Saturday, September 20, 2014

Last night's New Rules featured the Palin drunken brawl. And Wonkette has finger puppets!

"New rule, now that it's been confirmed that the entire Palin family did in fact participate in a drunken brawl, Sarah Palin must admit that President Obama's "mom jeans" aren't half as embarrassing as her mom genes."

Yep, even more national attention for the story that the Palins desperately want to just go away.

Not muhc chance of that when internet troublemakers like the ones over at Wonkette find new and interesting ways to keep the story front and center.

Like they have done with their new Happy Funtimes Palin Brawl Playset:

Sniveling rage donkey Sarah Palin is back on the Facebook today (Actually yesterday), braying about the “prayer shield” that surrounds her brood of Leon Spinks imitators. Sarah is very proud of her kids’ desire to defend the family and also of their “work ethic,” which they must have learned from someone else’s parents. She also offers up a link to a five-sentence post on Bristol’s blog, which, whoa, don’t work too hard, Bristol! Save some of that energy for getting drunk and punching party hosts! 

Then Wonkette offers cutouts to be used as finger puppets, so that you too can practice Palin family party going, family defense strategeries, and Whack-a-Homeowner.

Oh yeah this story is far from over.

And next week when the APD finally releases their police report, we get to start the whole thing all over again.

I swear if this keeps up I ma going to unbox my fake Christmas tree and start decorating, because clearly my favorite holiday has come early this year.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    lol, see how long this comment stays up on the harridan's hatebook page.
    Matthew Bell A Lawrence...are you really as stupid as Palin looks? Their family is trailer trash, they teach their kids hate, one of the most unAmerican families I've ever seen. They start fights at parties, flip people off, then blame others for their own actions. They are disgusting.
    8 minutes ago ·

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I wish they wouldn't call them trailer trash. That phrase refers to poor uneducated people who live in trailer parks and foul their own nest. (BTW, I have some fastidious, well groomed friends who live in mobile home parks.) The Palins aren't poor although they are uneducated. Is there a better word for wealthy, ignorant, pugilistic entitled fools?

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Is there a better word for wealthy, ignorant, pugilistic entitled fools?

      We can coin our own word like Shakespeare Sarah

      Heathpalin (pronounced heathpayleen)

      That party was so loud, nothing but a bunch of heathpalins.

    3. Cckids10:20 AM


    4. Anonymous10:50 AM

      We couldcall them WIPE fools or WIPIES for short.

    5. Anonymous10:54 AM


      Pat Padrnos

    6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:11 AM

      wealthy, ignorant, pugilistic, entitled swindlers =

      There ya go! Feel free to add the prefix "ASS", if you wish.

    7. Balzafiar1:44 PM


  2. The open thread for today at C4P is "Fall is upon us."

    Dare to dream!

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Excuse me, the Autumn Equinox (that would be the official beginning of autumn) is September 23. Aren't they jumping the gun a little? Some part of the country are roasting in over 100 degrees. We never had a summer. We had another polar vortex and we have been having autumn weather since Labor Day.

    2. I was focusing on The Fall. As in "of the Palins."

      I sometimes think Steve's heart isn't in it over there, in spite of the pay, and he send mixed messages inconsciously, if not intentionally.

    3. Anonymous1:24 PM

      The Fall of the House of Palin...

    4. Anonymous7:24 PM



    5. Anonymous11:50 PM

      The family that brawls together, falls together.

      (I thought of that myself!)

  3. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Hilarious in just the right tone of mockery. And I love the oh-happy-day celebration of the stoopid on display, with a little zing for hubris and hypocrisy

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Agree. I love it that bloggers who have never made a secret of their distaste for Palin are not even trying to be objective about this incident. It's just too delicious and they are reveling in it because it fits the low-class, plus the petty/vindictive narratives. That is not a bad thing. What has become conventional wisdom about Palin also happens to be accurate.

    2. Anonymous12:02 PM

      " What has become conventional wisdom about Palin also happens to be accurate."


  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Bristol's Yupik name is "Dances as Bear"

    If Sarah was Indian her name would be ... "Lt. Dumb Boar"

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      thought maybe " Ex-gov Walking Crow"…(too full of shite to fly)

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I'm sorry, but you translated it incorrectly, it is " Bear humps floor"

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM

      I like "Woman shitting on country"
      "Woman with pillow in her panties"

    4. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Yeah, and Sarah is Flies with Pillow While Leaking.

    5. Anonymous2:41 PM

      walks w/pillow

    6. Cracklin Charlie3:55 PM

      My Native American name for Sarah is Two Big Shoes. And for Bristol...Little Big Hair.

      My dog's native name is Pepper Stop That. My son's native name is Grazes in Fridge.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I am all about an early Christmas! Today! The lights are going up!!!

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      If you need any Christmas decorations, Farm and Fleet was putting them on display LAST SATURDAY!!

  6. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Forget finger puppets, Rock 'em Sock 'em Palinbots, yea, that's the ticket

  7. Anonymous9:29 AM

    OMG! Those Palin family finger puppets are awesome!!!! Gotta love Wonkette!

  8. "Oh yeah this story is far from over."

    YES, YES, YES!!!

    ;-))) ♥♥♥

  9. hedgewytch9:44 AM

    I snorted hard at the finger puppets. Do that while eating a blueberry bagel is painful. Gotta go get some paper puppets to play with now.

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I thought the Barstool finger puppet was missing and went back up to check. Oh...I see what they did there.

  11. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I just got through surveying the finger puppets. The gorilla costume was not a stellar DWTS moment. I burst out laughing at the patriotic high tops. Ouch, these highlights are packing a visual punch.

    The irony of a Bristol shout out connected to prayer warriors is ludicrous and deserving of mockery. Can't make this stuff up!

  12. comeonpeople9:56 AM

    Just sent you a donation G!!
    Thanks for your work.
    Git er done!!!

  13. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Well, what I see is that the family is being made into a national laughing stock. However, they are STILL able to get away with crimes - NO authorities are checking on them and arresting them - all the different -gates we have, as well now the obvious and open child endangerment of letting a six year old run around w/o supervision at an adult party where alcohol is freely flowing and the child is caught several times with his hands on a glass of beer, and same child being reprimanded over and over to NOT get out onto the runway (could damage a plane, get entangled in the tie-downs of planes, get lost, get onto the rail road tracks on the other side side of the runway, onto the highway a bit farther, maybe even get hit by a taxiing plane, etc, etc.)
    ANY other family (especially a black one, or a Native American one) would have the child removed and put into foster care until the family has gone through rigorous education and sobriety courses

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Yep. If Bristol were as Yupik as they all claim to be when it's politically advantageous for Sarah - Tripp would have been taken away that night. Minorities are harassed based on much less than what seems to have happened at the Klingenmeyer residence.

      Remember when Sarah's reality show featured a visit to the Yupik part of the family? Todd's relatives were saying that was the first time they had met some of her children and the first time they had seen Sarah in YEARS.

      Those kids have grown up completely disconnected from their roots. Closest Bristol gets to her Native heritage is when she is seen at the clinic taking advantage of free health care.

    2. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Sarah is a user and an abuser - only when to her benefit!

      Using the 'native' thing for her kids should raise anger w/the native folks in Dillingham.

      The only one of the Palin kids that really look part native is Willow - none of the others do.

      I'll wager they know zero about their culture that came to them though Todd. He's as much an idiot as is Sarah and probably has little clue about his heritage as well.

    3. Anonymous11:04 AM

      What you look like on the outside does not necessarily define who you are.

      We have a saying: It's not what flows in your veins, it's what beats in your heart.

    4. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Tripp is supposedly 5 years old. He was supposedly born late December 2008 so he's only 5 going on 6. He's probably older than they say - Bristol was post partum at the convention therefore the full bosoms? The reason we didn't see any Tripp pictures last year, he was probably losing his baby teeth and they didn't want anybody to see that.

    5. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Really, 11:04 AM, thanks for the clarification. If true, I'll bet Throat Punch Thursdays are a scream at the Palin compound.

    6. Anonymous2:43 PM

      correction - according to the Palins, Tripp is only FIVE.....and going to alcohol parties late at night, sneaking drinks, swearing and hitting people

  14. Anonymous10:21 AM

    LMAO! We are having a bbq tonight and I think I'll print out some Palin Family rock 'em sock 'em finger puppets!

  15. Anonymous10:36 AM

    The Palin family is FINALLY getting everything they deserve and it makes me happy, happy, happy!

    Finger Puppets!!! Cracked me up!

    I can hardly wait until we never hear from (or about) any of them again. They have been a black stain on America and Alaska far too long!

  16. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Bristolnacht (from wonkette)

    1. Love that! Tallmutha at Wonkette commented today:

      "I guess the embarrassment of Bristolnacht didn't provoke a long period of quiet introspection after all."

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      The funniest part of the Bristolnacht tweet .... Bristol would never figure it out.

    3. True, 11:58. If Bristol can't look up a recipe for roast chicken, Kristallnacht shall always be beyond her reach.

    4. She might think that it's a special night sale on crystal at the local Target store---without the Storm Troopers of course.

  17. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Somebody really should explain "work ethic" to $carah. Bristles does not have a J O B so where would work ethics enter the picture? Certainly no work ethics when it comes to parenting. Maybe she means having more one night stands than most women? Maybe Bristles works hard to get drunken guys to come home with her?

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Bristol reported that she had Zero income. That means that she has no job. So how does this reconcile with what a hard worker she is "suppose" to be? JFC Sarah's stupidity knows no bounds.

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      When you're covered by God, 1:05 PM, you can do anything you want . Ten Commandments, socialist Sermon On The Mount be damned.

      The role of Judas is now being played by..................

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Not to defend Bristol Palin, but just to be accurate, Bristol Palin did NOT report zero income, 12:05. In one of his custody hearing filings, Levi Johnston reported that she would owe him zero of her income, or something like that -- I can't remember the details, I just remember the most salient part, i.e. that what you just repeated was an incorrect interpretation of information provided by LEVI, not by Bristol.

    4. When calculating a parent's child support obligation the income of the other parent is put at zero. That filing shows nothing about Bristol Palin's actual income.

    5. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Sarah doesn't know the difference between "works hard" and "hardly works".

  18. Anonymous10:44 AM

    The APD report will most likely be "nothing to see here folks, move along."

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      i have no faith in the APD whatsoever.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Of course it will be. I can't remember if it was TBAT's testimony or whose, but someone said as soon as the APD heard "Palin" that the officer said "oh. Okay," or something to that effect. The Palins OWN the APD.

    3. Anonymous12:01 PM

      11:09 I believe that anonymous testimony had to do with Willow's underage drinking, not the brawl scene.

    4. Anonymous12:15 PM

      That was it, thanks. Talk about a hall pass, they get it every time. Incredible.

    5. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Tripp was emptying cups as well.

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    If they think this is going to blow over, it's not. With Nyah's research, what Gryph is already sitting on, and TBAT'S account? Strength in numbers.

    That Faux or anyone will ever ask her opinion on anything again is comical if only that they brought it on themselves. The Helen Reddy "You And Me Against The World" yesterday had me giggling past midnight.

    Bring it, $arah, we know who you are and you don't scare us one bit. Bring a jar of Smuckers Strawberry along, please? Jam is yummy on toast.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Wouldn't Smuckers Goober Grape would be more appropriate?

    2. Do we know what Nyah learned from her/his research?

  20. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I think a video contest - under a minute with those finger puppets would be an interesting idea.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      How about Sarah Palin fanfic. Could be a hit.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      That reminds me, what happened to the blog with the Barbies? That would be fun to see the fight played out that way. Come back Barbie Blog!

  21. Anonymous10:54 AM

    WHEN the APD releases its report???

    How about **IF** it releases anything. I'm not holding my breath, based on past behavior of the APD on Palin matters.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      I am sure there will be a police report. The big question will be what is written in the report.

      I hope everyone that gave a statement to the police- asks for a copy of the report and if there are any errors in their statements, they find out how to amend the report with the correct version.

      I would also keep a copy of it in a safe place with a letter "if anything happens to me, property etc."

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Why TBAT won't go on record. I still say that report will come out like the redacted e-mails did. MUCH later.

  22. Anonymous11:02 AM

    "Sniveling rage donkey" !!!!!! Just sprayed coffee.

  23. Anonymous11:41 AM

    If APD does not release a report on the brawl, Letters to the Editor' should be written to the Anchorage newspaper - Alaska Dispatch News - by some of us asking why there is no public report regarding the Palin Brawl that has been verified and confirmed.

    It's way past time the Anchorage Police Department stops covering up for them and Alaskans need to stop being quiet when it comes to the Palins!

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I would suggest NOT to wait until the report comes out, but innundate the ADN NOW with comments. Like that, the APD just MIGHT realize that there is too much publicity for them to cook the report!

    2. Anonymous9:13 PM

      I'm sure the report will be delayed until after her speech at the Values Voters Summit.

  24. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Not only are there no examples of her adult children's "work ethic" (does Sarah Palin know what it means?) but where are the examples of their "heart for the less fortunate" that Sarah also extolled in her post? Maybe punching the party host repeatedly was an act of kindness on Bristol's part?

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Sarah doesn't know what 'work ethic' means! She's never had it in her entire life! She actually has a very limited working background and those few jobs she did have she either quit, was fired or not asked to return!

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      The work ethic of underage illegal immigrant prostitutes forced into slavery?? That work ethic?

    3. Georgia Peach6:27 AM

      Their "hearts for the less fortunate":

      Track counsels vets with PTSD. You know, because he saw so much combat that it gave him PTSD, but he has such a strong family and faith and lives so vibrantly that he's managed to become a paragon of mental health and effective coping skills. (*Sarcasm.)

      Bristol went with Sarah and Franklin Graham to Haiti after her DWTS debacle. Photos of the trip showed her even more visibly pregnant than she was on DWTS. I think they basically flitted around handing out plastic crap and grabbing photo ops for a day or two. But in Sarah-land, gracing the dark people with the radiant Palin presence IS "having a heart for the less fortunate."

      And, you know, every once in awhile Brancy posts a blog about how much she loves Trig. Sadly, to (and because of) his relatives, he is "the less fortunate." They have such pathetic, narrow outlooks that they can't see him as a blessing or a worthwhile person in his own right, the way loving families with DS children do. He's just the baby Sarah nobly "chose" not to abort (easy choice when one isn't actually pregnant) and the "less fortunate" they trot out--albeit increasingly rarely--to show how kindhearted they are.

  25. Anonymous11:51 AM

    If Sarah keeps complimenting Bristol for being such a strong sharp shooter, that just means that Bristol did punch that guy.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Not only that, but the SPC website video of CAINTs back 2nd Amendment tee? Threaten away, $arah, just waiting for your excuse why you're not running for '16. You know you can't, we do too.

  26. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Sadly I don't think the APD is going to pull through on this one. They won't be able to say much because no doubt The
    Fraud Family's lawyer is breathing down their necks and whatever is released isn't going to be much. I don't have faith in the APD making a stand against anything too controversial. On the other hand, the Fraud Family is slowly but surely loosing their grip on reality with the sense of entitlement they have been enjoying. There will be more to come that even tops this latest event and I think the good news is this is just the beginning. They aren't going to be able to hold it together much longer!

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Fraud Family will never recover from this one.

      Pardon me while I laugh, but her blatant attempt at redoing the hot yoga pic was too rich. Again I ask, just whom is advising her, or are the consultants gone for lack of swindling funds and this was her hare-brained idea. Oh, nevermind, we know! HAHAHAHAHAHA

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      I don't think Sarah Palin has anyone advising her anymore. Just look at what she has been doing and saying for the past months!

      I suspect the national Republican party thinks she's nuts and want nothing to do with her.

      The family being involved in the Anchorage Braw has really cooked her goose!

      I know the Alaska Republicans could care less about her and hers!

  27. PalinsHoax12:19 PM

    Where's the finger puppet of Ol' Mamma Mutant Genes wearing her faux pregnancy belly?

    Where's the finger puppet of Bare Chested Trackie-Poo giving his one-finger-salute?

    Where's the finger puppet of Squeaky voiced Tawdry singing "You Light Up My Life"?

    Where's the finger puppet of Bottom Feeder Brisdull crawling into a tent with a wine cooler?

  28. Anonymous12:27 PM

    12:05 The majority (especially in Alaska) do not believe Palin would be asked to (or volunteer) to run for ANY office because she would never survive a campaign.

    Plus, we all know she's not intelligent enough, has a horrible family, is not a Christian and would be vetted like no other! She would not know what had hit her and she'd never survive the scrutiny. She'd quit!!!

    A campaign w/her aboard would be nothing like the one w/McCain. Americans are sick of her and know too much about her.

    Plus, she's racists and our country is going to majority black, brown and Asians within 20 years! Those folks - even today - would never support her!

  29. Cut it out, Gryphen!!

    Everybody gets that you've developed an intense dislike for that awful woman. That's fine. But why you gotta hate on the stretch Hummer, yo!!

    I have two of them. One in black for classy nights on the town, funerals and other somber occasions and one in fun-fun fluorescent safety orange when it's time to be noticed. Sure, it's longer than most 18 wheel long distance truck rigs and it's almost impossible to parallel park.

    But it's an awesome chick magnet! Seriously, there are women back there right now left over from a recent discotheque run that I haven't even met yet! How awesome is that!!!!!

    The key to rocking a stretch Hummer that pulls in the ladies is a deft touch in accessorizing. For example, sure, you CAN install a 25,000 watt music system. 5000 flashing LEDs, a hundred strobe lights and a dozen laser lights.

    But the cool dude in a loose mood backs it off a notch: try a 10,000 watt audio rig, just a thousand LEDS, a dozen strobes and 6 lasers. Remember, you can always add more if you're not feeling the love!

    In conclusion, The Screechy Wretch(tm) is horrible but you havent lived until you've had a stretch Hummer in your driveway (and most likely sticking out halfway into the street, also, too)

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Trust me, Beldar, You ARE a chick magnet!

      One Of Many

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Add a bumper sticker "If this Hummer's rockin' DON'T come a-konocklin'"

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Whoops KNOCKIN'

    4. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I hope we have established that Beldar is a guy because we can't have all that homophobic love going on.....

      Phil Robertson Wannabe Just Sayin'

  30. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon12:53 PM

    The APD will release a report, but it won't have anything substantive about the Palins in it.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      "in attendance."

    2. Balzafiar2:00 PM

      It will be something along the lines of:

      "Our exhaustive investigation did not turn up any clues or information to substantiate the claims of so-called eyewitnesses. Furthermore, charges may be pending against these so-called witnesses for lying to police officers; that is yet to be decided. In addition, a defamation lawsuit is being considered by the Palins against those so-called eyewitnesses for besmirching their fine names, but that is a civil matter. We will not be answering any questions from the media about this matter; it is case closed."

  31. Anonymous2:37 PM

    finger puppets!!! how perfect! I'll have to download some for christmas presents this year at the yankee swap... Joke gifts only. love it!

  32. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Offender: Sat. night Bristol is a guest in someone else's home, is asked to leave, and repeatedly punches the homeowner in the face.
    Offender's Consequence: unknown...bets are on Zero
    Consequence for witnesses to the offense: various threats and an actual job lost

    Offender: Sunday early evening, a man (who may or may not have received previous communication from Willow) is on Bristol's property waiting for her and/or Willow. Bristol says she asks him to leave. He tries to talk to the Palin girls. Bristol calls the police.
    Offender's Consequence: Man is arrested, charged with a felony, kept in jail awaiting trial, and provided a public defender.

    The APD report will be interesting as will the Palin girls' testimony against the stalker.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Willow Palin communicates with these guys, then the Palins cry 'stalker'. Willow is their set-up person.

  33. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I wonder how many members of the APD have availed themselves of Todd's "services"...

  34. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Supposedly the Anchorage Police Department members and that of the Anchorage FBI Unit used those services!

  35. janice3:49 PM

    Don't school records show birth date, etc. Maybe a copy of birth certificate. Levi as legal father should be able and free to view all school records...

    1. Balzafiar4:00 PM

      Levi already knows those answers.

      Then too, there is the possibility that Levi really isn't Tripp's father. That possibility was mentioned on a blog ca. 2008 IIRC. The blogger gave the name of the man who supposedly fathered Tripp.

  36. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Some of us who follow IM and Malia have been amazed at the behavior - not only of S Palin but her family as well. At first it seemed like a very strange happening - quite frankly I had never observed a family like theirs.
    I can understand part of why McCain selected her as she is attractive - and has an amazing way of connecting with the gut feelings of certain people. What he did not take into account was the unknown deep bias and hate people felt toward Obama. She was able with her memorized talking points to unleash that.
    That has been her strength ever since the beginning - grabbing onto the unspoken hate/whatever some people feel - for whatever their reasons - who the heck knows?
    With that said - she is a one trick pony and there aint nothin' else!!
    As time has gone by she and her family have become even more bizarre. She seems to be nearing the breaking point and is flailing like a person in deep water.
    Her PAC funds will become less and less as her behavior becomes more scattered - and who in her family can replace the income she has brought in? Certainly not her "hubby", certainly not her children who do nothing at all. She is getting desperate and is - I think - near the breaking point. Where to go from here? No one takes her seriously - not even her old employer -FOX.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      When you've lost Hannity, which I am sure she has by now, who are you going to turn to? Sarah Palin Channel with 80K viewers. Case in point.

  37. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

    Yep, you know you've made it when Maher uses you in his show. Hurry up, Branctol! Type away so Sarah can show how proud she is of her family while skirting the brawl issue.
    Wonkette is a laugh riot, those finger puppets have higher IQ's than the failed Palin Marriage and the audacity of staying together for the PAC's sake.

  38. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Someone mentioned on a Huffington Post site that the man Bristol slapped is going to press charges and sue Bristol (money, money, money). True?

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Cross OUR fingers : )

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      If true the Palins will hide all her assets.

      She may also owe Levi for child support.

      Rove Warns of ‘Democratic Cash Advantage’ over GOP in Midterms

      Thanks to John McCain and his attention ho Palin Brand. John isn't it about time you took your pals on a turkey shoot? À la Cheney.

  39. Anonymous8:05 AM

    CNN Sun AM Red News Blue News just gave the Palins a completer pass. The media jumped all over the brawl rumors. bwahaha

    Poor Bristol. What would it be like to have divorce rumors about your family?

    CNN actually mentioned Nancy's d-i-v-o-r-c-e deflection as if it was so hard on Bristol.

    They did say Fox has not reported the brawl, like perhaps they don't think it is news. :(


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