Monday, September 08, 2014

Chuck Todd's first outing as host of Meet the Press receives mixed reviews.

I have to admit that I totally forgot to watch this yesterday.

I've been binge watching Californication lately, and I completely forgot that this was on.

But have no fear I powered through it when it was rebroadcast later in the day, and my take was "Meh."

And apparently I am not alone.

Here was the Washington Post take: 

There was no revolution Sunday as Chuck Todd debuted as host of “Meet the Press,” NBC’s venerable, venerated and vulnerable talk show. Little about Todd’s first hour redefined Sunday talk-showing as we know it.

The Huffington Post was a little kinder: Chuck Todd's version of "Meet The Press" was not radically different than David Gregory's, but the show was certainly livelier, less stuffy.

The big selling point was that Todd secured an interview with the President.

Here is how Politico reported on that:  

Chuck Todd kicked off his inaugural edition of NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday by trying to manage expectations: “Obviously it’s a pretty big honor for me to be sitting in this chair as the 12th moderator of this program. We’re living in a house as we remodel it, so the program …will continue to evolve.” 

He needn’t have: Todd’s opening program was strong on news. Yes, that was chiefly due to an exclusive interview with President Obama, but Todd was also an effective interrogator. “What do you tell the person that’s going to get deported before the election that this decision was essentially made in your hopes of saving a Democratic Senate?” he asked the president of his decision to delay executive action on immigration. 

Obama had the upper hand in steering the conversation, but Todd elicited some newsy comments from the president on his plans to address the nation regarding the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, on the potential spread of the Ebola virus, and on his struggle with optics — specifically playing golf after making remarks on ISIL’s killing of James Foley. “I should’ve anticipated the optics,” Obama said. “Part of this job is also the theater of it. That’s not something that always comes naturally to me. But it matters.” 

Going one on one with Obama, and not being a wuss about it, should give Todd some props coming right out of the gate, but of course the President is not about to do cameos every week in order to drive up ratings. 

In other words, though he could not have helped but to be better than David Gregory, color me unimpressed.

For those who missed the Obama interview (Like me.), here it is in its entirety.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Can we petition "Guinness World Records" to recognize Sarah's epic journey?

    Longest distance traveled while in labor.

    Sarah traveled 4000 miles between Dallas and Wasilla. This amazing feat should win the record ... and at same time show how fake the entire birth story is.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Sure beats the one with Mary on the donkey.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Is it really 4000 miles between Anchorage and Dallas? I would have guessed 2000. 2000 might be a record if she had been really pregnant! Heck, in her condition she could have traveled around the world with no problem. Just delay the delivery of the baby to the hospital until she arrived and freshened up.

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM

      3054 air miles, Dallas to Anchorage.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Sunday news shows are dead. The same tired people, the same stories are heard from/of all week long. Too bad, I used to watch the Sunday shows when in college long ago, that's where news was broken. But I wish MTP luck. One tip: no J Scarborough, please.

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  4. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I'd rather spend my Sunday mornings doing something fun - liking hiking or walking my dogs. No more tv news shows for me any more. If something is said that is actually news worthy, I'll read about it later.

  5. Maple8:04 AM

    And don't forget that familiarity breeds contempt -- isn't that what's happened to McGrumpypants and Lindsey his sidekick?
    Besides, people get their actual "news" (as in, never before heard type of news) up to the minute on the internet -- at least I do. Of course, it's a little different up here in Canuckland -- our newscasters and news shows must not show bias, nor make up stuff....

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    How hard is it to replace a headlight on a Porsche?

    Hank Moody proves the old adage "For every beautiful woman in the world, there's at least one man who's tired of Californicating her".

    (based on screening S1, S2 and half way through S3.)

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Every now and then I click on the SarahPalinChannel to see if she has quit yet, and usually find that nothing has been updated. As is the case right now. I think the same "daily" word has been up for about a week now.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Is the word still "inspefulate"?

  8. Obama said. “Part of this job is also the theater of it. That’s not something that always comes naturally to me. But it matters.”

    Perhaps he's covering for an aide who let him down, but it's unsettling to imagine that he personally has to do the heavy lifting of the job AND anticipate the political consequences of his every move.

  9. Chuck Todd is an utter, total failure. He was so intent on his talking points he didn't listen to a word the President said. After the President mentioned Syria specifically, not once, not twice, not three times, but four, yes four times, Todd said to the President:

    "You’ve not said the word, “Syria,” so far in our conversation. Obviously, if you’re going to defeat ISIS, you have used very much stronger language. It’s gone through the week during your trip to Wales. You got to go to Syria in some form or another."

    Ooh, golly, Chuckles was so intent on waiting for the moment to insert his stupid "Gotcha! See, I know more than you do, you dumb ol' president" that he wasn't listening to a word the President said.

    There is no point in ever paying any attention to this gasbag ever again.

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Yeah, that's the only reason conservative dickbags even want to interview him, to be as rude as possible to him. They don't give a shit what he actually has to say. Fuck all of them but especially Chuck Todd.

    2. Anonymous1:51 AM

      I thought Todd was trying to copy the David Gregory method, with his rude interruptions so often while the President was answering questions. Demonstrated his arrogance...

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    MTP...boring & as long as Joe Scarborough is on I won't watch again!

  11. I didn't watch--live or replay. Oh well, I'm sure it will be rehashed on the usual shows today. <<>>

  12. I hope "Chuckie T" is as tough on Republicans as he was to Obama. I can't stand the no-follow up questions that allow Republicans to just spout nonsense and not get called on it.

  13. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Another Todd fail. Asks the President questions with a GOPTP slant - tough questioning. Wait until the flood of Rethugs come on. No facts, no decent questions, just another double down attempt (Scarborough) to Fauxize NBC. MTP going down drain even faster.

  14. Anita Winecooler5:04 PM

    Tim Russert left big shoes to fill, I'm amused and amazed that David Gregory was considered and hired, and now we have "David Gregory light" in his place.
    Where was Todd when GWBush was focused on his golf swing WHILE being interviewed and "the optics of it". Can't the POTUS take a vacation, away from the media, and play golf/watch a movie/ eat an icecream cone with his family while there's soldiers fighting overseas, after all, the optics just don't look right. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. If he called off his vacation and came back to the white house, everyone would be saying he did it purely because of politics/the optics.
    Todd's going to be David Gregory lite, let the GOP get off easy with no followup questions, and grill the Democrats.
    When Tim passed, MTP should have ended.

  15. Anonymous1:03 AM

    what a great president you have, he warms my heart. Listening to his interview is just great. Thanks for posting this!


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