Sunday, August 24, 2014

GOP Committeewoman from Iowa warns that undocumented children crossing our borders might be "highly trained warriors" who will "rise up against Americans." Whoa Nelly!

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

On her weekly radio show yesterday, RNC committeewoman Tamara Scott of Iowa warned that child migrants from Central America may have been “highly trained as warriors” and could “rise up against” U.S. citizens. 

“When we see these kids, you and I think young kids, we think maybe 12-year-olds, maybe homeschoolers — excuse me, middle-schoolers,” said Scott, who is also Concerned Women for American’s Iowa state director and works as a lobbyist for the conservative group The Family Leader. “But we know back in our revolution, we had 12-year-olds fighting in our revolution. And for many of these kids, depending on where they’re coming from, they could be coming from other countries and be highly trained as warriors who will meet up with their group here and actually rise up against us as Americans.”

Okay that is where the Right Wing Watch stopped transcribing,  but the next thing this lunatic said was "We have no idea what's coming through out borders, but I would say Biblically it's not a Christian nation when you entice people to do wrong."


Is it not "Christian" to offer a safe harbor to those fleeing oppression?

Is it not "Christian" to want to protect children?

Or do I simply not understand the idea behind Christianity?


  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    But, but, but, Gryphen, Christians only protect WHITE children, because their messiah, Yeshua bin Yusef, of Nazareth, was a white child--oh, wait...

  2. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Where the hell are the Righties getting these absolutely crazy ideas in their heads. Oh wait, have you seen some of the obscure fringe websites the Pees list on a daily basis as factual news sites. Then they have the nerve to come here and bitch about things posted.

  3. I'm more afraid of the home schoolers. She got that one right the first time.

  4. Totally OT but didn't want this lost on the icebucket thread.

    Take a look at Trig! He's So big - and he seems like he could use some glasses. :(

    1. It appears Palin has put back a few pounds from her anorexic period. Her legs are not nearly as thin as they were earlier. Could she be finally be getting some some badly needed mental counseling?

      I also noticed in her last FEC filing that she no longer has RAM doing her ghost writing. Maybe RAM is now doing it for free to help plug Palin's losses, or maybe she just quit.

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Thanks for the link Maggie 5:46. Doesn't Palin ever put down her hand held communication devices? Maybe she wants to check our comments at IM!

    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Poor kid, I doubt he can even see who is sitting next to him.
      They must not take him to a pediatrician, seems like it would be malpractice to allow parents not to have his vision corrected.
      Of course grandma has a very, very low IQ, maybe she doesn't "see" what others like a therapist sees. yeah right

  5. So, it’s clear from THIS pic that part of being a complete nut job is that you have to LOOK like a complete nut job to pull off the total loon-whine con.. OR, Lizzy Cheeeeney has moved to Iowa.. NOT an unrealistic, short term strategy…

  6. I can't believe how ignorant, selfish, and gullible, and anti Christian people are in the far right. Fox, and the far right wing pundits have certainly found a ripe audience to take advantage of. Also notice they are mostly very religious which explains why they believe in the myths in the Bible without questioning any of it. Palin has also tapped into these very same people which is very evident if you read the comments people write at C4P.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      What would you call a woman who flies multiple US flags in her homes who praised an Alaska secessionist group and whose husband was a member of the same group for seven years?

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Of course FOX has found a ripe audience...FOX started the war on Christmas.... Amazing. I was in Sam's Club yesterday and they are selling Christmas decorations. Christmas decorations in the middle of August.... Some war.

    3. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Just keep reminding these people, when you are confronted, that Jesus was NOT a Christian. :)

  7. Maple6:56 AM

    Conservatives, by their very nature, are a fearful lot. They fear the future, they fear God, they fear their neighbours, they fear anyone whose colour isn't the same as theirs. It wasn't difficult to understand how the fundies managed to take over the GOP because FEAR is the basis of their religion. And if you make people fearful, you can talk them into almost anything, because their emotions rule their thinking processes.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Beautifully said Maple...thank you for your great post.

  8. OT, someone from C4P just posted a link for a Q&A post on the Sarah Palin Channel, but of course you have to be a member to read it. But the most OMG part can be seen on the side of the page where she has a link offering her parenting advice! Knowing how her three oldest children have turned out, and how she has ignored the basic early counseling needs for Trigg, the women should be arrested for child neglect for ignoring Trigg. And just think, her flaming ignorant base will believe every word of it. Lets just hope she has plagiarized someone else qualified for giving the proper advice on parenting, because good Lord and everyone else knows she is totally unqualified for giving such advice.

  9. Randall7:16 AM

    Some conservatives have gone so far to the right they've fallen off of the edge...
    the edge of sanity? Perhaps. Very likely, even.
    The edge of reason? Absolutely.

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    you don't understand the idea behind Christianity. The idea is to hate with all your heart and annihilate anyone who doesn't believe as you do.

    1. Leland9:36 AM

      Say rather FUNDIE christianity and I can agree with you wholeheartedly.

  11. Balzafiar8:04 AM

    “But we know back in our revolution, we had 12-year-olds fighting in our revolution."

    Fighting? No, not at all. While there are stories of young boys (as young as eight, allegedly) mixed with the troops, they were primarily drummers and fifers. In the Navy they were used to transfer gunpowder from cramped storerooms below-deck to topside. No person that young has been documented as a fighter. There are stories of young teenagers being soldiers, but again nothing that is documentable. The youngest legal age one could enlist was sixteen although the majority of soldiers were in the 18-24 range.

    Then we have: "...they could be coming from other countries and be highly trained as warriors who will meet up with their group here and actually rise up against us as Americans.”

    More than a small dose of paranoia there, I think. I don't live that far south, but if I did and had the good fortune to meet up with a group of these young people, I would extend to them a helping hand. Sadly I understand they need to be returned because we don't have the resources to cope with such a large influx, but I could at least make a part of their journey a little smoother.

    Terrorists? Hardly. Just young people living in terrible conditions who are trying, for better or worse, to escape that.

    1. Sally in MI8:51 AM

      I live in mid-Michigan, and despite some protests, our neighboring community of Bay City is welcoming some 40 kids to start the school year with them. Churches have worked together to get clothing, school, supplies, and housing for them. I'm far more worried about the terrorists in our know, the white men who think owning an arsenal is necessary for a free America (free from anyone not white?) and shoot before they even see a threat. These kids are not warriors, they are children. And you, Ms. Scott, are a sad scared woman who
      needs to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, Fox, and
      the rest of the hate-mongers posing as good Americans.

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    "entice people to do wrong?" Gee, blondie, that's what the GOP does daily. It's what the military has to do if we want soldiers to kill human beings. It's what people who think blacks are not human enough for respect and kill them are guilty of all the time. It's what Sarah Palin does every time she cheats Alaskans out of their tax dollars. Do wrong? Yeah, honey, let Bush/Cheney talk to you about wrong. This "Christian nation" tortured people, we are still killing other people, and we are about as Christ-like as Satan is.

  13. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Dyed blonde hair: CHECK
    Fashion glasses: CHECK
    Idiotic perspective: CHECK

    Yep, must be a GOP intelligentsia!

  14. Anonymous4:33 PM

    This has nothing to do about Christianity and everything to do with President Obama. If he had closed the borders and shipped the children back (violating the law that Bush signed), they would be all up in arms how dare he, poor children being sent back to a certain death.

  15. Anita Winecooler5:12 PM

    What the hell is she talking about? These RWNJ's and tea party callers toss fear in a blender and whip their imaginations into a frenzy. Have any of these two pinheads seen "Jesus Camp"? And this indoctrination's going on right here on our own land (stolen from the native Americans - soooo un Christian) with no influence from other countries.
    Fear drives people to madness, and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. Who'd want to look at, let alone interact with an overly peroxided bigot like this woman?


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