Friday, October 10, 2014

Monday Sarah Palin will give a speech at a Christian school fundraiser. I'm guessing the message will not be to turn the other cheek.

Courtesy of The Dickinson Press:  

Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and vice presidential candidate, will be in Williston in October to be the keynote speaker for a Trinity Christian School fundraiser. 

Palin will speak Oct. 13 at The Well at Williston State College for the school’s annual fundraising banquet. The theme of the banquet is the oil industry and Christian education, according to the school’s website.

Seriously? Even after the Throwdown at the Hoedown?

On the school's website they say the following:

Trinity Christian School strives to assist parents in providing an education that encourages academic excellence and social responsibility taught in a Biblically-based Christian context.

Hmm I wonder what Biblically based content Sarah used to raise HER children?

A question that becomes even more pertinent since I got off the phone with a source who told me that at least one of the party guests cited fear of retaliation by Track Palin as a reason why some are not pressing charges. He was described as "antagonistic" and wanting to "start trouble."

Oh yeah, I am sure that Palin will be just chock full of good Christian education and parenting tips for the attendees.


  1. Here's my thoughts- any christian school fund raiser will raise manoey for her no matter what. 'Cause they're church schools and don't teach much reading-and no critical thinking. Seciond thought-Soon to be released NY Times bestseller by Barstool and Tripe-all about how -thru the love of family and jaybus-they were able to get clean from the demons of drugs and alcohol that befell them due to the liberals

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I was rather proud of it myself. But these things just write themselves.

    2. "But these things just write themselves."

      Beth, that's what the doubters used to say about Beldar until one day he just sat down at the keyboard and... well.... the proof is in the pudding, whatever that means.

      When 'things' just write themselves" it usually results in just random unintelligible letters and syllables. Not unlike the 'first draft' compositions of the former governor of America's 50th state.

      And not unlike the 'final draft' compositions by that very same person, also too...

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Maybe the screech will be about "punching the other cheek"?
      I'm sure they already paid her and the private jet is books so...she will go there and act like thieving is normal. :Hoohah:!!!

    4. BJC-I'm confused! Did I fuck up? Was my disdain of the Palin's not plain enough? Are you mad at me? Or did I do good? Sorry-but its after cocktail hour in Georgia and I may have hoisted a beer too many.

    5. Georgia Peach6:06 PM

      Beth, they don't teach critical thinking, but I'm the product of one of those "Christian schools," and I think the story of the brawl will horrify many of these people. If you're a white heterosexual Republican who claims to be a Christian, they love you, especially if you're famous and rich, but when they do realize they've been tricked, they turn on you very quickly. If you show "repentance," they have extremely short memories (see Ted Haggard). But I don't think Sarah has the attention span or, frankly, cares enough to fake a repentance routine at this point.

      Williston Christian School might not cancel her appearance, but I doubt many more Christian organizations will ask her to speak. I also expect Joni Ernst, Pat Roberts, etc., will quietly remove the SarahPAC endorsements from their campaign materials. We need to keep the pressure on, keep reminding voters that these candidates sought the approval of the mama of a drunk, brawling brood. Believe me, most evangelicals--the average people in the pews, not the leaders of the bunch--care very much about this sort of thing.

    6. Anonymous6:22 PM

      So should we all start to flood them with stories about babygate, and photos and all kinds of examples over the that Homer video where they were bullying that teacher...fill their mailboxes with the stuff. Remind them what a liar she is, what a violent, dangerous woman. And the video of her admitting to abuse of Trig for not getting him the therapy he needed. And some of the drunken, drugged out videos of her lately. Yep, those good 'christian' values, you betcha.

    7. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Anonymous5:30 PM

      Maybe the screech will be about "punching the other cheek"?
      I'm sure they already paid her and the private jet is books so...she will go there and act like thieving is normal. :Hoohah:!!!
      Anonymous5:30 PM

      Maybe the screech will be about "punching the other cheek"?
      I'm sure they already paid her and the private jet is books so...she will go there and act like thieving is normal. :Hoohah:!!!Anonymous5:30 PM

      Maybe the screech will be about "punching the other cheek"?
      I'm sure they already paid her and the private jet is books so...she will go there and act like thieving is normal. :Hoohah:!!!
      Was supposed to be "Everything" is normal (spellcheck) but thieving works for the Palin family! HooooHaaaahhhhh!!! She will never live that down!!!

    8. Anonymous7:37 PM

      What is most galling is that $creech has not been seen in a place of worship for years, nor has anyone in the Palin clan.
      What a farce.

    9. "Was my disdain of the Palin's not plain enough>"

      Beth, your disdain was mainly plain as the rain in Plains. You did just fine. Beldar is never mad at anyone. (giving the side eye in the direction of The Screechy Wretch(tm). Hoist another for me. I'm buying the next round.

    10. Beldar is a stud AND an intellectual. It sure makes it tough for us mere mortals when he sets the standards so high for us. But without a doubt our emulating of you, a true renaissance man, makes us all better men to just by using you as our role model.

      You ARE THE MAN!

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I don't blame the party guest. Those Palins are angry, violent animals.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    The 11th Commandment:
    Thou Shalt Not Get Between Sarah Palin and an Easy Paycheck

  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The Palins are well-versed in the Ten Commandments...breaking them, that is.

    Honor thy father and thy mother (Track starting a fight with Todd)
    Thou shalt not commit adultery (Sarah, Todd, etc)
    Thou shalt not steal (Clothing from the RNC and building supplies from the Ice Arena for starters)
    Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor (after you punch and flip off the host of a party and all his guests)
    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife, husband, etc (see "adultery")

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      isn't there a commandment about not whacking/killing someone ?

      re; Dar Miller/Curtis Menard Jr

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      it should also be extremely bad voodoo to torch a church's records room ..

      re; wasilla bible church

      HOOHAHHHHhhhh ...

    3. Anonymous6:00 PM

      anon at 5:18pm
      Voodoo is good juju is bad.

      Sorry, I've spent enough time in Haiti( and not with a huge scarf around my neck) to know the difference.


    4. Anonymous6:11 PM

      alrighty then, bad juju it is ..


    5. Anonymous6:31 PM

      At the screech on Monday : "Presenting Sarah hooooooohaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Palin" just keep punchin' the other cheek you betcha, drill baby drill....

    6. Anonymous7:46 PM


    7. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Steven Lebida, Peter P.W. Ferrero, Korey Klingenmeyer,

      'Belligerent and intoxicated' Yep that's Bristol Palin.


    8. Anonymous8:43 PM


      eh ?
      you drunk and high so early in the evening bristol ?

      shouldn't you be getting laid instead of posting on defunct blogs ?

      WTF ..

    9. Anonymous2:38 AM

      When she is in Alaaaska, all the guys have already had her. She needs to go to Arizona to pick up one night stands.

    10. Anonymous2:43 AM

      Curtis Menard Curtis Menard Curtis Menard!!
      Dar Miller Da Miller Dar Miller!!
      Dylan Kolvig Dylan Kolvig Dylan Kolvig!!!

  5. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I wonder if she is taking Bristol along, isn't it time she gets her hoohah revirginized? Better leave Track at home though, those roughnecks won't care who his mommy is if he starts a fight. In fact it's quite strange with Sarahs big oil connections that Track isn't working on a rig somewhere, anywhere at all. Hmmm I guess Mommies lil bully is too much of a pussy to get a real job.

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      I have relatives who worked on oil rigs when they were young or at least younger. Weekend drinking was a way of life, druggies are too messed up to work on a rig. It's can be dangerous work and someone who's messed up on drugs can hurt themselves and co-workers.

      Track's behavior at the brawl was more than just getting drunk. He's a druggie.

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      My husband was a roughneck and spent a few yrs as a driller on rigs in the gulf. Track would be tossed off after he got the crap beat out of him.

    3. Anonymous7:45 PM

      OMG No one is a druggie. People are ridiculous. Though blog and article commenters are WIDELY known to be uncivil and unstable liars. Ask anyone

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM


      fish bait ?

      HOOHAH !!!

    5. Anon 6:45. I've have had some very intense training on alcohol and drugs, although I'm far from being an expert. I have to agree with you that Track was on more than just alcohol. That thought occurred to me about one week after the brawl. I also wonder if that had a lot to do with his divorce.

    6. Anonymous8:38 PM

      7:45-- track IS a drug addict!!!

    7. Anonymous8:50 PM


      gotta be hell bein' you, eh bristol ?

      HOOHAW !!

    8. Anonymous3:14 AM

      @Anonymous7:45 PM -

      It's very widely known that the Palin family is full of short-fused, whiny, unstable thugs who, if you added up the IQ's of each family member, would barely reach room temperature. Piss and moan and stamp your feet all you want, you can't change reality, troll. The Queen is DEAD lol

  6. slipstream4:58 PM

    "The theme of the banquet is the oil industry and Christian education."

    Well, sure. Christianity and the oil industry are one and the same. Isn't that obvious?

    1. You are right! Being stewards of the earth! Yeppers! That's how they'll spin it.
      Love, From Georgia, USA

    2. I noticed that too and wondered who exactly that church worshipped? Manna perhaps? I can't see how Jesus connects with oil and it's attendant profits.
      M from MD

    3. Georgia Peach6:08 PM

      But...but Sarah is an expert in oil and Christianity! And raising happy children who live vibrantly, have a strong work ethic, don't bother anyone, and want to lead private lives, also, too!

    4. Balzafiar6:22 PM

      "Well, sure. Christianity and the oil industry are one and the same. Isn't that obvious?"

      Yes, yes it is: snake oil in the first case and oil from the ground in the second, both produced by people who suffer from an extreme love of money.

    5. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Wasn't it Jesus that made Hummer Limos out of bread and oil out of wine?

    6. Anonymous7:41 PM

      If the theme is Christianity and the oil industry, then does the "oil industry" part make it political so SarahPac can pay for first class everything?

    7. Anonymous8:46 PM

      'Christianity and the oil industry' – as though the two could be grouped together as similars in any sentence whatsoever. Oh, LOL, just big-time LOL. Do they mean the oil industry, without which international terrorism (you know, because funded by the Saudis and Iranians) would be unable to persecute and kill Christians (and everyone else they consider to be an 'other') in the Middle East? Or do they mean the oil-generated wars that are largely responsible for incalculable carnage and much of the current mess in the Middle East, which is also having the result of killing Christians and others with whom the Islamists seem to disagree? Or do they mean the oil industry in Africa, which is now forcibly stealing land from the natives and thus contributing to inter-ethnic wars, one result of which is that Christians are getting slaughtered there, too (not claiming its causational, because the situation is far more complicated than that; however, the oil powers are doing horrible things in Africa, and this disruption is contributing to deadly ethnic strife).

      Can't even imagine the word salad Ms. Palin will offer at this event, but it will be Wonkette material for sure. After the throw-down at the hoe-down, she may just find herself tailed (visibly and knowingly, or not) by paparazzi eager to get camera shots of her on her long fall downward. The Gary Hart and John Edwards stake-outs (and many others) come to mind. The media is not finished making money off the Palins just yet. The difference now is that, in the absence of a tell-all book (and who in their right mind would trust its truthfulness at this stage of the game?????), the chances are slim to none that the Palins will continue to make much money off the media for a long time to come.

    8. Anonymous4:18 AM

      @Anonymous 8:46 PM:

      It's pretty easy to imagine the word salad, actually. It'll probably be something like this:

      "Hi everyone! I'm so glad to get to be here with all you awesome patriots who are still stupid enough to attend my speeches! Todd's out there somewhere (drops a lame joke about something her fuck-witted husband supposedly said to her, waits for applause but it ends up stretching into an awkward silence. Oh well, back to the drawing board). Can you believe the bloggers all saying I have a crappy marriage - if that were true Todd wouldn't be here, right? Stupid bloggers!

      Hey do you guys love your freedom!? Well, then pander to a veteran while I tell you for the eleventy-billionth time what a piece of shit I consider their Commander to be!

      Hey you know what? The LAMESTREAM media is picking on me and lying about me and wants to kill me and my kids! I hate Obama!

      Oil is good that's why god killed all the dinosaurs so we could ride around in Hummer limos and fly in private jets! Obama wants to take that god-given gift away from us because of this whole "climate change" lie he invented, as if human beings could ever have a negative impact on their environment! Man, what a dummy! I really hate that guy, don't you?

      I am a morbidly stupid person and I revel in that, just like you real Americans! Hate with me!

      Can you believe how many drugs Obama probably does while he hangs out with his rich, elitist friends trying to figure out how they can punish elite rich people for being elite and successful? It's true! And Michelle Obama is trying to take away your candy bars and fast food joints! She spies on our pizza! Liberals suck and are dumb and stupid and tell lies about us! I hate Obama!

      If I were in charge, I would totally nuke Ebola! You just KNOW Obama invented Ebola because he hates America! And now he won't even nuke it??!! The Obama lapdog media picks on my family for innocently trying to live our lives getting wasted and knocking the shit out of anyone who talks crap about us, as Christ commanded! Yet they don't say a WORD about the fact that Obama refuses to protect this nation by nuking Ebola and murdering anyone who tries to cross the southern border! Hey, did I tell you I HATE that guy Obama?? Cause I REEEAAALLLYYY hate that guy. God bless America, that shining city on the hill that I'm constantly bitching about! Can you believe now in the age of Obama, the candidate Americans cast the most votes for gets to be President?? What a dirty trick, Obama!! Too bad most of America is so un-American!

      Well, anyway thanks for the paycheck, I'm off to get my drink on for the 2nd time today...later suckas! I hate Obama!!"

      I wonder how close my word salad is to her actual speech, now I'll have to watch it later to see. Dammit! lol

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Seriously? Even after the Throwdown at the Hoedown?

    Why not? Trinity Christian School may be more blaspheme and charlatan then the Palins.

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Apparently Happy the Clown turned them down.

  9. sewnup5:06 PM

    I sent the school a run-down of my thoughts about hiring/hosting such a person, listing just a few of the many reasons I feel the way I do, along with references should they like to look things up. I further pointed out that I would absolutely not, ever, consider sending any child of mine to a school which hosted a speaker with a known background full of such aberrant problem areas. Wonder how they'll like that when they come in on Monday? Hope they get thousands of such.....

    1. Sewnup-most excellent! and I will do the same!

      Love from Georgia USA

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      I so hope someone is around to read your excellent message sewnup, but odds are Palin lucks out because it's Columbus Day and the school likely observes the holiday by closing. No mail, no banks, no staff to read email. sigh.

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Contact Us
      Please feel free to contact us with any questions you have about our program!

      Contact Us:
      Trinity Christian School
      2419 9th Ave West
      Williston, ND 58801
      Phone: (701) 774-9056
      Fax: (701) 774-3158

      Office Hours:
      Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
      Friday 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM

      We truly believe that our faculty and staff have been called to a mission of service to our Lord and the TCS student body. Without exception, they exemplify Christian principles and a love for God that is evident in all they say and do. This leadership and mentoring process serves as a model for students to emulate. Our faculty and staff care about each student as an individual child of God. They desire the best for each student both spiritually and academically. Their character and example are evident in their churches and personal lives.

    4. Not going to stop me. I will be pounding off a little letter 'cause I, too, am a Christian boarding school brat. I feel eminently qualified to give them a rundown of their keynote speaker's unique background.
      And of course, there is always the carrot of donating.
      Two can play the game, Sarah.

    5. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Current Board Members:


      Carl Dahl....................President
      Chris Vaughn..............Vice-President
      Tricia McGothlin..........Treasurer
      Rachel Swarthout........Secretary
      Becky Cornell.............Member
      Rick Braaten..............Member
      Bruce Stockman.........Member


    6. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Excellent idea!!! The school and the entire Christian community should know the truth about this family. The deception has gone on far too long.

    7. Anonymous4:31 AM

      @Anonymous8:49 PM

      I think anyone who doesn't see the truth about this bitch and her insane family at this point, just doesn't WANT to see. You can't reason with that type of willful, determined blindness. They are truly at the bottom of the cesspool morally and intellectually. Fuck 'em, I say. Let them have her, they deserve each other.

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Happily for us, the god circuit is all she has left.
    Have at it Sarah. We await your raptured-ness.

    1. Her sorry ass will be "left behind". Till then, let her bilk all the fundamentalis t"christian" jihadists. <aybe it will go to paying legal fees for her brood of thugs.

      Love from Georgia USA

    2. Georgia Peach6:16 PM

      She couldn't even get votes in the double digits at the Values Voter Summit. Most of the "Christian" circuit doesn't have any use for her either.

      She is no more an evangelical than I am a goat-sacrificing satanist druid Buddhist Muslim. It's taken them awhile, but evangelicals have been slowly catching on to that. She has neither the intelligence nor the attention span to do anything but fake Christianity in the most cursory of ways. The only reason they didn't cotton to her earlier is because they have been so thoroughly indoctrinated into the Christian persecution narrative that a) they embrace anyone who looks like them and claims to share their beliefs, especially politicians and celebrities, because they think such people are so rare, and b) they write off detractors as angry, lying liberals. But as a body they'll turn on her. They'll have to, because the longer they don't, the more credibility she costs them.

    3. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Yeah, she got 9 whole votes. LOL

    4. Anonymous2:45 AM

      My view is she does 'fake everything' in the most superficial, cutesy, and venomous of ways.

      It's a toxic brew of hatred.

  11. "The theme of the banquet is the oil industry and Christian education"??? How strange is that? And how could any Christian organization associate with someone who engages in such anti-Christian behavior? In fact, her whole family has a history of anti-Christian behavior. But I guess when it comes to filling the coffers that religion stuff stuff doesn't really matter.

  12. Anonymous5:16 PM

    The cognitive dissonance of this school is incredible.

    Their student handbook (jr/sr high) states that students are expected to remain sexually "pure" and pregnancy will result in suspension or expulsion. The possession of alcohol/drugs results in suspension for a first offense and expulsion for a second offense. This includes kids who aren't using, but are in the company of kids who are using. None of Sarah and Todd's three oldest children would have made it through Trinity.

    What the hell does Sarah Palin know about education, let alone CHRISTIAN education?

    Is she going to stand up there and say how she and Todd taught their kids Christian values right after this drunken brawl comes to light?

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Time to send comments to this place and remind them of the 'real' Palin non-Christian ethics!

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Do as I say, not as my kids did.

    3. Well, if they missed all the excitement, they can at least have the chance to read the official police report that I e-mailed to them tonight.

    4. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Her prop this time could be a big sign that says, "I, am the warning you threaten your kids with! If your children don't obey the school rules and live a good Christian life they will end up just like us. Fighting and lying and cussing and drinking and carousing and hurting others for fun and money."

      She could then bow and exit stage left. She'd get a standing 'o'.

    5. Anonymous6:35 PM


      my you are so intelligent :)

    6. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Is she going to stand up there and say how she and Todd taught their kids Christian values right after this drunken brawl comes to light?
      Yes she will. And nobody will say a thing to her. If they had ballz they would cancel her ass and sue her for the $ back and misrepresentation! I very much doubt they will do that. She will do her zingers! Hoohah! Obama bla, bla, bla, I'm a oil expert, bla, bla, bla. They will politely clap. They should SLAM that goddamn door in her face she is satan's mother!

  13. I guess Bernie Madoff wasn't available, huh?

  14. Anonymous5:38 PM

     a source who told me that at least one of the party guests cited fear of retaliation by Track Palin as a reason why some are not pressing charges. 


    My answer to those worries is to hit those sons of bitches bullies right square on their noses and watch them bleed and cry.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Track sounds like a wuss that blows up when drunk and drugged, which is most of the time. Does he ever win fights?

      They may be scared of a reputation. It's a bunch of lies that are now exposed.

    2. Georgia Peach6:25 PM

      Track's drunk brawling skills might be unimpressive, but a volatile, raging man with access to guns and a family history that may well include murder (including of his biological father) is a menace I would take seriously. People who pose any kind of threat to the Palins have lost pets, property, and their lives. I don't even own a house or have kids, but if I thought speaking out would put my dog's life at risk, I think I'd have to remain quiet.

      Besides, even if he's making threats, who's going to stop him? The APD has already shown their utter disinterest in prosecuting Track.

      I wouldn't normally say this, but I hope these people have guns and know how to use them, because it sounds like they might need to. Just remember Sarah's advice: Don't retreat, reload.

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Maybe they remember that Track chose his gun collection over his daughter in his divorce settlement.

    4. Anonymous7:09 PM

      What Exactly is trackmarks doing with ANY guns when he is a mentally unbalance druggie?
      So...its ok b/c he is a Palin?
      One of these days it won't be ok, and the APD had better be prepared to take full responsibility for whatever happens.

    5. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Murder of bio father? Uhhh, Todd is alive.

    6. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Gryphen is desperate to be the ONE person who keeps this stupid story alive. he is obsessive and falsely portrays things as if this happens a lot.

    7. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Everyone has guns. Levi has given his 5 yr old 2 guns for himself

    8. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Learn English for Gods sake 7:44 and stop posting to much. Are you mentally ill?

    9. Anonymous9:46 PM

      The problem isn't about people having guns.

      The problem is with addiction issues, anger and the mentally unhinged. Many times they should not be driving a vehicle. Not good they have guns.

      Track lives in darkness and people have made up a false life about him. He may not even know the half of it. He has brain damage. Notice how he can't speak for himself? It is all written about him, an almost complete false narrative.

      Now the police report gives a little bit of his reality. there is so much more yet to come out.

      The first thing people must care about is keeping the citizens safe.

      That is why it is a must for the APD to do their jobs.

      This dismal failure of an investigation and report leaves an entire area in grave danger.

    10. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Anonymous9:46 PM
      Anonymous7:26 PM
      Could you guys get the AST to re-investigate? APD is compromised and should of passed it over to AST for ETHICAL reasons being a DOJ investigation will reveal the Palin Pimping + FBI +APD connection? I really think that is the ONLY reason it wasn't totally covered up b/c of Ferguson! All eyes are on the police right now. But it is a pathetic piece of work and left out lots of stuff that eyewitness said.
      The other day fox and friend was going on about the SS scandal and I sent them Malia's DOJ request about Todd/david chaney etc. I noticed they stfu now? We should all write to DOJ! In DC to investigate the corrupt APD.

    11. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Anonymous7:43 PM

      Murder of bio father? Uhhh, Todd is alive.
      Curtis Menard is dead. That is Trackmarks BIO dad. What part of "bio" do you not get?
      Like who is Trigs "bio" mom? Not sarah for sure.

  15. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "Hmm I wonder what Biblically based content Sarah used to raise HER children?"

    My guess is to love thy neighbor but don't get caught?

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      I think the commandment you are thinking of is
      "The love neighbor, but only when my husband is on the north slope' did that help?

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Is this the lesson the Palin and Heath's families are teaching the females of their clan? A little too late but oh well.

      Love thy cousins, neighbors, boyfriends, one night stands and trial husbands but make sure they're wearing their condoms

    3. Anonymous6:16 PM

      If one of my boys or nephews was screwing Sarah Palin's daughter or daughters, I would teach them not to trust Sarah's daughter or daughters when they say they're on birth control pills and you don't wear to condoms, it feels better skin to skin. History shows they are looking for a husband to trap.

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      I would tell my son don't go drinking with those girls unless you want to wake up in the morning as Sarah's future son-in-law.

    5. Anonymous6:26 PM

      If my daughter was stupid enough to date Track, I would show her the recent police report of the Showdown At The Hoedown then show her pictures of how unhappy Britta looked like when she was married toTrack.

    6. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I would chew my johnson off before sticking it into those fertile baby factories.

    7. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Lesson I would teach my boys is to look at our female dogs, if they are in heat then stay away from the Palin compound.

    8. Anonymous6:36 PM

      "Hmm I wonder what Biblically based content Sarah used to raise HER children?"

      If you love thy neighbor then don't go flying in his airplane unless he has a locking gas cap.

    9. Anonymous7:37 PM

      If any one of my kids said they intended to date a Palin, I would move mountains to prevent the kid from getting mixed up with that trashy family.

    10. Anonymous7:41 PM

      You all could use some christian values. Damn IM commenters are heathenistic bastards with nasty mouths.

      You could gets lives and stop lying about people, dragging out stupid things like they mean something

    11. Anonymous7:42 PM

      why are you slandering britta, a friend of the family?

      Dude, get a clue, and life

    12. Anonymous7:42 PM

      why do complete strangers enjoy making up fictional relationships for these people

    13. Anonymous8:35 PM

      7:41, 7:42 and 7:42 again!!!! You need a psychiatrist and to get a life. Stalker!!!! Obsessive!!! Mentally ill!!
      Demented!!! Immature!!! Bully!!!!

    14. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Good points, what decent family would want their son to date these spoiled brat girls Bristol and Willow? Who is left a small town for them to date? Another reason dumb bitch Sarah should have made them go to college, preferably out of state no one wants used goods and stupid to boot. Is there anyone left these girls have not trial husband? They are down to slim pickens with no takers in sight, Good Luck.

    15. Georgia Peach8:50 PM

      7:41, unlike Sarah, many IM commenters neither claim nor pretend to be Christians. But you and she should read the Bible: cast out the plank in your own eye before pointing out the speck in another's.

    16. Anonymous8:56 PM

      No one slandered Britta. Saying someone looks unhappy is far from slander. Slander is telling lies about things that impugn another person's character – for example telling lies about the President.

    17. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Britta is a friend of the family? Just a friend? She should be a much loved member of the family as the mother of their granddaughter. Why is it the palins never seem close to the little girl? Why did Track pick his guns over his daughter/

    18. Anonymous10:22 PM

      7:42 : Did you just admit that Britta is NOT the mother of $carah's grandchild Kayla, since she is only 'a friend of the family'??? Is either Willblow or Bar$tool the real mother of Kayla???

    19. Anonymous10:39 PM

      You can almost feel sorry for Britta, the way she was brainwashed and use by Sarah since early on.

      Sarah has always been a control freak. She knew to have Britta indoctrinated and encourage sex with Track she could still influence both Britta and Track. Sarah sure controlled the marriage dill the Palins worked out.

      That poor little girl they say is Track's daughter. The more they promote the fantasy about an addict being a great father, the more you know he is a loser and it is all lies.

      Has anyone known Track Palin to speak an independent word? 99% of what Track is to say has to come through the lips of a liar. He seems to be even weaker than Todd.

    20. Caroll Thompson2:27 AM

      My son, who is about a month younger than Willow watched every episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska because he thought Willow was 'hot'.

      My point is that the multiple commenters who said they would tell their sons/daughters/nephews to stay away should all save their breath. Kids take their own paths and learn their own lessons.

    21. Anonymous2:52 AM

      6:29 I'm still laughing!!!

  16. Anonymous6:09 PM

    My word for the day is 'dilly'. As in, this little visit to raise money for Trinity Christian School ought to be a rill 'dilly'. Should be the pity party to end them all.

  17. Anonymous6:10 PM


  18. Anonymous6:17 PM


  19. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Hard to believe that Track can instill that kind of fear in someone, to the point that they're afraid to speak the truth.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Track and Todd are the biggest hoohah's in Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Makes you wonder what he had done to instill that kind of fear.

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Track and Todd are nothing more than bullies. Remember, they got their asses kicked at the Anchorage Brawl - according to those there!

      No one in Alaska should be afraid of them at all! Kick them in the nuts next chance you get.

    4. KenaiGal7:40 PM

      makes you wonder why people are lying about him

    5. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Track is a disturbed young man. No one is lying about him. He needs help.

    6. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Tell us about the little tiny one. Does he have a baby mommy? Where is she kept?

    7. Anonymous9:35 PM

      No one hates Track Palin more then the people who enable him and keep him in his prison of hell. The truth would set him free.

    8. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Anonymous9:35 PM

      No one hates Track Palin more then the people who enable him
      I'm sure trackmarks rilly cramps silly-stupid sarah hoohah's style! Boofuckinghoo.

  20. Anonymous6:33 PM


  21. You all missed the name of another speaker at the event. David Barton, CEO of Wallbuilders, that Christian author who touts fake history. He's a real piece of work, too..

  22. David Barton will be there too. He's Glenn Beck's history adviser, and all round religious nut.

  23. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "encourages academic excellence and social responsibility taught in a Biblical-based Christian context."
    This speech should be a doosy,

    Sarah didn't/doesn't know anything about instilling academic excellence or social responsibility in her own children, so what in the hell could she tell these parents?

    My daughter went to hair school. Don't spend your money on a college education. When you show up uninvited to a party, start a brawl, but bring your own booze.

    Oh I forgot she is an oil expert-drill baby drill, it's all Obama's fault blah blah. I am sure the Christian audience will love her vulgar, sexual innuendos.

    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Amazing difference in the size of Sarah's chest between April12 and April 13th.
      Maybe she let one of those boys take the Belmonts home.

  24. Anonymous6:48 PM

    And the long bilk, though diminished and diminishing, continues.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Bristol Palin Blasts President Obama For Supporting Gay Marriage, Says His Daughters Watch Too Much Glee

      Palin Christian values... send money... vote for Bristol Dance... buy the revirginated a house on a dead lake...

  25. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Breitbart!! That's a jaw dropper. Read it and weep, Sarah.

  26. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Anyone who doubts that Sarah Palin has a substance abuse problem just needs to take a long look at her eyes in the above photo.

    Got a pill problem, Sarah?

  27. Anonymous7:03 PM

    APD DO YOUR JOB! I am sick of the cronyism that surrounds this family. Our own law enforcement are so afraid of this Klan that justice is never served. What is is going to take to put this family down for good????

    1. Anonymous9:33 PM

      They work for a crime syndicate.

    2. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Anonymous9:33 PM

      They work for a crime syndicate
      The whole world is watching. If the fight was "nothing to see here move along" as the APD are trying to project why did it take over a month to investigate? The report is pisspoor also,too! You guys need to demand the DOJ come up there and clean house and that means the FBI also,too! They are right in the ho house with todd!
      You guys need to vote in a new gov. One who is HONEST.
      Or at least not connected to the payme family.

  28. Anonymous7:08 PM

    "The theme of the banquet is the oil industry and Christian education..."

    Wow. I'd hate to be in charge of the decorations for that one.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Remember - McCain said she was an 'energy expert' and then we all found out she wasn't!!!

      Combining oil and Christian education? Who in the hell dreamed that up?

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      It's a ridiculous combination of topics. Seriously!

    3. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Anon 7:33 I think Sarah Palin is about to get punked. Sarah knows nothing about energy and doesn't practice religion or teaches her drunk family about religion.

    4. Anonymous8:39 PM


      I"m thinking Jesus crucified on an oil derrick might work :-)

    5. Anonymous2:55 AM

      omg funny!!! I love the humor of our commenters!!!!

    6. Anonymous5:45 AM

      Not if you understand how the Koch brothers fund things. Then it makes perfect sense. They will co-opt every group they can to get their pillage the earth message out. Because of the Koch's horrendous upbringing (Daddy Koch was a real sadist when it came to his kids - all work NO play) they hate themselves and pretty much all humanity. No wonder they seek to destroy humanity's home, earth.

  29. Anonymous7:08 PM

    So will there be some Pink Drill Bits for Komen there also too?

    Sarah could get the libs all weewee'd up by promoting this latest Komen PR money bomb.

    Without selfies it didn't happen!

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Sarah seems to get all wee wee'd up all alone with her thug family.
      Now run along and send her some more cash, those limos aren't cheap.

  30. KenaiGal7:20 PM

    No one I know even thinks about this shit anymore? fuckin losers. MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIVES. OMG drama queens.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      No one I know acts like the raggedy-ass Palin clan.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      What's with the caps? Are you trying to be a drama queen?

    3. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Lol! Omg! Illiterate uneducated losers!

    4. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Hi Willow

    5. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Then you don't know many people interested in current events around the country. Now go re-virginize your hoohah again Bristol.

    6. Anonymous2:58 AM

      EXACTLY!! And therein lives Alaska's Palin problem. You all are so indoctrinated into craaaazy you can't think like normal humans anymore.

    7. Anonymous5:45 AM

      KenaiGal7:20 PM

      No one I know even thinks about this shit anymore?
      Hey bossy Hooooohaaaahhhh trolly go back to c4p! If there is nothing to see move along why the fuck is every internet site reporting it? Fuck off bitch!

    8. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Okay KG, go to and type in "Palin" in the search field. You can handle that much, right? Auto-fill will make suggestions based on the searches other people have been doing: "Palin brawl," "Palin fight," and "Palin family brawl." Hit search and you will find recent news articles: must be up to 500+ by now. These are conventional news outlets, not blogs. Not one of them flattering.
      If you need any more help finding your way around the Internet, just say the word, the IM community stands ready and willing to help.

  31. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Do we know where Track lives and what he drives? I'd like to try to avoid that young man around Wasilla whenever possible.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Alaska should buy Track taxi gift cards seeing that he likes to drink and fight and drink.

    2. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Last I saw him Sarah was driving him around in the big black Escalade.

    3. Anonymous8:42 PM

      He parties in Anchorage also too. You may need to avoid Alaska until the problem is taken care of.

    4. Anonymous9:25 PM

      He lives in Sarah's garage with his guns that he picked over his child.

  32. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Goofy face in that photo! Looks ticked! Where is her Star of David necklace? What a fraud!

  33. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I wanted to send them a nice email describing drunk Willow at 20,drinking age 21,a link to the APD report,ask them how the mother of children who don't do college and don'e work can be an inspiration,etc. Unfortunately,this "school" only uses Microsoft Outlook for Email. I just don't use it.

  34. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Do Sarah and Todd have friends their own age that they socialize with? Or are their kids' friends the only people left who will party with them?

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Let's see, there's Todd's bff Brad Hanson, his bff Glenn Rice and bff Curt Menard Jr.
      Then there's Sarah's bff Shailey Tripp.

      You want more names?.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Interesting question...I'm betting the latter.

    3. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Last time Tawd had a friend, one named Brad Hansen, and then Sarah fucked him every chance she got.

  35. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Kyle Cleary just bragged about his friend and congratulated him on a great first bar fight. Is it Alaskan thing? Gino fought last year and tore the other dudes face up, now Kyle...

    btw, where the hell did people get that connor dated willow? Willows had three boyfriends total, none of them him

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Blow off psycho stalker

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      I'm sorry that you know these people! Definitely not an overall Alaskan thing, but certainly a right of passage amongst a certain segment of our population, but there are roughneck families everywhere, not just here, and it's best to steer clear of them because they do like to cause trouble. There are certain places, bars and restaurants, that they frequent, we all know where they are and give them a wide berth!

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Willow had three boyfriends, was any of them Bristol's sloppy seconds?

    4. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Who is Kyle? There was a publication that printed a story about Conner Cleary.

      Everybody knows Gino has a thug family and thug life. That isn't new. No not all of Alaska is low life. Most who are connected to the Palins are the worst. They rilly hate. They are haters, it's what happens when people are so inferior. They blame and hate.

      Notice how the Palins always spin into victimhood.

    5. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Wallow spreads her legs for any man that will look at her for 1 minute.

    6. Anonymous11:06 PM

      Are you stalking Gino, because you keep posting about some information you must have gleaned from his FB page or something. Nobody cares what Gino did or didn't do. It has nothing to do with the fact that Track Palin is a violent, angry, man.

  36. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Trinity Christian School has 311 students PK-12.

  37. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Social responsibility? is this a joke? What is socially responsible about a trashy so called Christian family getting in fist fights? What kind of example is that.Answer me this who has the nerve to show up at an event like this when their out of control kids were involved in a low class brawl? Sarah show me the money that's who. Prostitutes make more of an honest living than Sarah does, at least they are honest and don't pretend to be something they are not. Hey Sarah, God does not like people like you, dishonest, non humble a complete self absorb idiot, what God can not like is using him for self advancement and monetary gain.

  38. The McKennas were hs hockey players. What else do you need to know. Fighting is a way of life. It's what they do.

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Funny that I have 4 brothers that played hockey and none of them are violent and neither were the McKenna's , the thuggish Palins created every fight.

    2. Anonymous10:26 PM

      I thought it was an Iron Dog crowd.

      Snow machine idiots.

      They are known for drugs and now Todd Palin brands them with his cheating.

    3. Anonymous5:51 AM

      snowlady8:33 PM

      The McKennas were hs hockey players. What else do you need to know. Fighting is a way of life. It's what they do.
      So that's why he let bristolbitch sock him 6 times?
      he should of knocked her fuckin' chin off her face!
      And so you approve of thuggery? Huh bot? Go ki$$ palin ass at c4p you must of taken a wrong turn....

  39. Anonymous8:41 PM

    That's what actual PTSD combat vets returning from war needs, a non-combat uncontrollable drunk counseling real combat vets.

    Right Sarah?

    1. Anonymous9:40 PM

      He doesn't counsel. Period.

  40. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Bristol got dragged around a lawn by her legs and was called names like cunt and whore.

    Girls from Wasilla has some weird fetishes.
    They need to find Jesus and when they do, don't assault him in the face with punches.

  41. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Hey Palins KARMA IS A BITCH!

    Didn't we read about Todd and his buddies jumped and beat a Wasilla kid just for being black?

    Now Todd and his family got whooped by their former friends.

  42. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Sarah Palin’s family threw down in a massive drunken brawl as violent as any wrestling cage match — with ripped shirts, bloodied faces, and her daughter Bristol getting dragged around a lawn by her legs.


    Are you sure that was a fight or was it Bristol preparing for her 3rd appearance on DWTS?

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Ol Hoohah Bristol was out looking for Tripp's next 'trial daddy" but she couldn't wrestle one to the ground that night.

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Was that Mark dragging Bristol around on the ground at the Showdown At The Hoedown - Palin melee like he did at DWTS?

  43. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Has anybody seen Track or did Sarah send Track to Michigan to dry out?

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Probably locked back up in the garage.

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      His dad said he was too angry. When he would go to see Track play hockey, if he was late Track would already be out of the game. The dude is in a real bad way. The Palins want to control him and the police are not paying attention to the signs.

    3. Anonymous9:35 PM

      All the adults in that family should be in treatment for substance abuse.

  44. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Sarah should take some of that SarahPAC money and get Track some fighting lessons. I read he eventually got home with several broken ribs, busted up eye and other good stuff. Good thing he wasn't sent out to actually fight in the war.

  45. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I heard Track used to fight in his hockey games? Track must have been at the bottom of the pile?

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      He always had a vicious anger. The Oxy is bad but is a temp calmer.

      Did Sherry Johnston reveal their relationship yet?

    2. WHAT!! You mean Trig is Track's child? That…would explain a lot! Especially Mercedes Johnston referring to him as her "brother"! And, well, just, wow...

  46. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Anchorage hasn't been kind to the Palins.

    It has been revealed that Todd goes there for sex.
    Bristol got dragged around the yard by her feet and called names like cunt.
    Track got his ass kicked and Todd got his nose busted.
    Sarah standing there hollering, "Don't you know who I am?"

  47. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Hispanic Business. This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

  48. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I nominate the entire Palin family for the Nobel Peace Prize. Hmmm I just read the police report. I withdraw my Palin family nomination.

  49. Anonymous9:35 PM

    When Kayla Grace learns how to read she should be very proud of her drunk hoohah papa Track.

    1. Anonymous10:48 PM

      The $4,000 jewelry collection must have been how they strung her along all that time. Britta is much cheaper then I would have thought. I doubt Track spent his money, not after high school. Sarah or her 'postage' or something. Not much from Track.

    2. Anonymous5:55 AM

      Anonymous10:20 PM

      Sarah Palin's 23-year-old son will keep his $1,000 gun collection and a $30,000 bank account.
      How the HELL does trackmarks have 30K in the bank when he doesn't work???
      Is he dealing also,too? Is that what they call "living life vibrantly"?

  50. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Anyone who cannot see she is a total fraud is too stupid to be helped in any way. Speaking of people with low IQ scores, her followers must be the stupidest people in this country. Why is she still so protected? Must be her husband's prostitution ring that keeps the authorities in line.

  51. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Someone please help the Anchorage cops.

    Professional report writing classes would help. Some fools will settle for the Palin Brawl report but it is the worst a cop can do. They need help ASAP. Can you imagine what they do for the rest of Anchorage?

    And make certain Sarah also goes into rehab. Her children are not the only ones that need help.

  52. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Again, if it were my family in that brawl, I could not consciously address any faith-based institution knowing I was a hypocrite in my words, but this is $arah the sociopath.

    Every darn time something like this happens, there's always a lull from the Putrid camp and I think, "wait for it....wait for it....," the official statement is released, and I'm giggling because I always think of Jon Lovitz and The Pathological Liar. "Yeah, that's the ticket." Plenty of his work on YT, it's totally her.

    1. Anonymous12:21 AM

      And let's not forget, Palin sent out that bday tweet to Todd pretending she wasn't in AK the night of the brawl.
      I hope Sarah enjoys any fees she gets because I doubt there will be many more in the future. At some point, her kids might have to sober up enough to get jobs.

  53. Over at the pee pond today a new commenter posted that had $arah gotten out in front of this brawl by professing her love for her children but not their behavior that night this would not be the issue that it is today.
    Of course all the regulars labeled him a troll because in pee land one does not question the decision making process of the great Hoohah!
    Another commented on how proud $arah must be of Bristol's actions that night.
    Those drooling idiots are completely delusional!
    Now I'm off to locate some heavy duty brain bleach.HOOHAH

  54. Anonymous2:07 AM

    The wind whistling through her ears is almost audible when you look at that picture of Palin.

  55. Caroll Thompson2:08 AM

    This speaking engagement was most likely booked well before the throwdown. I seriously doubt any reputable organization will book Sarah for any speaking engagement until the dust settles from this debacle.

    Over the last six years, I have come to know Sarah and how she operates. She has to spin this to make it look like she and her family are the victims. She has such thin skin, she cannot tolerate all this bad press and does not possess the self control to keep quiet until things blow over. So, I am very curious as to how she will spin this to make herself and her family the victims.

    And as soon as she starts spinning, I know I am going to read all about it at the blog Sarah reads the most, The Immoral Minority.

  56. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "least one of the party guests cited fear of retaliation by Track Palin as a reason why some are not pressing"

    …well so much for that brave Alaska spirit that fears nothing because Alaska is not for the meek crap…….

  57. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I'm telling you Sarah Palin did not want to be AK Governor, she used the position as a publicity stunt for notoriety and fame. Then lop in a special needs kid and "The Original Teen Mom" crap Palin was pushing around Hollywood to get her baby machine daughter gigs as repayment for the queen sized scam inflicted on America.

  58. PalinsHoax6:32 AM

    That photo image looks like the Ol' Buzzard sitting in front of a mirror asking: "Do you know who I am?"

    And the reflection answers "Why yes, yes I do. You're that old moth-eaten hooligan hoodlum HooHah! Now get outta here! And take your faux pregnancy belly, your falsies, and your dysfunctional family with you!"

    (Yuck, says the mirror, now I need to scrub myself real well to get that caustic image out of me.)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.