Saturday, July 05, 2014

Virginia residents threatening to boycott shopping area in response to Open Carry Ammosexuals.

Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:  

Open carry “activists” have been terrorizing the retail district of Careytown, VA. Recently, three armed men paraded through the busy Carey street and downtown areas, causing residents and shoppers to grow concerned about the safety of the area — and are threatening a boycott of the shopping area if open carry ammosexuals are permitted to continue to parade their penile enhancements around in public. Dozens of e-mails, phone calls, and Facebook posts have rolled in complaining about the actions of the public blasturbators that are making residents feel uneasy. 

“It was something about seeing, large guns, with three people carrying a flag that made it a little scary,” said Teresa Cerully, who works in Carytown. 

“A few weeks ago, they were standing in front of our store, talking to people about their cause and my customers were actually afraid to leave the store because they have small children and didn’t know exactly what their cause was,” said Sheri Doyle, a Carytown shop owner. 

One mother, a member of Moms Demand Action, said, “My belief is that no one should be normalized to the site of these weapons in public,” she said. “There is no way to know if the person carrying one of these down Cary Street is a good guy or a bad guy.” 

The group has asked the Carytown Merchants Association to see if Carytown would consider a gun-free zone. The group defends its actions, saying the people the group frightens are the ones it needs to reach the most. “The people who are choosing to stay away, because of that, are the people we are trying to reach the most, because they are the ones that need the education of the firearms,” said Scott Royle, one of the men who regularly parades around with his boomstick.

Yeah you know I think these parents are already quite well educated when it comes to firearms.

They realize that the more there are of them, the more dangerous it is for both them and their families.

Especially when the spokesperson for the group promoting open carry posts crap like this to Twitter.



  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    It's outstanding to see Americans standing up to these idiots brandishing their guns! They look like idiots!

    Not shopping at the stores where they are should have some success. Those actually 'inside' stores will be kicked out, but those standing outside stores will take more effort to get rid of! Might have to attend Assembly meetings for their city governments and discuss the issue.

    Good America! Kick them in the ass! It's way past time something be done about this gun issue.

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    What exactly would "the education of the firearms" include? Being pistol whipped or shot twenty times in less than a minute?

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    fukin' retarded ammosexual inbreds ..

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    whaddya suppose the combined IQ of those three dipshits tally out at ?

  5. "The group defends its actions, saying the people the group frightens are the ones it needs to reach the most. "
    Bullshit. Those of us that would object to people strutting around in public are fully educated as to the risks. There is no way of knowing until something happens whether it is a good or bad guy with a gun.

    But you want to get to know us, you say? And then we will know you are good guys with guns? Swell. What if someone who has a gun but doesn't know you happens along? Those of us that are sane do not want to get caught in the crossfire when one of you jackwagons decides to stand your ground.

    Being a "good guy" with a gun has nothing to do with whether you are also a stupid, irresponsible, angry, or careless guy with a gun and we do not have to risk our lives finding out too late that any of these terms apply to you.

    Just the fact that you think it is reasonable to parade around with such weaponry is proof that you are irresponsible clowns with guns.

    No business or neighborhood that allows open carry will get my business and yes, that includes online.

  6. Anonymous12:52 PM

    How the hell does 'fuck the police' supposed to 'educate' and 'reach' moms and their little kids in a good way? Assholes.

  7. Anonymous1:25 PM

    What an arrogant, paternalistic asshole Scottie Royle is. I really, really hope Scottie meets a good guy with a gun who takes him for the demented,"bad guy with a gun that he is.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Oh, it'll happen. And when it does, he'll get the "Royle Treatment."

  8. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Glad SHE didn't have a gun. What an ugly person she is.

    Horrific Racist Tirade On A Train

  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    If the pictured assholes had ever been educated about firearms they would know better than to strut around in public carrying the weapons.

  10. Scotty doesn't like the police. Usually, the police would be considered 'good guys with guns'. So what does that make Scotty?

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      A fucking idiot.

  11. Anonymous2:19 PM

    For a better understanding of what and where this was happening....there is no Careytown, VA. Careytown is a quaint shopping district on Carey St. in downtown Richmond, VA. Members of my family live around the corner and I feel sick to my stomach. It's not surprising to learn from the gun-carrying fools' facebook pages that they're militia, conspiracy-theory creeps.

  12. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Fuck the police, eh? These clowns would do well to remember this pearl:

  13. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Eventually the joy of strutting your penis extender in and near businesses will become an insufficient "tingle" of excitement. What will be next, fellas? Churches?

  14. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Optional for individual human citizens or only if you're a corporation?

  15. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Gee, it seems to me that of the three of these assclowns, the young African-American man is most likely to "die for his values" at the hands of his fellow white "patriots" as a penultimate example of ideological naivete.

    1. He surely can't be that naive. Maybe just wishful thinking that this will get him to be a member of the "club". He's playing a dangerous game which could end very badly. I hope he figures it out before these rednecks turn on him.

  16. Anonymous3:58 PM

    This area is a mile from my house. I will stop shopping there and inform my son so my grandchildrens safety is not compromised either by these nut jobs.

  17. Anita Winecooler4:43 PM

    Looks like a meeting of "Ammosexuals Anonymous"

    "Hi, My name is Scottie and I've had a micro penis all my life"

  18. Anonymous7:15 PM

    These morons are doing more to win people over to the gun control side than any of the formal gun control advocacy groups could possibly hope to accomplish.

    Please proceed...

  19. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Hate to have to point it out, but the black kid better keep close to his pals...if noticed out, ALONE, with that weapon, he'll be taken as a threat by another gun freak and mowed down--claiming he had to hold his ground.

  20. Anonymous4:49 AM

    If I were the owner of the bookstore where the first photo was taken, I would be furious because future customers might legitimately be afraid to come into the store. The American people should not have to be subjected to the intimidation of idiots with guns. I think it's time that communities take on the issue and declare their public spaces to be gun-free zones. If these idiots want to sit in front of their own tv sets armed to the teeth, so be it, but they shouldn't be allowed to intimidate everyone else.

  21. That picture is fake


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It just goes directly to their thighs.