments are generally in the same vein.

    Show something beautiful and the comments will often just poop all over it.

    This was in the stupid, nasty, tasteless, mean category and the comments were actually along the lines of "Well, now wait a minute..." rather than praising it.

    A tiny glimmer of hope for this country.

    1. To YouTube's credit, this video has 10 x as many dislikes as likes and most of the comments are very negative toward the rednecks that posted it.

  12. Anonymous9:53 AM

    What stupid stupid stupid people. Seriously, why are there so many dumb uneducated trashy people like this in America,
    PS this is something the slow trashy Palin's would do. Now you have given the dunce an idea for attention!

  13. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Shoot. I don't drive a hybrid for environmental reasons, as cars arent going to affect things like that. (coal plants in other countries)

    I drive a hybrid because I enjoy 50mpg and $25 fillups.

    1. folks are as right-wing reactionary, climate change denying, Fox News watching as anyone. They love their Prius because they're cheap.

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Wrong 9:55, cars DO affect our environment. If everyone had the attitude that "well, there are worse polluters, so why not?" we would get nowhere fast with the cleanup that we desperately need to start NOW.

      There will be no picking and choosing our pollutants at some point down the road, and it will take the cooperation of all people to do it. Petty political disputes will become just that--petty, compared to what we will be facing.

    3. While I enjoy the smaller footprint I bought my first Prius in 2005 because gas was going up (eventually topped $4 a gallon on a regular basis for a while) and I was both cheap and looking at resale. I got carpool stickers for that car and sold it for $2,000 above blue book and then bought another Prius, only the top package with everything except leather. Again, because gas is consistently around $4 a gallon and I'm not giving up my mpg.

    4. Anonymous12:50 PM

      The most right wing asshole I know was one of the first to buy a Prius, he is also one of the first to buy a Tesla in IN. He's as red as they come politically but he loves the free fill ups. He has solar panels on his roof and uses them to charge his car. he'd go ballistic if some red neck asshole pulled this kind of shit on him.

    5. Anonymous2:29 PM

      I don't drive a hybrid; I DO drive a ULEV and ride a bike. Hybrids don't make sense outside the city commute- but this behavior is moronic. And modifying a truck in this way should make it impoundable until fixed.

  14. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Aren't there laws about how much exhaust a car can have? I know, here on the West Coast at least, you have to bring your car in for inspections of exhausts every year or two. Can't imagine how a cop could let this go if he sees this...

    1. Yes. There are.

      But I suspect there is a loophole. This isn't coming out the exhaust. This is coming out of extra stacks added on. And it isn't happening consistently but only when a button is pushed. That would make it hard for citation unless a cop was right there to witness it.

  15. Anonymous10:07 AM

    If these asses can afford those trucks, and the conversions, then they must not be doing too badly in President Obama's USA then, can they? What dumb people they are. What happened to all getting together for the good of the country? Instead, we have two distict groups, the SENSIBLE ones, and the ones like these clowns.

    1. But they'll never credit him for that.

      Obama only gets the blame.

      I stated this several years ago on this very blog.

      If Obama accomplishes anything, the Republicans will take credit for it. (Notice how Obamacare is slowly becoming the Affordable Care Act. Soon the right will claim it as their own because it is so similar to previous bills they've proposed) He won't be given any credit for upturn in jobs or the DOW.

      But if anything goes "wrong", whether Obama has anything to do with it or not, such as earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes, he'll get the blame.

  16. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Miserable bunch of low IQ, lowbrow miscreants who don't care what kind of world they leave their children, and you know that they have lots and lots of children with many different "baby mamas" and that they don't earn enough to pay child support but somehow can afford to put smokestacks on their trucks and tattoo all their babies' names on their alcohol and fast food- ravaged physiques.

    Rather than anger, I think I'd feel pity if one of these fools and I crossed paths; they lead angry miserable lives and their stupidity keeps the down and keeps them afraid.

    So rock on Cletus, Buck, Bo and Billy Bob and spend your last miserable welfare dollar on a smokestack for your shitty truck, no one cares and besides, there aren't enough of you to affect the environment anyway. Just another useless crusade engaged in by worthless, delusional rednecks. "The South will rise again" right bubbas? Wrong, now go get a job.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Hope the boys smile real big and pretty if they try to bombard my precious little Prius. It's got a dashcam and I'm armed with a pretty nifty cell phone camera to boot. Bring it on boy. We can show the pics to your mama so she can see what a fine boy she whelped. Pretty sure there's a couple laws against what they're doing in my state, so the photos will be a big help to the troopers too.

  17. Anonymous10:18 AM

    If ever the phrase "cutting off one's nose to spite one's own face" was prescient, it is now. Well, that's one way to piss off liberals...and a sure-fire way to exterminate liberals AND conservatives alike.

    Fucking brilliant.

  18. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I wouldn't call these idiots conservatives - I'd call them morons of the first degree. Obviously, these guys have not even reached puberty yet in their thinking and comprehension. IDIOTS!

  19. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Conservatives are the least likely to conserve anything.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Actually, imo they're doing a great job at preserving thickheaded ignorance, stupidity, and sickness of all sorts.

  20. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I suppose, just like children, we need to use reverse psychology on these dimwits.

    Also, I have to say that non-religious people are more true to their beliefs than the God followers. We follow our conscience.

    Does their God approve of such willful violation of the environment (that he created supposedly) or such malice against others? Wow. Hypocrisy.

  21. Anonymous10:45 AM

    To be this spiteful and immature, you really have to have serious self-esteem issues. We should feel sorry for them, except that they will, as Anonymous 9:38 suggests, be the death of us all. Twisted little people.

  22. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Well the patron saint of bat-shit right-w9ng crazy, mAnn Coulter did say.....“God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, ‘Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It’s yours.’”—Hannity & Colmes, 6/20/01

    Take it, rape it, it's yours....conservative dogma..

    1. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

      Mann Coulter has a "thing" for "rape", is there an active volcano s/he'd prefer to rape? Or at least dip a toe in before diving in?

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Wow. They have the same attitude toward women. Explains a lot.

  23. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Apparently this is illegal and the company that manufactures these devices got into a bit (not enough) trouble over this:

  24. Anonymous11:11 AM

    they should roll their coal whenver Palin is present, because she loves the smell of diesel.

  25. Anonymous11:14 AM

    You can call yourself and your country "exceptional" all you want, but when the rest of the world looks at you like a bunch of ignorant, gun-loving, earth destroying yahoos, what good is it?

    And how can they wonder why the rest of the world doesn't look up to them anymore? I'm so embarrassed.

  26. Do these people also pull wings off flies and torture small animals for fun?

  27. Anonymous11:16 AM

    If you modify the emission devices on a newer car or truck the warranty will be void and the repairs on a diesel will be expensive. Basically, they are burning their money in protest.

    I drive a VW Beetle clean diesel. 2013 TDI. Excellent fuel economy and fun to drive. However, people are bugged by Beetles and assume they go slow and I have my own set of prejudices about Prius people. But the air is better as the result of clean diesel technology and increased torque and much better mpg's also, too.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

      Clean Diesel driver myself, a Jetta TDI. Recently had to have some body work because the idiot behind me decided to use my brakes instead of his. The rental they gave me was a new beetle, they did a fantastic job with it!

  28. In the Bay Area in California you can report these dopes here:

    There are other places to report them for your air management district. There are steep fines for this sort of behavior in California.

  29. Wow, I just felt my Dick get smaller...and I don't even have one :/

  30. LOL. Why can't any of these right wing nutjob 'bagger rednecks SPELL?

    It's EnviroNment. Not enviroment.

    Like I'm going to be impressed or influenced by the mouth-breathing, beer-swilling, toothless, drooling, knuckle-draggers that can't spell worth a damn?

    When did this country become so obsessed with bragging about and displaying their ignorance and stupidity? Is it country western music? Is that the cause?

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM


      It coincided quite a bit with $arah Plain running for national office.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      When I was looking for a car 7 years back, we were at a Ford dealer. I was leaning toward a Camry. The salesman asked me why I wasn't liking Ford. I said, "that car was made in China." I had seen the import data on the sticker. "The Camry was made here in the USA." He shut right up. Our Prius was also made here, and has given us no trouble, and LOTS of great mileage. All these kooks complain about the price of gas, then they do this. Have at it boys. You're ruining our air and our land..for what? You have to breathe too.

  31. That's only one company and only for the filter bypass.

    I suspect there is a workaround and this practice will continue until EPA revises regulations.

  32. I am living and praying for the day when President Obama issues an executive order against eating yellow snow.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Lol. Ivyfree I like your line of thinking!

      To speed things up, maybe Obama could come out against adding e coli or cyanide to your Big Gulp.

    2. Anonymous8:38 PM

      I know. An executive order against putting rat poison in your husband's morning coffee.

  33. linda2:15 PM

    i'm pretty sure these would not pass inspection in states that require inspection prior to licensing. i'm not sure how many states that is, but i have lived in two - Missouri and Ohio. in Ohio a vehicle only has to be inspected every other year though.

  34. Anonymous2:22 PM

    If I EVER see one of these, it will be full throttle EPA/state emissions test, etc.

    1. I'll be taking make, model and license number so when they spew, I'll be reporting them.

  35. majii4:45 PM

    What I find amusing is that these tools don't seem to be aware of the fact that they and their families are breathing in this "enhanced" coal pollution.

    Talk about biting off one's nose to spite one's face--these guys are doing it to the max.

  36. live in Houston, drive a mini cooper. so tired of coughing behind these assholes. and i'm a smoker!

  37. Anonymous5:19 PM

    "And they vote too." Even worse, they procreate.

    And talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


  39. Anita Winecooler7:16 PM

    We need a new word for assclowns. Endangering the environment while blinding the people behind you isn't cool at all.
    I guess they must use some kind of chip modification to force more diesel to burn, which voids their warranties because all cars and trucks have recorders that store all sorts of information.
    They may pass inspection by swapping out the chip, but the damage is already done.
    Europe has very lax pollution standards, some countries still have leaded fuels. We were in Spain once and it was one of those days when the air is thick and pollution stays close to the ground. I can only imagine China, India and other countries and the rates of asthma and other respiratory afflictions.

  40. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Final photo of the day.

  41. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Coal Rollers....mental midgets...all.

  42. Anonymous7:40 AM

    coal rolling shouldnt be protected under freedom of speach. these guys may feel like they are protesting something they hate(obama) and they may be but its not a peaceful protest. if it is illegal to impede action while using your rights to assemble than it should be illegal to assault unknowing or innocent people with harmful toxic air pollutants. i dont call these guys republican or conservative they have started their own party with out knowing it themselves these are people who are against the current authority (not authority in general) for whatever reasons they have. i hope everyone who gets coal rolled considers it an assault and attempts to defend themselves against these people. i live in kentucky and am forced to deal with this alot (and i drive a 2001 suv) but everytime is see a giant cloud of black smoke it makes me feel like war. like fighting against something i know is wrong. like standing for something. so america be america and stand for something. defend yourselves. defend your rights. defend our air, our childrens no enviromentalist but that is no reason to attempt to leave a bigger footprint. something needs to wipe these guys out

  43. My husband and I were looking at cars the other day. I really liked the diesel engine trucks. He wants more of a range rover type car, but I'm trying to convince him otherwise.


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