Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Excellent video to show that Evolutionary science denier in the family.

As you already know by now it absolutely drives me crazy that people who don't understand the teaching of Evolution, or simply despise it because it challenges the biblical story of creation, are constantly attacking science in our public school classrooms.

I think that this video does a rather exemplary job of pointing out all of the science that supports Evolution, as well as presenting the intermediary fossils which Creationists are always claiming simply do not exist. 

Definitely a good video to bookmark for that next holiday when old Uncle Jack starts pontificating on the "fact" that even scientists can't agree on Evolution, or that because they cannot point to a first cause the whole scientific discipline needs to be thrown out.


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Evolution is real and is proved by watching Bristol on DWTS ... she looks like a whale.

    1. Leland6:08 AM

      Oh GAWD! Talk about being insulting to the whales! Why? Whales are s-o-o-o-o much more graceful!

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Thanks!That was very good. I Did not know the hippo/ whale connection!
    Game show ready now!

  3. Leland7:57 AM

    Despite the overwhelming evidence, the idiots who deny evolution refuse to accept it. They always claim that IT CAN'T BE PROVED then refuse to listen or look at the proof they say doesn't exist.

    They have gone well past the ignorance stage and so far into the stupid range it is ridiculous. And the best example of this? Hamm himself. (At least, I THINK it's a him.)

    Hell, they even claim the fossil evidence is faked, saying the rocks would have crushed the bones, proving it's all faked.

    I have no problem with them wanting to believe this. It's their pushing their views on the rest of us that bothers me - and the abuse they are putting their children through. You know, the ones we will have to support because they haven't anything like a decent education?

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Their final answer for everything, when confronted with the truth, is the "God did it". That's why it's never even worth discussing with them the facts because they refuse to even consider them.

  5. There are actually 2 mutually exclusive stories of creation in the Bible.


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