Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Elizabeth Hasselbeck becomes the first Fox News to link football scandals to Benghazi.

This is the tweet that Hasselbeck sent out yesterday:
It is unclear as to how much more transparency Hasselbeck could want, as there have been four bipartisan investigations into Benghazi already, with another one still chugging along. And thus far they have found nothing to support the conservative's conspiratorial theories.

And the attempts by Fox News to keep the Benghazi story alive has been nothing short of obsessive.

Later Hasselbeck seemed to take offense that she was being called out for her lack of journalistic integrity.

So it's an "honor" to be a tool of the Republican party, and to distribute their propaganda for them.

Well then that move from the couch on The View, to the couch on Fox and Friends was certainly the right one, wasn't it?


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    What a fucking moron.

  2. Why do I feel dirty every time I hear her talk? I just LOATHE her. She's a total shill. Sarah Palin with a few less years and a few more friends at the Estée Lauder counter. Fín.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Nyah, well said.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      Love it! So eloquently put!

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      did you ever notice that dizzy miss lizzie has those palin googly eyes, crazier than a shithouse rat.

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Living proof that peroxide causes brain damage......

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      The chemicals she has been using in her hair for years do effect her brain. And, it shows!!! Get off the stuff, Elizabeth, and be REAL for a change!

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Poor, self-righteous Elisabeth Hasselbeck. She's sold her soul to the devil for a big pay check from FOX every week and doesn't even realize it.

    1. Oh, she realizes it.

      I knew I didn't like her years and years ago when she talked about her "secondary infertility". (For those not in the know- SI is when you conceived easily the first time but then are unable to conceive again without excessive measures and/or fertility treatments.

      So she's crying, actually crying about being "infertile" and not being able to get pregnant with a second child- when her daughter is ten. months. old.

      I'm totally serious. Of course she had a second child before her first was three, and a third before her second was two.

      I had many friends at the time who were ACTUALLY grief stricken over infertility, and seeing her with her litter which she admittedly conceived and birthed without need for any intervention yak about "going through secondary infertility" just pissed me OFF. How many MORE babies can you have in 4.5 years?

      Sorry for that little episode. I've been holding that gripe in for years. Her being a step-fox wife only added to my complete and total disdain for this bleached and blanched shrew.

  5. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Later Hasselbeck seemed to take offense that she was being called out for her lack of journalistic integrity.
    She isn't a journalist. She became famous for being on a reality show and marrying a football player- Whoopee Dippy Do.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Exactly. She has a BFA from Boston College. She is not a student of politics, history, nor, evidently, facts. I stopped watching the View when she came on. She is opinionated, stubborn, and never wrong...the perfect Fox shill. If the GOP ever takes over again, I wonder what she will say about wars when we have to reinstate the draft and her sons are the right age.

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      When she was on the Survivor she wouldn't bathe. She was filthy.I mean grossly filthy. All she did was whine and her hair was falling out.Why they hired her for the View i can't imagine.Her being on Faux seems like a natural progression. I loathe her.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      She has NEVER impressed me. Typical FOX person that doesn't have a clue about FACTS. She's exactly where she should be!

    4. Anonymous3:36 PM

      One day I watched a clip from The View where Barbara Walters called out EH for never listening and being unable of change. EH of course denied it but BW said "yes you do!" EH then proceeded to pout.She is repulsive. She was the reason I quit watching The View.

    5. Anonymous3:36 PM

      She's an NFL wife - wonder if he has ever struck her? They, as a couple, would be of no interest to me. Too religious and self righteous!

  6. If Hasselbeck had any sense she'd be embarrassed.

  7. What a dinglehopper.

  8. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Said it before, will say it again.... the most transparent thing at Fox is the space between Lizzie's ears

  9. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Because Hasselbeck is that stupid...
    She needs to giver her poor over worked brain a rest.
    M from MD

  10. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Another case of someone who is as stupid as she looks.

  11. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Hasselbeck is a self-righeous ninny.

  12. Anonymous4:02 PM

    lol Sarah's looks are fine. What do YOU look like after 1.5 hours of bikram? lmao

    That is just wrong.

    If anything, Sarah is hotter now.

    Though in 2003, in a pic I recently ran across with her, Todd and Piper at home, she looked good then sans makeup. THough she wasnt working out then.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Didn't know this thread was about Palin. Looks like someone (looking at you @4:02) is obsessed with Sarah.

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM


    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      I think Anon 4:02 is "Lousie Sarah" herself, giving herself some praise. Her thinking skills are so shallow that she thinks a comment like that will actually convince someone that a sow's ear is a silk purse.

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      4:02 PM

      How do you laugh your ass off when you don't have one?

    5. Anonymous6:20 PM

      4:02 PM What are you doing? writing comments to yourself

    6. Anita Winecooler7:06 PM

      I've got a great Knock Knock Joke, Say "Knock Knock"

    7. Oh, goody. The "though" troll is back. Beldar!

  13. Anonymous4:13 PM

    she's looking old.

  14. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Benghazi? Again? When the right wing teleprompter readers actually write a word, they may gain some credibility.

    When they bemoan the children at our border seeking refuge because of policies initiated by Ray-Guns, then maybe, or not.

    Moving on up through history, take a look at Iraq. Repeat, rinse and follow the same idiotic 'logic.' Ferdinand Marcos was not a saint, but he held the RPI together. Saddam Hussein, yet not a boy scout, either. But thanks to the Bush2 power vacuum, we have ISIL.

    Arming 'moderate' Syrian rebels; oh yeah, I remember when Osama bin Laden was our friend. Failed policy redux. For a fraction of the cost of military intervention, we would win a lot more friends with honest humanitarian aid. Feed, house, educate and provide medical relief to the refugees. Stop enabling Israel, then there would be hope for peace.

    It isn't rocket science, but the babbling idiots pimping for Murdoch need to be metaphorically beaten about the head and shoulders with Einstein's theory of insanity.

  15. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Wow, she's dumb.

  16. Anonymous5:01 PM

    F this airhead.

  17. Anonymous5:40 PM

    How the hell did Hacklebeck ever get on tv in the first place? What could she possibly have to offer? Inane prattle? Fatuous twaddle?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

      She starved herself on "survivor", we're talking stick figure with skin, then she married a football player, screwed up her digestive system and advocates for people who can't have gleutin in their diet. Five to seven kids, a stint on the view, and viola' she's on a couch with two men.

  18. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Hasselbeck is a younger, less desiccated version of a Sarah Palin type character. Like Sarah, she is obviously someone of mediocre intelligence. Other characteristics she shares with our Sarah (and the brood) are her ignorance, smug arrogance, and petulance.

  19. Back in the 60's, in junior high and high school I was a news junkie and watched the news every night with Huntley and Brinkley and also watched Today be fore school, with Dave Garroway, then John Chancellor, then Hugh Downs (and the wonderful Frank Blair as news anchor). Never did I dream that decades later we'd be surrounded by cretinous twatwaffles (both male and female).

  20. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    Sorry, Liz's feelings got hurt. She's working under the assumption Roger Ailes hired her for her brains. LOL

  21. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Elizabeth Hasselbeck, just because you are blonde, doesn't mean you have to be dumb.

    1. Anonymous3:46 AM

      She's a bottle blonde

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      "Elizabeth Hasselbeck, just because you are blonde, doesn't mean you have to be dumb"

      Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senator Tammy Baldwin and Senator Elizabeth Warren

      Jennifer K

  22. Anonymous4:07 AM

    If you're a pretty, right-wing, blonde moron, Fox has a job for you.

  23. Anonymous5:21 AM

    All good post. Why, why does she still have a seat on F&F?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.