Sunday, July 13, 2014

While taking President Obama's order employee in Texas restaurant speaks out in support of gay rights, and receives fist bump in return.

Courtesy of the Independent: 

Daniel Rugg Webb, a comedian, artist and musician, as well as an employee at Franklin Barbecue in Austin, seized the opportunity to make his voice heard when he found out Potus was visiting the food joint on Thursday, The Austin Chronicle reported. 

When the President approached the till, Webb, 32, cast his hand down onto the counter and said: “Equal rights for gay people!” 

Obama responded: “Are you gay?! 

To which Webb replied: “Only when I have sex.” 

Laughing, the President told Webb to “bump me” and the pair knocked their fists together. 

The exchange was captured in a photograph, which has since been widely shared on the internet. Obama is reported to have spent $300 (£175) in the restaurant.

So not only did the President share a joke one with one of the  rarest creatures known to man, an openly gay man living in Texas, but he also gave him the dreaded terrorist fist bump. Conservative heads must be exploding all over Texas.

Here's my favorite part of the article:

“If Rick Perry (the governor of Texas) would've walked in, I would have lost my job. I would've taken that old queen to town,” Webb said.

Now as much as I enjoyed reading about this exchange part of me really wishes that Rick Perry would have shown up instead with a gaggle of reporters in tow. 

THAT just might have been epic.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Great pic and great comment. Of course the RWNJ will have to say "something"....negative.

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Love it!!!

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Take THAT, Palin!!!

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I would've taken that old queen to town,” Webb said.

    Webb knows more about Rick Perry than the GOP! Seems he just called Perry a gay man.

    1. Balzafiar6:15 PM

      You might consider obtaining a copy of "Head Figure Head: The Search for the Hidden Life of Rick Perry" by Glen Maxey. It is available on Amazon and goes into detail about Perry's gay sex life.

    2. The more public they are about polishing their anti-gay creds, the more suspicious they make me. I get the same vibe from Perry that I do about Ken Cuccinelli and Rick Santorum. Maybe Larry Craig set this tone all the way back in the 1982 congressional page scandal.

      No man sounds more guilty than the one trumpeting his innocence of something no one's accused him. Craig, then 37 and unmarried for one more year, was just one year into national office then spent the next 27 building a perfect anti-gay voting record.

    3. "dvlaries9:54 PM
      The more public they are about polishing their anti-gay creds, the more suspicious they make me."
      I remember being dumbfounded by Craig's take on the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. As naive as I was at the time, even I know something was um, strange about this:

      "Craig: ...but I will tell you that the Senate certainly can bring about a censure resolution and it's a slap on the wrist. It's a, bad boy, Bill Clinton. You're a naughty boy. The American people already know that Bill Clinton is a bad boy, a naughty boy.

      I'm going to speak out for the citizens of my state, who in the majority think that Bill Clinton is probably even a nasty, bad, naughty boy."

  5. To be clear I never called anybody a coward, nor would I ever.

    Though admittedly I may be utilizing an outdated stereotype.

  6. Ailsa5:43 PM

    Sorry Gryph - It was me that was calling Rick Perry a craven coward - and I make no apologies for it!

    When I wrote that I thought I'd worded rather badly. I should have listen to myself.

  7. ibwilliamsi5:50 PM

    Rick Perry wouldn't have had the balls to show up there. Seriously - Rick Perry has no balls. He traded them in for the Bitter Quitter Intelligentsia wannabe glasses.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Oh, and a big flak jacket and a couple of BIG rifles, too, to appear "Presidential" with Shammity.

    2. Anonymous10:50 PM

      And some "trigger time."

  8. Anonymous6:06 PM

    As bad as the most of Texas might be, Austin is about the coolest city I have ever visited...sort of like San Francisco...but weirder and looser. Great music, great food, great people. They call it the little blue dot in the big red state. I love you Austin!

  9. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

    Oh noes! Remember when all heck broke loose when POTUS and FLOTUS exchanged fistbumps? The Bear's on the Loose, and the RWNJ GOP idiots have a new caw full of cud to regurgitate and swallow. POTUS will be called Gay by Association, and he'll take that as a complement, I'm sure.
    Love both men's sense of humor. Rick Perry is a waste of skin. Those photo ops were something immature Sarah would have done, but he beat her to the punch.
    Poor Fella had back surgery and is on pain killers and muscle relaxers, can't wear his trademark cowboy boots. He took a cue from the Palin clan, "Wear glasses, people will think you're smarter than you really are".

    1. Anonymous10:32 PM

      "Wear glasses, people will think you're smarter than you really are".

      But that only works when they can keep their mouth shut. P-rick Perry and Asshat Sarah can't shut their traps long enough for anyone to even wonder about their intelligence. They quickly confirm their ignorance.

    2. Anonymous6:07 AM

      $Attribute by Association? Doesn't work that way. Somebody we all know went to four colleges for five years, and was surrounded by smart people. That didn't work.

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Everyone I know in Texas just accepts it as fact that Perry is a married gay man. Everyone knows who Perry is but does anyone outside of Texas know his wife's name or what she looks like without Googling? Usually First Ladies of Texas are very well known but I couldn't pick her out of a lineup.


  11. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Well, I'll join you, Rick Perry is a craven coward. Let me add sleazy, dumb, and a conniving fake.

    I agree, Austin is not Texan- It rolled down from the north during an earthquake many years ago. It just happened to end up in Tx.

    Btw, I love "only when I have sex"! Perfect answer!

  12. Anonymous7:57 PM

    President Obama knows how to keep his cool and still manage to rill up the crazies.

  13. Anonymous8:01 PM

    it is a very common rumor / poorly held secret in the gay community in tx that the 'ol gov ain't the straightest. and i've heard it from some pretty well connected people. 'where there's smoke there's fire' (pun intended) may not be fair, but it is amazing how often you hear this from folks in the gay community.

  14. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Whether gay or not, Rick Perry sucks. Not because he is or isn't gay. He's an asshole and a hypocrite.

    Some of my in-laws who have long been active in TX politics (on both the Bush and Democrat) sides told me of the new closet-queen gov-to-be right before SCOTUS declared Bush POTUS. Do I believe them? I've never known them to lie or repeat bullshit that was later proved untrue. But I really don't care. He's an asshole, and I don't need to be a local Austin political wonk to know that.

  15. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Hey Sarah, Obama is COOL, and you SUCK ASS!!!!!

  16. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Yeah, but how would Rick Perry have been able to drive that macho border-cruising riverboat into the restaurant?

  17. Anonymous5:24 AM

    "I would've taken that old queen to town"
    Not the first time I've heard reference to Perry's homosexuality.


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