Friday, September 05, 2014

The best coverage of Bob McDonnell's conviction comes from MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. I know, I know, big surprise.

Click image to play video
Courtesy of MSNBC: 

Rachel Maddow reports on the guilty verdicts in the corruption trial of former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife, and traces the declining arc of McDonnell’s pious “family values” political persona to his legal defense of scapegoating his wife.

Rachel did an incredible job of revealing the almost overwhelming hypocrisy of this scumbag and does it with her usual in depth research and gift for story telling.

This is why Rachel remains my go to source when i really want to get the facts conserning a breaking story or understand some complicated political intrigue.


  1. I agree with you, and thought she should have taken over for Tim Russett, but she may be better with the freedom she has to call it like it is. If they'd given it to her, with free reign to let it fly, Meet the Press would be #1, no doubt.

  2. Caroll Thompson12:42 PM

    Family Values my ass. Bob McDonnell was the ultimate passive aggressive husband when he threw his wife under the bus. But the jurors didn't buy his bullshit and now both of them are going to the clinker.

    I am sure he was advised by his lawyers to take the plea of one felony count and his wife would walk. I bet the dumbass is sorry now that he did not take that plea. And if he thinks his wife yelled before, wait until the little chicken finally goes home. He a'int seen nothing yet.

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Rachel is the best. I think she's the only thing I miss about getting rid of cable a few years ago.

    I love how she reminded us that McDonnell ran on the family values platform. He looks like a creep. He's arrogant too. I hope he gets some serious time.

    Thanks for posting, Gryphen.

    1. Crystal Sage11:12 AM

      There are on-line sources for MSNBC. I gave up cable over a year ago, but I didn't give up on Rachel. Try rockin rooster.

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Rachel breaks the stories half the time! When the Michigan legislature was shutting down women and voting to overturn the voters' wishes concerning emergency managers, she was the first one to talk about it. Heck, I LIVE here and she knew more about my state than my local GOP rag would ever tell me. SHE should be doing MTP, not Russert, Scarborough and Chuckie Toad, all of them willing to let guests say whatever they want. Rachel would have the facts and would force them to support what they say. Guess journalism is almost gone.

  5. This was brilliant; I saw every moment of it last night. With absolute control, and nothing but facts, Maddow gave voice to the fury of every gay person, not to mention every pro-choice advocate, in Virginia hurt by this bastard and Cuccinelli too. He's 60; if he goes in for even half the time they could give him, he'll probably croak while locked up. Good.

  6. Anonymous1:09 PM

    G -
    I have seen comments about Rachel concerning her need to explain and then re-explain. What people who watch her and understand is she is trying to explain often complicated stories. I have never seen her or her staff not do a thorough job. The times when she reports something incorrectly - the next night she corrects it. She is one of the few people I trust to explore a story to the finish.
    The only regret I have about her is the fact she has never "explored" the history behind our favorite tundra tart. What an expose that would be.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Pat, Palin has fallen so far that it would be like exploring the story behind your neighbors hair color change. Such a small and insignificant thing has no place on a national stage.

  7. Anonymous1:22 PM

    God is going to open the door to his jail cell now ...too bad Sarah is not joining him.

    God is coming for you next Sarah ... he HATES fake Christians.

  8. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Sure wish something would break so we would hear Maddow's explantion of the Wild Ride or the hockey center-mansion .

  9. Rachel is brilliant; lets face it. And she manages to be upbeat all the time. She's amazing.

  10. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Bob McDonnell earlier this year:

    Listen,” he said. “I think people are forgiving and I’ve made an apology for the distraction that this has caused the people of Virginia. And the decisions that have accounted for that. I’ve paid back all the loans, my counsel has informed me, all the tangible gifts now have been given back. "

    A reporter asked him what he's doing after he leaves office

    And I have immense faith in God that if you do something well now you will have lot of opportunities later on, so I’m not worried about it right now.”

    But how did he actually intend to spend the hours out of office? He talked about working out and watching his waistline, and then his eyes lit up.

    “I would love to spend about a month on a beach,” he said. “Just reading books. I’ve got 25 books on my night stand. Actually 26. I just got the battle of Ball’s Bluff now. I got a bunch of them there I’d like to read. But that, honestly, a little R and R and a lot of pleasure reading is what I’d like to do.”

    Well guv, I wonder if the even have nightstands in jail where you're going, dontcha know!

  11. Your 'god's will" right, Bobbie?
    SMH. Dumbfucks. When are people going to SEE these right wing xian scam artists for what they really are?? Sheesh.

  12. Irishgirl2:51 PM

    Holy shit. That was amazing.

  13. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I just wish that Rachel would take on the Grifters...

  14. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Rachel Maddow - Dr. Rachel Maddow is so far and above any of the other journalist/reporters we have in America today. She is far, far better educated and believes in reporting the truth and showing facts. I make an effort not to miss her show. Love the education she provides all of us if we listen!!!!

    She is so much better than Chuck Todd ever thought of being.

  15. The up side of Rachel Maddiw not doing MTP is that we still get to hear her 5 days a week instead of once on Sundays.

  16. Sharon4:18 PM

    Correct me if I'm wrong but Rachel broke the entire story way back when Bob was pushing the vaginal probe. She told us about the wedding money, shopping trips & that watch. She was hoping this was going to be investigated. This story was kicking around for a long time before all the "gifts" were revealed.

  17. Randall5:25 PM

    Kudos to Rachel, that being said...
    It's always a pretty safe bet that the more sanctimonious one of these assholes is - the sleazier he turns out to be.
    Case in point: Jimmy Swaggart
    Case in point: Jim Bakker
    Case(s) in point: hundreds of thousands of Catholic Priests that get up in front of the congregation every Sunday and tell their flock how to live - and then they fuck the alter boys every chance they get. And The Church covers for them. And the pious Catholics still come to church every Sunday and give their tithes, thus, supporting that shit.
    Case in point: Pat Robertson and his diamond mines
    on and on...
    Bob McDonnell is just the most recent - he won't be the last,
    not by any stretch of the imagination.

    Keep an eye out for those who KNOW what God wants...
    Watch out for those full of righteous indignation...
    Look out for those sanctimonious sons-of-bitches for
    they are wolves in sheep's clothing and they ARE out to get you.

  18. Anonymous6:39 PM

    There’s A New Right-Wing Crazy Train Headed Your Way. Get Off The Tracks!
    "Doubling down on right-wing extremism, the fed-hating, red state, Wackadoodle Express, is pulling into the station of national consciousness once more. Its cargo is the latest move of the ultra-conservatives to separate completely from anything resembling a federal government. Brace yourselves!...

    Many prospective states have fancy and expensive Websites with similar looks and wording. This is not your father’s Oldsmobile. This whole effort smells of the Koch brothers, their billionaire pals, Fortune 500, Cato, the Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation and that power hungry mob of interlocking right-wing Boards of Directors. Certain of the locals are stuffing their pockets and taking orders, word for word. This is a highly organized cabal. Both the Georgia COS story and the South Carolina pre-file emanate from the primary Convention of States Website. That’s the reason red state COS websites match the national website. They ARE the national website.

    If the not-so-distant whistle of the Wackadoodle Express doesn’t get Democratic voters off the right-wing tracks and to their November 4th polling place, nothing will."

  19. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

    Rachel IS and always will be a top notch journalist. What galls me is when these people get caught, they spout out that they've paid back the money, given back the gifts, made amends with God, blah blah blah, as if that, alone, should absolve them of the crimes they committed and got away with for years. And that's just the "Family Values" set!
    Rachel was one of the first to expose most of this on her show, yet she doesn't gloat nor bring it up whatsoever. Just the facts.

    She reminds me of a Prof I had in College, I'd never miss one of her classes nor lectures.

  20. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Maddow did a great job as usual on this piece. I think McDonnell's defense strategy was to shift all the blame and guilt
    onto his wife and portray her as crazy so neither of them be found guilty.

    I had a debate with a daughter about the gifts the McDonnells accepted. There are lines they crossed far beyond typical perks
    someone may receive. I am glad the jury saw through their defense tactics given the evidence to the contrary.

    Of course some people believe she was crazy all along and brought shame to him so he left her.

  21. Nikogriego8:19 PM

    Agreed that Rachel Maddow is very good; however, I wish she would take the time to really understand and report accurately the events of Sept. 11, 2001, something which has repeatedly and steadfastly refused to do. On most every other subject she is superb, but on Nine Eleven she is a total fail.

  22. Anonymous4:42 AM

    She has a biased liberal slant and has been wrong (with immediate corrections) before, but she is the most factual person on the airwaves.


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