Saturday, August 16, 2014

Texas Governor Rick Perry indicted!

Courtesy of the Statesman:  

A Travis County grand jury today indicted Gov. Rick Perry on two charges related to his effort last year to force District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg to resign after her drunken driving arrest. 

Grand jurors charged Perry, 63, with abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony, and coercion of a public official. 

The indictments stemmed from Perry’s threat last summer to withhold $7.2 million in state money from Lehmberg’s office unless she step down – a threat he later carried out by vetoing an appropriation in the state budget. The money was earmarked for the state’s Public Integrity Unit, which is housed in Lehmberg’s office. Perry’s veto forced Travis County taxpayers to partially fund the office, but several prosecutors and staff lost their jobs or had to be reassigned.

Well another Republican gets indicted for being a bully, how completely usual.

And is it any surprise that this is yet another good friend Sarah Palin's?

Not even a little bit.

I think we all know what Rick Perry will use as his defense, "Oops."


  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Maybe he should have cut a deal with prosecutors to avoid a trial and just resign his someone else did.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Exactly right 4:20; and just when is all that going to come out so we can bury her once and forever ? Why is it all kept under lock and key ?

      I continue to log in to this site every day, just hoping to see the headline "Sarah Palin Indicted" - and am disappointed every day when I don't.

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Expect a FB rant from Her Turdiness on how unfair it is when people file charges against public figures.

  2. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Like I said before.. Here's your Get Out Of Jail Free card, Ricky. Spill what you know about Palin's faked pregnancy.

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    How will sending a closeted gay man to a mens prison be punishment?

    1. Perhaps if Ricky thinks himself a top but his 6'4" muscle-bound cellmate makes it a mission to convince him night after night after night ...he's not. And maybe subsequently rents him out. Ricky would be smart now practicing how to say "please, Daddy" in a convincingly beseeching tone.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      NOT funny. Get this through your idiot heads. Rape is NEVER funny. EVER. Your posts are vile and disgusting.

  4. Austinite here... I woke up to this news today; it's the NUMBER ONE story on all the locals. This all stems from the DA's DWI & it was a BLATANT abuse, thumbing his fucked up nose to the world. He's been abusing his power for years. It's about damned time! GO WENDY! woot!!!!!

  5. Sally in MI5:19 AM

    Perry's team meeting:

    Excuse #1: He didn't know anything.
    Excuse #2: Obama is scared of the macho Governor and this is a distraction from the border crisis.
    Excuse #3: The Governor has done nothing illegal.
    Excuse #4: If the Governor offended anyone by his actions, that was not the intent.
    Excuse# 5: Who's Lehmberg?
    Excuse $6: Excuse us, but the Governor will explain everything on Hannity tonight at 10. No comment.

  6. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Hang the son of a bitch.

  7. Anonymous8:27 AM

    He's the male version of Sarah only uglier.

  8. Anonymous9:39 AM

    But no one has an uglier personality and soul than Sarah Palin. It will be very interesting to watch this play out He could face over a hundred years in prison and for the man who executed so many prisoners, including totally innocent ones, is going to have a very hard time. Of course, he would be kept separate from the others. There goes his wife's dreams of being first lady. If he gets convicted, watch her divorce him. He's cheated on her for years with men and women according to Glen Maxey's book. All bets would be off and I think he would have a hard time keeping the skeletons from falling out of the closet.

  9. Oh man, how divinely full of shit is this now?
    Rick Perry at a Houston prayer rally.

  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Note how prepared he was for the first question by the media plant! He sounds just like George Bush while answering the question. Note his outrage and then the faux Southern charm schmoozing starts up.

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM

    He had planted folks in the audience - he was too prepared for the answers. He's not that quick on his feet (kind of like Sarah Palin!).

    Remember what an idiot he showed himself to be in the past POTUS run?

    I have family TX and they cannot stand him - they've indicated there being is a good possibility the state will turn purple/blue!

  12. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Are they really friends? Besides a few campaign stops, do they actually talk?

    Now, Sarah and Jan Brewer attend games together, Jan came here to Alaska and visited with Sarah and crew. Though Brewer isn't all bad. NO leader is wholly good.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Now, Sarah and Jan Brewer have a few vodka's and snorts together.... or they used too...

  13. Anonymous1:50 PM

    By that statement you'd expect Obama to be her friend. John Stewart, "the shadiest administration of all belongs to obama"

  14. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Rick "oops I forgot" Perry, just remember the third department he would eliminate-The department of corrections.

  15. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Maybe he could pray away this indictment.


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