Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pennsylvania State Senator declares he is gay like a boss.

Courtesy of CNN:  

Lawmakers gathered in the Pennsylvania state capital in Harrisburg on Tuesday to propose a major change in the state's hate crime law to extend protection to those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. 

Lawmakers made their pitch for getting the legislation to the governor's desk by the end of the year. 

Then bill sponsor, Sen. Jim Ferlo of Pittsburgh, made his surprise announcement -- very casually.. 

"Hundreds of people know I'm gay. I just never made an official declaration," he said. "I never felt I had to wear a billboard on my forehead. But I'm gay. Get over it. I love it. It's a great life."

Later, Ferlo, who will be leaving the state Senate in November, said his remarks weren't planned. 

"It was totally impromptu. I've never denied it. I've never felt the need to talk about it," he told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

The dude makes being gay sound awesome.

In fact seeing how happy he is with his life, and how easily he comes out and talks about it, kind of makes me wish I were gay.

Damn it! Pat Robertson was right! Now my heterosexuality has been put at risk by the gay agenda.

Damn you gay mafia!


  1. Being gay isn't a choice. I hope you meant his choice of official telling people or not.

    Never mind, I know you mean that. My statement is for the trolls and homophobic aholes.

  2. Otto Katz4:52 AM

    "with his choice"

    Gryphen, you know better than that.

    1. You are right, I did not choose my words appropriately.

      I think it reads better now.

    2. Otto Katz7:07 AM

      Much better! I went through a period of questioning my orientation, wondering if everyone else knew I was a lesbian except for me! Didn't know why I had not dates for years. Turns out I was too busy with work and raising two boys alone. Two boys I raised to be happy in their own skins no matter whom they turned out to love.

      Good for Jim Ferlo, and good for you, Gryphen! May we all be happy in our own skins.

  3. Balzafiar5:07 AM

    Do not despair, Gryphen. Marcie Bachmann can do a reverse conversion so all will be well. :-)

    1. Yeah totally gonna call them right after I finish watching this Will and Grace marathon.

  4. Anonymous6:03 AM

    O/T Pancake Palin

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      At the article they use and OLD photo of Sarah....hahaha. Trying to make her seem a little less toxic, i'll bet.

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      "But by doing it 3 hours from a major city lowers the risk a little."

      Glad to see she finally dressed appropriately for the occasion-NOT ! Did she wear the infamous flag high tops to complete the ensemble?

  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Incidentally, the man at right in that picture is Philadelphia Representative Brian Sims, the first openly gay elected official in the state of Pennsylvania. I thought that was cool that he was there.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    My husband thinks, and I agree, that most conservative are just repressed homosexuals who have been made to feel bad about themselves their entire life.
    Liberals on the other hand, just accept it, and then move on to what's important in life - love and family.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I’ve thought the same thing 10:22. It must be hell to grow up gay in a conservative family where you are taught to hate yourself and the ones who presumably love you despise you.

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I just love this!!!! When I saw this comment the other day I thought this needs to be the rallying cry for the LGBT community.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.