Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Well look who is finally thankful that Tripp Johnston has a dad.

The above is from Bristol's secret Facebook page. You know the one that she hopes nobody in the media pays any attention to.

For most of its existence Bristol has either ignored Levi's very existence or made nasty little remarks about being a single parent and not having ANY support.

Well just the other day that picture showed up out of the blue, which to me indicates that Bristol is more than a little worried that her constant nastiness toward Levi might be an issue during their mediation in five days and is trying to make nice at the last minute to cover for the shit she has been saying for the last four plus years.

Sadly for her there are reams of videotape showing both her, and her mother, making nasty remarks about Levi in public, and even more recorded instances of them saying worse in "private."

By the way I have it on good authority that Levi and Sunny are in the catbird seat, and that Bristol is going to have little choice but to acquiesce to their demands for equal custody rights.

P.S. Okay now concerning that picture. I realize that many of you are going to find that horrendous, and believe me as a non-hunting animal lover I understand your disgust.

However I feel I must remind you that Levi grew up hunting and fishing with his father, and in his mind there is literally nothing better than tracking an animal through the wilderness of Alaska and making a kill.

So it makes perfect sense that he would want to pass that love of adventure along to his son, and make the same memories with him that he cherishes of times spent with his own dad.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    "So thankful," my keester.
    You BET she's playing it up for that mediation.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      I don't care if Levi is a hunter or what not. It is gross to pose with a dead animal.

      Native people did not do that. These animals have a right to live as much as any other creature. To pose like they are put there just for some asshole to kill is bullshit.
      Levi can go buy meat at a store. Why do all the Alaskans put on this whole "Great american hunter" meme?
      So big man killed a defenseless animal with a GUN.
      gross. Sickening. And teaching the kid to kill.
      Well look how well that worked out for the 9 yr old with a uzi?
      GUN FAIL.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      8:46, ignorant fool.

    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      8:46 Quote:"Levi can go buy meat at a store. Why do all the Alaskans put on this whole "Great american hunter" meme?
      So big man killed a defenseless animal with a GUN.
      gross. Sickening."

      So, going to the STORE to buy MEAT is different? How? Because he didn't actually do the killing? And is stunning a pig or cow with a stun stick then slitting it's throat after holding the animal upside down in a head-trap in total FEAR more humane? Just to bring meat to your table? Good grief.....If I WAS NOT Vegan, I would certainly be more into eating natural, organic grass fed wild MEAT that was killed "humanly" (they don't see it comin') than what it sold in the supermarkets. GET A CLUE. Also.....many of these animals will starve to death if they are not harvested. That's a slow cruel death.

    4. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Go buy mass produced, steroid, and hormone injected meat in a store? Hey if you can hunt and butcher your own and not be a slave to the market, good for you. You are an idiot 8:46, enjoy your supermarket cancer meat.

    5. Anonymous1:27 PM

      NO problem with subsistence hunting. Trophy hunting is a problem. Would like to see more hunters use the entire animal - and no Chuckles, not for a trophy pile in front of your house.

  2. Lordy....lordy...lordy! Now ya done did it Gryphen! That's the FB page that Krusty the Krazy Klown has been stalking and now you done put it out there for any ole Ben...Gino and Dylan to see!

    You in trouble now!


    1. Suzy Q2:48 PM

      Hey, Gina! Long time no see. I was beginning to think that the Palins pulled a Curt Menard Jr. on ya'! Love your comments. . . keep 'em coming.

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Probably her point. I trust this is even a revenge effort knowing how many feel about hunting. That girl is evil through & through.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    LOL her lawyer probably told her to do it. And as far as it being a hunting photo, I grew up hunting and fishing so I have no issues with it, that animal will put quite a bit of healthy low fat, organic, antibiotic free meat in Levi's freezer.

  5. Frankly, I DO find the picture disgusting. I also don't think being around guns is healthy for any child. And is that 'love of adventure' what prompted another friend of the Palins to kill overseas and them strike a similar pose with his human target?
    Sorry, I find nothing positive in this picture. Levi is teaching his kid to kill living things, then smile about it.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      That being said, and not being a hunter myself, I don't think that Levi and Sunny are exactly rolling in dough so they probably HAVE to shoot things to ensure food through the winter. Three, soon four mouths to feed, Sunny doesn't work and Levi has to pay Bristol $1700/month for Tripp. That probably doesn't leave much for groceries. Two of us spend $150+/week on groceries here in AK, I can't imagine what two more mouths would cost me. Granted Levi seems to enjoy hunting but I really don't think he has a choice if they want to eat meat.

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Millions of hunters in the USA and very few are ever involved in crimes or the gun accidents we hear about.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Well Sue, all I can think is that you should mind your own business and shut the fuck up on how other people live their lives and manage their families. Sounds like it would suck to grow up in your house of judgement.

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Sue, EXACTLY!!!
      "And is that 'love of adventure' what prompted another friend of the Palins to kill overseas and them strike a similar pose with his human target? "
      Jeremy Morelock! A Palin family friend.

    5. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Anonymous8:34 AM

      That being said, and not being a hunter myself, I don't think that Levi and Sunny
      Bullshit on rolling in the dough. Tags cost $$$, Guns and scopes and equipment cost $$$$ You are full of shit.

    6. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Frankly Sue, nobody gives a damn about your ignorant opinions.

    7. Anonymous9:25 AM

      8:58- The military makes killers, not hunting. That is the entire purpose of the military, train to kill. Try not to be so stupid.

    8. Anonymous10:24 AM

      My we are antagonistic today, no? Can anyone here express an opinion without being accusatory? I get going after trolls, but Sue was just expressing an opinion. How about disagreeing without sounding totally like the right wing loons. (Apologies if you ARE a right wing loon - go ahead and rant on)

    9. Anonymous6:29 PM

      It's her fucking opinion!
      You have yours too.

  6. Anonymous7:03 AM

    As soon as I saw that Bristol had posted the picture, I thought that this is supposed to be proof that she's been a cooperative parent all along. I don't think she understands that there is an extensive record on video and in writing of her poor performance as a cooperative parent. That mediation must be happening soon!
    PS I wish Levi were a birdwatcher instead but, oh well. The deer is in deer heaven now.

  7. Anonymous7:05 AM

    She has never not been civil to him. Though unhappy people make up lies to feel better about not having lives. smh

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Oh "brillent" one.

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Dear Troll (Bristol?) Have you heard of the internet? It doesn't go away. You can find out things like "I hope you're not the father." and how she called him a "gnat" and shot at his cover photo on a book. You do know all this is publicly available, right?

    3. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Let me rephrase that for you: "She has ALWAYS been uncivil to him".
      There, fixed it.

    4. Nawww....that's not Beefy the troll @ 7:02AM....that tramp is still in her bed from a late night of abstinence and whatnots!

      That's Krazy Krusty's bedpan smelling ass! LOL!!

    5. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Oh, suuuure, right, uh, huh. How about shooting up his book, in front of Tripp? How about when she purposely told Tripp, on her TV show, that his Daddy would be at the Bouncing Bears play date, when she knew he wouldn't, thus making Levi look bad. What about when Grandma Palin called Levi a "deadbeat Dad" on national media?

    6. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Then why did Bristol time and time again interfere with Levi's custody time with Tripp?

    7. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Hey, it takes quite a bit of energy to "revirginize" herself every morning.

    8. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Nefer7:12 AM

      Fuck off.
      Ya Ditto FUCK OFF you dumbass TROLL!

    9. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

      lolz Here she comes to save the day! It's Mighty Krusty, defending Bristol's purity and poor parenting skills.smh.

      Oh, where's super troll Beldar?

  8. It is not the act of hunting, it is the act of displaying trophies like a serial killer.
    Eat what you hunt, but above all be responsible to the wildlife that surrounds you.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Was just going to write the same thing. Hunt humanely, eat what you kill, but it's disrespectful to pose with the poor animals guts bleeding out. It's sustenance, not a trophy, as you say Tyroanee.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      I agree with you both, no pictures necessary after a "kill". I'm Alaskan but have never had family or friends who hunted and most of us don't even fish so it's a very foreign concept to me, but if I did I don't think I'd pose for a photo with a dead animal.

  9. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Well just the other day that picture showed up out of the blue, which to me indicates that Bristol is more than a little worried...

    I don't give Bristol credit for being nice. Her lawyer told her how bad her actions look and that it was time to clean up her act. Bristol is like her mother, no self-awareness.

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      She's nasty.

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Agree with you Anonymous 7:12...Bristol's attorney told her to do something, anything, to clean up her act, and to do it ASAP. Too little, too late mini-me.

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I still can't get over the "on purpose" Leno chin in the profile pic. Yikes.

  11. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Shows Bristol's priorities. To her, the image of having a son as a great hunter is most important, as it feeds into the big Palin fakery, with all of them being so outdoorsy. Of course, she's scared and too, this photo is a ploy for sympathy.

    Bristol's priority should always have been to allow Tripp to see his dad and not play games with Tripp's life.

    Now, she posts a complimentary photo of he and his dad? Just because of hunting? It's the never-ending self-promotion that the Palins do that is now so obvious, and will be obvious to the court.

  12. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Bristol can we trust everything your mother tells us?

    This is Todd’s old stomping grounds where today he owns the Rainbow Bay Lodge.
    -Sarah Palin

    Todd owns the Rainbow Lodge
    Track is a combat vet
    Bristol has great work ethics
    Willow graduated from high school
    Paul Revere warned the British
    You haven't ruled out running for president
    You are a hunter
    You are America's energy expert
    You gave birth to Trig

    Sarah are those true statements you made or are you stretching the truth? Fibbing? Delusional? 

    Makes America think that maybe you:
    Had sex with Glenn Rice
    Had an affair with Brad Hanson
    Had an affair with Curt Menard Jr
    Ran off and sloped because you were pregnant
    You did not graduate from college
    Track did not join the Army because he is patriotic

  13. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Levi is telling Tripp ... yep, your mom was so drunk in the tent, I had to hold her head up just like this.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      You are sooo bad.

      Thanks for the giggles!

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I laugh at many of the rather outrageous this posted here. I don't think rape jokes are funny.

    3. Anonymous9:52 AM

      9:37 : I have a difficult time seeing any rape jokes here. Pray tell, where is one? If you are referring to 8:06, then I must tell you to try some reading comprehension classes. Bar$tool admitted that $he was drunk, but we also know from other sources, that this was NOT her first time AT ALL.

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      How does "yep, your mom was so drunk in the tent, I had to hold her head up just like this" imply consent? I thought "in the tent" implied the sex in the tent.

  14. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Levi is a good teacher so Tripp will be doing a lot more than tagging along. 'Tag along' is all taht Palin did when CreepyChuckie took her hunting.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      I understand that the reason Chuckles took the kids hunting was because he could bag more animals on their hunting tags. They didn't hunt. They were there to cover his greed.

  15. Anonymous8:36 AM

    You really have to admit that the Palin family is the perfect example of planning ahead! Five days before the mediation. Like Sarah always says: There's a time to backstab and a time to brownnose.

  16. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Why is it that whenever the Palin crew past and present (that includes Levi) spend time with their young children (except for Sarah who seemingly never spends any time with Trig unless there is a camera nearby) it involves dead animals, shopping sprees ("Attention: Walmart Shoppers...") and posing with awful people, some of them perverts and racists.? Just sayin...

  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Forgiveness takes time. Levi is no saint. You have no right to judge anyone and more so since you ignore your "friends" lies to perpetuate your myths.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      So why are you here judging people?

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Does that mean that every time Bristol looks at Tripp, she remembers being raped? What a load to hang on that poor kid.

    3. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Yes, Jesus, whatever you say!

  18. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Forgiveness takes time. I probably would've taken longer to forgive him

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      She claimed (via Nancy French) that Levi raped her. Tripp will one day read that. Levi should be the one having difficulty with forgiveness.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Remind me again, who didn't take her "cramp" pills?

    3. Anita Winecooler5:07 PM

      Forgiveness for what? Bristol willingly got in a truck, pitched a tent, got drunk on beer and blamed it on "winecoolers" to make her seem less of a lush. All that was needed was licking her ear and "buying her nice stuff". Who goes camping, gets drunk, and shares a tent with a guy (and other people)???? Why did she go in the first place? She claims she had to "phone a friend" to find out she was "raped", I wouldn't forgive her If I were Levi

  19. Anonymous9:28 AM


    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Dum@ss. It's called "the internet."

  20. I found what Bristol said that she believes as a parent more incriminating and indicative that the child needs a chance to have his other parent will to discipline him and reward good behavior, set limits as well as of recreational things.

    When she told Todd she did not want to be the bad person that was revealing she has faulty beliefs a bad person sets limits, corrects, disciplines also.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Huh? Do you realize your comment makes no sense? Break up your sentences maybe?

  21. Anonymous9:57 AM

    We can expect a arant from seditious sarah in the next few days. It's almost time for Tripps custody hearing and all the set up pictures she's posted in the past few days are leading up to one whopper of a rant against our President. What say you seditioius sarah????? Now that Walker and Mallott have officially teamed up , maybe just maybe some people will be more willing to talk about your various misdeeds and crimes while grifting the state of Alaska!!!! HMMMMM

  22. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Nothing wrong with hunting if you eat what you kill, but I couldn't kill an animal. I would be eating grass or starving to death.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      If you eat meat, wear a leather belt, purse or shoes, then you actually are already paying someone else to kill your animals for you.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      @10:49 You know that there is a difference between wildlife and the cattle business. There used to be something noble about the American cowboy, rounding up the cattle and driving them to market. Today it is a business, and the animals are raised to be slaughtered and used. Every part of the animal is used. Maybe there is something about the animal still running free and the sport in trying to shoot it. If it was simply need, one can always go to the supermarket or the shoe store.

    3. Anonymous2:03 PM

      "one can always go to the supermarket......"


      It honestly amazes me how out of touch so many of you are with rural America. No, just to be clear, one cannot always just go to the supermarket etc.... Many, many, many folks in this country rely on hunted meat off the land to offset the cost of bills especially during the lean months. I've seen folks field dress deer hit and killed by cars on the side of the road just to not let good meat go to waste. You should go live in rural America for a while 12:31, see how it is done.

    4. Anonymous4:13 PM

      2:03; by the time someone plunks down several hundred dollars for a rifle, more in bullets and safety equipment and butchering tools, they're nearly $1000 in the hole. $1000 buys a whole lot of meat. There are also many, many, MANY people who don't eat meat at all. Staaaaap with the phoney-baloney reverence for "rural" life.

    5. Anonymous6:27 PM

      4:13- You are a real dip shit. I didn't grow up rural, but I have many aunts uncles and cousins that did, and it is very real and I've been there first hand to witness it. The lifestyle is def not for me, but I'm not so conceited as to look down on people who live rural, or who simply can't get out and have no choice. Plus, dumbshit, do you think these people buy a new gun and gear every year? Jesus you are an idiot. Most their stuff is well used, and well taken care of, and often shared.

    6. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Dried beans are a hell of a lot cheaper than meat.

    7. Anonymous7:05 PM

      4:13 and 6:36 you don't find a whole lot of vegetarians in middle America.

  23. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Atleast Levi and sunny actually hunt for their food and dont just pose outside in camo clothing to look like they do. I swear the Palins hate Levi but try to look like they are just like him when their not at all.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

      Levi's a great hunter. Gryph posted an instructional video he did awhile back. The guy knows how to handle a gun responsibly.

  24. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I took a look at Sea O Pee to see if they were commenting on this, but didn't get further than the most recent, unintentionally hilarious posts I've seen! If I had a disqus account, I'd ask this nice person where one could find Sarah's nude pics?

    Elston Gunn • 18 minutes ago

    I see all those 100 or so Hollywood actresses have their panties in a wad over their nude photos being hacked. Of Course when Sarah Palin got hacked by that MORON kid, everyone just laughed and ignored it. Now it has come home to roost on the elite, and it is Cry Cry City!"

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Not everyone laughed and ignored it. Sarah sued the poor moron kid. It's easy to defeat him, using an expensive lawyer and perjured testimony. (Bristol was not alone in the wood with no way to call for help. The Secret Service was protecting her, and we have seen photos of the land line phone in Casa Palin.)

      And, I don't think that it was a hundred or so Hollywood actresses. What, a dozen?

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      The Wasilla Wendigo's account was not hacked; a high-school-aged kid guessed her stupid password.

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Which was the answer to the question:

      Where did you go to high school? (!!!)

  25. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Gryphen----Sunny Johnston posted this pic on her FB page....did Bristol co-op it for her own use? Also, I see that Piper's middle name is "Indi" & Sunny & Levi have chosen "Indy" as the name for their soon-to-be-born new daughter. Interesting...........

  26. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Those poor suckers who paid to read the private messages from Sarah on her special blog must really be enjoying how often the pages changes. Sally's word of the has been "mettle" for days, now. It's a good word. "a person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way." Just like Governor Palin did in July 2009. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And, Sarah quit.

  27. Caroll Thompson1:57 PM

    One nice thing said by Bristol in six years? Too little and far too late. No doubt, Levi's attorney is already locked and loaded and ready to get his client the custody he has been denied all these years.

  28. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Although to be fair on anti hunting commenters, Sunny has a picture on her FB page of Breeze next to a decapitated anilmal head, and then Breeze SITS on the head, using the antlers as a chair back and the head as a seat.
    I'm sorry, but we really should be teaching our children respect fo rthe animal we just killed. And is it odd for a little girl not to be weirded out be a bloody decapitated animal head?? just a little bit??

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      It is a completely different lifestyle than most on these boards understand. Truly, most hunters have way more understanding and respect for the animals they hunt, than people such as these IMers who don't really know anything about the butchered processed meats and other animal products they use everyday, with all the dirty work done for them.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      My grandfather hunted and he and grandma killed farm animals for dinner. Little did they realize that they were planting little vegetarian Buddhist seeds in my psyche when they did this.
      M from MD

    3. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Here's a reality bit from someone who watched quite a few sheep slaughtered at home: after the gunshot to the head and the knife to the heart, after the head is off, the guts dumped into a trash can, and the skin is removed, the very visible muscles twitch for quite a while. T.h.a.t.'s reality. Now go Google "Lanolin and its uses". (Lanolin comes from sheep, btw.)

      I never once hid in the house when slaughtering was done. I bred their mamas and for a lot of them I was there when they were born. I tended them and gave them a good, albeit short, life. And at the end, I thanked each one for the food and wool he provided me with during his life.

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM


      I agree with you, no defacing the dead animal. Kill it, butcher it, store it, eat it. Don't pose with it and for certain don't photograph yourself or your children sitting on it!

      There should be modicum of respect by the human predator for his prey, but it also requires a certain sort of human to understand that and not everyone is quite so culturally evolved, especially a lot of my fellow Alaskans.

    5. Anonymous2:56 AM

      2:15 here.
      Thanks 4:22.

  29. Anonymous2:24 PM

    There is no way that Tripp is a five-year old (who will turn 6 at the end of December, if anyone believes that he was born in 2008). He looks to be at least seven. When will someone let this child "be" his true age? Didn't his school (if he goes to one) require a birth certificate when he was first enrolled?

  30. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Sarah made Bristol post that because there's a dead animal in it. It's all about the fake image they're still trying to promote in between their facials and their pedicures. Once again, it's a defenseless child being used as political prop.

  31. Suzy Q2:42 PM

    The question is, did he field dress the elk or did he throw it in the back of the truck and take it back to his shop. Nice rack, Levi!

  32. So, Sunny posted this picture on her FB and Bristol took it from there and put it on hers? Is that the story? Why are the Palins' and the Johnstons' doing this? I don't see how this picture helps either party in the case of the hearing coming up.

    Now, if they are trying to use this picture to prove Tripp's around, I get it. They have been photoshopping pictures of him to accomplish this. Is that really Tripp's head inside that hood? If it isn't, and this picture is photoshopped too, I have to say you are doing a better job of it. At least, it appears to be in proportion. I know, Tripps' getting older and he's probably doing a lot of talking. Makes it difficult to have him around, huh?

    Whatever! Let's hope after the "supposed" hearing, they put an end to this. After all, it's been going on for five-years.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      The pic is on Sunny's FB page, and she says that Levi made this hunting trip especially for Tripp, who got to spend the weekend with dad.
      So: no photoshop, since it would not serve Sunny or Levi.
      As totheage of Tripp... I agree. He seems to be quite a bit older than stated, but that is just my opinion.

  33. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Her Facebook account is called Bristol Bay? But, wait a second, her mother told us that she was named after Bristol, Connecticut, home of ESPN, because Sarah wanted to work for them and be a sportscaster...was that just another "tall tale"?

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Sad to say, yes.

  34. Anita Winecooler4:49 PM

    She's not too BRILLANT when it comes to reality, truth, and awesomeness. After how many years of public bashing, calling him a gnat, deadbeat dad, etc, all taped and written by Nancy, for posterity, and Tripp, to discover when the time comes? Does she really think people are as vapidly superficial and ignorant as she and her family?

    Good for Levi. He's been nothing but a gentleman about this, especially her. It shows he's a better parent, and though I adore Sunny, he's been a gentleman since day one, he's gotten better with her by his side.

    Gotta love your kid more than you hate the parent YOU chose for him.

  35. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Her post can not undo the things she said that were cruel to Tripp about her husband shopping was to get him a daddy. Then she called his biological father "Levi" as if Tripp had no parent. Her reality show was priceless in what it documented.

    I hope the reality show video is ready to show the judges.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.