Tuesday, August 12, 2014

KKK stages demonstration in North Carolina are shouted down by protesters who vastly outnumber them. Don'tcha love progress?

Courtesy of the Courier-Tribune:

Don’t come back to Troy, boy!” 

The crowd took up the chant as the KKK group dispersed from in front of the Montgomery County courthouse in Troy on Saturday afternoon. 

A counter-protest organized via the Internet to a Ku Klux Klan rally in Troy had brought between 400-500 people to Main Street with signs that let the Klan know they weren’t welcome. Someone had even set up a microphone across the street from the approximately 100 Klansmen as each group shouted louder to drown each other out. 

“Young black people here today are seeing something they have never seen before. We have come a long way in this country and there is no place now for spreading hate and ignorance,” said William Cagle of Biscoe. 

Donald Loften from Troy agreed. 

“Young people today will not stand for this. When I was a little boy, the KKK coming to town would have put fear in my heart, but not anymore,” Loften said. “This country has come so far since those days. Where I work, we all work together every day. It’s a shame and disgrace for society that this hatred can go on, but I guess there will always be that 10 percent who want to hate somebody. They want to stir up trouble, but they are dealing with a different mentality now. People have no fear of them.” 

How's THAT for a good news story?

It is just another example of how far we have come in a relatively short period of time, and how far this next generation is going to take us once they grasp the wheel and start steering toward their destiny's.


  1. Leland2:56 AM

    I am 67. I grew up in SC. When I was in school a man was seen walking down our main street with a white woman. The next day he was found hanged. His "crime"? Even though he WORKED for the woman and was carrying her packages, he was walking AT HER SIDE instead of one step behind her!

    It was ruled suicide. Hell, even I knew that was a bald lie and I was only six!

    I am so damned glad to see those days are, for the most part, gone. (I would like to be able to say just GONE, but after seeing the reactions to the buses of immigrant children, I have my doubts.) And from the sounds of the above posting, I have hopes they won't come again.

    Now, if we could just get the non-fundie christians to do the same thing against the fundies and evangels, we could REALLY make some progress!

    Speak up, people! It's the only way things happen.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      "I am so damned glad to see those days are, for the most part, gone." We don't see any hangings today, but considering Michael Brown (and others like him), white people still get away with murder. Thank God for the internet and social media.

  2. Wonderful! I needed something to lift my spirits, as I'm still grieving for Robin.

  3. Anonymous5:41 AM

    While the protest is certainly encouraging, the fact that anyone would still put on the KKK suit is extremely distressing. That should have ended long ago.

    1. Leland5:49 AM

      Sorry to disappoint you, Beaglemom, but the haters have been around for as long as Man has lived in groups. I am afraid they will always be with us.

      Our ATTITUDE about them is the only thing that can stop them from doing harm.

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Thank God that some people are evolving, but I'm scared with the latest developments of hatred around the nation.
    The scary and sad thing is that they are ALWAYS there..they're there waiting, and like cockroaches you turn on your light and then you see that they are all over.
    And yet, I am still hopeful that eventually they will dissipate.

  5. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Thanks for posting the good news about a bad situation. I love the protesters' WTF approach, making a strong point without anger or hate.

  6. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for taking the time and making the effort to share this story. My question is, why hasn't this been on every news station or in every newspaper in the United States? It sickens me to see what passes for "journalism" today. Silence is Death.
    These kids, and so many more, restore my faith in humanity.


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