Thursday, August 28, 2014

Good news Christians, Kirk Cameron is riding to the rescue of Christmas. Is it that time again?

Courtesy of The Blaze:  

Actor Kirk Cameron is taking political correctness to task this fall with a new movie that aims to deflate arguments regularly made against Christmas, while simultaneously pushing back against atheist activists’ annual attacks on the holiday. 

In “Saving Christmas,” Cameron plans to tackle some of the most controversial and disputed issues surrounding the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birthday — claims that he says have had a profound impact on the way believers and nonbelievers alike view the Christian celebration. 

Cameron said some of the claims that will be addressed in the film include: the notion that Christmas is really a church co-opting of winter solstice celebrations, that Jesus was not born on December 25, that Christmas trees are pagan and that consumerism is overshadowing the true reason for the season.

Well bad news there Mike Seaver, because in fact Christmas WAS indeed a pagan holiday and virtually everything about it is borrowed from other traditions predating Christianity.  (As you can learn for yourself by clicking here.)  

The “Growing Pains” actor, who has gone on to direct and produce numerous faith-themed films, said that atheist activists’ attempts to diminish the true nature of the holiday by taking aim at nativities and other symbols of faith amounts to political correctness run amok. 

“[It is] offensive to 90 percent of people in our country who want to see nativity scenes and who know the birth of the Christ child is the fundamental root of Christianity, which is the ideology that built this country,” Cameron said.

Once again Atheists do not care about crosses and nativity scenes placed on private property, we only want them kept away from government facilities and public areas.

And that 90% number is bullshit by the way.

Personally I LOVE Christmas and have no problem with a Santa Claus, commercialism, and even a baby Jesus or two. However for me it has always been the religious people demanding that everybody remember the "reason for the season" and cramming Christianity down our throats who have poisoned the well.

And I personally find the idea that the idiotic, Bible thumping Kirk Cameron is going to actually convince anybody that Christmas is solely a creation of Christianity laughable on its face.

Remember he is the guy who along with Ray Comfort literally tried to prove the existence of God using a banana

(H/T to Politicususa.)


  1. Randall4:39 PM

    I wonder who really gives a flying rat's ass what Kirk "Growing Pain" Cameron thinks about ANYthing?

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Even though I don't act like it I'm a believer in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost and I believe Kirk is the one commercialiizng Christmas with this awful movie.

  3. Even I, who renounced Christianity decades ago, know that "the birth of the Christ child" is not the "fundamental root of Christianity"--the death of Christ is.

    But then Christianity isn't "the fundamental ideology that built this country"--greed is.

  4. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Hm. He is pretty obnoxious. And that clip? Truly boring stuff, there, Kirk. I assume that all profits are being donated to homeless shelters and food banks? Yeah, just like Sarah...all about you and your bank account. And Kirk, you are wrong. About everything.

  5. Boscoe5:12 PM

    Kirk Cameron's Christmas™ Strawmen in 3D! Throwin' 'em up and tearin' em down, just in time for the holidays - the way the Founders™ intended...*

    *(not intended to be a factual statement)

    Isn't it amazing how "patriotic" you can be while completely ignoring the Constitution? That's what faith'll get ya, the ability to ignore all reason and facts...

  6. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Well, technically there is only one reason for the season. Sarah and crew hate that people forget about Jesus and use the holiday solely for presents. For them, it is all about family events and Jesus. Their gift secret santa tradition thing comes last, though obviously the tradition is sweet.

    But honestly, no one REALLY cares that much about others' opinions of a holiday.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      It's not about Jesus for the Palins. Look at the way they celebrated Christmas before Sarah's stupid book. And she still won't take her stinky ass and her stinky brood to church at Christmas because she knows most people there don't want to know her.

    2. Well, technically, 5:38, you are a moron.

      But Hanukkah, Kwanza, St Nicholas Day, Bodhi Day and the Winter Solstice, say hello.

    3. What $arah calls "Eskimo bingo" is "sweet"? Uhhhhh, okay. If you say so.

      I am happy to stay as far away from Xmas as my coreligionists and I typically do, while not getting into a self-righteous sweat if a grocery checker who doesn't know me wishes me a merry you-know-what.

      "And also to you," I reply with sincerity.

  7. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Even the pope said there was no manger and no animals. But Xtians don't consider the pope "Christian"

  8. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I think only Christians should celebrate Christmas. It's a holy day, therefore there should be no public holiday and no Santa Claus and no gifts- and every Christian should have to make time to go to church for two hours on Christmas Day even though it's a working day.

    You with me, Sarah?

  9. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Like Palin, he is just whoring for Jesus.

  10. Anonymous6:52 PM

    The way Kyla and Tripp look like twins makes you remember how much Track and Bristol looked alike. Adorbs. Natural beauties.

    1. How odd that you think Bristol and Track looked alike as they looked--and look--nothing alike. Not surprising, as they have different fathers.

      There is not a single aspect of the Palin family's life that is not a lie. It's just too bad that Sarah Palin chose to inflict her pathology on the country.

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Of course Kyla and Tripp look alike, duh, Bristol is their mother!

    3. Wrong thread, bozo at 6:52 pm.

    4. Kristy, you dipshit. A) wrong thread. B) while Bristol and Track look ZERO alike (him: blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, patrician features of his father Curt, her: brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin, native features of her father's side until she hackjob'd them away), it's true that Tripp and Kyla look alike; not surprising as I believe they may be half siblings. That DWTS baby had to go somewhere, and Kyla is the right age.

  11. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Awww, the best family pictures are the ones getting into place.


    1. Wrong thread again, simpleton.

  12. Anonymous7:01 PM

    These "Christians" sure are spoiling for a fight.

    Guys, remember that He was called The Prince of Peace.

  13. Anonymous7:19 PM

    All these people complaining about putting the christ back in Christmas…yet all they are doing is adding to the commercialization.

  14. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Gryphen, you MUST watch this! So must everyone. Such a powerful piece.

    1. Don't you know that those who post blind links go to Hell? (Snark). And no I won't watch an unidentified video so you may want to derail threads somewhere else.

  15. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Buddhist Extremist Cell Vows To Unleash Tranquility On West,34623/

  16. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I'm a third generation Atheist but growing up we participated in the ritual gift giving at xmas time, even Atheists like to give and get presents.

  17. Anonymous10:29 PM


    NOT THAT SEASON AGAIN!!!!! With all these xtians, I have come to hate the season! The commercialism in this country simply HURTS, dammit!!!
    I used to really cherish Christmas time as a time of reflection, of peace and quiet, and of listening to christmas songs. Nowadays, I dread the season, because each year it seems to come earlier and earlier.
    I guess, in a way, this commercialism is bringing the season to the actual birth time of Jesus - sometime mid summer.

  18. O/T - Five of Cliven Bundy's Grandchildren Pulled From School Because They Can't Bring Weapons to Class.

  19. Caroll Thompson2:26 AM

    I grow tired of this false narrative that anyone is attacking Christmas. No one is attacking Christmas. People are insisting that Church and State be separate.

    These folks cry about the constitution all the time, but just like the bible, they ignore the parts that are not to their liking.

  20. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Since the Xmas tree was imported into England with Prince Albert after he married Victoria, it is definitely a pagan symbol. But I like the Winter Festival, and the Xtians can have their party, too. I don't care how they celebrate.

  21. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Watched the clip on YouTube - Hathos alert, as Andrew Sullivan would say! But even better in the recommended column to the right was "Randy Rainbow Marries Kurt Cameron." If you haven't seen it, you should watch it. Hilarious!

  22. A Hindu colleague of mine celebrates Christmas every year with a decorated tree, etc. Muslim colleagues and students happily chirp out Merry Christmas (I work in a university).

    The only people I see attacking Christmas are the nasty, anger-filled, judgmental, unloving, so-called Christians who demand that everyone see and celebrate Christmas as they do and for the same reasons, driving people away from Christianity in droves.

    How pathetic that they focus on trivial things like the wording of the greeting used by hapless, exhausted store clerks and not on the soulless, greedy, and meaningless materialism and consumerism run amuck during the holidays.

    What's more important to you, Christianists? That the clerk selling you your shopping carts of unnecessary crap says the exact words necessary to protect your feefees, or that child labor in ghastly conditions around the world was used to make your shitty Christmas geegaws and gifts?

    Which would Jesus be more concerned about? The biblical Jesus, not the gun-totin' republican capitalist selfish greedy hateful fabricated Jesus?

  23. "“[It is] offensive to 90 percent of people in our country who want to see nativity scenes and who know the birth of the Christ child is the fundamental root of Christianity, which is the ideology that built this country,” Cameron said."
    Seriously, Cameron, you ignorant moron? Read up on the history of this country. The Puritans of New England outlawed the celebration of Christmas. Some ethnic traditions celebrated it, others did not. Christmas traditions across the globe (not just this country) have evolved and changed over the centuries.

    Also, any true Christian would know that Easter is the necessary element of the faith, not the birth of the Infant.

    And who cares whether or not Jesus was born on Christmas Day. The Queen of England's actual birthday is not a day of celebration. A summer day day with a better chance of decent weather is when her birthday is celebrated.

  24. Is this a freaking joke? He's "defending" Christmas by brandishing a candycane weapon amid a cluster of toys, gifts, tinsel and Christmas trees? What's he going to do, shove a stocking down our throats?

  25. Anonymous9:40 AM

    [It is] offensive to 90 percent of people in our country who want to see nativity scenes and who know the birth of the Christ child is the fundamental root of Christianity,

    ignorant asshole.

    It is the Resurrrection and the Ascension that is the fundamental root of xtianity.

    Not that it matters.

  26. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen. That's the BEST Kirk clip, EVER. Nothing can top it. .

  27. Cameron is playing to the gullible. As in, if you make a movie they'll believe it. Just like everything you read on the internet is true.

    Cameron is totally irrelevant. There are plenty out there would would respond "Who?" if asked who Kirk Cameron is.


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