Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Millennials officially hate Conservatives. Yeah, who doesn't?

Courtesy of The Guardian:  

Conservatives are stuck in a perpetual outrage loop. The reappearance of Todd Akin, the horror-movie villain immortality of Sarah Palin, the unseemly celebration of the Hobby Lobby decision – these all speak to a chorus of "la-la-la-can't-hear-you" loud enough to drown out the voice of an entire generation. Late last week, the Reason Foundation released the results of a poll about that generation, the millennials; its signature finding was the confirmation of a mass abandonment of social conservatism and the GOP. This comes at a time when the conservative movement is increasingly synonymous with mean-spirited, prank-like and combative activism and self-important grand gestures. The millennial generation has repeatedly defined itself as the most socially tolerant of the modern era, but one thing it really can't stand is drama. 

Republicans were already destined for piecemeal decimation due to the declining numbers of their core constituency. But they don't just have a demographic problem anymore; they have stylistic one. The conservative strategy of outrage upon outrage upon outrage bumps up against the policy preferences and the attitudes of millennials in perfect discord.

This article is by Ana Marie Cox of whom I am a big fan, and I think she is dead right on this issue. 

Cox goes on to describe the histrionic response by the old white guy club to Obama's election, and how their constant attempts to destroy his character has instead destroyed theirs.

Cox also points out that the very foundation of the conservative movement, smaller government, more self reliance, is at odds with the millennials who think that government should help more people and that we are all in this together.

To sum it all up Cox writes:

Right now, Democrats benefit from both the form and content of conservative message: this next generation is not just inclusive, but conflict-adverse. Millennials cringe at the old-man-yelling-at-gay-clouds spectacle of the Tea Party. Perhaps this comes from living in such close proximity of their parents for so long. If this generation does have a political philosophy, it's this: "First, do no harm." If it has a guiding moral principle, it's simpler: "Don't be embarrassing."

And what could be more embarrassing than Sarah Palin clutching that Big Gulp in defiance of  government attempts to fight obesity, Donald Trump's constant demands to see the President's birth certificate, or Rick Perry playing border patrol dress up?


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Wow. Looking again at that picture of Perry: which Texas village has lost its idiot?

    1. ibwilliamsi7:37 AM

      If he doesn't looked stoned out of his mind, I'm a Sea-O-PEE'er.

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    The proposed limit, in NYC, of the extra-large soft drinks in RESTAURANTS, didn't even cover Big Gulps, or any other drink from a convenience store. And, people in restaurants could order 2 or three of the normal, large ones. Or 5 or 6 or 7.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      When has Palin ever stopped and read the details on anything before she shouts from her rooftop? She is totally incapable of reading comprehension. She picks out the words she can get the most mileage out of and lets loose.

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Please don't confuse Sarah with the truth, or her whole rant will be proven to be based on a lie.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:23 AM

      IMO, all of her stunts are carefully planned and set up to appeal to the overage, tantrum-y toddlers in the TP, so the fact that you could buy as many smaller sodas as you wanted doesn't matter at all. "I can't have a sugary soda the size of an oil drum? But Mommmm! Wahhhh!!!!!" Lather, rinse, repeat. Those in charge know Sarah the Ham Actress will always be cranked enough to deliver the message...if she goes off on a manic, batshit crazy tangent, so much the better, She gets more pre$$ that way.

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Still don't know why she wears that dark headband below her bangs, on her forehead. Just get a wig that covers that area.

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Neocons and neoliberals have taken over both parties. Their strategy abroad is the same as at home - divide and conquer. Just as the current administration has been supplying arms to ISIS in hope of igniting a shia/sunni death match, so they fund those that seek to endlessly turn one American against another.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Just as the current administration has been supplying arms to ISIS …

      An interesting accusation. Can you provide any references other than Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and WND?

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Whatever. Paranoid. Conspiracy. Nuts. Paulites selfish dumb morans

  5. Anonymous7:03 AM

    ...but... but... but cool, awesome Sarah is so popular with young people! She is the answer to the Republican Party! She will bring in families and the young voters!!

  6. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Millennials are also
    1) quite open-minded regarding the Teabagger hot button social issues, like gay marriage, immigration, and marijuana;
    2) extremely multicultural in their world view and often personal identities;
    3) increasingly aware that they were totally screwed on health coverage prior to "Obamacare"

    OTOH, no denying that playing to your 60something white-bread SSDI base is quite the winning strategy for long-term political success. Please proceed, guys.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      SSDI base? What's that. SSDI also stands for social security disability income, so maybe it's not the best acronym to use???

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      SSDI=Social Security Death Index!

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    "Sarah Palin's ability to put anything on the internet without any intermediary has rendered her as reckless as any tween with a SnapChat account."

    That about sums it up.

  8. ibwilliamsi7:37 AM

    If they would vote this would matter.

  9. Anonymous7:52 AM

    That photo of Perry is hysterical. I think you wrote about the restaurant in Austin where President Obama was. The guy behind the counter called Perry an "old queen."

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Head Figure Head: The Search for the Hidden Life of Rick Perry
      I hear Willow has a book club now. You might want to suggest some reading material for her. lol

      Glen Maxey is the most important, courageous leader of the LGBT movement in Tx history, and his book is a fantastic read--it reads almost like a detective thriller.

      Also, too, Kindle Edition YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS SUMMER READ!

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Thanks for book recommendation!

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM

    You can include my 3 children among the millennials that Cox describes. They are extremely grateful for Obamacare AND I have to say that one of the biggest things that has disgusted them about the GOPTea party is how hard they are working to take away birth control choices that they grew up with and how hard they are trying to force their religious ideologies on the public through laws. I am proud that my kids can not, will not tolerate what people like Sarah Palin represent - taking the country backwards, the mean spiritedness towards fellow Americans and the absolute and total division her ilk want for this country so they can stir up an armed revolution because a person with dark skin is the leader of our country. The hypocrisy and racism of the right wing are nauseating.

    Hey Sarah and family, check out the caption below her picture at the Guardian. This is how the world sees her and is what we here on this blog have said for years:

    "Sarah Palin's ability to put anything on the internet without any intermediary has rendered her as reckless as any tween with a SnapChat account."

    That's right, Sarah never evolved emotionally or intellectually out of the 7th grade. She's reduced herself to showing the world that she's Obama's biggest fan/stalker/troll.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Agreed. I have 2 Millennials, and please add "Guns" to your list of resons they won't vote Republican. My kids and their friends are terrified of a mass shooting on campus, at a mall or movie, etc... and can't understand why we can't pass gun control.

      My Millennials are both very high achievers; so the Palin kids are a sad joke to us.

      My Millenials call kids like the Palins "hypochristians" instead of hypocrites. Lol.

  11. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I don't know where you keep getting crazy-lookin' pictures of the Screech. S'aint Sarah never looked better! LOL!

  12. Anonymous7:59 AM

    What if Sarah Palin held herself to the same standards she applies to everyone else? Ah fuck, that isn't going to happen!

  13. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Palin looks like a 'dork' in more and more of her photos! She's a friggin' mess - mentally and physically! Damn, but I'm glad she is not a member of my family!

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      She looks like some toothless, drunken, hick aunt.

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Brillow isn't doing a very good job on her hair/wigs. Her bangs always look either stringy and greasy or stringy and shellacked. A 50 yr. old trying to dress like a tween isn't a good look at all - looks more like a desperate dried-up menopausal cougar.

    3. Anonymous9:03 AM

      832 Care about polyester wigs?

      Brillow Brancy doesn't care about Sarah Palin. The whole gang doesn't care, they are fine with lollygagging as the old Bircher Birther dies slowly on the vine. They don't even care about middle school book clubs. They are so scared they are terrifyied to have comments. What a way to run a blog, into the ground is what they are doing. They don't care and they let you know with their lazy ways. Did you see what a failure the Hobby Lobby "idea" was? Pitiful. They live in fear of comments now and they favor Taliban type religious freaks.

      Did you see what Holly Fisher of Charleston, WV, sent to Bristol Palin's failed Hobby Lobby campaign?
      Bristol's blog deleted it from one page but it remains up on another. As anyone knows, Sarah is behind that blog and it all reflects poorly on her.

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      9:03 thank you for that link and no I didn't know about this Holly Fisher and yes after reading that my head exploded in a good way. Stories like this are a total motivation! I loved the comparison in the pictures shown. Teahadists are the same as Jihadists of which the Palin KKKlan obviously belong to.

  14. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Palin is a total embarrassment!

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Don't worry...in the next generation or two her ilk will all be gone and what's left of their brainwashed children will have to go underground. Palin's brand is already flaming out.

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      It doesn't help their image when Bristol goes with the Teahadist appeal and then turns around to question our wonderful President.

      No wonder they quiver in fear and will not do comments. They are so restrictive and against freedom of speech someone would have to work full time to delete all the honest comments.

      When they did have comments it was mostly the fake sweet kind and some of their Teahadist followers would go off.

  15. Anonymous8:42 AM

    What she writes for Facebook is just her "pretend" life, where she pretends she's just a down-to-earth, stay-at-home Mom with her loving husband and her above-average children who never seem to grow up and leave home.
    Of course it is as phony as she is.

  16. Anonymous8:46 AM

    And from the looks of it, conservatives hate Millennials, so no surprise here. Soon the Republicans will fade away like the obsolete beliefs they embrace.

  17. Anonymous9:06 AM

    It's been a couple of days now, and still nothing on $arah's fb page about Attorney General Eric Holder, WTF???

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      She was with Bristol, Tripp, Trig, Piper, Track, Willow and hubby having a glorious time in nature without a care in the world. She is retreating and getting ready for the fall season when she can finally show she can reload.

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Is she telling her c4p donors there will be no more impeachment videos until fall? That is no way to lead a movement.

      She needs to get off her lazy butt and stop vacationing. Timing is important. No leader would just peter out once they start something. She needs to lead and get the promised videos out. If she lags and her followers go along with lagging they will expose themselves for being as pathetic as Sarah Palin.

      We'll see. All I know it is time for the next impeachment video. Like tomorrow. Friday is the end of the week and bad timing. Thursday isn't a good day either.

      I hope those suckers that send her money and what nots hold her feet to the fire. Well, no I don't. If they lag and they let her lag it just means they are weak and loosing ground.

      All the frig magnet quotes in the world won't save her ass this time.

    3. Anonymous3:00 PM

      @10:05 Sarah Palin does not have to reload, her stupidity will always be there. Where were Bristol's and Willow's babies? Aren't they part of that Dysfunctional Family also? Why only photos of Piper Menard and Tri-g if they were all vacationing together? Track was drugged up? Bristol was 'interviewing' a Trial Daddy in a tent? Willow was partying in an abandoned house?

    4. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

      It takes her awhile to warm up since she replaced the bulb in her easy bake oven to a cfl. She'll get around to it, nothing rips the scabs off her butt like an African American ignoring her.

  18. Anonymous9:11 AM

    In the Las Vegas Sun newspaper, Monday, July 14, 2014
    there is a long article by Robin Abcarian titled :
    Palin Just A Caricature Now . The large photo is the
    crazy looking photo of her when she wore the dark tank,
    with an unbuttoned, wrinkled , orange blouse over it, and her
    wig an absolute mess. Maybe you could use it Gryphen.

  19. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Does Sarah have false teeth? Her mouth looks strange from time to time.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      A person that works in the dental field said she is on 3 to 5 redone sets teeth. Meth and her other diet is heck on whatever work she has done.

  20. Now, if we can only get them to the polls in November.

  21. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Ha! Her pees @ 4 Con said she was flying to Colorado for the summit. Like she was working, now she says she was on another vacation. I guess the week at the resort Idaho for the fourth wasn't kick back enough. She may want pees to think she is like GWB and needs many vacations. They are suckers for any and all tales she spins. Even ones like this that are 2 distinct stories.

  22. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Arrrggg!! I can't click on any of these links, when I do it manually it takes me to somewhere else! Help!

    1. Me, too, 10:43. None of the links work for me. :-(

    2. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Try putting the Guardian title in the google:

      The GOP self-destruction is complete: millennials officially hate conservatives

  23. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Except for the ones who have been inspired and are active in their communities AS conservatives.

    I notice you leave all these good people out

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Links to those inspired and active "good conservatives" or GTFO.

  24. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I just want to go on record. I'm not comfortable with celebrating the hating of anyone.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

      With a few exceptions, I'm with you.
      I feel much better now that you feel much better now.

  25. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    My kids are all in college, part of the millenial generation. I've met a lot of their school mates, and they're not as self absorbed and incurious about politics and the world around them. The thing that really makes me chuckle is their comments about Sarah and her proud rantings of the accomplishments of her progeny.
    I also like Ana Marie Cox. She's got an excellent pov and grasp on the facts.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.