Friday, July 04, 2014

New York Times suggests that Tea party politicians actually win by losing, while using Sarah Palin as the example that proves their point.

So Jennifer Steinhauer, of the New York Times wrote an article yesterday that was ostensibly about Chris McDaniel's failed bid to unseat Thad Cochran. (And of course his refusal to admit that he has lost.)

Steinhauer makes the argument that while these politicians lose their elections, sometimes multiple elections, they somehow come out winners since they are now seen as strident voices outside the beltway who are not forced to compromise their principles in order to pass legislation or get reelected.

It is an interesting premise, though not one I particularly agree with, however just as Stenhauer is making her point she flubs it with this statement: 

The mother of this strategy is Sarah Palin, the failed vice-presidential candidate who jettisoned her job as governor of Alaska in favor of a personal bully pulpit and a political action committee to support conservatives candidates, who largely covet her nod.

Seriously? Did this woman do NO research into what has happened to Palin over the years since she lost the 2008 election?

Numerous failed reality shows and book tours for her and her entire family, all while becoming a national laughingstock that is only listened to by the fringeiest of the Right Wing fringe, does not a success make.

However Steinhauer seems immune to these obvious facts.

Ms. Palin has given a total of hundreds of thousands of dollars to scores of candidates over the last few cycles. Most recently, her endorsement helped push Joni Ernst past her rivals in a crowded Iowa Senate primary. 

“Sarah Palin’s roaring support will help me to victory, and as a result, make ’em squeal in Washington,” Ms. Ernst said at the time. 

Ben Sasse was also helped by Ms. Palin in his victory over primary competitors in a Senate race in Nebraska.

First off Palin has NOT given hundreds of thousands of dollars to "scores of candidates."  I do not have time this morning to do the research and crunch the numbers but in the last five years I would be fairly surprised to learn that she gave even a hundred thousand dollars of her precious PAC money to candidates, and then it was only in stingy little dribs and drabs. And that does not take into account that she has been paid by some of these politicians to show up and stump for them, so in essence she can often make back her PAC's donation in personal financial gain and then some.

In short, it's all a scam.

And secondly Steinhauer completely ignores the large number of Palin endorsees who have flamed out and crashed into a crater of obscurity.

So yes Chris McDaniel may in fact follow in the footsteps of Sarah Palin. He may write a book that few will read, star in a reality show that nobody will want to see,  get book deals for members of his family that nobody will give a shit about, and get fewer and fewer speaking gigs until finally he is standing in front of the hog exhibit at a country fair talking about taking back this country.

And if that is how failed Tea Party candidates define success, then he should be very, very happy.

After all look how happy Sarah Palin is.

On a related note it appears that not only are some Tea Party candidates following in the Mama Grizzly's footsteps, at least one of their daughters is following in Bristol's: 

US Senate candidate and Baton Rouge Congressman Bill Cassidy releases a statement that says his 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant as she prepares for her senior year in high school. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley says this revelation shouldn't impact his chances at defeating incumbent Mary Landrieu this fall. 

"It's doubtful Senator Landrieu's campaign or any groups connected with her will find any particular reason to make this a campaign issue." 

Stockley says there is political precedent, as Sarah Palin had to announce her daughter was pregnant as she ran for Vice-President. 

"This really didn't have a significant impact on Sarah Palin. John McCain and Sarah Palin were defeated for very different reasons. None of which you can tie back to Bristol Palin."

That is true. McCain and Palin would have lost whether Bristol got herself knocked up or not. 

Of course it didn't exactly HELP.

Wow, such a brave new political world Sarah Palin has helped create, don't you agree?


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    SarahPAC can donate max $5000 to a candidate per election cycle. She's done this for 8-9 candidates this cycle, which is a personal "best" for her. Prior to this last quarter her SarahPAC filings had shown at most two $5000 donations in any given quarter.

    So basically she's given less than $100,000 directly to candidates since the inception of her PAC. She's taken in millions since her PAC was formed and given away less than a hundred grand, yep, I'd say she' in it for herself and no one else!

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I think the IRS talked to her and stated her filings where she was using hired writers to man her social websites was money laundering to enhance Sarah Inc. and not the PAC. Makes sense why all of a sudden she is putting up really bad childish arguments on Facebook and Shitter.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      10:03 Read 9:13 again only this time a little more slowly and all the way to the end. Think you're both agreeing on the grifter element.

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    "The mother of this strategy is Sarah Palin, the failed vice-presidential candidate who jettisoned her job as governor of Alaska in favor of a personal bully pulpit and a political action committee to support conservatives candidates, who largely covet her nod."

    PROOF that Scarah still has big koch$ behind her who will set up these fake articles for people like Judith Miller to print. As if there are WMDs and Ahmed Chalabi is to be believed. Same old game. The fringe crazies of the Tea Party haven't given up on the loser. If she is their ace in the hole they are in bad shape.

    Come on Alaskans in the know, take her out of her torturous misery. That is all she really has to give this country. She is destruction.

  3. I copied your comments and e-mailed them to her. It's never too late to learn something.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Excellent, Lynne.

  4. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "come out winners since they are now seen as strident voices outside the beltway who are not forced to compromise their principles in order to pass legislation or get reelected."

    Not really...They are actually seen as pathetic dipshit LOSERS, who were rightfully denied by the majority of sane people any proximity to creating legislation that would f%#k with everybody

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Did Bill Cassidy's daughter intern at Hobby Lobby?

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Just found out it is Malia Obama's birthday today. I'll bet Palin is outraged on Willow's patriotic behalf.

  7. Boscoe10:08 AM

    I love it when these cheap manipulative, disingenuous, insincere asshats make something a campaign issue while saying "I don't think this will become a campaign issue".

  8. "Ms. Palin has given a total of hundreds of thousands of dollars to scores of candidates over the last few cycles."
    I think this is some inexcusably sloppy reading by Steinhauer.

    It sounds as though she read an article about how much money Palin's PAC raised, and equated that with how much the PAC has donated to various candidates.

    It also sounds as though she is equating endorsing scores of candidates with donating to scores of candidates.

    Inexcusably lazy and shoddy "reporting."

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      I think Steinhauer is more like Judith Miller and she is a good soldier for lying creeps.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Nefer10:10 AM
      "Ms. Palin has given a total of hundreds of thousands of dollars to scores of candidates over the last few cycles."
      I think this is some inexcusably sloppy reading by Steinhauer.

      It is probably being quoted as gospel all over the palin sites as we speak. No wonder neither side ever believes the other.

    3. Here is the website that states $300K. For some reason it won't let me copy the first paragraph so I can paste in the quote:

      Now if I click on abcnews link, read first paragraph and follow that link to Washington post.....

      "Of the 64 candidates she endorsed in 2010, 33 won. In 2012, Palin contributed about $300,000 to candidates, according to the Center for Responsive Politics."

      There is the source: Center for Responsive Politics

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      The source for her funding should be SarahPac, shouldn't it?

  9. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Malia is 16 today!! I wish her a very happy day, and good luck in the future. Great role models for parents, so I am sure she has a bright future. THIS is family values at its' finest, unlike the fake gop candidates.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Happy Birthday Malia. Such a beautiful girl and smart. Her family must be so proud.

      Suck in Palin. President Obama's daughter is not pregnant at 16! If Sarah and Bristol weren't such hypocrites I wouldn't bring it up. But they do so suck it again Palins.

  10. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Even though this is a COMEDY/PARODY site I couldn't help being naughty and re-tweeting this because it sounds exactly like something Sarah (the Paul Revere historian) would do:

    The most/best comments about it are here:

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Some very funny comments for sure.
      "Dear #DrHobbyLobby, can't get NuvaRing, so I'm considering wedging a small, seasonal wreath in my hoo-ha. Thoughts?"

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I doubt that NYT reporters do much research any more. Many commenters here and elsewhere do careful analyses of her PAC quarterly reports. I bet the reporter did nothing but look at the SarahPAC website. Geez. And what a story a good reporter could get if willing to do some work.

    There's also a NYT article today whining about President Obama's approach to terrorism. Frankly I think he's done just fine. But there are no embedded reporters in far distant land pretending to be soldiers, so I guess the media is not happy.

    That's why many of us turn to the internet for our news. Even the NYT has sold out.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      @ Gles12:04 PM There is the source: Center for Responsive Politics
      Funding. Support for the Center comes from a combination of foundation grants, individual contributions and payments from custom research requests. Major donors include the Sunlight Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Open Society Institute, the Joyce Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. The Center does not accept contributions from businesses, trade associations, or labor unions. According to the organization's 2007 990 form, it had just over $1 million in revenue and net assets of $1.6 million

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Oh well Nefer our resident troll is already spinning it...wonder how she will spin this!?

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Nefer, a troll!!! Never.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Interesting info at the link.

      I've said before and will say again and again: How did Shawn Christy get Sarah's PERSONAL cell phone number unless SHE or someone close to her gave it to him.

      She was under Secret Service protection...ain't no one out there who "accidentally stumbled upon" that phone number.

      I do not understand why his lawyer didn't ask that question.

      "July 3rd, 2009. Shawn Christy had to attend a psych evaluation by Dr. Virginia Sherr, at the request of the Secret Service. The Secret Service became involved due to the fact that Ms. Palin Heath had been under their watch during the 2008 election, and for six months after. Part of their job is to monitor the communication of the VIP's that they protect. Their request of the psych eval for Shawn came out during their investigation of the contact between Ms. Palin Heath, and Mr. Christy. As Dr. Sherr was aware of, and stated very clearly in her report, there had been text messages between Shawn, and Sarah."

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      2:48 PM


    4. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Anonymous10:17 AM
      Why would you call Nefer a troll?
      She is anything but a troll but yes THANKS for linking to a VERY, VERY INTERESTING blog post.Someone will be spinning and it won't be Nefer!
      Trolls will be spinning!

    5. "Anonymous10:17 AM
      Oh well Nefer our resident troll"
      I am not a troll, Anonymous, resident or otherwise. You might want to ponder your reading comprehension skills.

  13. Anonymous10:22 AM

    OT question

    Why would a sitting Governor haul her pregnant 16 year old daughter in her third trimester all the way across the country and be seen at an MTV tv program taping?

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Cause they're both Fame Whores. Next question?

  14. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Fuck oh dear! This dolt is an actual NYT writer????Sad, just fucking sad, she should hang her head in shame! Probobly got her degree the same place ole payme did.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Read the article and it truly stinks. Any fifth-grader could do better.

  15. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Gryph, sent your article here to Steinhauer on Twitter. Told her to please read this from Alaskans who really know Palin.

    1. That's two of us who sent it to her. Hopefully, she'll figure out that she should read it.

  16. It wouldn't hurt for you to write a rebuttal to that opinion piece. Don't know if they'd have the guts to print it though.
    M from MD

  17. Anonymous10:40 AM

    $arah should have disappeared long ago. Unfortunately Steinhauer is kinda correct on this one, as much as it hurts. Wastes of space like Santorum and Gingrich and Turd Blossom are still given deference years after their sell-by-date has passed. We live in an age of despair.

    1. I did a check looking at all of 2010 donations to candidates, which is her highest year she contributed to candidates, and found your total for the year was close to mine. My total was about $40,000less tan yours, so I agree with your total donations for 2010.

      However, when I compared what she donated that year as compared to what she collect in donations for 2010, her donations to candidates is only about 7.5% of what she brought in.

  18. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Blows my mind. NYTimes. Useless fishwrap even virtually. How could any reporter get away with a phrase like that in ANY article? Did her editor not ask her to PUT IN NUMBERS? She clearly couldn't be bothered to do a few clicks. All she did, probably, was copy and paste from some book or piece by someone with Palin starbursts in his crotch. Jeez this makes me sick. Unlike Palin, I actually did go to journalism school.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Agreed. I am also a journalism graduate and the errors are egregious. Methinks this reporter may need some real schooling. Shame on the NYT.

  19. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Ms. Palin has given a total of hundreds of thousands of dollars to scores of people as "hush money". These payments keep the family secrets from being told.

    Britta ... will you tell how much Sarah pays you?

  20. Anonymous11:07 AM

    LAZY reporting. Following the links embedded in the story, one finds this source:

    Right there you can find the totals donated for each election cycle. It does list $213, 000 donated in 2012 cycle. But makes no comment on what percentage of donations that was.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Yeah, this reporter is not worthy of the NYT- or even the Wasilla Times.

  21. Anonymous11:09 AM

    As a regular reader of The New York Times, I expect better and more accurate reporting than the piece referenced. This reporter, possibly inadvertently, somehow legitimatizes Palin as someone who, early on, realized that her current path (slander President Obama, suck up to the Tea Party, spread hate, lie effortlessly, and pretend to be a political sage) would be the easiest way to get rich. No kidding! Even one as dumb as Mrs. Palin figured that out in about 30 seconds. I am actually shocked that the Times would run the story with this reference to The Quitter. She should be ignored!

  22. Anonymous11:17 AM

    The picture on this article shows a woman in serious need of a shampoo and showering - possibly de-lousing.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      So true! A few months in detox could't hurt either.

  23. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Where the hell are the IRS and the FEC regarding sarahpac ???????

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      SarahPAC has been violating IRS laws by mis-classifying some employees as consultants in order to avoid paying payroll taxes.

      I've looked at a few PAC reports and SarahPAC is the only one that doesn't claim to have any employees.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      They are investigating Chuck Heath Sr. Butt hurt son that didn't make it to family reunion has written about the grief it has caused.

    3. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Consultants provide guidance and employees perform tasks like filtering social media material and trolling sites facilitating disinformation . Now you make the choice in regards to SarahPAC.

  24. Caroll Thompson11:54 AM

    You mean the New York Times that employed Judith Miller (now of FOX) who reported whatever Cheney's peeps feed to her without checking and as a result got us into the Iraq war? You mean the New York Times who did not report that George Bush was spying on Americans on American soil without a warrant until after the 2004 election, even though they knew it at least a year before 2004? That New York Times? All I have to say is the Old Grey Mare ain't what she used to be. The New York Times has become a Republican rag shilling for the Republicans.

    And the fact that they're losing money every year while other media outlets are making money says it all. They don't bother to check the facts. Like most Republicans, they just make shit up.

    Having said that, Sarah Palin sold her soul to the teabagger store. And she made a lot of money in the process. But the money is drying up, the speaking engagements are months apart and she is the laughingstock of the political world. Even the paint chip eaters are no longer giving to Sarahpac. They finally realized that Sarah was/is spending all the money raised on herself.

    If that is winning, then okay New York Times, she is winning. But what has she won? She has lost her dignity, her integrity, her popularity, her looks and more recently her sanity. She is in the process of losing her financial stability as she will not be able to keep all the balls in the air because the easy money is no more.

    Heck, Greta and Franklin don't even want her at their event in ALASKA. She is hardly seen on FOX news anymore and her recent attempt at reality was a big failure. Oh yeah, at her last outing in Tennessee, less than 400 people showed up and the organizers were giving away free tickets.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      I think Greta finally realized that Palin did, indeed, fake the pregnancy and egregiously lie to her too many times. I suspect Palin countered with the 'I was protecting Bristol' excuse to gain sympathy and a willingness to protect the secret. But...the friendship may be doomed.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM


    3. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Sarah Palin isn't winning anything anymore! SarachPac has decreased substantially in funding/donations (to the idiot!) and if you'll also notice only one person from Alaska gave her anything last report.

      Alaskans want nothing to do w/their piece of white trash from Wasilla, Alaska! She's embarrassed the hell out of them as well as their Alaska Republican Party!

    4. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Caroll Thompson 11:54 AM


  25. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sarah has been doing great work for a long time
    Glad she has been recognized by the NYT
    Take back our country
    Impeach Obama

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      LOL! You've got to stop that Palin worshipping, troll! It sure is hilarious you keep repeating the same crap over and over again but that's all it is, crap! I'm sorry you cannot deal with evolution err revolution to give gays the rights they deserve, and women the control over their bodies. Sure is fun to watch you religious nutcases go ape shit over the easiest of things!

  26. Anonymous1:40 PM

    she's such dirty pig.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Which Palin female might you be describing?

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Is anon 1:40 referring to
      Piper Indy Grace?

  27. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I would love to have seen a photo of Mrs P in that kayak. Maybe some kind soul whittled around the opening to make it larger or perhaps she was in a paddleboat and doesn't know the difference.

  28. Anonymous1:55 PM

    If Sarah Palin was as large w/Willow as she was w/the photo we've seen of her w/Track - she would not have fit in a kayak!!! Complete bullshit as usual from her!

  29. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Gryf, maybe you (or someone) should write a responsive guest editorial that refutes her misconceptions about Palin. It shouldn't be hard to do!

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      The more editorials the better.

  30. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I think this quote has lot of meaning. Read it twice Sarah, and four times Bristol...

    "John McCain and Sarah Palin were defeated for very different reasons. None of which you can tie back to Bristol Palin."

    It was NOT Bristol's "fault" that Sarah was not sent to Washington.

    Sarah needs to lay off Bristol. And, Bristol, honey, ignore your mother when she tries to lay a guilt trip on you.

    Get that great patriotic independent attitude and get free from the woman.

    It's not going to be easy, but know that countless others have had to break away and stand up to family in order to "progess" their own lives.

    Put your screw-ups in the past and make a new life for you and your son. People (non-family) will respect you for it and will give help if you seek it.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      John McCain lost because he picked a former dumbass beauty pageant idiot for his vp pick. What didn't help was her kid's past devilish behavior.

  31. Anonymous2:54 PM

    1:55 PM

    She may have been desperate for a fundie abortion and applied massive amounts of Vaseline.

  32. Anonymous3:18 PM

    The Daily Currant is a satirical site.

    Wonder if Ms Palin actually commented on the faux story?

  33. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Yes, satire. Sarah Palin "Going Rogue" must also be kayaking satire. The NYT Jennifer Steinhauer also too writes satire.

    Palin is so determinedly American that, when she went into labor with Willow on the Fourth of July while kayaking on Memory Lake in Wasilla, she writes, “I so wanted a patriotic baby that I paddled as hard as I could to speed up the contractions, but she held out until the next day.”

    Or is it true that everything she says in a big fat lie?

  34. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Well that's cool, I was wayyy underestimating the amount she had donated. Not as stingy as we all thought. Must be that she is publicizing her donations more this cycle because I don't remember hearing her blab or Facebook about them prior to this election cycle.

    She's still an awful person, but not as stingy as I thought.

  35. Anonymous6:23 PM

    People used to mention that the Palins had power in Wasilla and people were scared of Sarah's retaliation. Now I see a bully who is afraid to come out of her compound.

  36. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    It's a shame what's become of the NYT in particular and newspapers in general. This writer either "graduated" from the same "journalism school" Sarah did, or equated the many articles and photos of Sarah's mug pushing candidates as "a majority of wins".
    As for the man who mentioned his non married daughter's pregnancy, can anyone, for one second, imagine (indulge me here, it's just an example) President Bill Clinton announcing that his 17 year old daughter is unwed and pregnant? It would have a nuclear effect, if he were campaigning. The republicans would jump on that in a heartbeat.

    So now we have a phenomenon that it's "cool" because Bristol set the precedent during McCain's campaign.

  37. Anonymous11:10 PM

    this ..

  38. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Here's a story about Joni Ernst you might enjoy....

  39. There's something to that, actually. If you get your entire view of the world through internet comments like I do (I'm sure there's no downside of that, right?), you see it all of the time.

    The thing is, losing saves these candidates the inconvenience and difficulties inherent in... actually governing. The people who win have to make actual tough choices with real-world repercussions.

    If you lose, you can forever play Monday morning quarterback... even if it is at the county fair to a bunch of drunks.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.