Friday, October 31, 2014

Just to set the record straight on who attracts the ugliest comments, this blog or Right Wing blogs.

As everybody who visits here regularly already knows, one of the consistent charges leveled at commenters here and myself, is that we lie about conservatives and are hateful people who attack people "we don't even know."

The point is also made that liberals are the worst when it comes to saying hateful things on the internet.

Of course that is completely false.

I am not saying that liberals are always paragons of virtue who never say a cross word about anyone, because of course that would be a lie. However if you REALLY want to see some ugliness you have to go no further than any number of Right Wing news outlets and blogs all over the internet.

Which is exactly what a writer over at a site called Propaganda Check did.

They went to And this is what they found in the comments section:

Oh and did I mention the racism? Yeah, there is a LOT of racism.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Here in Texas the comments regarding Wendy Davis (candidate for Governor) are equally gross and disturbing. And this is on moderate sites such as the Dallas Morning News. The liberal and/or Democrat commenters are critical of the Republican candidate, but not in the sexist and bigoted way that the Republican/conservative/tea bagger comments are. It makes me sad for the future of humanity.

    1. Yep, it's bad, very bad...but our dumb Texan friends like to be fooled, hoodwinked by the Texas GOP

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Didn't you get the memo - there is no racism in the United States. Unfortunately, I see stuff like this sent by friends. I quit looking at face book long ago, because I didn't want to see the racist and right wing propaganda my family likes. I'd prefer not to know just how ugly and racist they've become.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      I remember receiving horrible racist pictures of President Obama when he was first elected - from Republican friends! Needless to say, I have nothing to do w/them anymore. Cannot stomach how they think!

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    This is Sarah's BASE! They are the ones who ♥ her "Rill 'merika"
    Or the "ugly Americans" racism has always been here, I guess some of us were "too hopeful" growing up in the 60's but Stupid Sarah made it "ok" to be a racist, bitch!
    "Sambo beat the bitch". These people, HER people live in FEAR, panic clutch their guns in fear, and their bibles in the other hand. What a way to live?
    Oh, just saw a pic of a Halloween decorated White House, cue the poutrage, 3,2, 1!
    "Unchristian, pagan, Kenyan, Marxist, bla, bla, bla"
    but the one who live close will send their fat ass kids over to get a bellyful of candy You betcha!
    Disgusting people, Sarah's "Base" notice their stupids names "common cents" (AS IF they possess that)
    The UGLY 'Merikans and sarah is their queen!

    1. So true. Sarah Palin gives her followers permission to call the "usurper" in the White House a n***r. They cloak their hatred in pseudo patriotism and pseudo economic policy, but their "concerns" are driven by racism. Sarah Palin cheers them on.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I think Palin will get hers eventually due to her spreading hate, racism and evilness throughout the country for so many years. Hell awaits her!!!

    3. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Anonymous8:20 AM

      I think Palin will get hers eventually due to her spreading hate, racism and evilness throughout the country for so many years. Hell awaits her!!!
      I hope so! She is creating boatloads of bad karma....when it hits it won't be pretty.

  4. Anonymous7:29 AM

    They forgot to include those horrible racist pictures they put of President Obama! They made me sick to my stomach!

  5. I frequent many, many sites, right and left...the Right leaning sites are way, way worse than left, it's not even close...I frequent Brietbart and Daily Caller, basically to feel smarter and point out facts, never to insult, only, but I do remind them that they are idiots...the racism is bad, very bad and if you present facts, you are just insulted more, its comical and evil, all at once...karma will get them in the end

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    if you bother to leave a comment at c4p the attack is personal and ugly. Rarely do they address the comment itself.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      If that isn't the truth, especially the bible thumpin' TAK, PBP, and VG.

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Here is one from there, talking about Israel and Palestine:

      I say Destroy them before they try and destroy you and that goes for all peace loving and God fearing countries.

      Now think about that, destroy them before they try and destroy you? Not defense, OFFENSE! Onward christian soldiers!

    3. Anonymous12:40 PM

      It reads as though he is saying- destroy all peace loving and god fearing countries. Am I wrong?

    4. Anonymous3:44 PM

      12:40 It reads as though he is saying- destroy all peace loving and god fearing countries. Am I wrong?

      I think it means all peace loving and god fearing countries do the destroying. But who knows, they are illiterate asses.

  7. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Noticed it too and it makes the skin crawl. Even on christian sites, there's always a group of trolls who come on, who claim they're christian, and just have a one-track mind on all the same points as above. These same trolls, who love to quote scripture, call The President, "Obummer", blame him for every ill, believing he is bringing on divine wrath, and no matter what topic, this same group come on to trash the conversation with the racist propaganda. Can't argue with them, no matter how hard we try. Their brain has locked itself in an impervious lining to all reason. It's remarkable, but it's really hurtful and sad. And the people that a christian would think have a good handle on the bible, have no where to have a healthy conversation. These uglies troll everywhere. In fact, they have basically taken over every blog. Ted Cruz is their hero now. They've been weaned off the queen of brawl now.

  8. Anonymous7:43 AM

    What nasty, judgmental people. What will these "christians" say when they face Jesus?

  9. ibwilliamsi8:06 AM

    How racist of you to point this out, Gryph... #snark

  10. Caroll Thompson8:25 AM

    But all the hateful people are 'good christians', so that makes it okay I guess.

    Just like that holier than thou Bristol Palin. Because she is such a god fearing woman, she gets to punch a guy multiple times and then lie about it and say she was assaulted. She gets pregnant and gets to lie about that saying she was raped. But it's all okay, because you see she is christian.

    So there you have it. If you are a god fearing christian, it is okay to lie, hate, intimidate, assault, slander or do whatever you please.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Sinning for God.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      That is why the church has Confession. Wipe away your sins, in just one quick session!

    3. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Exactly, because they are "forgiven."
      Wait until they find out they weren't!

    4. Anonymous9:12 AM

      I think the Confession thing is a bar too high for most of these pseudochristians . . . they spend so much time doubling down and making excuses, I don't see them admitting guilt to anyone, including their God. I see them stomping their feet and demanding forgiveness. Yeah, that should work.

    5. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Many of the holier than thou Christians/Republicans should be hung as they have done to the blacks and brown folks throughout our history. They are a nasty breed and racists as can be!

    6. "Anonymous9:12 AM
      I think the Confession thing is a bar too high for most of these pseudochristians "
      Especially since you are not forgiven unless there is true contrition and a resolve to try not to sin again.

  11. Anonymous8:52 AM

    America is a very racist nation! It comes from the right - Republicans (former and current KKK members) and many sit in the U.S. Congress currently. They could care less about black, brown and Asian folks as well as the poor and elderly.

    Fuck them and vote as many as possible out of office in D.C. and try to rid the country of the Republican governors that are up for reelection. They do nothing to support the people that put them in office and only answer to corporations, money and the 1%ers. Assholes, all of them!

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      When whites become the minority nationwide in 2050, those who are still alive will have to face the music. Texan whites will become the minority even sooner, 2020! This fear is at the heart of their anger and derision. For nearly 240 years it's been all about white people, well, not any longer. They're afraid that when the tide turns that they, as the minority, will be as mistreated as they treated minorities when whites ruled the world. What they don't realize is that most people are forgiving and loving and caring and that these minorities aren't going to round up all the whites and put them into internment camps! I think their fear is kind of charming though, and they get so wound up that if a brown person walks up behind them and says "boo" their either poop their pants or run away. (oh, or shoot them in cold blood, forgot about that tendency)

    2. Unfortunately, we can't do anything about the Supreme Court.

      And the Chief Activist has the nerve to claim there is no racism in this country. I'll bet he gets an earful from Scalia behind closed doors.

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Whites are already the minority in public schools.

      For the first time in U.S. history, ethnic and racial minorities are projected to make up the majority of students attending American public schools this fall, ending the white-majority population that has existed from the beginnings of the public education system.

    4. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I wish I was going to be around when the whites are in the minority - and, I'm white - also a senior citizen. I hope the fat, white, Republican, 1%ers jerks get their Kochs cleaned by the majority. They will deserve every bit of harm they will receive!

  12. Anonymous8:55 AM

    The comments on gay people are just as bad, especially since they're losing the battle on SSM -- between the racism & homophobia it always cracks me up when they end with "God bless"

    1. "I like your Jesus, but I do not like your Christians."

      loose quote.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      I don't like 'christians'! Mainly because the ones I know are racists, liars, Republicans and don't practice the supposed Christian teachings/values! When you analyze them - they are all the same!

    3. Anonymous12:50 PM

      mlaiuppa9:28 AM
      "I like your Jesus, but I do not like your Christians."

      loose quote.
      Mahatma Gandhi

    4. Anonymous1:20 PM

      it always cracks me up when they end with "God bless"
      or "I'll pray for you"

  13. Letters to the editor in the newspaper require commenters to use their real names. You don't see the ugliness there. People feel free to hide behind anonymity and spew hatred where no one can call them on it. I'm always impressed with our IM community where even anonymous comments (not counting the trolls) are civil, intelligent, and witty. And no, Pogo is probably not my real name, so I'm anonymous too!

    1. Except the lazy papers that now only require a Facebook account to comment, thus blocking anyone that refuses to do Facebook. I doubt they moderate either, leaving it to Facebook to do their work. Right. Like Facebook is going to do anything.

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      So tired of Facebook.

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      our IM community
      Sometimes when the trolls aren't around, I am just LMAO at the funny comments and witty, funny adult humor.
      It really cracks me up.

      but then the trolls come and shit up the comments. :(

    4. Anonymous1:46 PM

      I'm with you, 1:23, and serious discussions too on a myriad of topics! I'm tuning in Kenny's show when I get home from work.

  14. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I must admit that as a percentage of population we don't have many African Americans here in Alaska, especially in Wasilla, but the majority of people that I know who are on Welfare, Food Stamps, Gov't subsidized housing and have three children by three different men are white people. Same in the South where I grew up, where there is a large African American population. I've always realized that their vision of who is receiving the most benefits is skewed by their racism but you can't argue with them, even if you have the facts, their racism blinds them.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Three different children by three different men--isn't that Barstool and her "trial daddies"? Sarah herself? (Curt Menard, Todd Palin, and ???) Wingnut welfare via SarahPAC? The whole griftin' klan of them.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      In NH...there are a LOT of women with multiple children living with their partners outside of marriage because Welfare will support them. If they get married, they will be cut off from WIC, foodstamps, help with rent and heating. These people are my pet peeve and they are the most self-righteous bastards when it comes to complaining about immigrants.

    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      These programs should be tightened up. There is nothing wrong with working some hours every week as a condition of your benefits.

    4. I have a cousin who has five children from four daddy's and lives on the disability checks from the one who is autistic and food stamps. Also white.

  15. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Those are Sarah Palin's people all right.

  16. Anonymous9:33 AM

    This video didn't come from a RW blog but it is making it's rounds on the internet. A man attacks another man for wearing a pink shirt, then makes homophobic slurs and racists slurs. He loses in the end.

  17. Anonymous9:39 AM

    As a Hispanic person I find it so frustrating that there is so much disinformation out there about undocumented workers. You absolutely have to be a legal US citizen to obtain benefits such as Section 8, welfare and food stamps. People cannot just enter the US and head over to the nearest Human Services Dept. to get benefits.
    Meanwhile, the politicians and the obscenely wealthy are scamming the people for billions of dollars but people welcome that, because in this country we worship money and power above all else.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      You absolutely have to be a legal US citizen to obtain benefits such as Section 8, welfare and food stamps. People cannot just enter the US and head over to the nearest Human Services Dept. to get benefits.
      Not quite. They give out CA$H to immigrants. I forget what's its called but its CA$H money!

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      And Computers and Cars and Free Houses, yes, you are right, just watch Al Madrigal on The Daily Show find out how illegal immigrants get all the GOOD STUFF


  18. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Right wing tormentors, er, commenters. They fill my other blogs and my local paper's comments sections with inane bantering and whine about just about anything outside of the republican's/same tea party's right wing positions on everything. Which includes their right wing Christian stances of issues.

    I'll keep this G rated. Though they use worse language. (Also, Bristol and Track certainly gave the word F*ck and more a run for being worse than any Hollywood film and I'm no Pollyanna).

    Obummer this, Obola that, gas prices go down, it's Obama's fault, gas prices go up, of course, it's Obama's fault, the deficit falls compared to President Bush, it's still that radical Kenyan's fault for all that is right and good now in the USA, etc. Calling the President gay, he's evil and worse. Saying Michelle is ugly, gay and worse. It's ugly, juvenile and hateful comments. That must make Sarah's coal heart glow. She's successful in stirring up hate. Along with other right wing pundits on air, in print, online, etc.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Absolutely, you have 'em down to a T!

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      The lady who cleans my house each week is a right wing nut job. Since she doesn't believe in minimum wage I kindly pay her what amounts to $6/hour, with no xmas or other holiday bonus. I also have cameras and everything of value in my house is inventoried with rfid tags. She has 4 kids by 3 different men and is a right wing tea bagger xtian crazy person, but hey, I get her 5 hours a week for 30 bucks. She costs me less each month than my electric bill and as long as she doesn't believe in minimum wage I'm more than happy to not give it to her. She's also terrible at toilets and fixing beds.

    3. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Anonymous4:36 PM
      I rather have a Hispanic come and do it. I've worked with them and they are hard honest workers. I wouldn't let a bagger clean my dog poop just saying. Wouldn't trust them either.
      But trust the Mexican!

  19. Anonymous10:03 AM

    As long as Fox News is out there basically giving permission for hate speech, this will continue. The Internet spreads it, but Fox encourages it coming out into the open in a "wink wink" sort of way.

  20. I always like to quote Obi Wan Kenobi when regarding RW blog comment sections "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Ha perfect! How sad that these are our 'fellow citizens'.


    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      tried to listen to your show. You guys got ddos right after thonghazi? Have your security guys check, it will lead to State Of Alaska Servers.
      Sarah h8s the h8'rs. Oh yes she has full access to SOA IT dept. Just don't report to AK FBI. Corrupt. Report to YOUR FBI.

  21. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Every time I see that picture, I am reminded of this one:

  22. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

    I've been on the internet since Al Gore invented it, and I don't remember one election cycle before Candidate Barack Hussein Obama ran for office, when my in box and social sites got flooded with a bunch of hateful racist idiots. What bothered me most is I had no CLUE. I shut down My Space, Facebook,and Twitter from anyone who sent or posted this vile stuff. I unfriended and cut them off at the knees, and STILL they don't get it. I wrote a short e mail and explained it to them like they're three year olds.

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Wow, just wow. Many of us have had to come apart, but you sound like you have had to do it wholesale. What state are you in? I have lived in the south (and in the midwest), and at this point would have to say, "quote the raven, 'nevermore'!"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.