Saturday, September 06, 2014

Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis writes about terminating pregnancy in new memoir. I am torn between "How brave of her" an Oh shit!"

Courtesy of ABC News:  

Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis reveals in a new campaign memoir that she terminated two pregnancies for medical reasons in the 1990s, including one where the fetus had developed a severe brain abnormality. 

Davis writes in "Forgetting to be Afraid" that she had an abortion after an exam revealed that the brain of the fetus had developed in complete separation on the right and left sides. The Associated Press purchased an early copy of the book, which hits stores Tuesday. 

The memoir also describes ending an earlier ectopic pregnancy, in which an embryo implants outside the uterus. Davis disclosed the terminated pregnancies for the first time since her nearly 13-hour filibuster last year over a tough new Texas abortion law. 

Both pregnancies happened before Davis, a state senator from Fort Worth, began her political career and after she was already a mother to two young girls. 

She writes that the ectopic pregnancy happened in 1994. Terminating the pregnancy was considered medically necessary. Such pregnancies generally aren't considered viable, meaning the fetus can't survive, and the mother's life could be in danger. But Davis wrote that in Texas, it's "technically considered an abortion, and doctors have to report it as such." 

Davis said she and her former husband, Jeff, wound up expecting another child in 1996 after they decided to stop taking birth-control measures. During her second trimester, Davis said she took a blood test that could determine chromosomal or neural defects, which doctors first told her didn't warrant concern. After a later exam revealed the brain defect, Davis said she sought opinions from multiple doctors, who told her the baby would be deaf, blind and in a permanent vegetative state if she survived delivery. 

"I could feel her little body tremble violently, as if someone were applying an electric shock to her, and I knew then what I needed to do," Davis writes. "She was suffering."

Holy crap! Not just one, but two abortions!

Well after reading the descriptions of the problems facing these two unborn children, it seems to me that almost any woman would have made the same choice that Davis did.

However considering that she is running for Governor of a state that has all but criminalized abortion, and the fact that the Right has already labeled her "Abortion Barbie," I ma wondering how this will play out during the campaign. 

Well one thing is fro damn sure, the woman has guts!

I mean she has to know that this will be played up by the Republicans as if she ran down a toddler on the street, not that she made an incredibly personal and heartbreaking choice for herself, the unborn child, and her family.

After all she could have taken the cowards way out and attempted to Wite-Out the whole thing.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I live in Texas and thought exactly the same thing. You should read the comments people are making about her in the Dallas Morning News. Sexist, disgusting, degrading, abusive comments. The republican men here are the absolute worst.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      They have internet trolls in Texas too. I wouldn't judge anyone by the comments in the newspapers. You might have noticed it's only haters and weirdos that ever come out in big numbers. Perhaps reasonable people are busy getting on with their lives. And voting for Wendy.

      Right-wing men are the worst all over the world. They fear and dislike women.

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I imagine she's getting her story our before the thugs hired to investigate her every moment of her life in search of dirt disclose her abortions and lie about the medical conditions surrounding them.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Agree. What's done is done. I'm going with "How brave of her"

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Bingo! Getting ahead of the story.

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I thought the same thing. We can also be sure that Sarah Palin will butt in with her opinion, not that any sentient being would want to hear it. This was a terrible prognosis. It would have been negligent not to terminate the pregnancy.

    4. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Heartbreaking to have to make a decision like that once, but twice? I admire her for her courage, bravery. Most women will understand, unless they are "perfect" like Palin. I have no doubt that Wendy would be able to produce the medical records proving the diagnosis. I admire her courage, even if it was necessary to expose this for her own political future. This proves that she will make tough decisions when needed.

    5. If there's one peep out of Sarah Palin, I hope Gryphen links to his story about the Wite-Out and the story that Palin had a "two-bull" back in 2001, or posts the repeat of that story here.

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Ten bucks and my left nut says the palin is going to stick her big piggie nose into this sad story. C'mon sarah, put the pipe down, give trig a big hug and tell us how it was the best thing that ever, ever happened to you, you fuckin ho.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Dear Trig will come in handy. She can boost herself and Bristol up high since they make the best choices in life.

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Yes, and Bristol has made that choice how many times now - 3 or 4?

    3. Hey, Gryphen, in your last sentence/paragraph where you mention "Wite-Out", could you make that reference a link to where you once wrote about what the reference meant?

  4. Anonymous2:54 PM

    idk I think that if I were to run for office, I'd b honest about the abortion I had during my bad year. But only because I'd run democrat. Democrats can get away with that stuff, whereas republicans have to be perfect despite the fact that none of them have called themselves perfect.

    Stupid democrats.

    1. Damn I wish we could find a perfect Repug. If only they didn't have to call their abortions "white-out".

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Stupid repubellikens.
      Look at all that the Palin got away with. Before Sarah, a candidate with a pregnant unmarried teenaged daughter would have absolutely zero chances of ever being nominated no less being named to the second highest position. Tell us again how Democratic candidates can get away with that stuff. Troll!

    3. Anonymous3:31 PM

      You mean like Mark Sanford (Cheats on wife, makes SC a laughingstock, gets re-elected in a landslide) and Anthony Weiner (Sexts and gets his career destroyed)?

    4. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Hmmm, Santorum managed to have an elective abortion of a fetus. It happens to many pregnant women. The ONLY thing with an ectopic pregnancy is to remove it, if the fallopian tube ruptures the woman is dead. Thank goodness women no longer have to DIE because of nonviable zygotes.

    5. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Idk, you are about the dumbest person whoever posts here. Smh small minded loser!

    6. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Many decades ago Julie Nixon Eisenhower had an ectopic pregnancy that ended in an abortion. Everyone felt sympathetic toward Julie, as should be expected: that is a horrible choice for any woman to make. The difference is that republicans were reasonable then. Julie, like many reasonable republicans, recently admitted that she voted for President Obama. Thinking and compassionate people would never dream of judging a woman in such a circumstance. Wendy is very wise to get ahead of this story. For one thing, it will greatly propel her fund-raising efforts. But more than that, she will become a household name in Texas, where I doubt all the voters even know who she is. And her story will resonate with reasonable voters on both sides of the aisle. If Abbott or his backers are stupid enough to mess with this (and I believe they are), it will be to her advantage and his detriment. I greatly hope Texas turns blue now. But if not now, it WILL turn blue soon. Reason WILL win out over willful stupidity and hate.

    7. 2:54

      gop think they are perfect via their hypocritical nature. They don't believe in abortions but will have one, they don't believe in large government but will grow government, don't believe

    8. Anonymous8:00 AM

      2:54 it is truly pathetic how incapable you are of having an intelligent conversation. Seriously and all snark aside- you need to educate yourself on grammar, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation then on the world. Your inability to share more than a single thought and you do only share a single thought- shows how illiterate you are. It is sad, shameful and pathetic.

  5. Those who will not vote for her because of this,would not have voted for her anyway

  6. AKRNHSNC3:12 PM

    Any woman who doesn't terminate an ectopic pregnancy is putting herself at risk for internal bleeding and the risk of damage to the fallopian tube that would likely decrease the chance of future pregnancies. Of course there are websites that claim there are the extremely rare exceptions where ectopic pregnancies survive but if researched further, you'll see these are not cases where the fetus is found to be located within the fallopian tube. Also, it's just more of the hypocrisy of the GOP evident in criticizing Wendy Davis regarding her aborting of a fetus that was shown to have severe likelihood of not surviving delivery or living in a vegetative state without brain function if it should survive. Their frequent refusal to fund childrens' needs AFTER birth is well known, including their lack of medical care, refusal to provide necessary food stamps and other things families need, especially when faced with raising a disabled child.

    As for those low-life commenters speaking about Wendy Davis, it's no loss for her as they wouldn't have voted for her anyway.

  7. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Bravo for Wendy Davis.

  8. Anonymous3:47 PM

    She's my Senator, and I volunteer for her campaign. Not only is this extremely brave, it gives a face to the fact that not every abortion involves an unwanted pregnancy. Not that it will keep the nasty Texas Faux Christians from condemning her...

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Please tell Wendy from me and many others, we admire her for making those tough decisions. I wish her well, and don't let the politicians tear her down.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      One more thing: republicans in Texas have insinuated from Day One that Wendy has had abortions, and that they occurred when she was single and playing around. IOW, that they were 'slut abortions' (in the republican brain, if any, all abortions are slut abortions). This revelation proves that these events occurred during her marriage, when she was already a mom with two daughters who had no political aspirations, that they were not 'convenience abortions (another republican meme), and that they were direly medically necessary.

      In speaking out about this, Wendy quenches the republican abortion meme much like a flood quenches a campfire. Republican men, who refuse to think before speaking, are also stupid and misogynist enough to step into the fray – nationwide. When it comes to judging others and expressing their anti-women sentiments, they just can't help themselves.This will. not. help. the republican cause, not even one tiny bit. ;-)

      This will. be. the. year. of. the. woman. Women already vote in higher percentages than men, but this year, because of what republican men have done, women are much angrier than usual. They will be going to the polls in droves. Internal polling already shows this. This story and the human interest it generates will put the lie to the republican anti-abortion meme nationwide.

      Go, Wendy!!! You're the only candidate with the true cojones in this race. Go, go, go, sister!!!

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      I wonder, too, if many of those Republican women may go to the polls after promising their husbands to vote GOP like dutiful little Republican wives...and then vote for the Democrat.

      I suspect (and hope!) that many of the polls are inaccurate because the women Republicans publicly support the GOP but will ultimately vote blue once they're in the privacy of the voting booth.

    4. Anonymous10:03 PM

      When I canvassed door-to-door for Obama in 2008 in PA, I was amazed at how many women told me they were going to vote for the President but not to tell their husbands! Results show they kept their words, too!

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    The truth is, abortion is a real thing and sometimes it is the only resolution for a pregnant woman. That it is still legal for those who need to make that choice, all the better for their health and safety. We hear the word abortion thrown about in the media these days so much, it somehow becomes abstract. It is a real event, and it happens to real woman, be they black, white, Christian, Atheist, foreign, American, Democrat OR Republican. I commend Wendy Davis first of all for having the courage to weigh her options, make the informed decision and endure the subsequent heartbreak and pain connected with it. And second of all, for having the integrity and the guts to disclose it to the public. Does anyone honestly think that she is the "Only" woman in Texas who has ever had an abortion? The "Only" woman in politics to ever have an abortion? Who am I to judge her? I've never had to make that decision. If I lived in Texas, she would absolutely have my vote.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      One out of every three women in the United States has had an abortion. I repeat: one out of every three. To even be opening their mouths about abortion proves that republicans would rather fund-raise than rule/govern/win elections. NO ONE who wants to be a political success would be condemning the behavior of one-sixth of the electorate 24/7. No one. Only delusional people, or people like Sarah Palin, who much prefer money-raising to actual governing, would do such a thing. Wake up, republican women!!!!!

  10. Anonymous3:55 PM

    She has nothing to be ashamed of and if you are going to shame her for speaking the truth about making perfectly rational, sensible choices because it might hurt her political career, than you should be ashamed of yourself, Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      I stand with Wendy

  11. Anonymous4:02 PM

    If more of us who had abortions showed our faces, the anti's wouldn't be able to box us into labeled stereotypes. Abortions are had by respectable, intelligent women, not just irresponsible, impoverished, what-ever-they-want-to-name-us'es. I respect Wendy Davis for her forthright revelation.

  12. Caroll Thompson4:08 PM

    Wendy seems to be a different kind of politician in that she has some real courage and speaks the truth - the whole truth. And really, if someone votes solely on the basis of abortion, be it for or against, her truth will not change any of those votes.

    I think it will all come down to turnout in Texas. Who can get the folks to the polls. I hope she is getting her ground game ready.

  13. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Little is said publicly about how a dead fetus endangers a woman (remember Ireland's tragic death last year?) because of the changes in the mother's system due to the expired fetus in her womb. Ireland allows NO ABORTIONS for any reason. Let the mothers die is their motto, apparently.

    An ectopic pregnancy can be as, or more serious, than a placenta that separates before delivery which is a condition that is life threatening to both mother and babe..

    It is indecent and stupid for those outside the medical field (and some of them in it) to make decisions about procedures. If you can't totally maintain your car or computer mechanically then you sure as hell have no business telling or ordering women around concerning their reproductive organs.

    Great going to educate, people, Wendy. Go girl!

  14. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I understand your ambivalence. Overall though, I admire her for being upfront about her abortions, and I think that if she loses the election, this won't be the cause. Many women are going to be able to relate to her experiences, either because they faced similar situations, someone they know has, or they understand that it could happen to them. If Abbott tries to paint Davis as a baby killer under the circumstances she describes led to her abortions, IMO he is going to experience the fate of Todd Akin.

  15. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Wendy is brave and honest. I had a therapeutic abortion and know how heartbreaking it can be, even if warranted for health reasons. The 'pugs can flap their jaws all they want; we will vote for Wendy.

  16. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I am a Texas Democrat. I think she's running the worst campaign I've see in recent memory. Her first TV ad attacks her opponent. This "memoir" is how she introduces herself? I feel her pain but common sense says that "Hi I'm Wendy, I had two abortions" is not appropriate. Voters want to know what you will do about schools, taxes, health care and rolling back the draconian laws legislated by a dim-witted and dogmatic Republican majority. So far her showing is very disappointing.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Really? I have heard her talk about all of the issues you mention. In ads, in interviews and in speeches. She is all over talking about these things and has been for some time.
      Gryphen and you are talking about one very very small part of her book. Just because the media does this, doesn't mean you have to. You are both buying right into it.

    2. Anon @ 6:29 PM, some folks are really selective about what they read, what they listen to, and what they discuss. We call them trolls.

  17. Ending an ectopic pregnancy is not considered an abortion; an ectopic pregnancy ends with tithe death of a non viable embryo or the woman. If left untreated, both will die.

    If ending an ectopic pregnancy is considered an abortion in Texas, now that is messed up.

  18. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Upon reading the reasons for her two abortions I don't the RePUBEIicans will try to make a big deal for her about this issue. People will sympathize with her having to deal with such a heart breaking decision and multiple doctors advised her that it was medically necessary for her to terminate. Like she should be expected to risk her own life, possibly leaving two young girls without a mother just so she could carry out her pregnancies for a fetus that would never survive and another that would be born deaf, blind, and in a permanent vegetative state. No sorry but the RePUBES would come off looking like ogres trying to demonize her. Not smart at all!!

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      I agree. If she had continued the one pregnancy and the child had been born blind, deaf and in a permanent vegetative state, I think she would have been guilty of child abuse. I think if the GOP tries to condemn her for her actions, there actions will boomerang against them. What kind of person would question those decisions that she made? How inhumane? Good for Wendy Davis. Had she not spoken out, there would be a whisper campaign insinuating that she had had abortions for some trivial reasons. It's a good thing that she got the truth out.

  19. It really doesn't matter the reason why Wendy chose an abortion. It's her body. Her right. It's Not ho bustol's nor her wite-out insufferable "mother" sarahy's or the gops' choice. What comes out of a woman's vagina is her decision. Seem like old saggy stanky leg has enough vaginas to watch after, including her rusted out one.

    Even sarahy said she thought about aborting trig. She chose not to have an abortion--yeah she wanted to abort a big fat baby not a fetus. she then turned around and tried real hard to have an "backdoor abortion." her actions, behavior, and HER WORDS are questionable before, during and after her "pregnancy."

    The witch is a lying, crazy, seriously mentally ill, racist idiot. Only serious idiots follow this first person kook.

  20. I haven't heard/read/seen a women who deliberately conceived just to have an abortion. Has anyone? But if she did, it's her damn business.

    Abortion is a serious and personal matter (spontaneous abortions, still births, office D&Cs) are reserved to the woman. It's her body. It's her mind...not some hick from waythefuckoverthr, Georgia.

  21. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I seriously wish she would have waited to reveal this because I know that this will hurt her chances here. Of course the Republicans may have found out and run with the information anyway, but you just can't win in this state, even with the governor under indictment, they will still elect that horrible man Greg Abbott. We have low voter turnout in state elections. Get off your butts and vote you apathetic Dems or face the consequences of Abbott as governor.

  22. Anita Winecooler4:38 PM

    Smart move on Wendy's part. If I were in her position, I'd rather people hear it directly from me than from Rush Limbaugh and his ilk, who's clueless about the pill and how it works and he drug Sandra Fukes's name, family and reputation in the gutter.
    I wish I lived in Texas so I could cast my vote for her, we need more like her in politics!


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