Saturday, September 06, 2014

Sarah Palin's appearance at the fundraiser for PTSD was apparently a success. Which I take to mean that after her speech there are now more people suffering with PTSD.

This from Princess PTSD's Facebook page:  

What an honor it was tonight to speak at a fundraiser in Houston for the unique and wonderful organization called Mighty Oaks. Under Chad Robichaux's leadership, this strong, experienced military team helps our vets overcome PTSD. The work they do for our wounded warriors is so crucial. It’s the sincere heartfelt work that only private non-profits can really tackle. As a faith-based group, Mighty Oaks uses a Christ-centered approach to helping our vets heal, and their many success stories are incredibly inspiring. The number of vets struggling with PTSD is truly staggering. It’s our duty as a grateful nation to do everything we can to help our warriors who sacrificed so much to ensure our liberty. Mighty Oaks helps our men and woman regain the freedom in their own lives that they fought to defend. We can’t wait for politicians to tackle this. Every American who loves their freedom can step up and give our vets the love and support they deserve.

Yes only Christ-centered, faith based, non profits can address these problems adequately.

How dare any of us think that specially trained therapists with the VA or other non-faith based organizations know how to deal with post traumatic stress disorder.


I found exactly one news article covering the event from The Courier.

Here is a little of what it had to report: 

Former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin shared her views on the Second Amendment, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria crisis and military issues, as well as cracked some jokes and told personal anecdotes at the Mighty Oaks 4th Annual Gala at WoodsEdge Community Church Friday night. 

The gala, which drew about 400 guests, benefited the Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs, a faith-based, non-profit organization focused on helping veterans deal with post-traumatic stress disorder and adjust to life after combat.

Now I don't know enough about the size of the venue, or the past number of attendees to make fun of that 400 number, but I will say that it does not sound terribly impressive. 

And if that is all that showed up I wonder if they managed to show a profit after paying Palin to babble on about things she does not understand?

Speaking of things she does not understand she apparently did not hold back: 

When she took the stage, Palin started off by saying how glad she was to be in Texas and remembering the time she spent in the state during her summers in high school. 

“I’m gonna spare you guys all my Texas jokes, especially because I’m in church,” Palin said. 

She talked about her son, Track, an army veteran who served in Iraq, and his experience with the Mighty Oaks Programs. 

“He was enamored,” Palin said. 

“At this time in such a tumultuous world, we need our returning warriors to be strong, we need them to be healthy,” she said. “They need to win these battles too, the battles that are at home.” 

Palin went on the reminisce about the time when she went into labor with her youngest son, Trig, while in Texas and flew back to Alaska before he was born. 

The former governor touched on some political issues, including commenting on the violence in the Middle East and the president’s lack of response, global warming and Second Amendment rights. 

“One more thing Alaskans and Texans have in common,” Palin said. “I know I’m amongst a bunch of people clinging to their guns, their God and their Constitution.”

Yes sadly that last part about the similarities between Alaska and Texas is not wrong.

Well except for the God thing, Alaska is actually not that religious, except is certain concentrated areas like where Palin grew up.

As for the other points that she brought up.

I am surprised that she held back on raunchy jokes, simply because she was in a religious institution since it certainly has not stopped her before.

Secondly is this the first time that Palin is admitting that Track suffers from PTSD?

And how in the hell is he appropriate for this program since he saw no combat, and his PTSD is a preexisting condition that was the result of Palin's parenting?

And finally let me just vent about that damn Trig story for a minute.

Back in 2008 when I was pushing for the Alaska bloggers to get that out to the media in a united manner, and telling everybody that it was key to destroying Palin forever, they not only refused to participate but begged me not to continue either for fear it would damage our reputation as a group.

The argument back then was that the wild ride story was ultimately more damaging than the truth. A truth by the way which all of us agreed with.

Well now here we are six years later, and she is telling that story to new audiences all of the time, and rather than damaging her it seems to be one of the things that endear people to her.

Which considering the fact that it is a story about a middle aged woman with a high risk pregnancy, placing her unborn child at risk simply so that she could give a speech in Texas and further her political aspirations, seems kind of counter intuitive.

But there you have it. I was left all on my own to push for the truth, which I think I managed to prove beyond at least a legal shadow of a doubt, and yet this story continues to be told as if it, as crazy as it is, represents the facts concerning the birth of Trig Paxson Van Palin.

Still kind of burns my ass.


  1. F U McCain8:38 AM

    My first thOught:

    So you're telling a group of Texans that you put your baby's life in danger because you couldn't stand the thought of them being born in Texas?

    (Per Todd: we can't have a fish picker born in texas [despite the very real Texas fishing community]).

    Interesting way of trying to endear yourself to your audience.


    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Texans still eat it up. And laugh at her 'cute little State' joke every time.

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Don't forget Texas is responsible for W and Perry, among other "less thans" so if screech was welcomed there, considfer the source. I wonder if anyone bought her crappy books? Was she selling Bristle's books and Chuckles Sr. and Jr's also, too?

    3. Anonymous10:45 AM

      It was only 400 people. There are more crazies in Texas, most of them stayed away. Not all Texans are crazy or Repub or Teas.

    4. Anonymous11:30 AM

      @anon at 9:04 am

      Sorry, Texans do not "eat it up" when someone tries to speak for us.

    5. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Not all Tx takes bullshit from their corrupt loony gov. Ak can afford to grow some and do more about that gov and his predecessor.

    6. Anonymous12:50 PM

      [despite the very real Texas fishing community]).

      What are you talking about?! Don't you know that the lower 48 doesn't have mountains, no one fishes, goes camping, hunts, uses off-road vehicles, or even owns a pick-up truck! Rough and tough Alaskans like Sarah and Todd invented all those things! Why are you jealous? LOL!

    7. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Anon @11:30 AM

      I feel your pain. People sometimes use too broad a brush.

    8. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Heads up to the retarded snark impaired IMers: 12:50 is just kidding. I repeat,do not heap verbal abuse on 12:50, it's only snark.

    9. Anonymous1:25 PM

      @Anonymous1:18 PM:

      Thank you, I tried to make it as obvious as possible! :)

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Track was enamored, Sarah? Oh Bullshit! Track doesn't know the meaning and neither do you!

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Agreed. That guy doesn't look interested in anything.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Using the word enamored in this context is simply weird. Cruising the thesaurus for adjectives is a wonderful idea Sarah, but really, you ought to consider the context before you attach your new word to a sentence.

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Think she meant 'enameled', as in the urban dictionary version.

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      or "en armored, military style?

    5. Anonymous10:48 AM

      I think she mean Track was "animated," tho only for a second or two before returning to couchlock.

    6. Anonymous10:52 AM

      9:38 AM

      Team Palin is going for re-inventing images for their mythological family. They are now pretending Track uses words like impervious and enamored. He doesn't, it is just to co-ordinate with the channel Blog bull about Sally having a word a day. I hear she is a big failure with that one. But they are trying to look like they are more educated and smart.

      So they put new words with the fantasies about Track Palin. People in Wasilla know him, is that how he talks? Anytime I've heard him talk it isn't much and he sounds hey seed, like you know how he got the moniker Cain't Git Right.

    7. Anonymous11:08 AM

      'Enamored' as in 'in love with'???
      Are you suggesting that Track Memard went to that program? I guess, it did 'not exactly' work with him and his ex - since they divorced anyway, and he got to keep the guns and she got to keep the kid. He definitely was not 'enamored' with his wife and baby...

    8. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Anonymous is seeking attention because he/she doesn't get any attention from anyone.

      Why lie though? You're lying about good people who don't seek spotlight and live well

    9. Why lie3:18 PM

      lol I spy jealousy here in anonymous commenters.

    10. Anonymous4:01 PM

      3:17 OMG! You dipshit. Which anonymous are you commenting about anonymous?

    11. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Sarah is "animated"
      (speed) Watch her video and screeches.

      Track is "oximated". He does do some photo ops when mommy gives him a pop sickle but he is mostly in his black hole. Scaredy Cat Palin. As soon as he makes an appearance and can speak for himself we will know he can do it.

      Too pathetic if only trolls try to do false narratives for him.

    12. Anonymous4:50 PM

      dipshit why lie 3:18 PM means the Palins are jealous and have to use anonymous because none of them want anyone to know. LOL

  3. Anonymous8:47 AM

    It SHOULD burn your ass, G. We all know you tried your best.

  4. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Wouldn't you think if Track was proud of this group he would have accompanied his mother to Houston? More tall tales from the Mental Midget of Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      He was only "enamored". If he was really involved, and proud, he would have been at the fundraiser. He would be involved with the program. But enamored? What a strange description; er lie.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Did Track actually say something? Or is she saying what he said. If it is the latter, it is all made up, fantasy world, pr and propaganda machine crap.

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      She did mention Iraq.

      Like Track served there?

      She left out Afghanistan.

      He may have been sent to Iraq and served in a re-hab, LOL. That is why he never saw combat and why they had to lie when that Lt told the fake story as if Track was driving officers (IT NEVER HAPPENED). Track was not was sent to Afghanistan, not even for re-hab or the brig, I betcha.

    4. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Point. Taken.

    5. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Track, like Bristol, may be sleeping off a hang-over and not have a clue how he is being used this week.
      He is not the brightest bulb at the compound. He is just stuck on mama's teet. Like a child who was not ready to have a child. He is only 28 or so and has a great deal of growing up to do.

      The Palins hold back all their kids. Not only Trig.

    6. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Dude, why you lying? There aren't more responsible people than Sarah's kids.

    7. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Dud, why are you lying? There ARE more responsible people than Sarah's kids. You need to get out and about more. Do you ever get to leave the institution? I didn't think so.

  5. Anonymous8:57 AM

    "Cracked a few jokes" Well that's all she's good for, too bad she's no good at it.

    More digs to the President, which have nothing to do with PTSD, but couldn't let a chance to be a harpy go by.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      She IS a joke!

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      What does Trig have to do with PTSD? Did she forget he is DS? Or she is just extending her hoax of 2008 to give herself some profit?

      The fraud most end soon. She is so low now that it is not time to take her out. Fatten her up so she thinks she is untouchable and high up on a pedestal and then let one of her frauds pop. They will all go off until she is taken down to where she and her family will not get up again.

  6. Inspector Beldar J Conehead, Illusory Conundra Div.(ret)9:00 AM

    Gryphen, as you know, there are a lot of headlines containing the phrase "slams Obama" and I started to wonder just how many actions and characteristics one man can be slammed be for.

    Turns out, there's an app for that!

    "Slams Obama" is the number one ranking iOS, Android and Palm Pilot app downloaded by tea baggers and mental defectives in America and it's an eye-opener! It's a database of over FIVE (5!!) million instances in which the Black Man in the White House has been slammed for misdeeds, real and imagined - but mostly imagined.

    The most popular feature of the app is the "Top 10 List" imitating the inimitable style of late 50's talk show host Jack Parr.

    According to the app, these are the trending top 10 reasons to SLAM the president.

    10) Obama was spotted at a state dinner using his entree fork to eat his salad
    9) Obama once claimed to wear a size 12 1/2 shoe but he actually wears a size 12
    8) Obama makes a really loud sound when he sneezes
    7) Obama has 2 overdue library books from the University of Chicago
    6) Obama had a roommate in college who was arrested for DUI, twice
    5) Obama's wife Michelle maintained a personal diary while attending junior high school
    4) Obama denies ever owning a lime green AMC Gremlin with a red racing stripe and an 8 track tape player
    3) Obama plans to golf even more often when his presidency is over
    2) Obama once lent money for an airline ticket to a women he claims he didnt know, while standing in a ticket line at O'Hare airport.

    ...and the number one reason to slam him is that
    1) Obama will outlaw guns, Christianity and non-gay marriage on his last day in office.

    To which sad, tiresome trolls say:

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, a waste of space, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, pieces of filth, classless, ignorant, jealous, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    "She", (the one who must not be named), on the other hand,
    - is nice, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    - is probably not even his real name, delusional, matters not, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, not a psychologist, doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept no Substitute!

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Okay, troll, go back to bed. Beldar has taken care of your rant for you. These days you're just a substitute.

    2. Little Stevie Wonder9:36 AM

      Number 11 -- Couldn't sing more than the first line of Al Green's "I'm so in love with you," demonstrating his profound ignorance about '60s pop music, which is totally rad, metal, exceptional and which, coming from Kenya, he knows nothing about.

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      You could have stopped at #10.

      That does it. I'm done with Obama forever. That's just too heinous a crime to overlook.


    4. Little Richard9:43 AM

      9:36 -- I think you mean early '70s.

    5. Anonymous12:27 PM

      A little Beldar a day keeps the trolls away, right?
      Love ya, man.
      M from MD

    6. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Love you Beldar!! Are you male, female or other?
      Single?? 😀

    7. @1:17

      If you asked such an impudent question in France (or on Remulak) you'd definitely be at risk of having your kr'datik de-spranulated. (it's even worse than it sounds, believe me)

      Beldar translates to English as "manly man of much manliness". Predictably then, no more than a handful of females and perhaps 2 'others' go by that name. And that's literally out of billions of Beldars across the world and galaxy, also too.

      And, yes, Beldar is single, but keep in mind that while it appears to be romantic and glamorous, being a professional troll hunter is like being a sexy secret agent, a fearless test pilot, a successful hedge fund executive, a brainy neurosurgeon, a champion martial artist, a serial internet entrepreneur, a record breaking free diver, a shredding guitar god, a winning motoGP racer... Can you repeat the question?

  7. Anonymous9:02 AM

    track was so enamored about the military that he chose to not re up and went home when he was in it every chance he got.What an insult to real combat vets i can;t think of one single vet i know who saw REAL combat who would use enamored to describe it the words they use are not fit for print. She is such an idiot FUBAR...ask Track what that means Sarah.

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      What an insult to real combat vets


      Track kept coming back to safe, comfortable Wasilla so they could take photo ops and promote him as a good father and in service to his country hero.

      It was all crap and I hope they are found out and charged for the lies and deceptions they perpetrate. Track was used for recruiting. Iraq was a total lie of a war that Track was part of the propaganda and lies. He sold good men on serving and some where maimed and killed. Others like his hockey buddy ended up in prison, fake wars are hell on any ones psyche. A young man from Wasilla, growing up Palin and trophy posed glamour was really screwed up.

      Too bad all the pentagon and Bush people that pushed that lie of a war aren't in prison as the war criminals they are. That includes warmongers and war idiots like Sarah and Track Palin.

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Trackmarks got drummed out for being an addict.

  8. George C. Marshall9:05 AM

    The people in our military defend the entire United States, and their Commander in Chief is the President of the United States.

    Imagine how much worse they feel when Sarah tells them that their Commander doesn't know what he's doing.

    PTSD can be a serious problem. The group sponsoring her is (or says it is) trying to heal the real emotional issues faced by these veterans. Palin throws politics into her rabid speech and sows the seeds of doubt -- did they fight in vain?

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM


    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      They fought for oil and the eradication of non-christians.

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      They fought for oil and the eradication of non-christians.

      The Palin pal, Morlock sure drove that point about
      eradication of non-christians home.

    4. Anonymous12:03 PM

      No, they're trying for easy converts and getting someone else to pick up the tab. My guess would be if it were really studied, as 12 step programs recently were, they would be found ineffectual. Faith based programs usually are. THhnk, pray away the gay.

    5. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I myself also wondered how you can "love the troops" when you shit on their commander pretty much 24/7. And does this bitch EVER actually keep her speech focused on the subject at hand? Does she have to insult the President every time?? She's such an asshole!

    6. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Sarah doesn't "love the troops". The troops are useful tools. She may love using some tools because the game is fun.

      To shit on their commander is Sarah's job. She has zero respect, most of all zero self respect. Look at her? Who better to disrespect? She goes for the leader to destroy the country. They think like once it is totally disabled her ilk can go in and be in charge.

    7. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Why are you name dropping Morlock? he has nothing to do with Palin, except having been a friend of their like he was to hundreds.

      You sound stupid.

    8. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Ever read your own comments? Speaking of sounding stupid and dense and ignorant and uneducated. You're way too easy.

    9. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Sarah Palin was stupid to ignore Jeremy Morlock when he knew he was not well. Have you read his story? Find out the whole of it. It starts in Alaska.

      One of the critical parts were what happened when he contacted Palin. It is sad too so be prepared.

      None of it excuses what he did. An important part is the difference Sarah Palin could have made had she done her job.

      Innocent people would not have been killed by Jeremy in the 'Kill Team". That is what matters. People need to revisit this and make sure they understand it in full.

      Jeremy would not be in prison had Sarah done her job. His daughter would have her father and so on.

      We need to learn from our past. It may be too late for Sarah to learn from her mistake, but it is a help to better the world when more people revisit this and take from the lessons.

      Jeremy Morlock has everything to do with Sarah Palin and that is forever. It is recent history.

  9. "It’s the sincere heartfelt work that only private non-profits can really tackle."
    Oh, bull-fucking-shit. What an asinine thing to say.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      There are decent good non-profits but I doubt those are the ones that would go near Sarah Palin. She loves the crooks and creeps and they love her. Has anyone checked the cred on this PTSD racket?

  10. "The former governor touched on some political issues, including commenting on the violence in the Middle East and the president’s lack of response, ..."
    What lack of response, you brainless, shrieking harpy? Just because he doesn't call you to fill you in on every high level situation he is working on, doesn't mean a "lack of response" on his part.

    You being ignorant of what is being done does not equal nothing being done. Damn, you are stupid.

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Osama bin Laden liked Obama's lack of response.

      Until Seal Team 6 arrived at his door.


    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      She really is dumber than a door knob! Pathetic!

    3. Anonymous12:04 PM

      LIKE! Nefer.

    4. Anonymous1:57 PM

      She loves the troops as long as they are dying in a desert thousands of miles away to make her ilk richer. How will she co-opt their glory if they aren't dying? She's despicable.

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Our Sarah, we talk in detail about the importance of a properly armed citizenry.
    Fun Sarah lifts up the spirits
    Fun Sarah brightens the room
    Go Dad!

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Both Chuckies are as dumb as Sarah and creepier, if you can believe that.
      And hey, I'm not a "lib" you dumbfuck Palin's.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Sept 4th report regarding the sexual assault, fraud, and corruption within the Alaska National Guard___________ You can only imagine how bad it was before the quitter quit. What did the corrupt Guard do for Sarah? They would keep in constant contact with her and watch out for her son.

      Sept 6, 2014 Alaska National Guard: “ shocking in its documentation of widespread sexual assault, discrimination, retaliation and tolerance of wrongdoing, especially at the highest levels in the Guard.”

      Sad that whatev happens in Alaska stays in Alaska, anywhere else it would be a big story. Heads would roll.

      Alaska will probably give Parnell and Palin an award. Can they find a way to give Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson another award at the same time? She does so much for abused kids.

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Alaska the top state in the worst financial shape (i.e. Huffington Post report) and high in unemployment. Parnell and Palin had a corrupt National Guard. Alaska is and has always been a corrupt state when under the Republican party!

      It's way past time to turn the State of Alaska BLUE! Vote in November Alaskans! Prove that you know what the hell you are doing when at the ballot box!

    4. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Nasty commenters here are rolling in ignorance.

    5. Anonymous4:13 PM

      3:15 After you roll them in ignorance do you fry them in butter or olive oil?

    6. Anonymous4:23 PM

      3:15 PM

      That's why you need to read the links and the facts. Who likes sex abuse and rape? Who likes politicians that don't take care for their people? Who likes anyone that is getting by with fraud or bilking good people? Who likes charities that are scams and give their money to crooks?

    7. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Anonymous4:23 PM
      The troll said on Malia's Alaska's "just like Chicago" lol talking about "Rolling in ignorance"!

  12. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Being as he is the "Prince of Peace" I'm pretty sure that Christ would have discouraged the wars and combat that caused these men and women to develop PTSD.

    Maybe next time, BEFORE engaging in a bloody war for oil ask yourself first, What Would Jesus Do?

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Jesus does whatever Sarah tells him to do. He's the all-purpose, one-size-fits-all deity. Stretches in all directions to justify war, peace, and/or killing gays. Whatever your personal preference.

  13. Anonymous9:23 AM

    What in the name of all that's holy is it supposed to mean when she asks "Do you love your freedoms?" Does she honestly think anyone would say NO?? We were born free )well, if you are white, anyway). Nobody has tried to take those freedoms away, as far as I know. Well, it is good for applause I guess. How many books did she manage to sell, and how many $5,000 suckers were roped in to talk to this harpy? Track SHOULD have gone along, as Exhibit #1 Maybe the PayMe's do not want anyone asking questions that military people ask each other such as "Where were you stationed?" "How long did you serve? Which weapons were you trained to use?" This scam HAS to end SOON. So sick of this BITCH and all her lies.

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      One of the many GOP wannabes for office this summer had yard signs that said "[can't remember the name] for Liberty." I kept wondering what liberty had to do with being in the Michigan Legislature. Those right-wing people sure do like hyperbole.

  14. Anonymous9:30 AM

    When Sarah lies, one word is just as good as another because she rarely understands what any word means. "If I use enamored, they'll think I'm edjikated". Quoting Keith Olbermann, "the woman is an idiot".

  15. Anonymous9:31 AM

    a picky point, but perhaps important. There is no such thing as "prove beyond at least a legal shadow of a doubt." The most the law EVER requires is beyond a reasonable doubt. I thnk that's an important distinction for potential jury members to realize.

    On the other hand, I'll give you that you have proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  16. Anonymous9:36 AM

    She didn't mention Warrior Bodies once? (Verp)

  17. Anonymous9:48 AM

    We should all get on Babygate again....oh, wait. PALIN IS NOBODY NOW. The press has even stopped reporting on her.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Publish a book in to release in Europe and Australia. Also too movie, documentary or docudrama. USA loves it's cults and suckers and for the cream of the CRAY to send her money.

      It is going to pop one of these days. Hope she lives to feel the heat.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      If it doesn't break by the time I retire in 7 years, I will write the damn book myself. I have enough medical background to do it. Just not the time. But I will do it.

  18. Anonymous9:56 AM

    $he also claimed that $he spent her summers during highschool in Texas...
    RIGHT!!! First off, she never mentioned this ANYWHERE, and second: someone from Alaska spends their summers in Texas??? $he obviously has NO IDEA just how hellish hot and humid Texas gets during summer, or $he would have changed that story to 'winter vacations in Texas'...
    The rest of her $hit... Well, we know her. Enough said.
    And POX ON THE OTHER ALASKAN BLOGGERS who were too timid to confront the truth.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Wherever Sarah goes to "speak", she will lie to increase her appeal to those in her audience. She wants them to think she is one of them. All she is, however, is laughably phoney. IMO it would be a hoot to review all her speeches (if one could stand all that word salad and screech) and make a list of all her "I'm one of you" lies.

      I live in Michigan and several people I know WINTER in Texas. Many more WINTER in Florida.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Regardless of the heat and humidity, it was simply never, ever mentioned in any of her books or her father's book that she spent any time in Texas. She just pulled this little story right out of her ass.

    3. Anonymous11:23 AM

      She has or had a relative in Texas. Near Waco maybe? I have no idea when they lived there. She did visit since 2008. High School? Her mind is wacko. It makes sense to Sarah only.

    4. Anonymous11:52 AM


      Perhaps she was a close friend of David Koresh in Waco?
      Come to think of it I remembering hearing that she was there when big government came in and torched the place. She had an an Uzi and was picking off some ATF agents from a window upstairs before she was shot in the arm. She placed a tourniquet on her arm, escaped the compound, walked to the nearest airport and got on a plane back to Alaska, friends always ask to see her scar...shit, I shouldn't give her any ideas for her next concocted tale.

    5. Anonymous2:10 PM

      "And POX ON THE OTHER ALASKAN BLOGGERS who were too timid to confront the truth."
      Times a million. I won't read any of their blogs or comments after what they did to you.
      Friends? Pftttt

    6. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Look - maybe one of her dissociative personalities thinks it DID spend summers in Texas.
      Think about it - if you were a young girl in a cold Alaskan winter, getting raped by your dad/brother while mom prayed in tongues in her room, wouldn't YOU dissociate to a far off warm place - say Texas in the summer??
      I think that's what she did!

  19. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Such a big head to hold such a little brain.

  20. Anonymous10:15 AM

    What was Track's length of deployment? There is no verification that he ever left Fairbanks, but they might claim he had a length of deployment. He kept returning to Wasilla and Bristol could post love buggy pics of Track in a uniform with a child and say what a good father. Guess what, posing in a picture does not make a good father. The pimp does the same thing, he looks happy with happy Trig so they promote him as a good father.

    Among Veterans

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Was Track deployed or were they trying to fix him?

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Sarah treats him like he is broken. You will never see or hear him speak for himself. She has to be his voice. He can't leave her place on the lake either. A real sad case. Instead of being honest they are going with lies and cover up about what goes on with Track Palin. It is no shame to be a drug addict if you are in treatment or getting well. They are not able to talk about it so they go on treating Track like he is her half wit son she yammers about to bilk her fools out of money.

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Britta calls their child a daddys girl.

    4. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Track is pathetic. You have to pity Britta as well, what ever she calls that poor child.

      Nothing much can be said if Track has no balls and is not able to stand on his own two feet. He is a loser and clearly he can do nothing about it.

      It is only more pathetic that trolls try to be his window to the world when it is Track that needs to be a man. If he chooses to allow trolls to try and pass on a fantasy for him... how much more tragic and sad can he get?

  21. Anonymous10:27 AM

    As a woman who gave birth at the age of 44 to a perfectly healthy baby and not premature this wild ride story "burns my ass" too. My obgyn was a specialist for high risk pregnancies. I am certain an obgyn who was not a specialist for high risk pregnancies would take a patient with a high risk pregnancy. You are considered high risk if you are a certain age. I can't remember what that age is exactly but 40 + certainly. Anyway this whole pregnancy/birth story is so full of holes and obvious lies it is unbelievable that she has thus far gotten away with it.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      ^would NOT take a patient with a high risk pregnancy.

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Most clinics( for legal liability reasons) have women at age 35 and over see a high risk specialist.

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM


      Good comment. I suspect most folks realized immediately it was just a typo.

    4. Anonymous1:21 PM

      I'm 10:27. 11:33 that's what I thought but wasn't certain. Being a responsible mother I didn't question whether it was legal or not to have a specialist in the field of high risk pregnancies deliver my child. My only concern was the health of my child. All the mothers I know have the same love and concern for their children or any child for that matter. Biological or not. Sarah Palin is pure evil. She makes me sick. And again, I don't believe this wild ride story to save my life anyway. She bought herself a baby, made up some crazy story and is now neglecting the child to the point of abuse. Child services should be involved.

    5. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Child services should be involved.

      They probably are, when they accept something sweet and profitable from one of her goons.

    6. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Alaska is a corrupt state. Check out the Alaska Nat'l Guard. Corrupt. Corrupt Governor. The leadership stinks and the stench is systematic. I doubt child services is exempt from corruption.

  22. Anonymous10:42 AM

    What a pack of lies!

    That is how Sarah Palin treats soldiers and victims of PTSD. Her evil is beyond words.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      She did worse.

      NEVER FORGET HOW JEREMY MORLOCK WAS TREATED BY SARAH PALIN. Commander in Chief , what a travesty!

  23. Anonymous10:50 AM

    S.Palin..ENAMORED means the heart fluttering , love sick
    desire you feel for President Obama, especially every
    time you speak his name and think of him. .

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      ENAMORED, heart fluttering , love sick
      desire is how ARMyTRACK felt for his guns when Britta got the kid, what's its name. SHE WAS FINE WITH IT... D-I-V-O-R-C-E

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      She's still friends with him and the family.

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Britta is a well compensated beard and everyone knows it. Anyone promoting the Palin fantasy family propaganda is just full of it. They never have evidence or any kind of facts. They only repeat the same old nonsense that has been refuted.

      Complicit in cover ups and child abuse will catch up to all the silly trolls.

    4. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Britta has been in on the hoax for years. She knows about Trig and how he was held back and abused. She must go to prison with the rest of the Palin Heath child neglect abuse for profit miscreants.

      What a despicable hideous thing she turned out to be. All her cover ups for that loser creep she was to have married are little compared to her part in abusing Trig.

      Oh yeah, they can all pose with photos of looking happy and pretense good parenting, the world is on to all of them. Britta was a pretty one now she is an ugly hag on the inside and it is seen in her fake pictures.

      Go ahead and find the dumbest trolls on earth to lie for Britta, Track and the whole gang. No one will be believing the sham.

      Bristol is Miss Fake great mother from the fake wonderful family because some ambulance chaser tells her what to do. She wants to win in a court but she doesn't give a damn about the best interest of a child.

      Nancy French's fake care about disable children isn't helping because they are just charlatans who use the unfortunate.

      Bristol is a fake that doesn't write her blog, she sold out with her name. She doesn't write her books or anything. When she was on TV, well you can see how bad that was. All she is is a paid fraud that shouldn't not be around any child. Too bad her mother will buy that for her too.

      She is as creepy as her brother, Track.

  24. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Glad you carried on trying to expose this scammer and fraud Gryphen.

    I am still hopeful that it will all come out --- all it takes is one good thread and then everybody piles on and it can unravel quickly. Its not like the lazy MSN will have to search much since there is so much documentation online about her scandals. If Spitzer, Edwards, sitting Governors, etc. etc. can be brought done, then so can this hateful loon.

  25. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I can't believe that the wasilly wench drooled out the Trig story, AGAIN. Which city was he born in this time? She really has no respect for his privacy. Funny how she judges a kid she doesn't even know. Hey piss poor excuse for a human, why don't you get a life and grow up and quit spreading that propaganda? You fucking liar you.

    Well, since she brought it up, Let 'er buck everybody!

  26. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "Palin went on the reminisce about the time when she went into labor with her youngest son, Trig, while in Texas and flew back to Alaska before he was born. "

    Think about this for a second, no really think about it. For the author of the article to repeat this without questioning its veracity is ludicrous. More proof that journalism is dead. She could tell a crowd that she ran a sub-3 marathon and idiots such as this journalist would print it as fact. She could tell the tale about when she paddled her canoe across the Bering Strait to shake Putin's hand, they would print it. She could tell a crowd that their dog was eaten by a great white shark in Lake Lucille and no one would fact check it, and Trig's birth tale is even less believable than those three examples.

    Women don't just "go into labor while in Texas and fly 10 hours to give birth, that just doesn't happen, unless a person is on a medical transport flight surrounded by medical professionals.

    One simply does not "go into labor" and jump on a plane for any amount of time! She would have been leaking fluid on the airline upholstery and at minimum having sporadic contractions. Then, after "going into labor" in Texas, flying on two separate planes, including a layover in Seattle, arriving in Anchorage 10 hours later and then driving to Wasilla only then to have to have her labor "induced" (but wait, I thought she went into labor in Texas, why the induction?!?!) is a story that simply cannot be believed, but because Mrs. Palin is an idiot she runs with it, and people buy it without even thinking about the physical impossibility of it all. It's part of her persona now, her mythology, her "larger than lifeness", her submission to the long list of American Tall Tales. Someone will write a song about it one day, how she held a baby in her uterus of steel for over half a day before finally letting him be born. Indeed!

    Regardless of whether the birth myth has been "proven" or not, anyone with a modicum of intelligence and even the barest medical knowledge of labor and delivery knows that she is lying her ass off. We might not know whose vagina exactly Trig came from but it could not have been Mrs. Palins, certainly not within the framework of this labor and delivery tale that she concocted.

    And screw those other bloggers and authors who thought this was too delicate a subject to be explored. This bitch could have been compromised if this story had been blown wide open. Politics is ugly, and nothing should be off limits, especially when it comes to neutralizing a voice that has done nothing but litter our country with hatred and divisiveness. Any woman that would throw her pregnant teen daughter in front of the national media to attempt to take attention away from her own questionable behavior deserved whatever was coming her way, but, the media backed off and now Mrs. Palin gets to enjoy telling her tall tale to anyone willing to listen.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      To add one other observation to my already too-lengthy comment above, the public might have believed her labor and delivery tale ,individually, had it not been compounded by the fact that Mrs. Palin's entire "pregnancy" had been scrutinized and questioned since the very beginning. From the moment she announced she was 7 months pregnant eyewitnesses doubted the veracity of her condition. Compounding these eyewitness accounts was the photographic evidence which predominately showed Mrs. Palin to NOT be pregnant, until one day she shows up for work enormously pregnant. However, following this photographic evidence of an enormously pregnant Mrs. Palin, the airline attendants on her flights to and from Texas noticed no sign of late term pregnancy. Her pregnancy itself was an unnatural wonder; not pregnant one month but pregnant a few weeks later but not appearing to be pregnant on the trip during which she would go into labor and give birth. This evidence, taken with the superhuman labor and delivery tale is simply too fantastic to be ignored.

      Also, was it just be a coincidence that on this one particular trip she did not invite her gubernatorial security detail but instead traveled alone with Todd?

      Now, I'm off to climb Denali this afternoon, I'll send a comment from the summit.


    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Bravo! Extremely well said 11:10 AM! It is absolutely bizarre how this dimwitted pathological liar gets away with her nonsensical fabrications. Anyone who has looked at what is out there knows Sarah Palin did not birth Trig ... it never happened.

    3. Anonymous11:55 AM

      It is hard to believe Sarah has a Trig spiel at a PTSD fundraiser.

      This could have been Track's moment in the sun but her other star is pretty damn important to her now.

      I notice the whole family is so saintly with their posting about children and disabilities. Sarah has a big show in Missouri soon and Monday something will happen in court with the Tripp Johnston custody matter.

      Yes, it is already September 8. It looks like Bristol's attorney has them all aligned to be the family of the year.

    4. Anonymous1:36 PM


    5. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Yes, yes and yes.

    6. Anonymous1:53 PM

      One more tiny detail comes to mind: in her book she claims that this birth was the 'easiest' she has had. BUT she says she was induced. That means they gave her Pitocin, and THAT, my dear Watson, means BIG TIME contractions!!! I had been in labor for over a day, when they induced me, and if I thought my pain before was bad - well, it became almost unbearable at that point! (Still, I did not take any pain killers for fear of damaging my baby...)
      So, AGAIN: Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!!!!!

    7. Anonymous2:38 PM

      And may I add (I too was induced and yes pitocin....oh god contractions on top of contractions) a woman over 40 rarely dilates so typically needs to have a c-section. So I highly doubt Trig just popped right out and then the preemie downs baby with a hole in his heart along with his mother in her mid 40's were both able to just get right back to work 2 or 3 days later. It doesn't happen you crazy wonky eyed lunatic. And even if that crazy fucked up story were true you are an abusive parent if you think that behavior is safe and healthy for any new born let alone a premature handicapped new evil freak.

    8. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Track doesn't want a moment in the sun. He is a good, hard working man and great father.

    9. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Willow jokingly posts a few pics of him with her at events and he says remove them. Britta also posts pics of him with Kyla.

    10. Anonymous4:02 PM

      3:13 PM If you knew him you know he doesn't work.

      He is in the "sun" plenty. Always cheesy PR crap.

      He learned from a pimp about fatherhood. Other than posing for photo ops he is not a good father. He is good father to his guns.

    11. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Palin's number one stalker. Are you shaking Palins? You should be. This one's ready to blow.

    12. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Hey troll- how about commenting on the birth issue? We don't care about Track- let him be, wherever he is. We care about a celebrity wanna-be political mover and shaker who lied about the birth of her fifth child. You've always got something to say about other family members, why don't you ever comment on that?

    13. Anonymous5:00 PM

      And another thing… Anyone who hasn't been through labor has no idea what it's like. O sure, I broke a leg and it hurt… I had a root canal and it hurt. So have I, and no "hurt" can begin to compare with hard labor. You just don't take chances with something that you know will be completely debilitating and unpredictable.

  27. Anonymous11:23 AM

    WHat a logic challenged, self-contradictory IDIOT. It's something only private groups can do, but she wants politicians to handle it.

    Poor, $tupid $carah.

  28. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Enamored? Duhfuk?

    I don't have a degree in journalism, but right off the top I know inspired or grateful are far more appropriate.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      And if his current condition is any indication of the organization's success record, it says a lot about how poorly they do with PTSD victims.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Sarah and Todd supported Kris Kyle's charitable work with victims of PTSD in Texas and we all know how that worked out for him.

  29. Anonymous11:34 AM

    SP picks out the ugliest possible colors to wear for her skin tone. Today olive green, yesterday mustard yellow. Blech. Note to Scarah......."Get your colors done." You should know what that means.

  30. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What amazes me is the mentality of the folks who chortle at her 'jokes' and applaud while she spews her bald-faced lies. They are some of the most ignorant folks anywhere, and that is a charitable description. As dumb as Sarah is, there are dumber. Their money lines her pockets.

  31. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I'm sure that for her, it was a success because she posted it on FB. I noticed she leaves out the ones, like the "impotence" performance crowd which she didn't post her ugly ass selfies, etc.

  32. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Sarah Palin is criminally negligent if the wild ride story is true. No mother who cared about a healthy birth outcome would do something this heartless.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Well, all that Sarah delivered was a pillow, so, no negligence there. Just a great deal of craziness. The negligence began when she took Trig home and then failed to provide him with the consistency, the nurturing, the care and therapy that he deserved and needed from infancy on.

  33. Anonymous12:25 PM

    The WoodsEdge Community Church has a seating capacity of 1600 people, 400 went to hear Sarahs latest bore fest, and if she doesn't learn some new "tricks" it won't get any better for the old gray mare.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      That means 3 out of 4 seats were empty. It also means they couldn't even get their own church members to show up. Wonder how many were freebies to boost the crowd?

      Wonder how many paid extra to sit with Palin?

      Well, I guess I overstated, I don't really wonder and probably no one else here does either because, based on Sarah's non-drawing track record we know...either ZERO or just a hand full.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      400x$100=$40,000. That is not even enough to cover their expenses, let alone pay for screechy.
      They went into the RED with her!

  34. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Melissa Rivers made the tough decision to take her mother Joan off life support. Then why the fuck can't Bristol or Willow get their mom into rehab?

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Because they cannot make tough decisions. Or probably even anything above the level of what to wear in a day.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Because Melissa Rivers loved and cared about her mother.

    3. Anonymous2:25 PM

      When it comes to motherhood, Joan was the real deal. Melissa was blessed with a dynamic and potent caring relationship.

      We've seen how Palin failed in the most important area of her life. It makes sense Bristol is passive aggressive and has a sick and twisted way to relate. She was stuck with a phony and a quitter. Ask Curt Menard when you find him in heaven!

    4. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Why can't Bristol, Willow and/or Track get their mom into rehab?

      What, and put the Golden Goose out of circulation? Sarah links to Bristol's blog and posts it on her private tv channel. That has to mean money for Bristol. Track earns his pay looking up what holiday we are celebrating. Willow gets the gas tank of her truck filled up for fluffing Sarah's hair. Todd? Full time body guard and luggage handler. They would actually have to go out and get jobs.

    5. Anonymous3:10 PM

      LOL People's weird opinions here are too much. You're all sick with ignorance.

      You need a mental purge. EST

    6. Anonymous3:11 PM

      No Palin is passive aggressive. they're down to earth and real.They don't pretend to be bff with celebs like a fake playboy wannabe bunny

    7. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Why can't Bristol, Willow and/or Track get their mom into rehab?

      They would also need re-hab and that is not happening. Cults need to control and they all use drugs at some point.

    8. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Melissa had a hard decision, but it made it a bit easier because her Mom made her wishes known.
      But if the trained monkey Sarah would go to rehab the rest would actually have to work and they aren't doing that.

    9. Anonymous5:22 PM

      3:10 Why does a mental purge have to be done on eastern standard time?

    10. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Sarah Palin never got over Ivana Trump.

  35. Caroll Thompson12:58 PM

    I remember 2008. You were the only Alaskan blogger writing about Sarah's lies. You did have good company though in Andrew Sullivan and Palingates.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Yet he still refuses to retract lies.

    2. Caroll Thompson4:00 PM

      I don't understand what that means 3:09. Who is he and what lies does he refuse to retract?

      I have to say G, that as far as calling out Sarah for all her lies, then and now, you are the last blog standing. And good on you for continuing your reporting of what Sarah actually said and did. And of course, because you write a blog, you add your opinion to what Sarah actually said or did.

      And I for one, think you write the best blog in town. Any town. Thank you.

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM

      @anon at 3:09pm
      Seems to mSarah kept threatening to sue but yet Gryphen keeps on writing and Sarah hides far from it. Hmmm, I actually can afford to have my atty do what I need, if someone was telling lies about Sarah why hasn't she followed through? Because everything Gryphen writes is the truth and you can't sue people for telling that.

    4. Anonymous4:36 PM

      When are YOU going to retract YOUR lies? Fucking hypocrite! Will you spend a little more time over at the wench's place and learn some new words? Your same old shit is beyond tiresome. I heard Mammy Sally has a new word every day.

    5. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I heard Mammy Sally has crappy work ethics and can't manage to have whoever fronts for her get out a word a day. Like anything Heath or Palin the whole blog is unprofessional. A boring dull family with a boring dull matriarch that is a bad example.

  36. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I don't blame you for being pissed about your fellow AK bloggers' cowardice (and it WAS cowardice). In this latest instance of Palin repeating her fake labor-with-Trig story, though, consider the audience. Palin knew that she was safe in repeating her bullshit lies in front of that credulous crowd. The whole thing looks like a scam, like that Move America Forward charity she endorsed that pretended to send care packages to soldiers.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Kudos 1:19 PM G is the irrefutable best. I thank the universe for his strength and courage every morning.

      I don't want to say what I think of the unthinkable blogs!

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Alaska loves Trig and the girls' friends comment all the time how cute he is and how sweet his family is in their postings.

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Those girls don't have friends they are peeps that are on salary, bullied, scared, on drugs, in the cult or promised treats 3:08 PM.

    4. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Prove it. Let's see the comments. You're lying again.

  37. Anonymous1:28 PM

    What point are you trying to make?

  38. Anonymous1:58 PM

    What was the REAL reason that the two other bloggers in Alaska did not counter Palin's lies about the birth of the retarded child? I've never understood it.

    All of you had pretty much equal presentation/viewership at the time....never made any sense to me!

    I've continued ALWAYS following you IM! Thanks for your input, research, FACTS and truth regarding Todd and Sarah Palin. Alaskans especially had a RIGHT to know about their evil and unethical ways.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I have my own opinion about why those two bloggers didn't want to entertain any discussion of Trig (and initially, the other Palin kids). They had (and probably still have) aspirations to be seen as serious journalists and writers. A few appearances on TV and helping to edit an insider-tell-all book about Palin may influence that kind of thinking. I remember when one of Sarah's lawyers threatened an Alaska blogger with a cease-and-desist letter. The response was, "Suck it up, Buttercup."

      I don't think that the main stream media wanted to touch anything that had to do with Palin's fake pregnancy story and Trig because it would have been seen as an attack on Trig. The kids were off limits during the 2008 campaign.

      Of course Sarah's story about flying 12 hours while in labor, leaking amniotic fluid to deliver a premature special needs child in a small town hospital which cannot handle that kind of birth is a lie. No doctor would want to be involved in that kind of thing- lawsuit, lawsuit.

  39. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Can't she get rid of those books? Here's a thought. It will be cold in Alaska this winter. Save a tree, burn one of Sarah's books.

  40. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Not sure if anyone said this yet, but is that man she's standing with a "little person"? Because she's like 5 foot-2 and she's towering over him.

    How cute. Bless their hearts.

  41. Anonymous2:34 PM

    If that man is, in fact, a midget, what a pair: a real midget and a mental midget. No offense to actual little people. I think you're all cool, the ones I have met. Only offense directed toward Mrs. Todd Palin.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      ? Midget?

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      With his height( whether he suffers from any form of dwarfism or not) means he never served in the USA military services.

    3. Anonymous4:42 PM

      3:07, google it.

    4. Anonymous6:00 PM

      According to websites, this man is 5'3" weighs in at 125 pounds and competes in the flyweight division.

      Sarah on the other hand is 5'5" tall. She must be wearing her "f--k - me pumps" to give the added height in this shot.

      It does seem to be a reasonable assumption the picture is photo shopped with the tired old books on the table.... you would think Sarah would be pushing her latest triumph, "Great Tidings and Happy Joy" or whatever her last book was titled... Dan Savage gave a brilliant review of this masterpiece aptly calling it, "a toxic shit stain of a book."

      A great book review that will live on for years........

  42. Anonymous2:42 PM

    How freakishly short is this guy if Palin towers over him ???

    1. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

      And he's in heels!

  43. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Did she birth that little guy in the picture in Texas last night??

  44. Anonymous2:45 PM

    JesusChristOnaPopsicleStick! Another bad photoshop, to boot! Just noticed after further inspection, that the books on that table near the edge are far too big. FAR.TOO.BIG, like her in that photo. But look at her scrawny legs. She really needs to hire a better photoshopper.

  45. AKinPA2:46 PM

    I'm not an avid follower of the pathetic Palins but did Track ever actually go to one of these programs? Certainly, his mother could have provided all the help and support he needed with sage advice like, "Buck up or stay in the truck."

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I know a family, their son in military and similar to Track Palin. My friends son did go to Afghanistan, he was there about a week or 2. Got in a mess. After that he was basically in hospital like settings. He stayed in the military but he never actually did anything. He did get many treatments maybe programs.
      It could be like that with Track. I don't know if it is a specific program or not. Sarah was in contact with the Ak Nat'l Guard when he first went in, they went along with her and McCain's 'program' wherever Track was and whatever he did or didn't do.

      Track has had special favors and care as much as John McCain and others did from his military family connections. Track did not ever need to do anything. They could have sent him to a luxury resort since they will never tell.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

      Apparently, reading her first book is the "cure", did mommy read Track her first book???

  46. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The other bloggers were and are cowards. Moore is a particularly obnoxious opportunist ... hubris to the 10th. Devon is also a weenie looking for a payday. Have you ever tried to comment on The Mudflats? It's locked down tight.

  47. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I doubt Track has needed the organization. He has always been healthy.

    Maybe he volunteered with them. He would do that. But aside from working and being a great father, he's never had time to do much else.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Nice try but no cookie. Don't you think if the precious Warrior Body Track had volunteered with any military support charity that we wouldn't have heard that sung from the rafters on Mrs. Palin's Facebook? Hello, if ANY of her kids does anything noteworthy she can't help but repeatedly tweet and post about it. So no, Track didn't volunteer, and I also doubt that Track availed himself of their services. Mrs. Palin just made up another lie in order to appear relevant to the group to which she was speaking. Just like "she used to spend summers in Texas, during High School".

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Drug use or addiction is one of the least healthy states a person can be in. It is with him for life. You are really kidding yourself to say
      'He has always been healthy.'

      Track learned about being a father, not from his father, from a pimp. The smiles and front they put on my look as if they could be good fathers. In reality the opposite is true.

    3. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Don't most "great fathers" work to support their children? No sign of Trackmarks fishing this yr, that was a few week thing 3 yrs ago. He sits in Mommys garage and does NOT support his child. Unless his Mommy and Step daddy pay his child support. He is a fucking loser like all the palin adult children. Lazy, dumpy, drug addled, unemployed and uneducated.

    4. Anonymous4:49 PM

      2:56 Have you ever lived on the planet Earth?

    5. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Except for the dead guy, any one of these complicit in child abuse and fraud creeps could actually help Trig. But no, they are all for doing the devils work.,+Tyree+Sean+Graham,+Joel+Kenworthy.jpg

      Track is really in the thick of the fraud and child abuse. I hope he does a long, long time in prison for his part.

  48. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Mostly curious about the dog tags. When was that taken and was Track in the Army or wearing someone's tags? Track was so cute! I can see why Britta went for his looks. In other ways they seemed so mismatched. Those were some wild and fun times. Crazy party days! My friend's cousin had so many goofy, lewd and just nutty pictures. Great memories! I hope they kept it all and will do their book. It would be a best seller, for laughs anyway. I remember some of those faces but not all the names. If they could talk, they know details on much of the Palin kids sagas, everybody got knocked up and had a kid it seemed. Joel was a hoot! lol A very proud fellow!

  49. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Yeah those are Track and BRittas friends. you point?

    And Track's always been attractive, yes. Todd is attractive, as was Jim Palin in youth.

  50. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Curtis ACTUAL sons look like him. None of them look like Track.

  51. lwtjb3:37 PM

    My husband has PTSD as the result of his being hit by a car while riding his bicycle. He got some treatment for the PTSD a couple of years ago that identified some of the triggers and why. Sarah Palin's voice is one of his triggers. the reason? The sound of her voice is similar to the screeching brakes of the accident. Sometimes he goes running from the room when her voice comes on.

  52. Anonymous3:37 PM

    __Secondly is this the first time that Palin is admitting that Track suffers from PTSD?__

    NO! If he had a condition (except things like alcoholic, drug addict, syphilis, aids) it would behoove her to be clear and name it. She could spin PTSD light to make him look very good and end some of the talk about him. She could be nurse mother of the year and why he is still nursing at home.

    No one I know thinks Track went out of country, so where would he get PTSD? It would be like Gryph said. He would get it from Sarah.

    If he got it on the alleged Iraq deployment, he would not have an alleged Afghanistan deployment. The one where he was constantly returning to Wasilla.

    Sarah is capable of spinning anything and she may add PTSD to her repertoire one day. I don't believe that is his problem. For certain not from combat.

  53. Our Lad3:52 PM

    Christ on a bike?! She keeps bringing up that fairy tale of The Wild Ride, she thinks it's sold, it's a done deal. She's too fucking nuts to realize that it is what will sink what's left of her cache and her hustle. Unfuckingbelievable.

  54. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Yeah, Track looks almost identical to his grandmother. He looks a lot like his half brothers but they don't look so much like Linda. Track does.

    Track looks nothing like the Palins and not so squat either. Jim is old and over looking good stage. Todd could have done better with some style. He went for that dirty shirt look and other slob ware.

  55. Anonymous3:59 PM

    One more thing Alaskans and Texans have in common,” Palin said

    Don't tell me..... is it Sarah Palin leaked amniotic fluid in Texas and in Alaska?

  56. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Double 3:12, if you say that three times really fast and click your heels together while you're saying it, I'm sure everyone will believe you.

  57. Anonymous5:20 PM

    She is one sick bitch.Think about it....She gets out there and tells this HUGE lie, knowing that she could be exposed as a fraud AND makes it her schtick.THAT is some sick deranged shit going on there....Gryphe, she will be exposed,she just hasn't pissed off the right people yet.

  58. Anonymous5:40 PM

    "Well now here we are six years later, and she is telling that story to new audiences all of the time"

    Now Sarah Palin has put out the video about Trig Paxson Van Palin's lack of therapy, he has been neglected by the whole family, friends and anyone in the scene.

    Cottonwood Creek Elementary school has been accused of schooling Trig for 2 years. They would change his diapers and feed him and know full well he has been neglected. They haven't asked why no visual or hearing aids?

    How can a school be able to do nothing about a child like Trig being held back and in the shape he is in, the abuse and neglect and no one even investigating?

    The other Alaskan bloggers, that cared more for themselves, can see what has happened to Trig and they rather be on the side of his ongoing abuse and neglect?

  59. Anonymous6:12 PM


    Of course they all got knocked up, they were irresponsible kids, Britta was the only one who even attempted college, the rest were drunks and druggies and just fucked anything that moved. Some of them fathered more than one kid and a few of them were never responsible for a dime of child support, love em, knock em up and leave em. More than a few of the girls and babies are on welfare and food stamps, just to get by. Just like Track took the guns and gave Britta the baby....old habits die hard.

  60. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Palin Worshiping trolls are a pathetic bunch. They continue to write garbage without substance.

  61. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

    SIGH, there she goes again!

    What's that thang her and the dude are trying desperately to hold up in the photo? A Belt Buckle? And what's with the pile of dollar store copies of "Sarah Palin, Steaming Moose Scat", her first book doing on the table? Consolation prize? These men have "PTSD" and she gives them a copy of her book? As if they haven't been though enough already, this just adds to it.

    Congratulations, Track! You're officially a co-prop for a mental illness you got while putting papers in alphabetical order and placed in file folders in cabinets. Along with Trig, who has a chromosonal disorder called Downs Syndrome, just like a lot of other families. You must be SO happy "Mommy" told the world you were "enamored" while getting counselling and medicines in a faith based clinic.
    FWIW, PTSD covers a range of behaviors, actions and reactions and takes a long time to diagnose and treat. Why does it say on your release form "non combat"? Anyhoo, congratulations again, Mommy's going to make more money now that she's educated and experiences the effects of PTSD on a daily basis. Can't have a fishpicker born in Texas! Also, too, Track has PTSD.

    Gryphen, I have to thank you for keeping the wild ride, trig's nativity story, and so many more of Sarah's "gates" front and center. I admired you, Audrey and Regina most for doing these posts in the early days. Another blogger from Alaska was pretty good until they veered into radio and eventually most of them stopped/quit blogging frequently. Or stabbing Joe and other bloggers in the back while turning the knife.

    The biggest "take away" from Sarah's own mouth is her new Prop is ready for his close up, and she needs to clear up her versions of where the Gift from God, Trig. was actually "born" Matsu? or Anchorage? Which is it, Sarah?

  62. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I bet she was SELLING copies of her book. Hey what's in it for us, PTSD guys?

  63. Anonymous7:23 PM

    3:12 PM Do you point?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.