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"Uh oh." |
Before I start sharing, the first thing to get out of the way is all of this iceberg talk.
The term "iceberg" was coined by my friend Dennis Zaki, and at the time he felt that what was about to be revealed qualified as an iceberg that would literally sink Palin's political career.
As all of you know instead she resigned and the iceberg simply melted away. Much to our frustration.
I would not characterize what I am working on as an iceberg, mostly because Palin's political career already sank into the icy depths, and because there is not yet any way to determine what kind of impact this will have on what remains of her, for lack of a better word, "career."
The second thing I want to remind all of you about is that protecting my sources is job one in my eyes. So no matter how often commenters badger me to hurry up or risk losing my credibility, or suggest that I don't deliver on my promises, or simply mock me as if we are on an elementary school playground, none of that will make things happen any faster.
As for my credibility remember that even though I was reporting interesting behind the scenes information about Schaeffer Cox, I did not divulge that I was getting that from Bill "Drop Zone" Fulton until the FBI allowed him to come out of the shadows.
Even though he helped to shape our understanding on this blog about Palin's secretive nature, and revealed that Palin was not met by her security detail when she arrived back from Texas that April night in 2008, nobody knew that I had been talking to her security chief Gary Wheeler until Joe used his name in "The Rogue."
And that is going to be true in this case as well.
Which means that what I can share has to be weighed against what it reveals about the source. If it is something that only a handful of people could know, then it can only come out when the source themselves decides that they want to as well.
That could very well be what happens here. But it is still in the negotiation phase.
So what I can reveal at this point is that I have finally had a face to face meeting. That the person is very credible, and that there is documentation to back up their story.
What has been shared is quite a lot about the Palin's parenting styles (Spoiler alert: It's really terrible.), Palin's struggles as mayor, fighting within the family, and Todd's philandering. (It is worse than you think.)
There is more (Oh boy is there!), but that has to be kept on the down low for right now.
If you are not patient and want to run away and never visit this blog again, please feel free to do so and you really don't need to tell us about it in the comments.
If you are a troll who thinks that proclaiming I am liar, or a tease, or that I never follow through with revelations, then know that it will really have no significant impact. (However it's a free country so bash away if you must.)
Keep in mind though that Beldar has appropriated your job as IM's resident troll and has moved trolling to new heights that I seriously doubt that the majority of you are intellectually suited to attain.
Now I cannot provide a timetable as to when things are going to break because that is not the way things work. As I am sure most of you realize.
If you want to know my opinion on what I am hearing I will tell you this, when it gets posted it is going to make troll heads explode all over the damn place.
Oh yeah, all over the damn place.
Cannot wait!
ReplyDeleteThe other think I'd really like to know is if Levi is using Bristol's recent bout (and most recent, epic parenting fail) in his custody battle. Tripp needs protection from his violent, neglectful mother and her violent, neglectful family.
Delete"The term "iceberg" was coined by my friend Dennis Zaki, and at the time he felt that what was about to be revealed "
The "iceberg" was true. There were indictments.... people SAW them,and then there was not... when she quit.
I think "LOTS" of stuff was dropped on the Federal & State level, the Deaths of 254 Alaskans on Medicare/Medicaid, ethics complaints, other info that we don't even know about and stuff we do...if she quit and never runs again.
I get sick of the taunting troll "where's the iceberg" or where's the video and strongly believe it is a palin so....
Gryphen when you are ready LET IT RIP! I really want to SEE some heads explode!!!
Can you tell us one/two tiny things?
Do we get the champagne ready?
and buy stock in popcorn?
Thanks :)
Seriously Gryphen YOU REALLY are the only blogger in AK who hasn't sold out.
Thank you.
And when the SS palin does sink, I'm sure you will be duly noted as the one who didn't sell out or give up, even when confronted with flying monkey's Con lies, spews, and the idiot van flea!
And we Thank you for that...You can't even know!
Caption for pic:
Delete"Don't you know who I am"?
(yes, THE pig in lipstick)
Yes, there certainly was an "iceberg" because SP quit very precipitously without any real explanation.
DeleteWe don't know about the deals that were struck privately, but it is obvious that something(s) BIG was going on backstage chez Granny Grifter.
That's actually a very pretty photo of her. Too bad she has a very dark, ugly soul, reminiscent of Dorian Grey.
ReplyDeleteTwo things I learned in childhood from my mother, may she RIP:
DeletePretty is as pretty does.
Beauty is only skin deep.
Sarah used what beauty she was given for evil, not for good. Shame on her.
If you like looking at migrating plastic surgery lumps, it's a great photo.
Deletemust be an old photo
DeleteThe most unattractive people on our planet can be made to look stunning with make-up techniques. Who wants to look like they are on stage all the time? Sarah Palin is ugly inside (all the time) and out (when left au natural.
DeleteJudge Judy says "Beauty fades, DUMB is forever" So very true, especially in $carah's case. The bile she spews has migrated to the outside, now she is positively vile.
DeleteMy Mom used to say "The ugly always shines through"
DeleteIf you think man-jaw, herpes lip and wonky eye are a thing of beauty then have at it.
DeleteOh Goody Gryphen! Thank you, and love all that you do for us- you have provided many outbursts of laughter, anger, bewilderment and just smh-ness in your posts about the Palins.
ReplyDeleteI trust you, and I have been here since 2008, and will remain!
I appreciate all that you do.
R in NC
Everything that 9:10 AM said.
DeleteSame here. And with the added, albeit not-very-nice feeling, that the longer we wait, the longer Sarah will wait, too. She won't know what is coming, or when it's coming, but she sure knows that she'll be over and done with when it does.
DeleteShe's living on borrowed time. I"m plenty patient, and only wish Joe were around to savor the new facts as they appear.
I agree 100% We will wait patiently until the time is right.
DeleteThis is the single best blog I read because it combines humor and thoughtfulness in a unique way. And, it gives me a heads up on the malevolence that is Sarah Palin and the Palin family.
DeleteAs to what's to come? To paraphrase Yeats,
"And what rough beast, its downfall come round at last,
Slouches towards Wasilla to collapse?"
(Funny how Yeats also described The Brawl:
"Things fall apart; the Hummer cannot hold;
Anarchy is loosed upon the party,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
Innocent bystanders are attacked;
The silent lack all conviction, while the Palins
Are full of passionate intensity, sucker punches and right hooks."
to 9:10.. this is O/T, but if you live in NC's 2nd or know anyone who does... please encourage them to vote for Clay - and oust "I need my paycheck" and "bring it down to a woman's level" Ellmers. Thanks. Now: back to Gryph's tantalizing mystery!!!
DeleteI can be patient. I have been for years now, and I have already been rewarded many times, watching as she sinks lower and lower in public estimation, as more and more of her ugliness is revealed and the lies stripped away.
ReplyDeletePalin: Liar. Quitter. Hypocrite. Incompetent. Grifter. Ignoramus. Fraud.
DeleteSarah Palin is the biggest hoax in American political history.
Yes, she is.
DeleteUncle G - my birthday is coming up (Oct 30) - it would be a great b-day gift if the info was ready by then, but if not I will wait and try hard not to be impatient and refresh your blog page every 10 minutes hehehe interesting that .some of the new info is "startling", leave it to Palin to always be worse then we can even imagine !
ReplyDeleteHey! My birthday is also October 30th!
Delete(I'd also like a reveal by then, Gryphen)
Mine too!!! *October Surprise*
DeleteMine is Oct. 1. I would like my gift then, please.
Deletewell lookie at all these October Bdays :)
DeleteI guess I will join the club, mine is on the 13th!
Hey, Christmas is coming. Just sayin'
Deleteearly valentines day babies.
DeleteI'd be happy to have it by October 21 (my birthday)! But let's hope that whatever it is will also thoroughly shame McCain and the whole damn GOTP.
DeleteThen there is Veterans' Day. That would really make her red, white and blues run....
DeleteHi Gryphen! As all the above posters have duly noted, a BIG thank-you for all of your tireless efforts in exposing this clan of cheats, grifters, and liars! As a Canadian, it truly sickens me to see the divisiveness and polarization that has taken place since this know-nothing bitch was plucked from obscurity from butt-fuck AK, and got a free pass on a wink and a blow-job! But the part that truly sickens me is that these morons bragged about milking the Canadian health-care system, whether it was in Whitehorse,YT, or Creston, BC; then they have the gall to slam President Obama and the ACA! My birthday is October 24 - I was born at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Here's hoping I have a day to remember when the sky falls on the unvetted palin scourge! P.S. - Fuck you trolls (this includes palin trash)!
DeleteMy birthday is October 19! Hiya guys!!
Delete"when it gets posted it is going to make troll heads explode all over the damn place."
ReplyDeleteGryphen, - if that's even your real name, which, let's face it, nobody actually believes it is, tho no one can prove it - this would be a perfect time to remind everyone - yes, trolls, I'm looking at you - that according to UN Binding Resolution 961.4 (adopted on Armistice Day in 1957) there can be only ONE officially sanctioned troll operating at the Immoral Minority blog - regardless of how defunct it may be. Currently that troll is Beldar J Conehead. All other trolls are subject to the highest level of United Nations authority to "terminate with extreme prejudice" violators and potentially everyone within a 2 kilometer radius of the offending troll.
Let's let that threat of severely conservative punishment sink in while we all grab a refreshing beverage and read some shit trolls say.
IM commenters
- are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, traitors, malcontents, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, inept ones, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
- don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, have juvenile mentalities, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
- should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...
She who must not be named
- is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...
In Non-Opposite World, she
- is divisive, mean-spirited, washed-up, irrational, vitriolic, thin-skinned, pugnacious, venomous, queen of make-believe, disingenuous, totally twitastic and insanely facebookeriffic, not self-aware, a troublemaker, inconsistently buxom, mercenary, self-absorbed, classless, reckless, garish, foolish, inarticulate, embarrrassing, shameless, cynical, obsessed, shallow, skanky, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, embarrassing, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, spiteful, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, vindictive, unqualified, malignant narcissist, unprepared, sour, counterproductive, an idiot
- is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, sad little man, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
- doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing
IM blog
- is a cesspool, a meaningless void, a defunct blog that nobody reads (yet still racked up 24.5 million page views)
I feel sorry for you. smh
** * * *** ** ***** * * * * * * * * * * *
** * * *** ** ***** * * * * * * * * * * *
Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority
Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
Accept NO Substitute!
Hey, you're pretty good at that! I think you covered the gamut of the palinsniffers complaints.
DeleteLove that ~~~ BDIB!!! ;)
DeleteBeldar Conehead, Troll Laureate of The Immoral Minority.
DeleteIt seems that Beldar may be earning his keep in the weeks to come. Make sure to keep up your training regimen and stay hydrated, buddy. There surely be late nights ahead!
Make it Rain, Gryphen!
Speaking of trolls. I saw a comment over the weekend, I think it was at Raw Story on one of the Palin threads. They were discussing trolls(because there were so many of them there) and this person wrote about a place in Orlando, Florida called Advanced Consultants.
DeleteHe/she said that it was owned and run by a Fox news contributor and radio host. Said 100s of troll comments are generated by a few employees using dozens of different socks.
I think the "out of Florida caught my eye. Is this true? I have no idea. It is the net. Anyone can write anything. I did a brief, quick goggle but didn't really see much. I thought it was kind of interesting.
There seems to be more than one troll here but they all use the same words. Just things that make you go hmmmmm.
Karma is a dish best served cold.
ReplyDeleteOr is revenge a bitch?
Whatever--keep on keeping on, Gryphen. We're here.
Looks like you took a page from Sarah's book maybe I will run maybe I won't. Throw the red meat out and let the followers praise and worship you. Damn you didn't just take a page, you took the whole book. It's really a toss up as to who is fuller of themselves, you or Palin.
DeleteThanks for that unnecessary response. Nobody is forcing you to read Gryphen's blog. If you're so unhappy with him, then you're free to find your entertainment and news elsewhere.
DeleteMake a $ donation to the site, DGM.
Deletewhat is BDIB? Bachelor's Degree in Business, Bride dressed in Black? Help me out here!!!
DeleteDGM9:20 AM
DeleteIts a palin troll! Lets see its head explode!
Pop like the sound of popping corn....pop,pop,pop
DeleteWhat does BDIB mean?
DeleteBeldar does it better! BDIB
9:52 You checked the same places I did for what BDIB means because I got the same results back and they don't make sense.
DeleteAnother poster a few days ago started it.
BDIB = Beldar Does It Best
As in we don't need no flunky trolls, because we got Beldar and he's the IM Troll of Record so scam.
I really want to know why you come here and read this blog if you don't like it. Farts stink, I tend to walk away from them rather than shove my face in someone's ass you fucking idiot.
DeleteDGM9:20 AM
DeleteLooks like you took a page from Sarah's book maybe I will run maybe I won't. Throw the red meat out and let the followers praise and worship you.
Hey troll you've been upstaged! BDIB!
BDIB you asshole!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe there will ever be an iceberg to sink her. Not because I don't believe there is information out there. It's because I think it would take her sadistically murdering kittens and puppies for some people to believe that she is the world's greatest troll. That, and a greatly damning other issue so heinous that people would stop supporting her.
There are always going to be those twisted souls out there to support her.
I would love for you to prove me wrong, once and for all.
I too have been disappointed to see icebergs melt away time and time again. Older and wiser now, I understand there are different was a ship can sink. Some vessels become fundamentally unseaworthy over time, falling into such a state of disrepair and springing so many leaks that eventually they go down, no shots or icebergs or rogue waves needed. An iceberg would have been, and still would be, gratifying, but the slow motion self-inflicted train wreck (not to mix transportation metaphors or nothing) will accomplish the same ends, and maybe is even more fitting.
DeleteI kinda agree, but hope we're wrong. I have a friend who no matters what I say, what proof I show, it is never, ever enough. They will believe whatever they want and fact don't matter to them. They would rather be right than happy.
DeleteI too want to be proven wrong!!!! Please.
Well, Sarah did stand by while turkeys were being slaughtered in the background. But still not on the level of kitten killing. I will wait patiently for the facts to unfold. Been waiting since 2008. Can certainly wait some more.
DeleteTake your time and let it all unfold as it should. I am a patient person and I enjoy everything you post and most of the reaction to it. I love it when you drop teasers because you just have to know that the potential in the hints makes Sarah Palin and the flying monkeys squirm.
ReplyDeleteAgree with you Olivia! Those of us who follow IM know that Sarah reads here and can't keep herself from responding (with her actions) to our comments and criticisms.
DeleteGryphen, please take your time and be safe.
I don't wish something dreadful, like an early/untimely death, to happen to Palin and her family. My hope is justice and vindication for all those whom Todd and Sarah have used and abused. I just want them and all their kids and grand kids to disappear from public view. Prison terms if warranted. Exposure of ALL the Palin/Heath lies and secrets to go viral. All the Palin's money and assets be to lost or taken away. Can you imagine Track, Bristol and Willow supporting themselves and all their offspring without a penny from Granny Grifter?
It would be delightful to know that Karma has finally struck the hate-filled sociopath named Sarah Palin.
Agree with everything you said except "Track, Bristol and Willow supporting themselves and all their offspring"...I hope the offspring are taken away and put into safe environments with people who actually know how to parent. As gratifying (and hilarious) as it would be to watch Track, Bristol, and Willow have to rely on their famous work ethic and faith (cough), that family has harmed enough people; they don't need to produce another generation of collaterally damaged kids who grow into replicas of their dysfunctional, criminal parents.
DeleteBut for the rest--bring it! You know Sarah is tearing the hair out of her wig in fear of what Gryphen will reveal.
Keep at it, Gryphen! I've also been here since 2008, and you're still my first click every morning!
ReplyDeleteMe too! My daily entertainment!
DeleteCan't wait for the good stuff!! Thanks so much Gryphen for everything you do.
I hope you are very careful. Remember Dar Miller and Curtis Menard (and I feel sure others we have not heard about).
ReplyDeleteI think our man G is safe. He is too known. You know all of us would be all over a suspicious ANYTHING that would happen to him.
DeleteI can wait. My party supplies can wait. They will be added to because you see, as time goes by, MORE people have asked to join the party when the time comes.
ReplyDeleteIt's gonna be one hell of a party. And I'm guessing there will be a lot more parties going on than ScareMe can even imagine.
Waiting. Thanking you while waiting.
This is intriguing to consider who would serve in a capacity to have such information.
ReplyDeleteMy guesses are someone the Palin's have not ever admitted they used the help or services of.
Your point about not revealing who shared the credible information nor information that would point to them sounds credible.
Keep on keeping on. What you're doing really matters.
ReplyDeleteHer mean-spirited self-righteousness triggered the same ugliness in our national dialogue and stirred up the heretofore rather silent hateful ideologues, gave them a sense of legitimacy, and brought a level of unbelievable dumb & crazy to our political scene, which we're paying the price for still. (Ted Cruz, anyone?)
A bunch of us felt helpless seeing this all unfold, and found you toiling away diligently to unmask her. We're with you. And grateful to you.
So if an iceberg was about to sink her political career, but she resigned instead, would you please tell us again what that iceberg consisted of.
ReplyDeletePresumably, she was pressured into resigning so that the iceberg would go away. If the iceberg was going to sink her anyway, she would not have needed to resign. As a result, we don't know what the iceberg included, although we have many, some very plausible and credible, suspicions.
DeleteI thought the consensus was that Palin resigned because the celebrity life, and grifting looked a lot more attractive to her. Remember she was reliably quoted: "I hate this damn job" referring to being Gov. Ironically a title she wears like a sash.
DeleteRemember her dead fish go with the flow speech? She looked like she couldn't wait to blow the Popsicle stand and get out there to her beauty pageant world of griftin' and speechin'. Being paid to travel around and bash the President...I am so looking forward for the big karma wheel to come around.
Remember the teacher in Homer and the utter disrespect shown to her and her husband on their private property no less, by Sarah, Todd and Willow?
Still makes my blood boil.
Goes 'round, comes 'round, eh Sarhy?
Resign or jail was the choice.
Delete11:22 -- the funny part, as I remember it, was that the Homer woman's sign said "Worst Governor Ever." (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
DeleteThe Palins assumed that her sign was meant for Sarah. But Sarah wasn't ID'd, nor was there a signifier that the sign was meant for the current governor.
The woman could have meant Wally Hinckle, or Frank Murkowski, or any other Alaska governor. Or maybe a governor of another state.
The Palins would have been wise to ignore her, or laugh it off. But then they wouldn't be the Palins.
Yes 11:46, that is what it said. A big, long banner. The palin pack were so damn rude to that lady. Asshole-ism to the max.
Deletebecause there is not yet any way to determine what kind of impact this will have on what remains of her, for lack of a better word, "career."
ReplyDeleteUm, Gryphen, perhaps a better word for "career" could be "station in life" -- for we know the Ol' Wretch has no "career", and we do know that her "station in life" is at the bottom of the barrel, bottom of the food chain, bottom of all humanity.
Thank you for your tireless efforts in exposing this 'Last Family" of Alaska.
You're right. Using the word "career" for what Sarah Palin does insults all those who've worked hard to establish their careers and who continue to work until retirement. What Sarah Palin does is "grift."
can't wait, but I will. You just KNOW that little tramp is scared shitless.
ReplyDeleteWell said!
DeleteI would be willing to bet that the Palin households are all covered from pillar to post by now with foil!
Paranoid much?
While absolutely NO ONE can usurp Beldar as our favorite resident troll, I kind of like it when the old trolls come out to play. It really let's us know that you hit yet another nerve of Her Heinous.
ReplyDeleteAlso, too, when the old trolls come out to play, I'd wager that your page hits go up a tad more than usual. That's a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say.
Oh, and good job. Every little chink you can put in her armor of lies and deceptions adds up. Make her sweat with these little info-bits. We know you own her, Mr. G.
MOst of the old trolls have vanished, I guess the Palin's decreased income has forced the grifters kin to jump into the troll spots.
DeleteWe all love to laugh about the Palins but their parenting is just tragic and not funny at all. The three adult Palin kids are unable to function as adults. Addiction, anger issues and paranoia seem to rule these young adults. No one is educated or employed. I did a vocational program and know plenty of hardworking hair stylists and estheticians... Not trying to say that that's not education. But the total rejection of higher education in that family shows a lot. They want to stay in their little hillbilly cocoon instead of becoming independent, free-thinking adults. It's just sad, and something there is darker than a December day in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteWillblow is already behind in her career. My SIL owns her own business salon and she goes twice a year to learn the new techniques at workshops.
DeleteNearly every hair stylist I've been to over several decades, in a couple of states, has had interesting things to say, can keep up a banter with a variety of customers, and they've worked HARD. Many salons run by their owners, who must do the books and clean the premises after work.
DeleteWillow, when being interviewed for hair school, whined that she didn't want to work on Saturdays. Clearly, the whole idea of work wasn't something she looked forward to.
Otherwise, she'd have her own beauty place by now, and would know the pride of accomplishment of working hard and being paid for her labor.
Track? Bristol? No more needs to be said. Is Dad working? What about Mom? No examples in that family of working to make a buck, out of the truck or off their butts, or whatever slogan Sarah uses.
Sarah showed how much she cared about her children when she marched Bristol onto the RNC stage and outed her as a 16 year old unwed mother-to-be. I can still see Bristol's sad, embarrassed face. What a terrible mother and father! Parents for many decades - if not centuries - have gone to great lengths to protect young people and their off-spring from that sort of disclosure. But not Sarah. In that one act, she defied customs and showed herself to be a selfish, self-centered mother. Screw decorum, screw her own kids, SHE was all that mattered. That was my introduction to the cold-hearted and uncaring governor of Alaska.
Delete@9:43 Yes, a friend of ours started out as a skin care technician. She was so good at what she did, and so helpful to new-comers that they asked her to be a teacher at the place that had trained her. She is so busy, teaching classes that it has become a big deal, full time career for her. Yes, she goes to national conferences to keep up with all of the new developments. It doesn't happen overnight. She began in her 20's and this is where she is 20 years later. She is a real success story.
Delete@10:49...it's even worse if you consider that Bristol gave birth months before the RNC.
DeleteThe funny thing about hair salons....you have to have a clientele. Willow should have opened her own salon by now...but she won't, because she is incapable.
DeleteI wish people would stop using such derogatory names for the Palin kids. I don't care how old they are now, they had a terrible upbringing. And calling them will blow or wallow or beefy... It's just not funny.
DeleteMaybe you think it's funny but to most people, it's not. And I'm not a troll,I will leave that to Beldar.
Thanks for the update Jesse. I believe you. I've read here since 2008!!!
DeleteAs soon as Sarah renames Tri-G, renames PIG Palin, stops calling Piper Diaper, ......then you can ask us to not make fun of her offspring, biological or purloined.
There doesn't need to be an "iceberg", Sarah has iceberg-ed herself. Each time she makes a public appearance or opens her mouth, chunks of supporters melt away. With each appearance and each speech, Sarah reveals more of her instability and true personality, she is impossible to defend and an embarrassment to support.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Unless Sarah and her family get some outside intervention and deal with their addictions, etc. it will only get worse.
DeleteAnd faster, now that they are on the slide and losing more and more control. The more she tries to control the more out of control she'll get. It will just continue to snowball until she crashes.
I don't wish her ill, but I do want her to pay for the harm and hurt she's caused. I don't want to see her hurt physically. Just want her and Todd and the now-adult kids to pay for their adult crimes.
Thanks for your reports, and I can't wait to read The Big One-- or some smaller ones, if that's what it takes.
ReplyDeleteWe saw Sarah's parenting on parade when she made a video from her private tv channel available to non-subscribers. It showed Trig being evaluated by a therapist, and Sarah said that the therapist saw things that Sarah never saw. Duh! That's the therapist's job, and by posting that, Sarah let us know that Trig probably has not been seen by a therapist if Sarah was surprised to hear these things.
We could tell that Trig was being neglected in the few photos that were posted of him. (Thank goodness that neither Bristol, Nancy nor Sarah have any self awareness because they give away so much without knowing it). Examples: Trig rarely wears his glasses yet his eyes are badly crossed. He does not see the world clearly. No wonder he can't see a Cheerio to try to pick it up. We did see Trig falling asleep watching a cartoon. If he responds to the i-pad, he should have been doing exercises with a therapist on it years ago.
We can guess at how Sarah neglected her own kids from all of the trouble that Track, Bristol and Willow got into. You don't crash a party(the kids weren't invited) and take a swing at the host unless you have a lot of repressed anger and you haven't been taught appropriate behavior. Their role models, Sarah and Todd are big bullies, always spoiling for a fight, so the kids just mirrored what they have seen all their lives. Tripp didn't learn that "f" word watching TV. He heard his mother and aunt use it. If this is what we can see without any secret source, I can't wait to read the inside stuff!
You're so right. For Tripp's sake, I hope he can live with his dad and Sunny full-time, very soon. And surely there is someone somewhere who could provide Trig with love, attention, and care. May he find that person, sooner rather than later.
DeleteClean up on aisle IM! I'll pull out my old tarp and have it ready for when the heads start exploding. And some Lysol too - you know those stink when they burst!
ReplyDeletelol Thank you for thinking of doing that!
DeleteIt's called journalistic integrity and I applaud you for it, Gryph! Something Queen Heifer would know all about had she earned her degree let alone attended class. I respect the hell out you, dude, just stay safe.
ReplyDeleteLet us know if there's anything we can do to help these sources. I'm willing to throw some money into it...I think we showed that we're willing to financially support those willing to stand up to Palin with Eric's gofundme campaign.
ReplyDeleteYes - do they want bodyguards? Security systems? Safe Haven in another state?
DeleteI just hope that you get it all out before her inevitable nervous/mental breakdown. Looks like it's already started and I want her to be able to fully experience the consequences of your work. And no trolls, that doesn't make me a bad person!
ReplyDeleteA Fan From Chicago
Surely that's SP's next step. She will have another nervous breakdown and blame it on the liberal media. It's everyone else's fault she's stupid.
DeleteI'm waiting for the day she breaks down and admits the truth about Trig. She may be forced to do this for money. She can blame it on that establishment GOP group she likes to bash. Come on Sarah .. Go out with a bang. Write a tell all book!
DeleteWe have time. I look forward to the info if/when it comes out.
ReplyDeleteI wish it revealed the babygate hoax. That is the main one I care about and it seems so easy to crack. As an Alaskan, I wish you could go speak with MatSu's compliance officer and ask WTF? Compliance to the standards of the hospital, which were broken if there was a high risk pregnancy induced there by a simple FPP. There would not be a HIPAA problem to say what DIDn't happen that night.
Anyway, if I lived in Alaska, I'd be all over this angle. I have called MatSu compliance, twice, but the officer was "not in today". i have called their public relations person listed on their website. She gives an email reply message from January.....I am probably 3500 miles away. It would be so easy for Alaskans to do this
Yes, there would be a HIPAA problem -- it is still the patient's personal health information - what they do or do not have/had done. And even with fraud (which if she did not bill health insurance for her care there is not), they have to work through channels, not just blab things publically. They cannot just publically disclose someone's medical status without consequence.
DeleteTo say Palin did not birth tri-G does not violate HIPAA.I have checked with a man whose job is HIPAA compliance.
DeleteCompliance officers' sole job is to assure the public that their hospital COMPLIES..with regulations and standards.
DeleteNo, there would not be a HIPAA problem. A hospital not insured or rated for high risk births could easily release a statement that they do not and never have facilitated a high risk birth inducing. That is not harming anyone's HIPAA rights at all.
DeleteNot only that, but a hospital may verify that someone was checked into the hospital as a patient to ANYONE who inquires, unless that patient has the forethought to "opt out." I don't know why no one has even tried to verify that she was enrolled as an actual patient on that day or not.
We're with you Gryphen...please be safe. You know they read here.
ReplyDeleteOn another topic, the View had some fun with Palin's VV speech, her coffee salute non-joke, the 1400 gaffe and Whoopi took her to task for her "racism" comments. The world is laughing at you Sarah. And I couldn't be happier!
The nice thing about bloggers not being able to reveal new information is that, while patient, readers and bloggers, see the nature of the Palins coming out by their own power. They can't control themselves, and their deeds and behavior exposes itself and it doesn't look pretty.
ReplyDeleteWe know the community of Palin acquaintances (those who are in business dealings and politics, snowmachine promoters, Iron Dog) all know things we don't. They are probably sick and fed up with Palins. It might seem like Todd and Sarah have the upper hand with these folks, but, they are no doubt being told to get out of dodge, if they don't clean up.
After that brawl, likely the families who attended that party are supporting the host and Petersen, and the Cleary's, seeing how they were assaulted and treated, with no charges, and the Palins again get away Scott-free.
If there's a mafia up there, surely there's always power plays and competition, and if Todd can't control his brood, it may be he's given a warning. Could it be he and Sarah are losing their clout? A loose cannon like Sarah who can't control herself and her kids isn't a good combination if she thinks people are always going to protect their secrecy. She may find herself driven out of AK on a one-way ticket.
It's almost as if Sarah thought she could exercise every and any crime possible and get away with it.
ReplyDeleteShe may have gotten away with much crime. But, at this point, now that she's appearing mentally ill to even media, a wide open investigation and revelation into her crime would be anti-climatic. The reaction from the public would be "yeah, yeah, yeah".
She's been banking on this. Banking on the fact that if the truth comes out much later, that no one will pay attention, and believe it's her liberal-hating bloggers that keep spreading rumors. She knows that time is her friend, and even if any and all of her corruption came to the light, it would be a non-issue, because the RNC and GOP by this time are preoccupied with their newest kingmakers, consultants, candidates, and Sarah Palin is no longer their problem, but Alaska's problem.
She may never see a federal investigation for anything, because she simply played the victim after any small leak. Everyone looks at her little decoys rather than look into her record. She's connived and manipulated so long now that no one would believe any scandal could be true.
Maybe the reason she is so assured of never being accountable is that she knows John McCain needs people to never know her secrets, as he is still considered to be a reputable Senator by his peers. The key to bringing victims of the Palins to justice is to wait until Sarah or her family have a meltdown in public. Then and only then will people in the lower 48 and conservative media see it's always been a scam.
@10:35 There's always more than one way a cookie can crumble, if you get my drift.
DeleteBingo, the McCain connection! He can't afford to have the entire ridiculous story told.
DeleteUncle Gryphen, I've been an avid reader since 2008 and I have been waiting faithfully for information leading to her demise. Ever since then Palin pretty much imploded by putting her foot in her mouth and revealed herself a grifting hypocrite.Yes demise has been painfully slow, like taking shots with a .22 from a thousand yards. Fire enough rounds and some will eventually hit the target. Like some of the IM'ers here would prefer a howitzer to sink that ship. Question is, aren't you kind of giving her a heads up with this latest info? She reads here often and chooses commentary words here to pepper her speeches.
ReplyDeleteMy concerns are your safety from that vindictive, grudge carrying bitch and that she might shore up her defenses, build a taller fence and pull up said fence tighter around her.
Gryph is a very smart man. I'm sure he's covered, else he wouldn't have mentioned it.
DeleteCount me in Gryphen! I'm a loyal reader/poster. Please keep up the good work that you and your sources do. This woman needs her past exposed. (Past and present)
ReplyDeleteBlue girl Liz....still living in red state
"If you are not patient and want to run away and never visit this blog again"
ReplyDeleteUncle we are here for the long haul
Thanks Gryphen, when you decide you can release the info I am sure the loyal IMers will be here to read it along with myself.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as an iceberg, well an "iceberg is unnecessary. At this point Granny Sarah's political career is over. But, as with the Palin family brawl and any more unseemly happenings that come out, those things will affect her grifting ability very much.
Her Pac is already losing money every quarter, and again her loyal(mostly insane followers) looked over her not running for the senate, but others didn't, many backed away when they figured out they were paying for boozing and limos. Slowly her funds will decrease and it takes quite a bit of money for that brawling pack of coyotes to live since none of them have any other income except Tawd's prostitutes( and even those are not high earners) A lot of houses and cabins, boats and toys to upkeep and that drains bank accts very fast. I still predict that by or in 2016 they will be selling off properties and will be looking for jobs. Whatever you have to add will help speed up her already rapid decline.
In the last yr
No more private jets
Very few speaking engagments
Very few invites to any political functions
tick tock, tick tock, Sarah's clock
Is winding down
across the country and in every town
" her loyal(mostly insane followers) "
DeleteI love to watch the "quakers", a group that is determined to convince her to run (as they did in 2012-not a bright group). They follow her around the country, setting up booths and handing out information about her "accomplishments" and gush like little girls meeting their latest movie star crush, when they have a brief glimpse or photo-op. They only post the sanitized spin of events related to Sarah (I thought only the lamestream media spins?). The point to this posting is-at some event in April, the group founder presented Sarah with a beaded pin of their groups logo. I am sure that Sarah was thrilled with this trinket (cough, cough). Recently, Sarah made sure to wear said pin on a sweat jacket and apparently this is the sign this group has been waiting for! It can only mean she is planning on running.... or maybe she is just running low on funds and needs to excite them enough to send $$$?
And yes, your observation is correct.
Part of Palin's speech at the Value Voters Summit this past weekend was about those of us who support the President and she has posted it on her facebook page. "As I told a Washington, DC audience this weekend, "We can survive the Error of Obama; it's almost over, and we can survive this President. The question is, can we survive the people who voted for him a second time?"
ReplyDeleteI find those words very threatening. I thought that patriotic Americans fought for the rights and freedom for ALL Americans, not just those in the tea party?
BTW, I will be sending a donation to this site immediately, to thank you for all of your work!
Stay safe!
I am as rabid about the Palin Hoax as anyone, and impatient and cranky as anyone re tease and delay, but I do wholeheartedly agree that protecting sources is job 1.
ReplyDeleteUnlike other commenters, I do not much care about Palin getting hers, getting payback karma, or tea-party heads exploding. My concern is almost entirely with bringing the Hoax (and the many similar Palin and GOP travesties) to the attention of middle America in a way that will connect the dots for them re what the GOP did in the 2008 election, and since then. Blasting open the Palin Hoax cover-up would implicate the guilty at important levels of our national dialogue. That is so much more important to me than what happens to insignificant Sarah and her hillbilly family.
I feel exactly the same way.
DeleteEverybody knows that Sarah Palin's political career is over. Willing to bet Sarah, her family and all her relatives knows that as well. Right now it is about Sarah Palin's narcissistic personality disorder that is interfering with her mind and is driving her.
ReplyDeleteI see caution as multi-faceted: to protect the sources, to protect Gryphen, and to ensure that none of the damning evidence is secreted or flushed down the toilet.
DeleteTried to post this on another thread but it didn't show up, so thought I'd try here: Shawn Christy's mother is blogging again and posted Fri., Sept. 26 a letter from McAdoo, PA, City Council authorizing an investigation into "various and very serious/troubling accusations of impropriety and wrongdoing permeating all levels of the McAdoo PD, Office of the Mayor and Office of Code Enforcement" related to the Shawn Christy stalking case by Philadelphia FBI, the Attorney General's Office in PA and the Schuylkill County District Attorney's Office.
"As of September 10, 2014, the McAdoo Borough Council here in PA, voted unanimously 7 to 0 to bring in the Philadelphia FBI, the Attorney General's Office in PA and the Schuylkill County District Attorney's Office to investigate, among other things, what happened to Shawn in 2009. "
it's about time.
DeleteMr and Mrs Christy and their son are NUTS-- off their rocker nuts. I know this for a fact. I'm sure I will get attacked, but I don't care. There are a few anti-Palin people who have totally lost it and are as nutty as the Palin's, Gryphen is one of these people. And has he written about this story. The Christys think Sarah resigned because of sexting with Sarah. It's not true.
DeleteI know that things were not handled right by the police or FBI, but there are two sides to that story.
Well, despite your proclamation the city council has approved an investigation into the handling of the Shawn Christy case and claims that he was in Alaska at times when he was known to be in PA, etc. They definitely sound like they have gone pretty far over the deep end. My late brother had schizophrenia, diagnosed at 19. Sounds like Shawn Christy may have a diagnosed mental illness (besides Lyme disease, perhaps), so while true that he was/is mentally disturbed it doesn't mean that it couldn't possibly have happened. Their claim is that Willow was actively texting and calling the Christy family, and Chuck and Sally Heath were in contact with Shawn and reaching out to him. They also claim Sarah was sexting Shawn. Then that when Shawn made threats (which he admitted doing) about the President he was being goaded into making additional threats and the Palin family didn't report it. He also made serious threats (of rape, I believe) against at least one if not two of the Palin daughters. Despite all that - if there is an investigation, we will find out if there is any truth or evidence to support their claims.
DeleteYou couldn't even define the word fact so STFU!
DeleteBDIB, 1:09
DeleteSarah Palin is shitting bricks as we type. LOL from the lower 48.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess the "brawl" story has taken a shit and now we're back to burnt mac and cheese on the stove and Todd messing around.
Her "Career has melted away" So then why do you continue to make up stuff if that is true.
Just like some imbecile who posted here a week ago who thought that, just because one resigns from a position, that means that the FBI will no longer investigate the person because of the resignation.
BOOB City.
Griffy, remember the wisdom of the late sloppy Joe McG. And that is you and your sister PDS sites biggest problem is that you never have adequate proof to back up your claims.
Silly gloating troll. Don't you remember (of course not) that we have explained to you several times how silly and stupid your idiot comments are.
DeleteYour idiot thug queen is fully accepted throughout not only this country, but even internationally, to be the head of a family of drunken, brawling, thugs and hooligans.
Regardless of charges being filed, she has exposed herself and her awful family for the pack of low-life losers that they are.
The fact that you believe that if charges aren't filed, everything she and her family did was okay says so much about what a loser you are also. No decent person would look up to, admire, or support trash like the Palins.
We have seen plenty of proof regarding how awful the Palins are and they thoughtfully provided more in such an unbelievably trashy way that the whole world knows also.
You are so stupid you must be a Palin.
DeleteBDIB you Nutjob. You are a bully and need psychiatric care.
DeleteYour comment is deranged. You are obviously extremely angry and mentally ill. That's a very dangerous combination. Is that you Sarah? We know how you like to emasculate men. And that is what you are trying to do in your comment. YOU ARE SICK !!
DeleteSERIOUSLY disturbed!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:17 does sound like Sarah, or one of her personalties, or Creepy Chuckles. Doesn't Chuckles always answer "you can't prove that" whenever confronted with the pregnancy hoax? Oh - I wonder if one of Sarah's personalities IS CREEPY CHUCKLES.
@11:17 AM
Understand your position completely.....
ReplyDeleteCannot wait........
One of the grocery store tabloids has a headline about the Palin "$20 million divorce." Of course, another one has a headline about a Kim Kardashian "250 million divorce." Sarah will be jealous!
Sounds like something a national publication would pay 6 figures for, or more. Get what you can out of it, don't give it away for free. You deserve a nice payday for all you have done.
ReplyDeleteWhat is interesting about the brawl story is that it has already accomplished much more than any of the past stories about the Wasilla-billies, in that it broke the camel's back like a twig.
ReplyDeleteIt alone has loosened up several tongues, and it will be seen down the line as an important event in ushering in the end of Sarah Palin.
We may come to learn that no video or pictures ever emerge from that night, and that the APD decides not to pursue the case any further, however ultimately that will do nothing to fix what has already been broken,
Or to close the mouths of those who are sick and tired of staying silent.
This is what the stupid gloating troll doesn't seem to understand. Many people paid little attention to Palin over the years, but enough of their asinine behavior sunk into the national consciousness that no one had any trouble believing the story of the brawl and the role played by the Palins.
DeleteIt is one thing to see Palin as someone with power in the highest political circles or who has the backing of very powerful people. This will frighten people.
But now the utter total gutter trashiness exhibited by the Palins in the brawl puts them in a very different class. They are held in such contempt that people may feel free enough to talk. And it is obvious that they are not and never will be anywhere near the rich and powerful ever again.
They seem to be having trouble believing that their standing is any different than it was a month ago. Possibly because they weren't behaving any differently than they have all along. They don't seem to realize that this time people paid attention.
Such a stupid, stupid family.
My son, who follows little of politics, and knows nothing of my blog hangouts, just came by for lunch. He started telling me that he had recently seen a brawl at a bar where he was eating with friends.
DeleteI said "You're kidding!"
He says "it wasn't a Palin-size brawl or anything, just 10 or 12 people".
So funny that he would know how many people constituted a Palin-size brawl! LOL!
This info will include Todd's philandering?
ReplyDeleteShailey Tripp and all those working girls in Alaska, you will be avenged seven folds Just need a little patience.
Let's not leave out Todd's boyfriends, either. Everything is fair game.
DeleteRight. You did what you normally do. You got some media attention. The story goes on the front page and the lie is exposed and is either not reported or placed in the back pages. And slowly but surely your credibility continues to dwindle with every ludicrous claim.
ReplyDelete"We may come to learn that no video or pictures ever emerge from that night, and that the APD decides not to pursue the case any further, however ultimately that will do nothing to fix what has already been broken"
Yes no video, not even a single photo and now you nervously sound like there will be no police report released either. Why? Because from the jump you had nothing.
You heard a fight broke out, the Palins were there and you decided to try and make something out of nothing.
You're a fraud. The only reason why some in the media reported this story is that many of them have short term memories and forgot who you were, how many absurd claims that you've made in the past and just wanted to report sensationalism.
(all will be revealed....all will be revealed)
Joe McG: "And even you write frequently that you know things you can't yet post, but that soon "all will be revealed." This has been going on since I first became aware of your blog, but as far as I know you haven't substantiated a single claim or provided verification for a single rumor that you've posted about Sarah's personal life, or the personal lives of any Palin family members. Thus, she gets to denounce what she calls "lies."
Neither from you, the Enquirer, AlaskaWTF, palingates.com or anyone else, have I seen a credible, identified source backing any of the salacious stories about the Palin family.
Thus--as Random House lawyers are already pointing out to me--nothing I can cite other than my own reporting rises above the level of tawdry gossip. The proof is always just around the corner, but that's a corner nobody has been able to turn. Maybe Jeff Dunn has, in which case I'll be the first to congratulate him. But frankly, at this point, I'm tired of it, and I've run out of time. "
Yep, Honey, That's what Griffie did - he invented the #PalinBrawl whole cloth, just popped into his head one day, then he colluded with the witnesses and one of the targets and the blogger who reported it first/simultaneously, oh and the APD. Actually, both Griffin and Amanda were sitting on the toilet at the exact same moment this great idea magically appeared and they both were driven to sit down and blog about it at the precise same time. You really believe that none of the claims - Trig and his neglect, tiny baby with Levi's blond hair, philandering/divorce, intimidation and possible bribery - are true? You gonna bet on that?
DeleteExactly. And this is also why The Mudflats also reported on the same incident citing an independent source? And the Devon/Bailey book was manufactured also? And Sarah never denied Todd's membership in the AIP, lying right to Schmidt's face?
DeleteWhat color is the sky in your world?
@ Anonymous11:34 AM, you don't get it. The Palins themselves with all of their appearances on camera and in front of microphones have demonstrated exactly what kind of people they are.
DeleteThey have provided absolute, incontrovertible proof of their stupidity, lack of education, lack of interest in education, lack of class, lack of taste, their vulgarity, and complete inability to provide anything positive to this country.
It was not difficult at all for people to believe the reports of the Palin brawl because it meshes perfectly with everything that we have seen and heard from the Palins themselves.
You seem to believe that if evidence sufficient for indictments is not found, that it means that no conclusions can be drawn. You are wrong.
BDIB, 11:34
DeleteAgain, not a reliable source in the any of this. The late Joe McG was a prophet.
DeleteWhat baby had ruffled deformed ears in May and perfect ears in October??
Delete12:50 PM
DeleteOh my, bless your heart. Yes, everything that Nefer said is true. Sarah and her family are the "reliable sources" for their vulgarity, stupidity, ignorance, and on and on. THEY are the reliable sources for the country's opinion of them. YOUR inability to understand proves that...you, yourself aren't too bright.
Random House lawyers are pointing things out to you? Really? Your grammar and punctuation are so atrocious that it's impossible to tell who you are quoting from your own words. You have no credibility because your comment is so poorly worded.
DeleteWho the hell are you that you are so filled with your own self-importance that lawyers are talking to you and you have run out of time? Who the fuck cares!
chuck_tard jr - ya fat incestuous fuk,
Deleteimpressively long rant, but then beings you quit your job you've got all day now, once you get yer hungover fatass outta bed, to sit around in yer skidmarked thong and pound shit out on yer keyboard ..
go fuk yer fatass self chuck, ya worthless fat fuk ..
Waiting patiently and with the knowledge it will be well worth the wait!
We will fellow Alaskans.
DeleteJohn McCain how do you like Sarah Palin now you old fuck wad?
ReplyDeleteThis may have been discussed before, but does anyone else think that the new "Griffy" troll is Palin herself?
ReplyDeleteQuestion is how many times to you accuse people who want to come here and challenge your bullshit as being her?
DeleteIt's extremely pathetic and you all think WAY too much of yourselves to think that she would read your trash on a day in day out basis.
Yes, that's what I thought, too. Tone is just as nasty and menacing.
DeleteAnon 12:00P above
Nah, too literate. I do believe it is someone close to the Palins, bright enough to string a sentence together, but not bright enough to understand the consequences of the brawl.
DeleteThis person seems to think that if there are no indictments, then the Palins have won. They don't seem to realize how widespread the belief in the Palins' buffoonish behavior is or the long-term consequences to their political grifting career.
bwahahaha - stupid can't put her IM blog down for a minute. She responds to every thread in RL. Of course she reads here.
DeleteShe's jealous of G.
Remember her statement in the VV speech about the "rumors of another divorced...blah, blah, blah...". She said "it all started on a blog". (Maybe she said an Alaska blog but I can't remember for sure). Anyway, I instantly thought of IM...
DeleteSarah reads here every day. Every. Day.
Every hour of every day!
DeleteYes, I DO think it's her. When she mentioned that a Random House lawyers are giving her information, that confirmed it. She's probably high as a kite and taking out her anger on Gryphen.
DeleteIt was my impression as well that it's ole Sarah trolling.
DeleteI do love the "anticipation"...(Rocky Horror ref)
ReplyDeleteI did want to comment on the Palin "mafia." I grew up outside Boston. It was well known what line of work certain gentleman (stereotypes and all, both Irish and Italian) were engaged in, and you knew not to ever cross them...people ended up gone, then found in trunks of cars.
These gentleman (not judging or saying I support) were also exceptionally nice to us as kids and moms, gandmothers, etc.
What Palin has is a tribe of illiterate dipshits that have reacted to situations, allegedly. When I think of growing up around certain folks, and then looking back...I understand the fear.
When I think of Todd, the keystone fuck nuts at the Anchorage PD, those two paving douchebags et al...I laugh.
Gryph, remember - you are dealing with some really stupid people, borderline learning disabled...usually lucky, not good.
Just keep and eye out:-)
Hi Sarah...fuck you wonk eyed meth head. Gonna get Todd to "get me."
This is the pattern almost always with the bullshitty that goes down here:
DeleteA claim about them is made.
And this time, it's really going to get her.
The claim gets some press.
....all will be revealed....all will be revealed....
The claim eventually collapses like a deck of cards because, in the words of the late Joe McG, there's never any adequate proof to back up the claim.
On to the next lie we go.
And this time, it's really going to get her.
Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.
And when the claims go south....it's "keystone Anchorage fuck nuts" ....or ....someone got bought off....or someone is afraid. Yes afraid to talk....for it is the Palins who, when aren't being illiterate dipshits....they are like Ninjas in the night....who threaten with reprisals those into fear of not talking.
Translated: back to the conspiracy theory sand box you go!
Yes the dumb, illiterate, hick, hill billy Sarah Palin is really an Alaskan Snow Sorceress who has control over ALL with her incredible psych powers!
Now go get your fuckin shine box.
BDIB, 12:33
DeleteIt would be fine if they were lies...but they aren't, and you know it.
Delete@Anonymous12:33 PM, you do realize that not finding enough documented evidence does not mean that the claim is lie, don't you? No, of course not.
DeleteCollapses like a deck of cards.....okay, I'll bite, how the hell does a deck of cards collapse?
DeleteI don't take orders from you, pissant. Get your own fucking shine box.
DeleteOH RIGHT! No documented evidence means troof! I got it. Again, your shinebox...
The bullshitty. Heeheeheehee! Oh my gawd! Don't you just hate those bullshitty patterns?
DeleteThis troll isn't a Palin, a little too witty w/ the reply. Palins are stupid to the core, with very little knowledge or exposure to culture.
This troll tossed in a Goodfellas reference (last sentence)
The quote below is close to home for me: let's see if the troll can ID it...Scorsese fan that he is:
"What Freud said about the Irish is: We're the only people who are impervious to psychoanalysis."
Nefer, I bet you didn't know that no documented evidence means troof. Frickin snort!
DeleteM-O-O-N that spells TROOF.
"Anonymous1:03 PM
OH RIGHT! No documented evidence means troof! I got it. Again, your shinebox..."
God, wjat anilliterate moron you are. I dodn't say lack of indictable evidence means a claims is true. I said you can't conclude the claim is a lie.
Do try to acquire some reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, dear.
Or sit back and let Beldar do the trolling. You're not up to the task. You silly thing.
And by the way, the Palins themselves with their thousands of hours on camera, in front of a microphone, and under their own (ghostwritten) bylines have provided rock solid, documented, incontrovertible proof that they are vicious, ignorant, stupid, lying, vulgar, uneducated, unintelligent, and downright un-American.
All you Palin minions time to abandon ship before the USS Palin sinks and takes you down with them.
ReplyDeletehey, Gryphen... stay safe. Backup all files on a cloud accnt., etc. Can't be too careful.
ReplyDeleteThe SS is one big fuck up. The night bullets hit the White House
— and the Secret Service didn’t know http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/white-house-shooting/?Post+generic=%3Ftid%3Dsm_twitter_washingtonpost
Threats against the office of the presidency for years and, all of a sudden because it is Obama who is threatened, it's some how a new story.
DeleteI'm sure you salivated when you heard the stories about threats against Bush. Yeah those were good threats.
Perhaps you'd use the thin noodle in between your ears and realize that the SS is under manned, treated like dirt and under paid for years. And pretty much, no one wants the job. So therefore its harder to fill the positions since there aren't that many being recruited.
I guess that's why they like partying and hookers so much....treated like dirt an underpaid.
DeleteYeah, right!.
Is that you Toad? Did you take pity on them and give them a cut rate on your hookers?
It would be funny if the family values candidate turned out to be single and never married.
ReplyDeleteOh, good one!!
DeleteGryphen said: "If you are a troll who thinks ... I am liar, or a tease, or that I never follow through with revelations ..."...?
ReplyDeleteGrrrr ! says: Then SHOVE IT!!!
The fact that Eric Thompson lost his job ONE HOUR after appearing on "Good Morning America" is further proof of what Gryphen (and many others) have been saying all along: that the Palins really will do ANYthing to stop people from exposing the truth.
It's ridiculously easy for us IM regulars to read the posts from the comfort of our living rooms, to vent our anger and frustration about the Palins, and to exhort those who have proof to 'be brave and come forward.'
But those people and bloggers like Gryphen are on the "front lines" -- they live in Alaska, and Sarah & Todd have spent over a decade building up some very formidable "defenses" in the form of political appointees, payoffs, and "favors" as well as (IMHO) the "darker arts" of blackmail, intimidation and God knows what else.
Remember the APD's lie-filled press release in the days after Shailey Tripp's story broke in the National Enquirer? The officer responsible for that even admitted he did it at the request of the Palins' attorney! If having the APD in their pockets isn't proof of how dangerous they are, I don't know what is.
The problem is that the people who are dedicated to exposing Sarah and Todd's crimes are going about it LEGALLY and ETHICALLY -- unlike the Palins who will do ANYTHING, no matter how illegal or immoral, to hide the truth.
Whatever it takes, however long it takes ... that's what it'll take. But ONLY so long as you, Gryphen, and all your sources are safe.
THANK YOU for pursuing the truth!
I think I love you, Grrr! :)
ReplyDeleteI am too smart enough to follow Mr Conehead!
So, not waiting for an iceberg, just for somebody to be willing to be fired from whatever job they have once whatever it is they know comes out.
Which is after all asking a lot. But the I told you sos to my skeptical loved ones and my Palin-loving neighbor would be very delicious.
Be brave, O person with insider knowledge!
What the trolls don't get is that most of -- at least on IM and more than a majority around the country -- are adults who over the years have developed dependable skills about what is true or not. I call it the "ring of truth", does something have the ring of truth or does something sound fishy. It's not a faith based skill, it's an experience based skill. I can hear something even if no "proof" is offered, think about it, make a decision, then turn around and bet money on whether I'm right on not. I can't remember the last time I was wrong about whether to believe something or not.
ReplyDeleteSo no videos or photos have come out about the brawl, so what? I can remember when there were no videos instantly showing what happened but still people had to make decisions about whether something happened or not and most of the time, their decisions were accurate.
Sarah thinks that she fools people when she stands up in front of an audience and lies. She's wrong. They see through her. Well, all but 1% see through her. Each appearance makes it worse for herself, her family and the fools who put her on stage to begin with. It's over, Sarah.
I know Gryphen has no control over other peoples actions, I'm grateful that he takes so much time to write this blog. I'm grateful that he's willing to chase leads and do some sleuthing. I don't have the dedication to do what Gryphen is doing. To all the naysayers and complainers: could YOU do what Gryphen is almost singlehandedly doing?? I bet there is corruption in your own city or states government. Why aren't you exposing it if you think it's so easy? Pretty easy to sit at your computer complaining about Gryphen not doing enough!
ReplyDeleteHoly Moley. This is what a tinfoil ht nut job STALKER looks like.
ReplyDeleteAnd the best part? Sarah Palin has truth on her side.
.....ALL THESE WILD..hysterical, tales, claims, stories have been proven FALSE....over all YEARS
Ok, let's try an exercise: Imagine the image of the Palin family getting off of Air Force One and getting into a pile-on brawl with some well wisher patriots because someone knows someone who knows Mercedes from high school. Imagine that scene on the 6 o'clock news. Around the globe.
DeleteSee, even if a third of the claims that people have made about Sarah Palin Health and Todd Palin and family are true - you know the lies that Tripp called his aunt a "faggot" on national TV and the lie that Bristol claimed she was raped in a drunk stupor by Levi in her book, the lie that Palin says dangerous, nasty and threatening things about Democrats and about our Commander in Chief on national television, the lie that Sarah Palin called Levi a deadbeat dad to a camera crew, the lie that Sarah Palin barely speaks a coherent sentence and knows little about world events, the lie that Sarah stated on the Sarah Palin Channel that Trig can't eat Cheerios and can't speak, the lie that Track got "married" five months before the birth of his daughter and divorced in less than a year while the family claims to have true Christian values that we should emulate--even if just a small miniscule part of that is true, could you understand if people felt this is not the quality politician we want as leader of the free world.
I know lots of nice stupid people where I live (in LA), real salt of the earth Duck Dynasty followers. Good Christians who hate the president but love their country, hate those Muslims and "beaners" and all the rest. And while I can chat with them in the grocery store, even maybe swim with their kids at the pool or play Bunko with them, I wouldn't want them representing our national interests from their limited intelligence and point of view, particularly when the world is in such turmoil.
What baby was that in the Palin's kitchen in May 08, with the deformed ruffled ears? The one Mercede called the best baby brother ever? The one Levi was lovingly holding? And how did that baby have perfect fucking ears in Oct 08? Nothing has been proven false sweetie, nothing.
DeleteBut keep telling yourself that , if that is what you need to all asleep at night and get out of bed in the morning lol!!
Lol!!! Really? That is simply not true.
DeleteGee, show Gryphen how it's done - you with all your evidence there. When you say it like that "That is simply not true" I can understand how incontrovertible your proof is. Thanks for teaching us.
Delete".....ALL THESE WILD..hysterical, tales, claims, stories have been proven FALSE....over all YEARS"
No they haven't, dipshit. Not all of them have been proven true. There is a difference.
We know what the Palins are through their own documented, filmed, recorded, and printed words and deeds.
And it is not a pretty picture. No decent person could ever look up to, admire, or support gutter trash like the Palins.
1:12 "Right now in Alaska, we are building the biggest gas pipeline in the world." Sarah Palin, liar!
DeleteThey STILL have not started that pipeline that she lied about. That wench has never had truth on her side, on her back, on her ass or any where else.
You are wrong, all of them have NOT been proven false. There are false things about her, they are called tits. Sometimes they're up, sometimes they're down.
The troll seems very agitated ... drunk perhaps?
ReplyDeleteI hope you can get some solid information about how the Palin's built their house with the exact same building materials that were used in the hockey rink construction, which was being built at the same time as their house.
ReplyDeleteI think confirmed fraud (stealing in layman's terms) would definitely bring Sarah down.