![]() |
Sure they seem relatively non-threatening but they are really a ticking time bomb of aggression. |
Her most recent update does not offer much that is new, however she does say this:
It’s confirmed that the Palins, all of them, were in some way involved in a fight at a house in Anchorage where a party was going on. Bristol’s son, Tripp was at the party. I have confirmed from multiple sources that Bristol punched someone repeatedly, and that charges might be filed. I spoke to a source yesterday who witnessed part of it. She said that some in the crowd were trying to restrain Sarah, who was clawing to get involved in the fight, which had moved to the cul-de-sac outside of the house. She was also screaming loudly. She wore platform high-tops with the American flag on them, and Bristol wore big, round shades. As I reported, Track was at some point in the night, shirtless.
Now the news that Bristol might be charged is somewhat new, though of course many have already opined that it would seem logical that she would be.
Mudflats also had an update, and I would be remiss if I did not include that as well.
Here are a few key points from that post:
The Palins arrived at the party, but not just Sarah and Todd who were the only actual invitees from the clan – the whole fan-damnily and some other tagalong friends from Wasilla turned up in a stretch Hummer limo. Because, of course they did. The party was an adult and relaxed event, with most guests at least in their 30s. Reports have come in that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. But according to my source, the initial fight started when Track and his buddy were aggressively pursuing… how shall I put this… “romantic relations” with some female guests. They were allegedly explicit and crude in their depictions of what they’d like to do with and to the ladies, expressing a desire to “bend them over on the lawn,” according to my source. Apparently the lawn was large enough to include places one could be “bent over.”
Jeannie Devon then goes on to say that some of the wives of those Track was disrespecting responded as you might imagine and that is why he ended up "spread eagle on the grass."
She also states that Track's buddies got involved at that point followed by Todd who came away with a bloody nose, and that Bristol started punching the host in the face, though her sources were not sure why.
She also states, as others have confirmed, that Sarah herself tried to get into the mix, and did indeed ask the ridiculous question "Don't you know who I am?"
However here is the part that requires further clarification:
After tiring of being punched in the face, our host informed the Palins it was time for them to go home. Bristol’s young son Tripp was apparently sleeping in the back of the Hummer limo at the time, blissfully unaware of intoxicated mommy’s raging fists of fury.
Okay so this part is kind of key, since we have heard various contradictions to this, and all of this happened two less than 48 hours before Bristol had to show up in court for her custody hearing.
Now whether he was a witness to the fight or not, he was still included in an adult outing with a number of inebriated people, that ended up in a brawl after which some of his family members returned to the stretch hummer with bloody faces and damaged clothing.
However if he was not asleep as people seem so desperate for us to believe, and he DID witness his mother repeatedly punching a man in the face, that is SO much worse. And also clearly something that Levi could use in his attempt to pry his child out of the clutches of that den of lunacy.
Since when is being left in the car, alone, in the middle of the night while his Mom was drinking and brawling any better than being in the party? In my world it's just as bad and I live in Texas.
ReplyDeleteI had a hair cut appt and thanks to the whole Palin fiasco I got a free hair treatment since I had the latest scoop on the brawl( Thanks Amanda and Gryphen) and I've got to tell you, there were a few Palin lovers that seemed to finally have gotten the true picture of what the Palin's are all about.
I don't buy that Tripp was sleeping in the Hummer because the first reports specifically mentioned that Tripp was close enough to the action to be blood-spattered, and one witness remarked about how sorry s/he felt for Tripp for being witness to the brawl. Mudflats may be inadvertently buying into the Palin version of the story.
DeleteHorrific to be abandoned.
DeleteThey think "sleeping" means he was in la la land. If the Hummer crap was true, he was with a strange man and noises reached his subconscious.
This is horrible due to the APD failing Tripp. They can never claim to protect and serve unless they say they protect and serve law breaking adult Palins ONLY!
If Tripp was sleeping in the car, then how does Palin's version of the story make any sense -- with Willow's ex boyfriend trying to get into the Hummer, and that being the site of the initial fight?
DeleteAnonymous10:10 AM
DeleteI don't buy that Tripp was sleeping in the Hummer because the first reports specifically mentioned that Tripp was close enough to the action to be blood-spattered, and one witness remarked about how sorry s/he felt for Tripp for being witness to the brawl. Mudflats may be inadvertently buying into the Palin version of the story.
I find it extremely "funny" that all of a sudden mudflats comes out with a story that closely follows the facts of the Scott Conroy story and that in her book she detailed crimes of the palins but never notified police, stopped covering babygate, censored people on her blog about babygate and her and shannyn stopped covering babygate and even laughing about it at netroots like babygate was a conspiracy just like Palins fanatic bots?
Why did it take her a week to get to this HUGE ASS STORY?
And we all know Palin drinks b/c eyewitness see her in planes ordering up vodka! Vodka goes well with redbull.
Also the story of Tripp being in the Limo "surfaced" after it was being discussed whether or not it was "Child abuse" for him to be at the party getting blood spattered all over him and drunk mom passed out on the ground with her skirt up around her waist, grandmother and grandfather screaming, brawling, people suggested CPS be called and suddenly "Tripp was in the limo sleeping"...!
And Conroy is trying to discredit Amanda story with
"Bristol is left handed" Who gives a flying fuck?
R hook is a expression in fighting! She socked this guy 6-7 fucking times!!!! who cares "which" hand she used? I hope the reports of it broke are true and i hope the little bitch is hurting like hell.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST.... APD. Now right now b/c the Ferguson investigation they may have to toe the line and not the palin spin.
If you are involved in this make sure you detail your story and say send it to the DOJ or FBI out of state, as insurance.
Keep them honest.
We all know who was Shay's clients, APD, FBI.
You guys should of called the DOJ on the APD YEARS ago anyway!!!!
I think it's likely that Tripp witnessed the fight but was shoved into the limo before the cops got there to try to hide him or mitigate how bad it would look.
DeleteThe witnesses who saw the whole fight say he was there and those who only saw the end say he wasn't. That would explain the apparently conflicting accounts.
My two cents.
Someone at the party would have mentioned Tripp to the police.
DeleteAPD. Now right now b/c the Ferguson investigation they may have to toe the line and not the palin spin.
If you are involved in this make sure you detail your story and say send it to the DOJ or FBI out of state, as insurance.
Keep them honest.
We all know who was Shay's clients, APD, FBI.
You guys should of called the DOJ on the APD YEARS ago anyway!!!!
Seattle FBI is listening...I hear they have a Criminal Minds unit there - might be unofficial but the personnel are sure there...and they are not happy with Alaska...recent federal investigation into the Alaska National Guard has their attention now...
DeleteAnonymous5:01 PM
DeleteSeattle FBI is listening...I hear they have a Criminal Minds unit there - might be unofficial but the personnel are sure there...and they are not happy with Alaska...recent federal investigation into the Alaska National Guard has their attention now...
That is great news! Maybe THAT is why this whole brawl wasn't swept totally under the rug by APD?
I know all the FBI aren't corrupt but in AK all the fed judges and all the up are.
Its really sickening....
Levi posted pictures of Tripp this weekend. He always looks so happy when he is with his father.
ReplyDeleteHow was Tripp's shoulder? Any red spots? It has been a week so, it is actually too late for photos.
DeleteThe trauma that doesn't always show up (emotional/mental) was bad enough from Saturday night and the violent attacks from the Palins.
Did poor Tripp go to his house the next day. Was he with Bristol when she was terrified by a stalker? Did he have more contact with the police? Did he hear all the frightening talk about a man on his balcony. Tried to crawl in a window... all the emotional and trauma from the Palin's stalker saga?
Tripp went from trauma to trauma and to be a happy face pop-sickle bribed Tripp by Monday when he went to school.
It is nice he looks happy with Levi. I am sure he is relieved and loves to be there and safe. But I am concerned for how much he could be masking due to the fear he has from living with the Palins.
Anonymous9:08 AM
DeleteCan't wait to see the pics from LAST weekend his grandfathers 50th!!! Can't wait!
12:36 PM
DeleteThe Palins will have all their phones full of the memories. Did the police confiscate the phones at the party? They will have all the Palins and friends. Unless.......
A few observations:
ReplyDeleteLevi Johnson's attorney needs to ask for a drug test of Bristol Palin and for her to refrain from alcohol and drugs while Tripp is under her supervision.
The Palin Family actions in regards to drug and alcohol abuse verify what was written in many books about Sarah Palin and family among other things.
Sarah Palin screaming Don't you know who I am destroys her worshipers belief and argument she is a private citizen.
What if no one had heard about this one little incident?
DeleteWe know Tripp was endangered the next day. Whether by the stalker or his crazy mamas setting up that deal.
What if Bristol wasn't found out and continued to party or expose more crazy to Tripp. Tripp is lucky she has been slowed down. He could be dead. It is bad enough that kind of violence kills something inside of a child.
yeah I thought the whole 'incident' of those two mean girls being 'scared' with the whole stalker thing was BS...kinda hard Barstool I mean Bristol to be 'scared' of a stalker when you are boxing the night before...
DeleteCrying wolf is not a reputation you want with law enforcement hu?
It's clear from Sunny and Levi's fb pages how much Tripp loves that side of the family. Tripp was at their home this weekend so I'm pretty sure if he saw anything of the brawl Levi's already heard his sons report and feelings about what happened. Levi???
ReplyDeleteSomeone in the police dept. should have called Child Protective Services, had them contact Levi to get his son out of this brawl. Letting him go back to Wasilla with a bunch of foul mouthed drunks is inexcusable. If Tripp DID see his mother punching a man like some say he did, imagine how afraid he will be every time she raises her voice, thinking he will be punched out next?
DeleteLetting him go back to Wasilla with a bunch of foul mouthed drunks is inexcusable.
DeleteI agree. I know parents that would sue the APD and others in this situation.
Tripp has no one to stand up for him. I hope Levi and Sunny are more than just a cute couple when it comes to all this horrible treatment of Tripp.
butt...butt you can't do that...APD will get exposed for cover ups and Preacher Dave Parker will get kicked like a jackass from the 'judicial council' because he is 'so afraid of a fox getting in the hen house' aka for 'we got to have me at the helm so ya'll can get away with more crimes...it's all an information game with these palin focker heads...
Deleteand that will bite them in the ass in the end...
You have to see the artist rendering on mudflats of the fight!
ReplyDeleteThe rendering is awesome! ROFL
DeleteI'm still giggling at it. No real photo could top that.
Why even suggest going to the Mudflat blog - especially from IM's blog? Remember, she was one that tried to bury IM (re: Palin pregnancy) not all that many years ago.
DeleteI am suggesting it because Gryph is suggesting it, or did you not read the article attached to this comment queue? He even provided a ping back.
DeleteReading comprehension is your friend.
Easy up 10:07, you're sounding like a rabid IM fan. We are all on the same side here. And the sketch is hilarious!
DeleteAnonymous10:07 AM
DeleteWhy even suggest going to the Mudflat blog - especially from IM's blog? Remember, she was one that tried to bury IM (re: Palin pregnancy) not all that many years ago.
She has also done some other "underhanded" things.
Her write up was entertaining but followed close Scott Conroy's spin with is from the Palins.
I will believe Amanda coyne anyday and
"Todd broke a tooth" b/c they came out before the "palin spin machine" and
they do have facts and names.
I did cackle at her artwork. Very funny. She does some great stick man art. Too bad my printer is down, I need a new pic for the fridge.
DeleteI couldn't tell which one was Tripp.
DeleteTripp is the most important part of this. Stupid adults get drunk and brawl all the time in places like Alaska.
Where is Tripp in the stick figure drawing on Mudflats?
Jeanne Devon's write up doesn't follow Scott Conroy's spin. In fact, the story about Track and his quest with the ladies puts him into anything but a good light. Just how many fights did he start that night?
DeleteWhen talking about Tripp asleep in the Hummer, Jeanne says "apparently." So it is quite possible that her source didn't see Tripp. It was a big bloody party!
I'm sick of everyone piling on Jeanne. Ok, she didn't want to address babygate and at the time I was disappointed. I remember her distinctly posting about Todd sneaking into the garage for a beer. I think Jeanne is sick to death of Palin and hasn't been following her antics like we have. So she wouldn't have seen the Denver conference when Palin appeared as drunk as a skunk.
And these stupid notions that Jeanne has been paid off by the Palins are ridiculous. I don't think she ever tried to bury IM, she simply didn't want to address babygate - and that is her perogative. It is her blog!
Well said, Anonymous 1:10
DeleteAgreed 1:10. Unless someone is IN Alaska and blogging FROM Alaska I don't think they have any business throwing stones at those who are. Who knows what pressures/threats they and their families have to deal with. As 1:10 says of Jeanne, it's her blog. If she wants to start blogging exclusively about crochet she certainly can, it's HER BLOG!
Delete2:20 with all due respect-if there were "pressures/threats" against jeanne it sure didn't stop her from co authoring that book now did it? and it didn't stop her or shannyn from associating wtih joe mcg who is enemy number one of the skank's list-even though he has died!
Deleteyes it is her blog and shannyn's is her blog and podcasts-all some of us are saying is that we don't trust either of them any more than we trust the palins and the lower 48 doesn't even know who they are unless we read im and other alaska blogs.
gryphen had his job taken from him and his reputation completely tarnished yet he kept on didn't he? but he didn't write a book and keep it a secret from a pulitzer prize winning author while said author was writing his own book and divulged that info to them...........now did he?
Are Levi and Sunny ok? I'm worried since they didnt say anything after the custody hearing.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing the judge ordered a cease and desist on disparaging each other with stiff consequences if it is violated.
DeleteI'm sure Sunny and Levi are more concerned with their growing family than broadcasting news about the custody hearing. Levi is pursuing the private life the Palin troll claims that the Palin's are living. He obviously got more time with Tripp, or the Palin's would have publicized the final agreement.
DeleteLevi stepped up for his son, now let's let him enjoy his family. Best wishes to Levi, Sunny, Tripp, Breeze & the new baby!
Yes Levi and Sunny are fine, Levi is a FB friend and he posted pics of Bre's birthday party this morning.
DeleteI don't care about Levi. His little girl is cute and I am glad she had a nice celebration. I hope her half brother was there.
DeleteTripp is a public figure, like Khardashian or Jackson kids and babies. I do care about how our public and country handles child abuse. If we suspect or see things. Should we just ignore it until the kids are hurt? Or worse happens to them?
Some people will care about how Levi is handling things with his son who it is now known, more known (before it was the TV documentations), concerns for Tripp's safety.
Tripp is NOT a public figure but they'd sure like to make him one. Way to eff up a child's life, of whom AGAIN, never asked for ANY of it!
DeleteTripp IS a public figure.
DeleteThe "Bully Clan" aka The Palins!
ReplyDeleteIM, you are very kind to include Devon's commentary when she was one (of two) that basically threw you under a few years ago. But, you prevailed and provided factual information about the Palins. I'm thankful for having been a continual reader of your blog.
DeleteDouble yep!
DeleteWhat happened? How did she throw him under? I've read IM since 2008, but I only occasionally read the comments, and it appears I've missed something! Someone referenced it having something to do with SP's "pregnancy" with Trig, but all the comments are very vague. Can anyone clue me in?
DeleteTriple YEP!!!
DeleteShe didn't throw anyone under the bus. She simply didn't want to address the fake pregnancy.
DeleteI like to believe Levi's lawyer is on this already. Since Trig and Piper were not along for the partying this speaks more to Bristol's lack of parenting also. Maybe at some point Tripp was at the house and people assumed he was still there. My point is the child may have been at the party and later asleep in the stretch hummer.
ReplyDeleteIt may be necessary to have a child psychologist interview Tripp and depose the driver too.
child psychologist interview Tripp and depose the driver too.
DeleteIt is inexcusable how the APD has handled this. There needs to be an outside investigation since the APD hasn't done their job.
The name of the company and driver should be known. I don't know their rules but are limo services required to participate in child abuse or endangerment?
The company may be friends of the Palins. The driver may have been partying with them. No investigation and no one will know.
A poor investigation and a company that lies and covers up for the Palins and no one will know.
If anyone cares about Tripp there will be verifiable answers.
Lol the child can't be unaware of blood, painful broken ribs , black eyes or a hand injured from numerous punching someone in the face. After the verified cursing and screaming I doubt the family and friendly thugs sat quietly in the hummer on the way home. Tripp is not deaf, dumb or blind.
ReplyDeleteTripp is not deaf, dumb or blind.
DeleteTHAT is exactly why the Palin's can't "afford" to use a babysitter. It's not the money, it's the secrets that might get out. Probably also why they try so hard to limit Levi's contact with his son. Afraid that Tripp might talk.
Oh yeah, I bet there was plenty of hi-adrenaline screaming and cursing in that there Hummer and at home. Lots of visible damage then and even now.
DeleteAs someone who gre upin an abusive household, I feel for Tripp. He did not ask for any of this and it WILL stay with him for the rest of his life.
DeleteWay to go, Palin TRIBE. How dare you, pompous pieces of shit!
Any update on the sleight of hand Bristol reportedly pulled with her purse ? Clutching it tightly all night, then handed it off to someone to hide in the limo when police arrived ?
ReplyDeleteIf she is using/transporting illegal drugs in the presence of her 5 year old, I hope it comes out.
Or did she have a GUN!????
DeleteG is it legal to carry a concealed weapon in Alaska without a permit?
Maybe Levi saw Bristol's condition when they exchanged Tripp.
DeleteFrom the moment that little guy Tripp was born, it was obvious they would use him like they did Trig. He was on morning talk shows, being used in abstinence advertisements, magazine spreads, magazine covers, reality tv show, and now it's revealed he was dragged to a party in a limo full of fired-up party hardy buddies of Track and the Palins.
Imagine grandma and grandpa, with 20 year-old, 23 year-old and grandson, with 25 year-old Track and his drinking buddies all heading to an adult party, and LEAVING, LEAVING, LEAVING (did you hear that MEDIA?) LEAVING a 5 year-old child in a strange limousine, while his family all go out and party???????
This must be one of the biggest focuses that bloggers and media report on. We can laugh at the Palin shenanigans, but the real threat to this child is that his mother and grandparents do not even know what is right or wrong, nor how to care and nurture a little child.
That Anderson guy being charged with child abuse? This Tripp story should go viral.
In my local news, a couple of parents have left their children unattended in the car in the parking garage while they visit the brand-new casino. The media is all aghast at that...not a peep about the Palins leaving Tripp alone in the Hummer.
DeleteThis Tripp story should go viral.
DeleteI agree. Alaska is so different from any place I know. I hate to think that the world is seeing this thinks we are all like this.
Apparently it is "legal" to do this in Alaska which is WHY the "spin" is including this.
DeleteReally he should of been home with a baby sitter? Isn't PIG old enough to babysit?
12:41 STOP calling her pig! Her name is Piper. In case you haven't noticed, she's a kid. Just a little girl. And NO! I am not a fucking troll. Leave Piper alone. Don't you think her life is bad enough? LOOK at her so called role models. Can you at least give her a chance?
DeleteJesus christ, her own so called mom called her Piper diaper for everyone to hear. Nice!
You know how everybody rages when something nasty is said about the President's girls, which is way too often. And we all should. So why pick on this poor kid? Is it her fault she was born into that web? She needs support not ridicule. At least give her a chance for some self esteem.
I don't think she named herself. Did you pick your name or your parents? Your name is probably Fern Ursyla Kent but I'll just call you FUK from now on.
2:11 - well said. Some things are just mean.
Anonymous2:31 PM
Delete12:41 STOP calling her pig! Her name is Piper.
Her Initials PIG-and fuck you! I asked a question why didn't PIG babysit Tripp, you really sound like a troll here.
Want to bitch about a name? bitch to Sarah who named her that.
"of the wives" I think you mean husbands. Does AK have same gender marriage yet? ;)
ReplyDeleteI suspect we all know an obvious typo when we see one...
DeleteBeing a grandmother, I can't believe how grandparents would enable their daughter to bring her child to a party. As grandparents, who would, in their right mind, go to a drinking party in a limo with their adult daughter, and go along because she insisted she bring the child because she didn't have a babysitter?
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of grandparents get into a limousine, on their way to a drinking party, with adult kids and have NO PROBLEM allowing their grandson to go, and just get out, leaving him, there, to go to sleep? WHAT KIND OF GRANDPARENTS DO THIS??????
What kind of grandparents don't have any friends their own age, therefore having to party with their own kids just for a little company? Track had "buddies" in the Hummer.
DeleteIt was said Grandma instigated Bristol to attack and assault the owner of the house. This whole mess was probably her idea. There are grandma's like that. They are sick and should not be allowed near any children.
DeleteBarstool 'didn't have a babysitter'? What about whoever was watching Tri-G, Tripp's "buddy"? Or did the loser family leave Tri-G home alone?
DeleteTodd left Trig in the truck.
DeleteDiana left daughter in the car.
DeleteShe ended up in the house and could have been killed by the burgled victim.
We read almost daily of parents who stop at a bar and leave the child in the car for hours while they are inside drinking. Some are charged with child neglect.
ReplyDeleteIt is rare today if any get by with that or any of the other abuse the Palins perpetrate. They are enabled by the police and possibly the prosecutor in Anchorage will be on the side of child neglect, abuse and endangerment.
DeleteThis makes me sick...from Jeannie's mudflat's:
ReplyDeleteKathryn Robertson Campbell · Top Commenter
Thank all the gods past, present, and future, that you are in my life. Perfect, perfect, perfect (especially the spot-on illustrations)!
Look, every blog has its followers. Some of us read any of 'em, all of 'em. Gryphen was gracious enough to link to Mudflats, so you too can let it be.
DeleteWhat's so wrong with it? Sounds like a Mudflat fan giving a compliment to Jeanne's post.
DeleteI don't understand. Are people only permitted to read and enjoy *this* blog?
Delete" so you too can let it be."
DeleteReally can't stand the "bossy" trolls.
Yep trolling for mudflats which is not the same blog it was in 08 that's for "Flips" sure.
Uhh 12:4: 11:01 here.. I hardly ever go to Mudflats. I'm not in Alaska so most of what she writes isn't of interest to me. I troll for no one. And I think blogger wars are stupid. Anyone can write about whatever topics they like on their own blog, and all bloggers are free to STOP writing about what they no longer find interesting. You can read or not, but you're not entitled to make demands.
DeleteTalk about double standards.. Palin woman have sex in tents, Palin men just need a green lawn. Classy, Palins, real gd classy!
ReplyDeleteEven if Tripp wasn't present at that party he shouldn't live with those scumbags who could hurt him once they get drunk after all alcoholics are monsters towards weak members of their families.
ReplyDeleteThe problems just escalate. Until some poor kid ends up with serious damages or dead.
DeleteTripp is already damaged and we've seen what they've done with Trigg.
DeleteIn the big picture of the near future it is unlikely after this drunken brawl that Sarah will be sought to campaign for the family values candidates. She may lose speaking gigs including promoting Bristol at them. Fox already reduced her to appearing occasionally. We may see her less on Fox spewing word salads. Levi may further secure his custody rights.
ReplyDeleteThey will be left with Amazing America already contracted, Face Book and Bristol's (all American religious mom posts) and the SP channel minus many former Palin lovers.
When Sarah gets her spin out there it will likely be a blood libel
type which did her more harm than good.
Overall the Palin's will be on the losing end despite their fury of blows. Mr. Thompson may get a settlement and be hired by a company that values ethical employees. I hope this is a win for him too in the long run.
Speaking of Family values candidates...I don't think this is a spoof or a joke I think its real...look what Frothy tweeted:
DeleteRick Santorum * @RickSantorumUSA · Sep 11
Rest assured, America, I will pick a better running mate than McCain did. #PalinBrawl #PalinFamilyRiot #Santorum2016
HoHoHO Sarah! Throwdown at the HOEDOWN!!!!
Oh don't worry. The family of trash will have that Graham fake xtian freak come over and have a week long pray out and ask jeebus to forgive them. Then they'll tell the world how they've been saved and born again, for the 50th time. And how they are right with god now. And oh so clean and shiny and perfect again. Then they'll start their church of griftgazi. Doncha know?
Deletelol...well it sounds like the word has reached DC...
Deletebetter end the nature of those associations...
it would seem that is catching on globally as well...
may be Palin was having a fit when her stock broker called to say Haliburton is in the tank...sell the stock...dick could not whine hard enough in DC
yeah they always leave the 'church card' or 'God card' for the 'end of days' in saving their grace or freedom!
DeleteI hear when a certain someone is done with them they will all be sporting new orange jumpsuits...orange is the new black...doncha know.
pry his child out of the clutches of that den of lunacy.
ReplyDeleteI wish it was only lunacy. Tell me how safe are 'combat vet PTSD' and buddies to be anywhere near where Tripp may be? How safe is he with his mother and her issues?
Tripp must be removed from more than lunacy. Remove Tripp from imminent danger. Do it now, don't wait until he has a head injury or worse.
How can Track have PTSD when he never saw combat duty? A fact, that has been proven!
DeleteIt just makes stories sound better to the Palin klan! Liars - every one of them! Bullies too!
Track's buddies could have PTSD and chronic drug and anger issues. Track may have PTSD from a childhood similar to what Tripp experiences.
DeleteWe have seen young Tripp frustrated and angry. He lashes out at his family. Shows deep hate.
The other side, when he is Mr. Happy Face & candy bribes, is scary because it looks more like serious psyche issues already. Early signs of borderline, sociopath or any the Palins manifest.
The bots are too stupid to know that. I think that is why Sarah got that dog for Track.
DeleteNot TriG.
That place says no where that it gives dogs to special needs.
And anyway I think its a fraud place anyway like everything she is involved in!
PTSD? Pissy Things Sarah Did?
Delete1:04 PM
DeleteYEAH, and blames on her son to keep the money rolling in!
Anonymous11:46 AM
DeleteThe whole flippin' family!!! Borderline, psycho's! We saw it on her show when Tripp calls Willow a "fuckin' faggot" and they LAUGH!!! Umm hello?
Where was CPS? Where WAS LEVI?
He has all this evidence via her show and Your telling me he can't get Tripp? Now this?
G has offered time and time again on this blog to help Levi.
As far as we know Levi hasn't reached out.
Just how smart or dumb is Levi?
This has been going on for YEARS now!
Tripp being "blissfully unaware" is just Palin planted hooey. As Amanda originally and consistently reported, and as I saw with my own eyes, Tripp was AT the party.
ReplyDeleteEven if I hadn't seen him there myself, I would find hard to believe that anyone could "blissfully" sleep through a 20+ person brawl, multiple Palins screaming at top volume, and police sirens and lights going full tilt. (And once the police arrived, the sirens stopped but the lights kept going. It would have been impossible to sleep through)
Amanda has been spot on in her reporting so far and I hope this very important detail isn't snowed over by palin revisionist history.
Thank you for continuing your TRUTH here, TBAT, many here would only love but to discredit you. Don't let them silence you.
DeleteTBAT. Was Tripp present when Willow and Bristol headed toward the Clearys but the host intervened only to get his face punched in by Bristol?
DeleteIs it possible he was inside the limo for the dog pile altercation in the front yard when the police arrived?
Side note: parent(s) who have an only child are obnoxious taking their kid to adult parties and bars. Little kids ought not be at adult only events or venues.
I can picture Bristol and Willow emerging from the stretch hummer wearing their sunglasses lol
Anonymous11:16 AM
DeleteThank you for continuing your TRUTH here, TBAT, many here would only love but to discredit you. Don't let them silence you.
Yes Thank YOU!
I think your version of Saturday night's Brawl jives right in with what Amanda is reporting rather the spin Conroy and the palin klan are trying to spew and mudflats also.
They are trying to make it all about Warrior son has PTSD. Its so obvious.
The palins are really stupid. Like naming the kid TriG Trisomy-G! Naming him after his disability.
Oh I suppose the Piper troll will get upset.
Truth hurts.
Did anyone stay in the limo with Tripp or was a hired driver pressed into service as babysitter too? I guess at that point a sober driver was a more responsible adult than any of the Palin clan.
ReplyDeleteTripp wasn't in the limo. He was with his mother. See above at 10:27.
DeleteHow do you know he was sober? I hear the company owners know the Palins. Who knows what the driver was like?
DeleteHe wasn't IN the limo. He saw it ALL.
DeleteThe story about 'Tripp sleeping in limo' is fabricated for Palin trolls to spread.
DeleteTripp was in the limo coming and going and maybe some while at the party.
The limo driver is a main witness to what Tripp experienced during the entire night. Were the Palins partying with friends and what about the limo driver's part.
At the party Tripp was in the middle of his mother's violence and the various family anger and violence.
The big commotion and the police.
The trip home could have been as bad.
Maybe Butt-Crack Track was the Hummer driver.
DeleteAnonymous1:09 PM
DeleteMaybe Butt-Crack Track was the Hummer driver.
Too funny comment but I certainly hope not?
What is up with Todd's hands on the hips pose?? I have never seen a man stand that way, it looks odd...
ReplyDeleteHe thinks he's Clark Kent/Superman.
DeleteTawdry never knows what to do with his hands when he isn't carrying his ex wife's purse.
Deleteepic white trash metrosexual pimp dumb fuk portends to be a tough guy
DeleteLMAO !!
that's not a man but a boi
DeleteYou mean they're not cardboard cut outs?
DeleteAnonymous11:36 AM
Deletethat's not a man but a boi
a bi-boi
I have always felt that the way forward was if Alaskans "in the know" banded together.
ReplyDeleteIt is easy for us to ask someone to just be brave and speak up or send in a video. BUT the closer one is to the "scene of the crime," the greater is the potential danger of Palin pushback.
This incident, however offers a viable solution because there were MANY witnesses. There are also MANY other folks who "have the goods" on the Palins. I think the best idea is for large numbers of these folks to work together with legal assistance and get the job done.
True. If everyone groups together and speak out, the Palins couldn't possibly have enough thugs or paybacker's in their pocket to push back against dozens. It would all be in the newspapers.
DeleteCan imagine how the Palins would look if everyone who spoke out against them were fired from jobs, or were vandalized. It just would destroy their little kingdom.
A class action lawsuit against the police in Anchorage would make an awesome group.
DeleteI’m wondering if one of the reasons nothing has surfaced is because of the quality of the video, I’ve been amazed at some of the video I‘ve seen shot by cell phones but maybe you just can’t tell what’s going on in these videos, maybe the lighting conditions were bad & you can’t tell who’s doing what to whom? A bunch of people in a dog pile on the lawn would only confirm what we already know, there was a fight there that night, now if there were video of Sarah & Todd trying to get people to give up their phones, that would be really damning & worth big bucks! BTW If I had any video of that night I’d be careful who I sold it to & make sure it could only be used for X amount of time & that I retained the rights to it,
DeleteSarahPalinChannel has posted nothing new since last week.
And the last video that was posted was filmed a couple of weeks ago. Losers.
DeleteLOL suckers are paying $99 a month for crickets.
Delete12:50, it's 9.95 a month. Not that that isn't 9.95 too much.
DeleteI am shocked that Sarah wasn't filming a back to school special or something on Sunday the 7th. Wasn't Bristol out and she came home in the evening to find a stalker?
DeleteMaybe she had been at Sarah's and the family was doing a film for the channel.
Is the word of the day still "inspefulate"?
DeleteTripp should not be left in a limo asleep while his mother is partying. Period. If she wants to go out and party she needs to hire a babysitter or let him stay with his father... The only scenario where I can see this being anywhere near acceptable is if she were at a family centric party with s'mores or whatnot and he was tired so she put him to sleep in the car. Abstaining from drinking and driving, of course.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Diana Palin. It is family tradition. Commit crimes, leave the kids in the car, truck or whatever.
DeleteWhen they get older just toss them under the bus.
I remember a story about when Sarah was governor, and before she got rid of her security detail, she "stopped by a party, left Willow and Piper in the car for about 45 minutes". In the winter, in Alaska. The security guy was in the car too and presumably kept it running. My point is leaving the kids in the car is an old habit with Sarah. It's also a BAAAD thing to do. What mother is so anxious to party that she drags a child with her then leaves it in the car? Or in the present case, leaves the child in a hummer?
DeleteI wonder where Tri-G was when all of this was going down? Does this family habitually leave him?
ReplyDelete10:59 Yes.
DeleteHow come Piper and Trig were left at home but Tripp was dragged along to this boozy slugfest?
ReplyDeletePiper was left at home to protect her virginity
DeleteAnd what about the other Palin kids that B & W popped out ? Or were they all adopted out ?
DeleteIf not, when those kids get older they'll ask "Mommy, how come I'm not in all these family photos when I was little ?"
Anonymous11:22 AM
DeletePiper was left at home to protect her virginity
If she still has it
There aren't any other kids!!!
DeleteSo, what happened to Bristol's DWTS fetus, 1:08?
DeleteAnd Willows little girl?
DeleteThe Palins were at the party long enough for Tripp to have been both a witness to the party, including all or part of the brawl, and in the limo.
ReplyDeleteBut I'll posit there was no one who could know for a fact that Tripp was asleep in the limo at any point.
Possible scenario:
Tripp is following Bristol/Willow around at the party.
The fight engages all the 'adult' Palins, leaving Tripp unattended. They're all outside, limo nearby.
An unnamed adult sees Tripp's dilemma and gets him to the limo or he runs there on his own to hide.
Someone shouts, 'Where's Tripp?'
Someone answers, 'He's asleep in the limo.'
Cause if he ever tells what he saw, God and his mother won't love him anymore.
Or, he wasn't in the limo until the clan piled in to flee.
Wonder if the limo driver had to sign a confidentiality contract? If not, spill it and be paid. You deserve to make some cash off of the horrendous things you've witnessed and heard!
ReplyDeleteI think a confidential contract is required in dealing with any Palin. That and threats of retaliation.
DeleteI wouldn't think there is a confidentiality agreement that would mean that a driver would be stuck with driving a party around while they were drunk and doing other illegal things with a child.
DeleteThe limo driver should have been alerted to something seriously wrong with loud party, late night and a 6 year old.
If it was your house and you were part of that party. Had the child been in an accident or for whatever reason the authorities were called and aware of the child endangerment. The owner has liability.
Why not a limo?
The stalker who is in jail saw Bristol on Sunday after the birthday party on Saturday. He didn't sign a confidentiality contract. He may be in isolation and have no idea what has been going on outside of his case.
DeleteHe might be able to testify for Bristol that she looked fine and Tripp looked fine.
The entire purpose of hiring a limo with a sober driver, is so that you and your party can get drunk and irresponsible yet not run afoul of the law for DUIs? Any limo company that has a policy of "we don't drive drunks or druggies" would be out of business very quickly.
DeleteTripp is only 5 years old.
DeleteAt this point, we should sue the doctor that prescribed the Viagra to John McCain for malpractice. Doddering old farts let their demented erections think for them, and in his case, for the country. But if he isn't totally demented today, I'm sure that even all the Viagra in the world wouldn't make him hard today, if he's even the least bit aware of the wasilla hillbilly that bears his tramp stamp of approval.
DeleteI doubt that even Viagra could raise that little noodle. Why do you think he's so damn owly growly all of the time? That and the Tundra Trash he wears around his gross old turkey neck for the rest of his miserable life.
DeleteI just can't believe anybody puts up with this old son-of-a-bitch.
All of the Palins should have been hauled into the APD and drug tested. I am highly suspicious of just what was going on in that hummer. I truly suspect some snorting of meth, cocain, or oxy was going on. That plus alcohol.
ReplyDeleteI think if it were anyone else but the Palins, they would have been charged for "disturbance" at the least and evidence taken on the spot.
I sadly believe the Palins will get off scott free. Sarah can then say "We have been cleared of all wrong-doing."
I have to disagree with you 11:29. Perhaps the Palins should have been hauled into jail, but drug testing takes a warrant. I believe in all the amendments and according to the 4th amendment, if you want me to pee in a jar, you have to get a warrant. Not saying the judge would not grant them one, but you have to have one.
DeleteI don't know the law but when there is child endangerment, neglect or abuse suspected I think they do get drug tested. It may be different in different states. May need a warrant which can take a few minutes, not long over the phone.
DeleteWe have wild parties and 100s of kids at a time go through the jail. Most are charged with drunk something. I always thought they were mandatory tested.
That is what the police should have done with the 20. Tripp's presence also a top priority. In some places the police can check your house, car or whatever with little provocation or suspicion.
Someone who knows Alaska law would be interesting to hear from.
If there is a fight and there was why would they need a warrant? Arrest them and drug test time its done all the time?
DeleteSorry for going OT, but OMG I just came across this FB page while reading the Willow Palin public page. WTH is this all about?
ReplyDeletePeter Ferrero
October 24, 2011
I can safely safely say, that I'm going to bed and Willow Bianca Faye isss actually here and waiting... We will be having non sexual cuddling with our pj's thanks everybody... If you dont believe us feel free to get off my mans page!!!... If you have a smear you will be blocked... Hes on a new road and has been... So you all can come along but be warned we are dumping people baggage other than close friends and supporters... People are dropping like flys... Don't be the crazy girl tonight who called up not only my phone but we got it super synced since my mom is Sarah Palin after all, and the harassing texts this girl sent and than insulted Peter soooo its like you already lie about your relationship with him as your bff or w.e... You've seen him twice in 3 years and once two years prior and than lie to your other plastic girls, and they will happy to know that this girl who I'm referring to Peter gave this girl's friends all chances to have a non sexual play date and apparently these bitches were his friends also, but bitches got fooled by another bitch who lies about her closeness to him... Listen Bitches, I sat 10 months my heart bleeding out for a bunch of dead bullshit time, so none of you that may or think you've seen him the past 5 years please please please, shut the fuck up, I'm in his bed right now in South FL.. Seriously ppl grow the fuck up or get off the page... that you constantly talk to him or see him.. So we did get a 48 hr restraining order through non courts... If we issue you a 48 hr restraininging order because now you feel the need to come by this house, especially because his parents are sleeping, or if you feel the need to harass us by phone since his phone is my phone and it's linked... Feel free you and your mom and family can all have their numbers blocked by A T&T.. We did it once tonight for a creeper lurking at the house, a female as well... I'm not going to have any of you, I don't give a shit who you are take away the man who is my fiance and the father of my child in the future do you all understand because if not I dont give a fuck.... SFL Rocks good night we will see you tommorow
Rib Kids Inc.
Willow Bianca Faye Ferrero
and this:
Got Married
October 29, 2011
That is why Sarah keeps a tight hold on Willow's activities. All of the Palins tell on themselves on the Internet. We have been saying that Willow had a baby back in High School for years. You can bet that Willow's public page is scrubbed immediately. So how is Willow's husband,Ferrero, a Stalker?
DeleteYikes. WTH is this. Keep on checking. Incoherent writer. Druggy writing. But what does it all mean??
DeleteLink to website? Gryphen what do you think? Bullshit?
DeleteIt must be some crack head. What is the actual time stamp? When was Peter Ferrero in prison, where and for how long?
DeleteDo you think he will be able to appear in court for the stalking? It is odd no press has contacted him or his parents.
Remember how it all went with Shawn Christy? They should follow the same protocol. Are they?
I guess the fight club night altered plans. I wonder what is going on with Pete?
Saturday night another guy was on her mind.
Did I just pass over into the Twilight Zone? Well hi there Rod.
DeleteThat was posted October 24th, 2011 so Willow would have been 17 at that time (since she's 20 years old now.
DeleteWho cares how many kids Willow has? Or who the father is/fathers' are?
Whoa, wait a minute. The above says it was posted October 24th, 2011, but at the bottom, we find this:
Delete"Got Married
October 29, 2011"
It doesn't say "we're getting married Oct. 29, it says "GOT married"??
Here's a link to where Peter's post was on the Willow Palin community page:
if that doesn't work, go to that page and in the left margin there are "posts to page" and click the > to show all, and scroll down to find his.
Here is a link to the post on Peter's page where he/they say they are in bed together and then the status changed to "got married"...scroll down to find those posts. This is so odd!
BTW meant to sign my posts, it's me, JillyG. I have no idea what to make of this stuff but had to share.
Oh, and this. This guy is for sure a total whack job, but what the hell? He sure does a lot of name dropping and you'd think he'd have been called out somehow by now?
Deleteeter Ferrero
October 31, 2011
PublicPeter Paul
Tiffany Marie Danecke and any of her friends... You comment on anything involving Peter and Palin's anymously again on a website, you violate the restraining order we pulled on your crazy ass... So be informed... I'm a rogue gone from your society understand that much... I've been gone for over a week, my Peter Paul profile is now uber secret and check the Twitter and the amount of Hollywood follo...wing... So please your comments do nothing to someone who doesn't exist in your ABC society anymore... I've gone Rogue.... Lol lose at life much losers??? Also Facebook would've shut down my facebooks.. Bristol not only added me as a friend she confirmed the sister-in-law... So lol at you losers stuck in your society........ --------------------------------Going Rogue '11-------------------- Lol dont hate because Hollywood loves meSee More... Get back to your ABC Society Peace!!!!!!!
posted by JillyG (have a hard time logging in as anything but anon, sorry guys!)
this was the comment on the willow palin community page that got my attention and I clicked on that guy there. this is from 2013.
ReplyDeleteit doesn't make any sense!
Peter FerreroWillow Palin
December 24, 2013 ·
I really need to apologize you and obviously the public forum at this time is only available to me... I am so sorry I've been to hell and back and i started tripping out smoking k2 in 2011 and steadily progressed... Your mother saved my ass from 10 years of prison for letting me go that night in orlando when your sister was there... I racked up 2 felonies 7 probation violations and 3 misdemeanors and had a warrant and she got me out of handcuffs. i was hallcinating from so much stuff and everything and i got overwhelmed.. i got re arrested and did 2 years.... So anyway in the end.... im replying to a message your friend stella sent too that i never read so long ago and she messaged and blocked... I owe your mom alot for the freebie.... And I was dishonest in general... And my biggest regret was that you got some nausea or something from diabetes or something crazy and i did someone extremely wrong and even brought your whole family into a black hole of stuff... I am fully fully on the conservative side and i had a terrible self entitled attitude back then... and i am just sorry... I am not in ft lauderdale and when the snow melts up north i have to handle some things so this is my only hurrah to you until i can get a good foundation.... and i apologize for a diatribe trying to formulate some sort of explanation to you... You are good people.... and i was never lying or making up myself okay my first name is Peter Paul.. my middle name is william and my last name is Ferrero... Thats the truth and i had no ulterior motive i was immature... so later dude and i owe you about 8 years of freedom for that save
Creepy stalking stalkers....considered a useful ingredient for turning Palin lemons into lemonade.
DeleteTake screen grabs and send links to someone who can check it out. The dude will be having a court case. He may be able to prove insanity. Or he may disappear.
DeleteIs there any update about what is going on with him? He must have been to court.
Ferrero's case will be handled in the media and such like the Christy case. If he goes missing then I would really be suspect of foul play. Serious foul play. Like someone needs to start looking for the body.
How do we know who really wrote that- last line dude might be a give away, doesn't Willow use the word " dude" a lot.
DeleteAnonymous1:27 PM
DeleteHow do we know who really wrote that- last line dude might be a give away, doesn't Willow use the word " dude" a lot.
Yes she does.
Whoever wrote that has serious mental probs but it may not be the stalker but Willow herself.
But it could be used against HIM...That's how they roll up there. Makin' up shit.
It just occurred to me. The McKennas' friend/employee hosted a birthday party for the McKenna twins. Very nice of him. Many people were invited. I saw something that said Todd and Sarah Palin were invited, but not the whole family. It was known that it was Todd's birthday also and that the Palins were friends of the McKennas. Okay. So far, so good. A nice birthday party for a group of presumably similar adults in age, etc.
ReplyDeleteBeing Todd's birthday, of course the whole family will celebrate! They will have a nice family party for their husband/father/grandfather! No. No, they won't. The Palins, with their whole family adult children, grandkids, etc., show up in their tacky stretch hummer limo at the party for the McKennas.
They are too cheap, lazy, tacky, and greedy to put on their own birthday party for a family member. Their efforts consisted solely of renting a limo to go mooch off of someone else's hard work and expenses. Lovely.
That's actually a great point!! The big 5.0 should warrant his own party with his own family and friends. Perhaps their "friends" are in short supply.
DeleteSome of the Iron Dogs are incestuous types.
DeleteI read somewhere where Willow went inside the car and her x boyfriend followed her in. Was Tripp inside the Hummer when Willow and her boyfriend were there?
ReplyDeleteWhere did you read this? Link?
DeleteDid the ex leave with stanky fingers?
DeleteThis is why a good police force is needed. Too confusing to leave what happened to Tripp and his well being up to crazy corrupt adults like APD.
DeleteI read from the "toad without tooth" commenter, that after the police arrived Willow took off real quick with bristol's purse and put it in the hummer.
DeleteCould be she was in and out of the Hummer all night.
I wonder if the "stalker" came with Willow to the party. Connor heard they were in the limo and attempted to intervene. Track fought him at that point. Maybe the stalker got left behind and went to Bristol's house to meet up with Willow. The coincidence of the stalker appearing the day after the party is very strange.
ReplyDeleteIs this something you heard or are you just speculating or making up a story?
DeleteThere is way to much story making on these sites sometimes and facts get lost. If the stalker was with them, we should know, but to speculate muddies the truth
12:54. Isn't "I wonder if" perfectly clear?
DeleteYes, it is a week later and it is just now mentioned there were others partying with the Palins on Tripp's wild ride.
DeleteThose names should all be in the press by now.
Weird no more mention of stalker. The media always reports on Palin stalkers.
No one has even bothered to check on him. He could hang himself in his cell if it is that bad for him.
The Red Cross and others will check on prisoners all over the world that could possibly be mistreated. It is humanitarian.
12:54 PM
DeleteWhy good police work is vital.
It is not speculation that the stalker story disappeared and no one knows if he is dead or alive.
The names of the people in the limo that partied with the Palins have not been mentioned. It took a week before it even came up that is was more than the Palin family.
What kind of people were drunk and using around Tripp?
He might be able to recognize anyone that was in the limo.
Anonymous12:16 PM
DeleteI wonder if the "stalker" came with Willow to the party.
That could very well be a possibility maybe they will try to pin the whole thing on HIM and Warrior son was defending Willblow?
We really don't know when the "stalker" was arrested? Do we? That is interesting and what a coinkydink for him to show up and be "arrested" the day after the hoedown?
Hmmm ....?
And how come he hasn't had his day in court yet? When you are arrested on a weekend you usually get a hearing during the week?
There is just too much bullshit as always with the Palin family.
smoke & mirrors.
GOP conservative family values. Whose worse: Palin family or Mark Sanford family?
Jeannie Devon then goes on to say that some of the wives of those Track was disrespecting responded as you might imagine that that is why he ended up "spread eagle on the grass."
Was Track fighting because of Willow or did Track get his ass kicked because he was inappropriately going after married women?
If drunk Track goes after married women, did drunk Track at one time or another sexually assaulted his 1/2 sisters?
DeleteThere were many things going on.
DeleteWhat appears is the entire gang was pumped up and ready for some action. It sounds like they had grievances and had been getting high and worked up. Sarah was an instigator by the time she was at the party. She had probably started long ago. She was mad and she was working her little gang into madness. Whether she was drinking or not, she knew they were fueling up and just how to work them.
By the time they were on a roll they may have just gone with what was available or nearest. It is obvious Bristol was not thinking of her child and was on a mission. Whatever conspiring had gone on in the limo it probably got out of control at the party.
Therefore all the different fight scenarios can be true. With good police work they will have it all laid out.
I don't think Todd and Sarah were just neglectful bad parents for overlooking the substances being abused. I think they were fine with that part because it served to jack the kids up to fulfill their anger issues and the comradeship of warriors fighting together. Being close and connected like that. Cult use drugs to control their subjects.
The Mudflats source said a husband punched Track after track and his buddies told some of them what they wanted to do with them like bend over them on the lawn. The link was posted by Gryphen.
Delete12:48 PM For God's sake, it's a long way from a drunk chasing after married women to the same drunk sexually assaulting his half sisters. Quit fantasizing.
DeleteBristol left Tripp to go fight? What kinda mother would leave her child amongst 70 drunk people. Bristol is damn lucky nobody kidnapped Tripp for money. We know Sarah didn't spring for her 3 children's college education so would she pay ransom for the child that carries Levi Johnston's blood?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous10:03 AM
ReplyDeleteTalk about double standards.. Palin woman have sex in tents, Palin men just need a green lawn. Classy, Palins, real gd classy!
You forgot Sarah had at least one one night stand in her sister's college dorm room.
Piper where did Todd screw girlfriend Shailey Tripp
Delete1:19 PM
DeleteWhat's up with you? Why would anyone expect Piper to be able to answer a question like that? The Todd/Shailey Tripp "affair" had to be about about 6 years ago...'cause remember, Todd ordered the "Tripp" license plate in the spring before Tripp was actually born in December? SO! It's safe to assume that little Piper at age 6 or 7 wouldn't have known about that affair.
Are you a random Troll? Are you Sarah posting something like that so you can whine "see what they do to my children". Whoever you are, your comment is totally inappropriate.
So who is watching the Arizona houses while the Wasillabillies get drunk and fight in Alaska ?
ReplyDeleteGryphen, lay off the stretch Hummer limo, will ya! Just so happens 2014 is the 10th consecutive year that it's won the prestigious J.C. Towers "Tackiest Vehicle in the Solar System" award. How many awards did YOU win in the last ten years, Mister Blister?
ReplyDeleteI don't see much of a difference if Tripp was at the party or sleeping in the Hummer. Both are child abuse-who in the hell leaves their kid sleeping in a car with a stranger? Who in the hell takes a kid to an adult party? With all their money still too cheap to get a babysitter, after all it's not like they are paying for it, more postage from SarahPAC.
ReplyDeleteWhat a dysfunctional family !!!! Tripp is going to be spending many sessions with a shrink, if he ever manages to get away from the clutches of mommy dearest.
I hope Track leaves all of the guns he was awarded in his divorce at home. Don't need Track shooting off his guns to show how manly he is.
ReplyDeleteChances are it will happen one day. The PTSD deal they say he is connected with is not helping his actual problems. He can't get better without the right help.
DeleteLike Tripp, I doubt Track should have any contact with his family for a year or two. The whole family needs help and they aren't about to get it.
I just want to say a big Thank You to you Gryphen! I so appreciate your reporting and all of the updates.
ReplyDeleteI'm also glad to see that you seem to have had a number of new visitors to the blog! That is so great! If the new viewers take the time to read some of the older posts, they are going to get an eyeful.
This has all been so delicious, the idiot Palins really can't hide from this, it was too big and too public. I hope the can of worms has been opened by this!
I haven't read the comments yet so apologize if this has already been said...
ReplyDeleteEvery account so far says that Tripp was along for the family birthday party. Whether he was "asleep in the hummer" or he "was on the lawn, at the party when the fight broke out", the situation is bad for a small child.
Tripp's mother, Bristol as well as his grandparents, Sarah and Todd showed terrible judgment in taking a small child to an adult party late at night. Why not leave him home with a babysitter or take him to Levi and Sunny's?
Where was Trig? At home with a sitter? Why not leave Tripp with the same sitter? O/T as we try to piece together the family outing but still another tiny, tiny reason that I don't think Trig lives with Sarah. "She who" had been in Texas for at least a day or two, then caught a 6:00 AM flight out of Houston back to Anchorage which flight, I imagine would take most of the day. Then she hops in a Hummer for a party. Where's the quality time with her "Gift From God, Trig"?
I think Track got the attitude adjustment that he had coming to him if four of his ribs are broken. But I don't really comment on Track at all because Track does not seek the spotlight and tell Americans how they should live their lives. He obviously has issues from being raised in such a dysfunctional family.
ReplyDeleteDiva Bristol, who did not get an attitude adjustment is a know nothing know it all who thinks she should tell others how to live their lives. I think Bristol should worry about her own life and just shut the fuck up and not tell me or anyone else how to live my life. I hope her attitude adjustment is a date with the judge for assault. Tell the judge in a public hearing why you feel it is okay for you to assault someone. It is not okay Dear Bristol. And you should thank your lucky stars that the person you assaulted did not strike back. That man was a gentleman. Next time (and there will be a next time because we know this is not the first time), you may not be so lucky and you may find yourself seriously hurt or worse.
So. If the child was alone in the limo or unprotected during the violence at this Anchorage residence and the municipal prosecutor does the expedient, republican look-away thing then it's necessary to file complaints against his license to practice as an officer of the court in this state.
ReplyDeleteDrunks don't learn anything from the fights they get in while drunk or drugged. Doesn't matter whether they win or whether they lose the fight, they don't learn from it. They also don't always remember the exact sequence of events or even the event itself - like getting beat up. Not what I would call a black out but simply they don't remember. The main purpose of getting drunk/drugged is so that you can walk away from any responsibility while under the influence.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that right, Sarah?
Anonymous1:21 PM
ReplyDeleteBreaking!!! First video of a drunken Bristol being held back by her mom has surfaced!!
too funny!!!