Sunday, July 13, 2014

What it must be like trying to teach science in the Bible Belt.


  1. Anonymous2:43 AM

    The primitives walk among us. They are legion. Empiricism is rejected. The mythology they chose to believe comforts them. It is, ultimately, all about ego.

  2. Anonymous3:32 AM

    But they can't believe in magic because this is the same group of people who had kittens over the popularity of Harry Potter, After all, what is Potions class but Organic Chemistry anyway.

  3. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Come on day after day you are more intolerant!

    Except for your intolerance towards Christianity you have a great blog. I love your writing style and insight.

    Ok you are a non-believer but goodness do you really think it ok to constantly rag on others belief systems.

    Not all Christians are crazed right wing lunatics. Jesus was a wonderful, accepting, caring, non judgmental and peaceful man. So sorry these nuts are spoiling it.

    But wow, just be a non believer and kill the insults. I quit reading it from time to time but I eventually come back.

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Look, you can believe in Jesus all you want. No one is stopping you. We live in a society where a majority of people do believe in the Jesus myth. (And it is a myth. There's no historical evidence for Jesus. None. Everything you and everyone else who shares your belief system believes about him has no basis in fact. It's all hearsay and contradictory hearsay at that.) This mass acceptance/delusion does mean that your belief system is in no danger from Gryphen's refusal to humor it. There is nothing to say that YOUR interpretation of Jesus is the right one, since everyone is really free to make up their own. That said, how do you feel about the megalomaniac, cruel, vengeful, murderous FATHER of Jesus depicted throughout the Old Testament?

    2. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Why should people rely on faith when science and logic has dispelled the entire religious belief? That crap worked for people 2000 years ago because they didn't know better. There has NEVER been on shred of evidence of a god or creator. And finally, the bible was created by men, yes men to control people.

    3. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Masochist for Jesus much?

    4. Anonymous5:27 AM

      What are you doing to hush up the intolerant nuts?

      If you are doing nothing, you shouldn't criticize Gryphen for exposing asininity.

    5. Leland6:51 AM

      Let's look at what Gryphen posted here and compare it to your statement. First, what he has posted here is a cartoon - a religio-political cartoon. HE did not make the thing.

      Second, this is not JUST a cartoon. It is coming to be fact. And WILL be if the fanatical Fundamentalists have their way. (By the way, do you know where Fundamentalism started? I'll bet not.)

      Third, it isn't just christianity he mocks (with good reason, I might add), it's ALL of them.

      After all, organized religion is the most deadly cause in history. Would you like to know what the most vicious type of warfare there is? A religious war. Whoever loses disappears.

      At the rate the RWNJ's are going - and YES, I mean the Fundies and the Evies - WE will have a religious war here.

      Do you like that idea? If you don't, then don't complain about Gryphen's exposing the SHIT that is being espoused by the loud mouths screaming the loudest.

      And if YOU are not doing something - like disagreeing with the fools - then YOU are part of the problem.

  4. Anonymous4:49 AM

    "Not all Christians are crazed right wing lunatics. Jesus was a wonderful, accepting, caring, non judgmental and peaceful man."

    And you know this how?

  5. Jim In Texas4:50 AM

    @4:03. "Not all Christians are crazed Right Wing lunatics." True, but the ones driving the national religious and political discussion are. Get the non-crazed to call the lunatics out and the Gryph can ease off a bit.

  6. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I never really got the holy ghost ... I'm a proud heretic.

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    The funniest thing I ever heard was two mid 30's "soccer mom's" in a small grocery story talking about religion. One says to the other, "I'm thinking about changing churches because I am not getting enough out my current one spiritually." I just shook my head and thought, lady you don't need more god in your life, you need a shrink because clearly she was unhappy with something at home and was using religion to escape from it because it wasn't working,.

  8. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Exceptional nation of hair and skin school graduates also too there!

  9. Anonymous6:21 AM

    ok...again. Media is corporate thusly they highlight the lunatics because it makes for good copy. See: Sarah Palin.

    Good Christians doing good work gets minimal press. Although Pope Francis is making good steps in a positive direction.

    Jesus is historical he did exist. All major religions and most historians believe that He walked the face of this earth. Now, whether he was God, you may debate. But the existence of Jesus is typically not debatable.

    Does Gryph believe He existed, i cant speak for that. i also understand his position on it. I merely think that as a liberal, progressive person that he could be less caustic. Less judgemental.

    I really like Gryph. I just get turned off for what is ridicule

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Less judgemental? Listen, Bush invaded Iraq because some religious voice in his head told him so. I'm fucking sick and tire of people of faith telling others they need to live by their standards.

      Christians have lost the same sex marriage fight. Now they can devote their days and nights on abortion and contraception. Another battle they will eventually lose as the masses of people abandon religion altogether,. Then what will they have left? A minority of complete head cases forcing people into believe the nonsensical hocus pocus that is religion.

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Prove Jesus existed. Go ahead. Prove it.

      Good luck with that.

      (And don't bother to bring up the fabricated reference in Josephus. That's been repeatedly debunked.)

    3. Leland6:55 AM

      6:21? Proof, please. WHAT historical documents have there been. And NO, most historians do NOT say there is proof he existed.

      If YOU have some RELIABLE proof, great. Expose it. And BTW, innuendoes, opinions and hearsay (like the Bible) are NOT reliable proof!

    4. Anonymous7:33 AM

      200 years ago, "All major religions" in China, India, and South America had never heard of Jesus.

      You are way outnumbered.

  10. Anonymous6:28 AM

    This kinda shit makes me believe a variation of the world of The Hunger games may not be too far fetched. This country could be broken up into districts, the metro city, the dominionists,,the hassidic jews and their gazillion kids, the quiverfulls with their gazillion kids etc. As long as there is an area for the smart, evolved critically thinking educated of us to live, it may be better in the long run..
    Or we can move to Finland.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Never happen. Too many people would have to get up off their asses (and iPhones) for that.

  11. Anita Winecooler4:47 PM

    Sheeh. Gryphen posts a thirteen word title on a fairly innocuous and true political cartoon, and everyone's up in arms, sick and tired blah blah blah. Which proves the point of the cartoon quite well. Smart Move, Gryphen!


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