Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sarah Palin makes another appearance on Fox, this time she says the "haters out there" only make her want to "bug the crap out of them." Also hints at another possible run for office.

Courtesy of the You Tube page:

Sarah Palin stopped by Stuart Varney’s Fox Business Network show Tuesday afternoon to share her thoughts on a variety of topics, including recent comments about her family by CNN anchor Carol Costello. 

“The hatred level directed against you is extraordinary and a disgrace,” Varney said at the top of his interview with Palin. “Has it driven you out of politics, driven you away from public office for good?” 

“No, bless their hearts, those haters out there,” Palin replied, saying the comments only “invigorate” her to keep doing whatever it is she does. "

“It invigorates me it wants me to get out there and defend the innocent," she said. "It makes me want to work so hard for justice in this country. So, hey, the more they are pouring on, the more I’m going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with the voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future too.” 

“What’s it like dealing with that kind of mockery — and that’s what it is, mockery — for more than six years?” Varney asked Palin, turning specifically to Costello’s commentary. “And this is a personal question, what does it feel like?” 

Rather than take the opportunity to attack Costello directly, Palin demurred, saying she knows “a lot of people have it a heck of a lot harder than the Palins do.” But, she added, liberals love to play “the politics and personal destruction.” 

“They do want to destroy personally those they disagree with,” she continued. “They are very, very intolerant of those who maybe hold opposing views to their liberal, failed agenda views. So they want to crush us.” 

When Varney posited to Palin that the “war on women” is really more of a “war on you,” the former governor agreed wholeheartedly, saying, “Absolutely.”

You will notice that Varney did not once ask Palin any questions about the brawl, or why her entire family were so publicly inebriated. 

And comparing the challenges that her family faces in keeping the truth hidden from public scrutiny to the challenges of a family with a military member fighting overseas, is one of the lowest things she has ever done.

As for all of that talk about wanting to "defend the innocent" and "fight for justice," who does she think she is kidding? I know a certain innocent Anchorage homeowner who could use a little justice right about now.

And I simply cannot believe, after all of this time, that anybody would take her political prick teasing seriously.

No folks she is NEVER running for office again. EVER!

So yes, her so called "haters," or as we call ourselves "truth tellers," HAVE indeed driven her out of politics.

 Oh and by the way, there is still more truth to tell.


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Is it iceberg time yet?

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      I have said it many times and will say it again...
      First she is just doing the "prick tease for money"
      IF she DARED to go up against Hillary....well she would be a shit stain or road kill stain on the road.
      Hillary is a 5 planet scorpio and astrology wise that means she is a FUCKING FORCE, and would squash that skank like a fucking bug!
      Oh and it would be major.
      Palin thinks she has "power"? She taunts the press and dares them to cross her of "Remember Bashir"...
      All of her secrets will come out. In fact... since she made that remark I rather expect "something" to surface soon....
      There is no way no how Hillary will play with this little street urchin Hillbilly skank.
      stoopid sarah I dare ya, skank... do it.
      We all want to piss on your gravestone. JK :p
      The skank must be in her manic/speed mode now to EVEN say such a thing.
      It will bite her in the ass.
      Expect a change in the msm towards...her.
      real soon.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      No matter what else comes out about Palin at this point, there will be no iceberg you dream of. The Palin show will go on. Which is all it is.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Anonymous5:22 PM

      No matter what else comes out about Palin at this point, there will be no iceberg you dream of. The Palin show will go on. Which is all it is.
      She signed her "warrant" today. Kock bros don't want to go up against Hillary.
      The right has no one that is why they are trying to cheat and get Senate control.
      b/c even the kocks know better than to go against Hillary.

    4. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Anon 5:13--Since you mention Hilary's Scorpio connections, I'm wondering if you have any insight into Sarah's. Assuming she was born on the date & time suggested, & in Idaho and NOT over the border in Canada where the hospital was actually located. The Mercury retrograde is doing a real number on her now, & I'm having high hopes for future fun.

    5. Anonymous5:50 PM

      5:13 why suppose the 'if'. She isn't going to run for anything again no matter what, regardless of the fact that she can't win. Hell even if she could win some political office, she wouldn't run. She doesn't want that job or any job. She is happy making the easy lazy money being 'Sarah Palin' harpy celebrity, and thats all there is to it.

    6. Anonymous5:58 PM

      5:42 she signed her warrant today? Koch brothers? Can you explain what exactly you are talking about? Senate? What are you saying and how does any of this have to do with Palin?

    7. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Assuming she was born on the date & time suggested
      I found a news clip which is NOT the "accepted" time of 9 something that all the astrologers use. I'm not a astrologer but just a curious scorpio with software.
      Every "astrologer" takes the stated time b/c of her "hair" (she has none now) etc. there was a article from the "sandpointe times" that states she was born at 6pm in Sandpoint. Your welcome to check that out I don't have the article in front of me but it was chuckles sr. taking Sally to the hospital and stopping to view a fire or something. So no I'm not a astrologer to interpret her chart. If you are a astrologer and really are interested I can find it as I'm sure I have it bookmarked.

    8. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Anonymous5:58 PM

      5:42 she signed her warrant today? Koch brothers? Can you explain what exactly you are talking about? Senate? What are you saying and how does any of this have to do with Palin?
      She said she was running?
      The GOP is trying to take the Senate.
      Signed her warrant? Read between the lines.
      My question to you?
      Are you a paid troll or....what?

    9. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Anonymous5:50 PM

      5:13 why suppose the 'if'.
      b/c IF she isn't running for anything she is just grifting again.
      the pees are all over mediate.
      Its a huge "sign" she is "running"!

    10. Anonymous6:55 PM

      6:28 how about not reading between the lines because it makes no sense, and just clearly explain what you are getting at?

      And no she didn't say she was running, and she isn't. It is just another Palin tease for her fans.

      So please, explain yourself.

    11. Anonymous7:06 PM

      6:48, there is no 'if', of course she is grifting. I question why the IMers get their jollies 'supposing' something that is not going to happen. She is never running for office or working a real job again. That is reality. Why come up with these pretend masturbatory fantasies of her against Clinton or whoever, that just makes her more relevent than she actually is.

    12. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Anonymous6:55 PM
      So please, explain yourself.
      I don't have to explain myself to YOU or anyone else.
      Sarah says she is Running.
      So the GOP either approves of the throwdown or they don't.
      And if they don't they will shut her ass down...HELLO is that good enough for you? Same with the kocks.
      You must be really uninformed if you don't "Get it" but I suspect you are nothing but a c4p troll baiting me.

    13. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Anonymous5:45 PM
      Hill is not in my database but from what I see she is a 4 planet scorp.
      (so am I)
      There is a discrepancy about her BT apparently also,too. I could not find the Sandpoint, ID paper that I got my info it does change her rising sign to virgo instead of leo. I think. I use the 6pm when ever I'm running a chart on her.
      Most astrologer don't b/c 9 something is the "accepted" bs time for ms grifter b/c she has "nice hair" (TRUE, that some said that, Leo rising) More bs from the msm astrologers.
      5:45 PM if you are a astrologer I'm sure G would welcome a smackdown Hill vs the skank! I'm not a astrologer and not qualified to do that. I am just a person with a interest in occult, astrology and all those things....Happy Samhain to all Scorpios and Witches/Pagans.

    14. Anonymous7:31 PM

      7:10 you are whacked as I suspected.

      No, Sarah did not say she was running and she isn't. She also doesn't carry nearly the political clout you think she does.

      You are unstable.

    15. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Anonymous6:55 PM

      6:28 how about not reading between the lines because it makes no sense, and just clearly explain what you are getting at?

      And no she didn't say she was running, and she isn't. It is just another Palin tease for her fans.

      So please, explain yourself.
      Hey Denise it make perfect sense if you haven't drunk the koo-aid which YOU obviously have.
      So Cheers....
      She is running yeehaw....expect more HOEDOWNS!! YEE haw with super creepy track and WATB pissybrissy!!!
      Y'all must be over the moon at the peepond!

    16. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Anonymous5:42 PM

      There will be no public iceberg. ever. They will just do it behind the scenes and use her whenever it suits to bring out the rabid pitbull (bitch).

    17. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Anonymous6:28 PM

      I agree with nonymous6:55 PM. You're not very coherent.

    18. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Anonymous7:31 PM
      Fuck off TROLL!

    19. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Anonymous7:06 PM

      6:48, there is no 'if', of course she is grifting. I question why the IMers get their jollies 'supposing' something that is not going to happen.
      If this is INDEED so...why are outlets reporting it? And we are not getting "our jollies" off. Maybe you but not me.
      Wonkette has it http://wonkette.com/564649/sarah-palin-just-might-quit-a-half-term-of-a-office-again-one-day-hooray#zFayXJRZsAXK4s0k.99
      by tomorrow all the msm will be repeating it. you seem to have your head up your ass. As Gryph said we are Truthers here.
      We want to make sure this fucking skank never runs for anything again. You got a problem with that?
      Piss off.

    20. Anonymous7:59 PM

      That's Palin's reason for running? Who runs just to irritate and bother people? Once again, she's revealed her true personality to be that of a psychopathic "troll." http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/2014/02/new-study-finds-that-internet-trolls.html

    21. Anonymous8:03 PM

      7:50 since you wrote 'as Gryph said we are truthers here'... you might want to read Gryphs truth he wrote in this very post above.

      Grypgh wrote:
      "No folks she is NEVER running for office again. EVER!"

      And he is right, that is the truth and you can take it to the bank.

      BTW are you really listing wonkette as a news outlet? She is a national joke and everyone knows it.

    22. Anonymous8:33 PM

      WTF is up your ass Anonymous8:03 PM?
      Wonkette is gaining as "news" just like 'the daily show" and others. By saying they are satire they can say more except that Palins flying monkeys' attacked them about TriG. Kind of like YOU are attacking me?
      So WTF is your problem?
      Yes G said she will never run for anything.
      But she said today she will?
      We know she is lying (b/c her lips are moving) but tomorrow it will be allover the MSM Palin is running in 16!
      I don't know if you are trying to "shoot the messenger or just a troll? JMO but you seem very negative and I don't know why?
      Really unless you are a troll we are on the same side.

    23. Anonymous9:07 PM


      Sarah Palin: I’m ‘Hopefully Running For Office In the Future’

      "I’m gonna bug the crap out them by being out there, with a voice, with a message, hopefully running for office again in the future too.”
      So "the future" What does that mean? "hopefully" what does that mean? (Kock bros fund me?)
      too late to run for Nov.
      So "future" means what?
      It means poledancing for dollars (Yes)
      or it means she will make a fake run for POTUS.
      anyway you want to spin it...it will be all over the msm tomorrow.
      The bitch has no shame! https://soundcloud.com/kenny-pick/tutn-10-24-2014-thonghazi
      She has no self awareness!
      And she is dumb as all fuck if she doesn't "GET" that all of the msm knows all about babygate, pimpgate and all the other gates too. Including the "hoedown" but she still pimps herself.
      This is a extremely mentally ill person.
      Korey is allowing himself to be slandered & libeled by the Palins.
      None of the others with the exception of Eric Thompson has stepped forward.
      WTF will it take for this grifter ho to go away?
      I'm not going to go all "defeatist" and say oh no what can we do? b/c that is the way of Korey and all the chicken shits of AK. (Not G)
      I'm going to keep reporting on her skank ass and tweeting out her bullshit until she is gone.
      Then I may journey up to AK again to see Denali and piss on her grave.
      I just hope everyone votes on Tues,

    24. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Anonymous5:45 PM
      If you are a astrologer I would love to hear what you say running the 6pm BT on her. And VS Hill.
      I have to load Hill's data in, as it only has Bills' :(
      But 4 or 5 planet HILL is a force.
      I would LOVE to see the grifter squashed by Hillary. But I suspect it won't get that far as most likely info is being leaked now...
      We will see.
      She will go down. Its a universal law, what goes up must come down.

    25. Anonymous10:11 PM

      8:33 did you really just reveal that you believe Wonkette and the Daily Show and etc... qualify as news? Seriously dude, get your head out of your ass.

    26. Anonymous10:16 PM

      5:13 Have you done Sarah's progressions for this year? Any idealwhen the iceberg will actually melt? Gryph isn't telling yet. What's the forecast?

    27. Anonymous1:30 AM

      Success!!! $carah actually did something she claims to want to do - "bug the crap out of everyone" So presidential, doncha think? She is NOT welcome on any other station except Faux, and they already claim they are NOT a serious news station. Most people would quietly get the entire family into rehab after that fiasco at the party. Not Simple $carah, she doubles down. It really is pathetic. When did the TV show "Dynasty" have a garage sale? That canary yellow jacket has some serious shoulder pads. surprises me she did not wear Pissy Brissy's camo thong dress for her rare appearance on TV.

  2. Aunt Ethel4:48 PM

    When Varney posited to Palin that the “war on women” is really more of a “war on you,” the former governor agreed wholeheartedly, saying, “Absolutely.”

    Someone thinks an awful lot of herself.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      I'm a pacifist but that's one war I'd consider supporting.

    2. Anonymous9:03 PM

      That's what I thought too...good god what a fool she is.

  3. My contempt for Sarah Palin is boundless.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Mine as well. She's just a fucking idiot.

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      She is a national embarrassment. The entire world think Americans are stupid as hell because of morons like her and her ignorant, manipulative friends. What a joke she is.

    3. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Here here to all of the above!
      Anonymous6:08 PM
      Anonymous5:24 PM
      Aunt Ethel4:48 PM

    4. Anonymous7:32 AM

      My husband is British and knows I follow Palin, watching the train wreck. When we were in the UK last May, he asked his 30-something nephew if he'd heard of Sarah Palin. Our nephew's immediate response was "Oh yes, but the only news about her here is to make fun of what an idiot she is." My husband was totally blown away that his nephew had even heard of her. I just laughed.

      By the way, the UK has it's own share of repugnant, idiotic politicians, as does every other country.

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Sarah Palin wins again... I have given up... Nothing is going to get this woman off my TV and forced to work a real job. Put a fork in it, I'm done

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      That's exactly right. She is going to keep playing Sarah Palin - the harpy victim frontier woman personality - for the rest of her days. There is no risk, no downfall, she can be lazy and spew whatever she wants with no recourse, and her remaining fans will love her for it. But she is really of no actual importance. That's why I don't get why the IMers still get so unhinged about her, she is really nothing folks, unless you buy into her pretendy-show.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Take a break 451. See ya' at the trial.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Anonymous5:48 PM

      Take a break 451. See ya' at the trial.
      Yeah really the "nothing to see here move on troll" aka "Debbie downer.
      ummm no.
      She will be caught.

    4. 5:19 The only unhinged person is your ass. Truthers don't quit and allow this old stupid goat to think she has won. We have put a huge dent in her pretend little persona. she clown read all the truther blogs. We got that bitch.

      Plus I want Jesse to avenge the evil, vile, nasty things she lied on him and others about, but especially G. The pathetic old hag. That what's keeps me going not that stupid skanky, black-dic sucking ho.

      The insufferable witch isn't running because she is too fucking stupid. The cow can't debate. The fraud has no platform. The imbecile is lacking in grace and dignity. The bitch doesn't have an ounce of integrity, common sense or awareness. her and her dysfunctional family are backward, hillbillies, racist and homophobes, That klan lack morals, family values and good hygiene.

      Bye bitch bye.

    5. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Jesus game of life, you are unhinged. I don't suppose that you realize that her current career as a conservative reality star hero/victim, requires both the haters and the lovers. The more she can stir up her detractors and anti palin bloggers, it just makes her supporters that more fervent to hold up their fake conservative hero, and she is cashing it all in. She is going nowhere no matter how much you type. She has her niche and she is playing both sides like a fiddle.

    6. Anonymous2:34 AM

      I hear ya. I feel ya.
      Take a break but come back. We cant give up.

    7. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Calling someone you don't agree with a troll is super over-used and lazy as hell. Doing that makes you sound just like TheresaAK at C4P. Is that the look you self-appointed "troll" hunters are going for?

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sarah Palin Just Might Quit A Half-Term Of A Office Again One Day, Hooray!
    Read more at http://wonkette.com/564649/sarah-palin-just-might-quit-a-half-term-of-a-office-again-one-day-hooray#zFayXJRZsAXK4s0k.99

  6. Can someone please, please, please, please convince Sarah to run for ANYTHING. Yakety Whack actually thinks it will bug democrats if she runs.

    You know who will freak out and attack her like rabid hungry wolves? Republicans. I cannot wait. Errrr, I mean--- please run Sarah.

    hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha. I mean . . .
    please run Sarah.

    1. Aunt Ethel5:29 PM

      Nicole Wallace said that if Sarah Palin ever ran for political office that she would spill the beans on everything she learned about her in 2008. Wouldn't it be entertaining if Sarah actually declared and Nicole started talking? lol

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      You know who will freak out and attack her like rabid hungry wolves? Republicans. I cannot wait. Errrr, I mean--- please run Sarah
      I've been tweeting to R's about this like "oh look she is running" so you approve of the hoedown..?
      She is a shit stain on America....

    3. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Her fanatics have already tried to tone down the enthusiasm bu saying she "meant" she would run if she had a Congress and Senate voted in that would be with her.

      There's your out sarah, they've posted it just like you ordered.

    4. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Anonymous7:46 PM

      Her fanatics have already tried to tone down the enthusiasm bu saying she "meant" she would run if she had a Congress and Senate voted in that would be with her.
      Oh so that must be the flak I'm getting above.
      one of the pee'r was all bigass brave on mediate, so I'm sure they are all on a natural high...momentary...
      I know she is "just a griftin'" but watch tomorrow as ALL the MSM report this shit.
      I hope there is a iceberg full steam ahead....October surprise.

    5. Anonymous9:37 PM

      8:38 you are not getting any flak above, esp not by any Palin supporters, you are just stirring up shit and getting called out for being a dumbass. There is no iceberg. Palin isn't running. She will continue to do her 'common sense conservative' reality star act for years to come, and that is that. It just is not that complicated.

    6. Anonymous1:38 AM

      I have ZERO respect for Nichole Wallace. The time to warn the country about this useless, rabid BITCH was right away, as soon as she started insulting Obama (I did not say President, because that title came later) This diseased bitch started letting EVERONE know it was just fine to rile up the racists. Nichole and the others asked lumpy little Johnny to put a cork in it. He said "But then she will turn on ME"!!! Some "hero" No, Nichole can take credit for the skank still being on the national stage. Maybe SHE will go down along with the mentally ill skank.

  7. Anita Winecooler4:55 PM

    Aww, wasn't it nice of vinegar tits to strap on and wash her wig for this appearance? Bless her skidmarked thongdress! Sweetie, you're not getting liberals wee weeed up with your bullshit, we just appreciate the hours of entertainment you've provided over the years trying to protect the innocent.
    What are you thinking of running for, by the way? You've studied diligently these past six years and have learned the value of edukashion? Are you ready for those dang trick questions like "What do you read" and "Where, exactly, was Trig born? Once it was at Matsu, then you said Anchorage. Run, Sarah, Run!

    1. Anonymous12:08 AM

      Not only has Sarah studied all these years, also too she has paid "consultants" hundreds of thousands of dollars. surely she's learned so much from her consultants 'cause why else would she spend so much on them? We see proof of Sarah's vast knowledge each time she gives a speech. /That's sarcasm............

  8. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Sure because being a nuisance is all she's got left.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      True...and that yellow pleather thing Sarah's wearing makes her look like an over-sized corn dog!

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Anonymous6:56 PM

      True...and that yellow pleather thing Sarah's wearing makes her look like an over-sized corn dog!
      Maybe that's what happened to Jill? She got made into a coat :(

    3. 6:56 HAHAHAHAHAHA

      A 1980 corndog. Those old fashion shoulder pads are the pits. she is stuck in the 80's mentally and in fashion . she probably thinks she looks hip. tee hee

      The thought of her running scares the fuck out of sarahy. she's a lying grifter.

    4. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Isn't that the truth. Talk about a small mind. She just wants to annoy her political opponents. Not be a leader. Not make a positive change for any good. Not serve in a public office. Not follow her moral or personal beliefs (I know, that's hard if you don't have any, but a lot of politicians at least pretend. And of course, not work, god forbid.

      Her stated goal is now simple to annoy people. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: Sheesh.

    5. Anonymous1:42 AM

      Ah, yes. $carah Payme, irritating normal perople for the past 6 years. Success in one area alone. As for getting people "wee wee'd up" check the photo of drunken Bristles standing over the puddles in Korey's driveway. Very "presidential family values" if you are a backwards HICK.

  9. Anonymous5:01 PM

    What party would run her for POTUS? None of them! She is so full of shit! It's amazing to watch how she continually spews her bold-faced lies!

    Just remember folks, there are a minority of folks that support her. The majority do not. She will never run and will never be elected to any political office - on the national, state (Alaska) or local levels.

    She'd never survive running for office and she knows it! Too much pressure, too much continual cover up, too many lies that she'd never be able to keep straight, she's a proven racist, is not a Christian and we all know she'd have a massive nervous breakdown!

    Stick a pin in her!!! Sew her mouth shut! Put her on an ice berg in the Arctic and let the polar bears have her!

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Sew her mouth shut! Put her on an ice berg in the Arctic and let the polar bears have her!
      I would pay $$$ to see that, yes I would.

    2. Anonymous1:45 AM

      Have her wear that baby shit yellow jacket, so we do not lose sight of her. Those shoulder pads will show up on sattelite, won't they??

    3. Cracklin Charlie6:17 AM

      Why would you do something so terrible to such a beautiful, amazing creature? Don't punish the polar bear.

      Put Sarah on that iceberg by herself, so that no one, human or animal, has to listen to her incessant yapping!

  10. Anonymous5:02 PM

    More Laughs to laughs to follow...can't wait. The fool doesn't realize we love to laugh at her not laugh with her. She doesn't get it, we would love her to run for office. I would love her to debate repubs & dems...any of them Or all of them placed in front of her...lol.

  11. Anonymous5:03 PM

    She sure is getting a lot of wear out of her $50 pleather jacket.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      I think if she wears it X number of times that she gets to write it off. Wow, a legitimate deduction...who's a thunk it...

    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Zoom in....it looks really dirty , too.

  12. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I'll wager a million of anything that more Democrats than Republicans want Palin to run.

    What does that tell you, Screechy?

  13. Anonymous5:16 PM

    please run.you are always good for a laugh.nobody takes you seriously.not fox.Cnn.none of them.you're just a clown willing to look a fool for a $.cant wait for SNL to do the brisdull throwdown at the hoedown.stay tuned!!

  14. Anonymous5:21 PM

    When she speaks of haters is she looking at a mirror or is she referring to those false patriots called teabaggers?..........or both?

  15. Anonymous5:22 PM

    If someone wants to run for office just to spite the "haters" then that person is not mature enough nor fit to hold that office, will there ever be a time when we will hear her speak and she does not sound like a 13 year old? haters? really i am so sick that worn out term.I picture her and Bristol and Willow sitting around the living room watching Duck Dynasty saying "We know them guys!, we are sooo popular and stuff! people are just jealous "cause we are celebrity types!"

    Don't worry Palins we know exactly who and what you are and it's not pretty.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Was the word "hater" even in our vocabulary before she quit? I, seriously, don't recall it being in our vernacular.

      Is that her contribution to society?

    2. This ignorant aip weasel loves to mock our system of government. she does it every fucking day.

    3. Anonymous1:45 AM

      No, "hater" was not. The first time I ever heard it used was after Palin's first speech when McCain introduced her. She's the one who used the term and made it popular.

    4. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Palin is not the originator of "hater."

  16. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Only a mentally ill person would proudly admit she's invigorated by hate. Now we know why she loves to divide the country. It invigorates her. Her life is about being a shit stirrer because she loves the way it makes her feel. Such a good Christian woman

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      The worst of all fates for a NPD queen is no attention, and if you can't have adoration or even admiration, then hate will just have to do.

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Anonymous5:24 PM

      Only a mentally ill person would proudly admit she's invigorated by hate.
      SO TRUE!
      but...she is the queen of the baggers, the queen of mean! Remember when she said of POTUS "he's not like us" she made it ok for every flippin' racist asshole to come out from under their rocks! (with guns) She is the pied piper of hate.
      She is a mean girl who has never grown up she has NO self awareness or else she wouldn't show her face after the disgraceful "throw-down at the hoedown" she really is Mentally ill.
      MSM knows. DC knows. In fact that all know about her fake preg, the pimping and now the hoedown so why do they keep reporting her maggot infested tripe?
      I try to only tweet out this IM site and maybe wonkette or policususa as far as skanerella.
      All the others can bite me.
      But you watch how tomorrow they all will be reporting this shit.
      I hope G has some nice and "juicy" October surprise for us all and THEM.
      FUCK the Palins

    3. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Bristol made basically the same sick comment during the period that she was on Dancing with the Stars.

      When an interviewer asked her how she was dealing with the controversy that her participation had caused she said. "Hate fuels me." Her dance partner who was being interviewed with her kind of looked shocked and goes "whoa". She then re-confirmed her statement about loving to be hated...which of course she doesn't, would love worship and praise but outside of that will settle for the next-best high of being hated.

      What a spectacularly degenerate family. Only Trig will be the child unable to learn hate.

    4. 5:24 You are so right. she is the boil on the US.

    5. Anonymous1:52 AM

      Unfortunately, pissy Brissie has several illigitimate children, all learning the Palin doctine of HATE. What I fear is that during one of their drug, booze filled get togethers, someone will decide to bring a GUN to the party. Just a matter of time. They are ALL mentally deficient, and they have shown the country just how uncivilized they are when they "celebrate"

  17. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Seriously, isn't there any way to turn this women off?

  18. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Sarah may already be seeing the drop in donations to SarahPAC caused by the family drunken brawl.

    Teasing her brain dead supporters with a "possible" run for office may be her only hope at getting more money from the rubes.

    1. Anonymous10:36 PM


    2. hauksdottir12:23 AM

      She had to hit up her SarahPAC treasurer extra hard for the truck, trailer, wrapping, as well as the stretch hummer limo for 6 hours (probably took the day rate), Track's new shirt and whatever else in the way of booze and drugs for 8-10 people to celebrate just one day in the Palin household.

      She asks for a 100K and Timmy tells her that the PAC is running on empty... what to do?

      Grift! Prick tease! Get on all the shows to fire up her base into emptying their wallets. It's election time, and their wallets may already be empty. That's ok; she'll take their credit card information.

      Has she worn that ugly jacket in EVERY appearance this month? Maybe one of her soothsayers told her that "gold attracts gold". :pfffft!:

      Superstitious lot with their sacred jewelry and special clothes. Confidence will help, but you have to work, too, and even the RNC's wardrobe consultants and donors couldn't mask her absolute lack of effort. She'll never have that again, nor will she have the opportunities to learn from some of the best political minds. (Evil minds, but functional.)

      Even putting together an exploratory committee and talking to donors and potential volunteers and team leaders takes work. Work that she is far too lazy to do. It's all about communications, and she is too lazy to even write her own facebook screeds, much less a political plan.

  19. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:28 PM

    Auntie Knishes stares into her Magic 8 Ball and sees that either 1). Someone will need legal fees soon if a certain "assaulter" decides to go the slander route, and/or B). Someone has made a lot of extended promi$e$ to witnesses to keep their traps shut about a certain soiree. So, the PeeBrains had better jettison their Jazzies and start wading in public fountains to fish for change to send Princess Never-Going-to-Run-Unless-It's-to-the-Bathroom. That PAC PR machine is getting a real workout!

  20. Anonymous5:32 PM

    “The hatred level directed against you is extraordinary and a disgrace,”
    What a hoot, all I have seen are jokes and people laughing at her expense. The only hatred I've seen is coming from her flying monkeys and Sarah herself, especially her daily vulgar rant against our president. Only disgrace is that women is still yakking after 6 years. Time to put her on one of those ice flows in the Bering Strait.

    Run for office, yeah right. Is she going to start her own party? She couldn't even handle being mayor of a small town. SarahPac must be low on funds, all that extra postage for brawling and spinning a new web of lies.

    When is the media going to realize she is a sociopath, will stop at nothing to get her way and ignore her?

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Really don't believe that when this guy takes off his mic and calls it a (uselessly spent) day, he doesn't find Palin a joke. Then again, it's Fox, Jake.

  21. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I just can't understand how people can still believe that she will ever run for any office again. It's very frightening to see how many stupid people there are in this country.

  22. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The ground is opening under her feet..

    The truth about babygate is coming...

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Really? I have heard this for 6 years!

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Exactly 6:14, after 6 years it isn't likely.

      Even if it was a most have supposed, and that it was Bristol's or Willow's kid, and it did get revealed... her fans would give her a complete pass for protecting her daughter. It might even make her more popular with that crowd, regardless of all the lies. Believe it.

  23. Anonymous6:00 PM

    mostly sarah is mad about what we and blogs say about her. she reads them constantly. to retaliate she blames the msm even though none of them barely mention her. she's such an idiot.

    1. 6:00 BINGO!

      It drives the retarded nutbag crazy.


  24. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Ok Sarah, just like any other annoying, chattering whackamole, I enjoy bopping you on the head ( figuratively, of course). Even though it isn't very effective, it does feel very satisfying.

    I think most people just wish you would take your windfall and go away. Hasn't your very publically-expressed hate caused enough harm?

    Oh, and prove you 1. Graduated from college and were granted a degree, and 2. That you personally, from your own body, gave birth to Trig.

    I seriously believe if you did so, that would go a long way towards ending blogs such as this one. If you are unable to prove these things and continue to insist that your word is enough proof, then these blogs will never go away. If your word is anything like Bristol's and Willow's (see Palin Brawl police interview tapes) it is worth squat.

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Isn't that the truth. A college diploma and a birth certificate and most of us would just wander away. The fact that she can get away with such large scale fraud is what makes me want to see her finally shut down as a public figure.

    2. 6:03 For Real.

      Also she needs to answer for the dangerous wild ride she took to try to have a "accidental" abortion. trig will never have a chance in life if left with that unbearable, violent, uneducated klan.

      The grifter wants proof from everybody else but when it comes to her proving anything, she says she doesn't have to. What a idiot.

    3. Anonymous1:59 AM

      Exactly. Little Johnny McCain and his entire team KNEW all the dirt, and STILL promoted her for VP. I have no respect for any of them, especially Wallace, who could have exposed this uneducated fraud years ago. Poetic justice that PayMe is STILL pretending to be gop. The party of cranks. Bobby Jindal said it best "We will never attract the SMART people" Screwy Louie Gohmert,. Bachmann, Rafael Cruz, all on the other side, all certifiable nut jobs.

  25. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Hmmm..."if I exercise some of the leadership that (smirk and a nod instead of a wink) that we're all craving.."

    What leadership?? She fucking quit !!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Leadership? Leadership? If Sarah Palin's delinquent children are a sign of Sarah's parenting and leadership then I suggest keep your day job of fleecing those ignorant billies who keeps ending money to SarahPac.

  26. Anonymous6:10 PM

    All I know is that the mustard yellow straight jacket her heinous is wearing must be smelling to high heaven by now. Poor hygiene by the queen, so I'm told. Hoooah.

  27. Anonymous6:14 PM

    crosseyed blithering skank's watching her slush fund, err, $arahPAC$cam dry up - needs to hit up her dwindling rube base before they don't exist anymore ..

  28. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Sorry, but anyone who runs for office just to "bug the crap out of them" is a provocateur, not a serious person. I mean, honestly! Is that a threat or a joke? Classy.
    It seems she is, sort of like the fireworks shows on July 4th, having her grand finale; full of flash and flare and noise, only to suddenly stop, because its over.
    I wonder what we'll do when she's no longer there. I mean; what if she just went away and never faced any more t.v. cameras, and said, it's over.
    Or what if we said it to her and really meant it. :)
    Come on, we'd really miss her if she was gone....not.

  29. ANON @ 4:44... AS IF.... how long have you been reading this blog???? Icebergs MELT before they ever show up here,,,

    dream on sweetie... this blog has made that kind of promise for YEARS... and none have come to fruition.... a sick kind of self masturbation is in the promise.... don't hold your breath... you will die before the ice berg is revealed..... and NO I am not a troll, I have read this blog for years with the same old promise made time after time,,, I just check in and yawn at the continuation of the same old tired promise.... If you are new here... don't expect an "ice-berg". Read with a grain of salt and a hopeful but perpetually empty promise...

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      So why bother to check in? Adios and don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I have read this blog for quite awhile, also, too. I am not waiting for the iceberg or shoe or any thing else. I support the effort to continue to shine a bright (negative) light on Sarah Palin. If no one bothered, the only "news" reported about her would be the crap that fox spins out. That is a scary notion. So, iceberg or no iceberg, what is being accomplished by this blog and all the others is extremely important to those of us who despise what Sarah Palin has done and continues to do to divide our country with hatefulness and lies, all while making herself quite wealthy. Hoohah! Thank you Gryphen!

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      6:56 you have the same attitude as the c4pers.

      'Must quash all independent thought!'

      I hear ya 6:22... Big... grain of salt.

    4. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Anonymous6:56 PM

      Is this your blog? It thought it was G's….

  30. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "hopefully running for office in the future too.”
    -Sarah Palin

    Which office would that be Sarah Palin?

    Anchorage Chief of Police so you can keep your husband and children out of the slammer?

  31. Yes. We're mocking.'Nuff said.

  32. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Come on folks. Be nice.How will you feel if she wins an award for her performance in "Nail in palin".I personally didn't see it
    wink wink.

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      One of her p-bots has a Nailin Palin avatar, I don't think he realizes it yet!

  33. Anonymous6:49 PM

    When I read,
    “The more they’re pouring on the more I’m going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too,”
    I took it as an attempt to get those of us who regularly post negative comments against old chick and her family to back off. She knows she can spin the stories for her ignorant followers who are willing to believe her and FOX without bothering to seek real information that is available. Unfortunately for her, we do read and listen to real sources that she can't control and we see her for the fraud, liar and grifter that she is. I assume that all the negative posts are eating at her and this is her pathetic way of threatening us to stop. She doesn't realize that most of us would LOVE for her to run for an office again, so she can face real scrutiny. It will never, ever happen. Too many ghosts in the family closet. Hoohah.

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      You own her, Gryph, and many others!
      HOO HAH!

  34. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Palin replied, saying the comments only “invigorate” her to keep doing whatever it is she does. "

    What is it that Sarah Palin keeps doing everyday besides Palin Family Drunken Brawl damage control?

  35. Anonymous6:55 PM

    That's a sycophant, not a journalist, interviewing her.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      You're being unfair to sycophants. He's an ass kissing, starburst-loving 5-star RWNJ.

  36. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Sarah Palin we have been making fun of you for announcing that you will be running for president since 2009, does that mean you are now running for 2016 presidency?

    Against Hillary Clinton?

    Don't think so.

  37. Anonymous6:58 PM

    IM owns Palin. You gotta love that she is so easy to control. I can't think of anything better than she runs. Too bad no one will take her serious, but she will build up her booty with opm.

    Run Sarah Run

  38. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Sarah Palin running for mayor and governor and not being a mother at home is what made Bristol a cunt and a whore.

    With Sarah Palin announcing that she will run for office again, does that mean Piper will not have any parental supervision and will become Bristol 2.0?

    1. Anonymous2:08 AM

      Personally, I think it is in their DNA. They start early, like jr. hi. They get shipped off to their aunt's place with mono (yeah, right) $carah could care less about the grandchild, so life goes on. These grandkids will grow up, question their heritage, go on Maury. One woman was on the show the other day, getting DNA tests for 9 guys. I just saw one of the Palin skanks sitting in her place. A drunken party, and she could not remember who bonked her!! Pissy Brissie is just like that. No morals, no shame, no CLASS.

  39. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Yup Sarah that's the type of leadership and the type of people we need and want in office, a person who is running for office just to get even with her naysayers. That sums up Sarah's mentality.

  40. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Those Palins have thin skins. It is so easy to get to them.

  41. Anonymous7:11 PM

    How pitiful Sarah is. Ms. Vinson, nurse who just recovered from a deathly virus, didn't wag her finger at President Obama, or plot to fire Texas Hospital Officials, or attack the Governor, or BLAME everyone else for her contagion. She didn't blame the Federal Government for dropping the ball, or go on TV and blast people and put them in fear and panic.

    What she did was make a public statement, thanking first, God, for her recovery, thanking her family and the hospital staff. She is a far cry from the poor hated put-upon mocked Palins. And they take money spewing their hateful poison. There is no one that demands hatred more than Sarah Palin. She seems to thrive on being hated. And she says druel hurtful things towards others so they can hate her.

    1. Anonymous2:11 AM

      So far - Ebola one death. PayMe's - Dar Miller, Curtis Menard, how many others??

  42. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Since Sarah Palin is running for office again, does that mean Todd Palin will be her "co-whatever it is Sarah runs for" just like her term as mayor and governor (before she quit on Alaska)?

  43. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. We don't hate you, we are laughing at you because we had you pegged all along. The "elite" you wanted to be when picked for VP candidate said, "holy mother of GOD," when they realized who you were, and out you went.

    I don't need to go into your history, nor the lies you've told, your dysfunctional family, the sordid activities you've been, and still are,involved with, the incites to violence, the brawl, none of it. That would entail a list as long as a football field. You know why?

    Because you're doing it all yourself, and you go for it. A self-respecting woman would never go anywhere near this and raise her family to be respectable to themselves and others as well. You got your fame, Sarah, what you did not get was any kind of respect except from the lowest of the low, and a "lamestream" media, of which you coined, that follows you only because you're a freak and get them page hits. Are you proud of being such an idiot, as well as your family? This is your reputation "Don't you know who we are?" Why yes, yes we do.

    Now you're all amphetamine-amped up because you're Koch-payed baiting haters and bugging the crap out of them. Tell me where God is in this, would you please? You're AIP all the way, always have been, and you are no leader.

    You imagined this star life for yourself, it just didn't turn out quite the way you imagined it, now did it? You're a star all right. Look in the mirror, take a good looong look. It's mental illness, darlin,' but you chose the thirty pieces of silver. That people call you out is not their problem, it is yours as well as those who keep up the facade. What a "beauty" you turned out to be.

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Speak for yourself... I hate, loathe and despise this stinking pile of moose guards.

    2. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Thank you and Amen!

  44. Anonymous7:20 PM

    After the election next week, how is Sarah going to keep invigorating her bots to send money? Their wallets are all cleaned out from sending her their last dollar for her endorsements. Can't she give them a freakin' break for the holidays? Teasing a run now, just before the long cold winter, furnaces needing oil, fuel, higher heating bills and the winter is going to be a doozy this year.......Sarah can't hear that little Oliver asking Sarah-bot "more, please?" as they lift their cup for another ladle of thin soup - because she's got Botox filled between her ears. Her big trailer and Todd's truck need gasoline and her kids are all going to need "Eskimo Bingo" gifts and they have to decorate their two homes for the holidays. Poor Sarah needs cash now!

  45. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin won a fresh round of headlines Tuesday for saying that she “hopefully” will run for office again soon so that she can continue to annoy “haters.”
    -NBC News

    Sarah Palin that's a hell of a campaign slogan,

    "I'm Running For Office So That I Can Continue To Annoy My Haters!"

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Doesn't Sarah realize that it works both ways? Every word of every speech will be analyzed. If a kid gets drunk or pregnant it will reflect on her. Run, Sarah, Run!

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      The bucks are drying up.
      She's not running for anything.

    3. Anonymous2:16 AM

      When will they leave for Arizona, or has that place been sold???

    4. Anonymous5:27 AM

      We're not haters, Sarah . . . we're laughers.

      Must suck to be you.

  46. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Today The Hill -the apolitical website that reports on Congressional news-had an article "The GOP's rising female stars ".


    The rising GOP women include an Air Force Colonel who was the first female pilot to fly in combat- Col Martha McSally and others including a Harvard graduate , a current mayor and a current California State Senator.
    Non of the women are low lifes like Palin.
    They have actualreal work accomplishments ,education and can speak in complete sentences.
    None of their family members use the F bomb as their noun, verb and adjective.
    None of their daughters arrive at parties dead drunk. With their parent's blessing.
    None of their daughters make false rape allegations.
    Their so called "combat veteran " sons don't lose their shirts
    and their dignities at parties.
    If any of these women had a disabled child, say with Down Syndrome, they would be good mothers.
    They would not use their child as a political prop and then discard them to others to raise.
    Their Down Syndrome child would receive loving and constant care , including glasses , eating and speech therapy.
    None of these women would brag that their 6 year old could not eat or speak .
    Palin is a dinosaur , only relevant to the dying tea party and a few pathetic hosts on Fox.
    Republicans, like Democrats and the majority of Americans
    view this creature with disdain.
    Palin doesn't have the sense to know that she's become Norma Desmond on Tea Party Boulevard.

    1. Anonymous2:19 AM

      Exactly. $carah is an embarassment to EVERYONE.

  47. Anonymous7:22 PM

    The Gettysburg Address-Lincoln
    Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You-Kennedy
    We Shall Overcome-Johnson
    I Had a Dream-King
    Bugging the Crap Out of the Haters-Palin
    “No, bless their hearts, those haters out there,"
    “It invigorates me So, hey, the more they are pouring on, the more I’m going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with the voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future too.”

  48. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Sarah Palin Threatens America By Suggesting That She May Run For Office Again

    "Sarah Palin is claiming that she bugs liberals, and she is using this as her latest justification for threatening the country with another run for office...

    The only people that should be scared of Sarah Palin are Republicans who ought to be terrified that she will come back to finish the job of destroying their party."


  49. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The Wasilla Village Idiot has spoken,

    Sarah Palin announced she is running for office again!


    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Does that mean that if Sarah wins she will be giving the middle finger to America?

  50. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sarah Palin your looks are gone, so what is your platform you will be running on?

  51. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Me thinks Sarah Palin announcing that she will be running for office again is just a gimmick to pad her dwindling SarahPAC bank account. Sarah just wants her flock to send in more money.

  52. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Was there ever any stupider and trashier "politician", ever? This idiot has lowered every bar for every single attribute associated with statesmanship.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:14 PM

      Nope. They keep lowering the bar, and Sarah Palin just limbos right under it.

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM

      U mm I don't think there has been.

  53. Yeah right sarahy. The rnc doesn't want your sorry ass.

    Better ye stay at home and raise your kids (for once) and make sure trig is getting all the help he needs. Really he should be returned to his real mother so maybe he will have a decent chance at life. He doesn't need to be around violent, drunk, cussing, lying assholes.

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      It's just a money grab and, if you will pardon my language, a good fapping for men on her 4pee sites. One cannot say she doesn't deliver, right $arah? You aren't running for anything and you know it.

    2. Anonymous3:17 AM

      @8:28 pm

      Fapping to that anorexic Adderal fueled bubblehead Granny?

      Surely you jest .

      I can't imagine that even 90 year old men in the nursing homes find $arah attractive any more

  54. Anonymous8:06 PM

    In Sarah's mind, she is always hated, but worthy of being constantly loved, even when she hurts others.

    In Sarah's mind, she deserves all the things she wants. Others don't matter. How did this woman get this way? What did Sally Heath do to make her daughter this hateful? Did they ever discipline her? She sounds like someone who was never corrected and always did everything she wanted, to the peril of everyone else.

    What damage this woman has done to her children, and to her State, and Party, and lives, and people. Who would want to be living in her shoes? It makes me shudder.

    Palin thinks the Universe revolves around her and thinks people sit home hating on her. All people want is for her to stop ruining other people's lives. But, she considers that hating her. Like a child who thinks their mom or dad hates them because they send them to their room. Sarah thinks she can pull the cat's tail or push a small child, or hit someone and if they rebuke her, they hate her.

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      8:06 In Sarah's mind, she is always hated, but worthy of being constantly loved, even when she hurts others.

      In Sarah's mind, she deserves all the things she wants. Others don't matter. How did this woman get this way? What did Sally Heath do to make her daughter this hateful? Did they ever discipline her?

      More like a lack of empathy or showing of unconditional love.

  55. She said as she gazed lovingly into the mirror. (Which promptly shattered!)

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM


  56. Caroll Thompson8:14 PM

    The Republicans loved Sarah so much, she was not invited to the 2012 Republican National Convention.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      She won't be invited to 2016 either, Caroll.

    2. Caroll Thompson2:26 AM

      Maybe her and her family will show up in a limo to the 2016 convention and start some shit like they did in Anchorage.

  57. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Sarah, liquored up, cussing Palin is going to scare the crap
    out of me? She doesn't even have to speak. I just look at
    her and laugh! Just what is granny Palin" SMOKEN."

  58. Anonymous8:47 PM

    McCain unleashed Palin on the world.

    Like Jim Kirk with Khan..........we cry: "Mc-KHAN!!!!!!!

  59. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Sarah running? After the brawl?

    If she runs for Office, how will she stand up on stage with her uncontrollable brood and give speeches at rallies and town hall meetings and soirees? While Bristol punches out the MC and Track trots around shirtless offending the wives in the audience. I just can't see it happening. Unless every supporter wore a helmet.

    1. Anonymous4:36 AM

      She stands on stage with her family.
      The world points and laughs.

  60. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Great comments. Sarah dear you'll only be bugging your own party if you run for office. Liberals are looking forward to see you answer unscripted questions & going rogue because you're fucking hilarious! Liberals enjoy a good laugh & your word salad is hysterical. Also, too, your family will be so entertaining to watch. It will be another reality show on the road for you. Just keep trig home with a trained therapist. Poor boy will be eating applesauce for the rest of his life if you don't do something soon. You got it all wrong we love laughing at you. The haters are yourself & teabaggers. You love to hate but we love to laugh. So please run sarah run.

  61. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Run for office. Hilarious. What office the one in her home? Same words as 8 years ago. She has not even tried to know anything. Drunk = pay me. Town drunks.

    1. Anonymous11:05 PM

      Yes, that makes sense. The office in her home in Wasilla. That's about as far as she'll ever run from or to as she won't do the hard work of actually campaigning for higher office to get to D.C.

  62. Anonymous9:20 PM

    if she runs again she should be charged with treason and causing harm to the county.

  63. Anonymous9:36 PM

    If ever she achieved the presidency, she would be our Boris Yeltsin. Putin is writing a check to her PAC as we speak.

  64. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Run Sarah Run! I am all for it! We will put the popcorn on!

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      There are a few idiots in the TeaPublican Party who believe Donald Trump when he pops off each cycle about *seriously considering* a run for POTUS. Now, The Don & The Grifter can split their imaginary votes between them. Trump will *win* because he has better hair.

      Neither of these two attention-whores actually enter the race in 2016, of course. 2020: Rinse & Repeat.

  65. Anonymous10:13 PM

    You know her SlushPAC donations are getting low when she fake threatens to run just to get more spending money for stretch hummers, etc. The c4p'ers are probably peeing in their panties at the very thought of it. Run Spot run! See Spot run! I really wish you would run you dried up harpie. Just think of all the publicity you would get! I would LOVE it!

  66. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Sarah Palin took Wild Child Willow out of high school so she wouldn't ruin Sarah's political career with her gang activities. Then Sarah and Todd made Track join the National Guard, they said he owed it to them so Sarah could say she raised a combat vet. Now what Sarah, how are you going to keep your drunk kids from fighting and embarrassing you?

    1. Anonymous12:25 AM

      Does a good enough job embarrassing herself.

  67. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Sarah do you think Sean Parnell is going to keep quiet so you can run for political office after you went against him and endorsed his opponent? Be scared Sarah, be very scared.

  68. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Alaskans says FUCK YOU SARAH PALIN.

  69. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I would absolutely LOVE to see Tina Fey have the opportunity to go further with the Sarah Palin character! The material writes itself! SNL could have her guest-host every other week to capitalize on their (and our) good fortune! Bring it on, Sarah!

  70. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Good grief! What's she on?

  71. Anonymous12:40 AM

    No matter whether anyone files charges or files a civil suit for slander or libel against the Palins, the Hoedown won't be the last "party" that the Palins have publicly. Maybe not all of them but at least one...or two...or five. The brawl proved that the entire bunch of them is too far gone to dial their behavior back to a level that can be kept quiet. Tick tock.

    So far, Sarah has had to play most of the cards she has in her deck to threaten (Track and the 2nd Amendment t-shirt), beg for pity (Bristol being attacked, even sexually attacked) and now Sarah's "I might run". What excuses will she have when the next brawl happens?

  72. Anonymous2:03 AM

    I just really want to know why Bristol wore a see through "thong dress" to show off her butt at her fathers birthday party?

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      It was a present to her papa

    2. Anonymous6:00 AM

      to attract customers for her father's business.

  73. Anonymous2:50 AM

    S. P., the result of dumbing down. I believe that she is indeed the source of Trig genes.

  74. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Poor Sarah. Donations to her PAC are down. She doesn't have a full time TV gig. She isn't going to be voted Mother of the Year. She needs to use Saul Alinsky Rules to keep her community in check and defend her dysfunctional drunken adult childen and her pimp with the pickup truck partner in crime. She doesn't have a new book coming out. And, Christmas is coming.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  75. Anonymous3:56 AM

    This whole thing about "haters out there" is so middle school that it drives me crazy. That and he or she "disrespected me." I think I heard these phrases uttered for the first time by various members of the Kardashian family to which Sarah Palin and her offspring bear striking resemblances. Will Sarah Palin never grow up? If people in the general public, including me, dislike her on air rants, what we see of her Facebook rants and her personal TV channel rants, it's because of their imbecilic, infantile, mean, vitriolic content. If Sarah Palin had slipped into private life after she made a fool of herself as a national political candidate, there would be no "haters" and she could be leading a normal life. And maybe Trig would have been given the proper therapy he deserved as an infant and toddler so he would be more advanced today. And her other children might be more settled today. And Track might have received the rehab that he's obviously needed. The real "hater" is Sarah Palin herself who has never addressed her own failures. It's all too easy to blame everyone else.

  76. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Folks, in reality Sarah Palin hates her so called haters. The Anti Palin people have done their best to keep her honest which we know she cannot. A few weeks ago she had a speaking gig where she banned reporters and AP after just a few minutes of talking. No why is that you ask. Fact checking her comments. If she closes the door then only those inside the room knows what new web of lies she's telling and does not allow the uncovering of more of her constant lying. Haters rejoice, we know how to control Sarah Palin!!! She will live and die by the lie.

  77. Anonymous5:13 AM

    How can Sarah justify that Bristol was sexually attacked when she gives it away?

    If Levi sexually attacked underage Bristol, then why didn't the mama grizzly governor of Alaska do something about it when her cub said Levi raped her?



  78. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again

    How can Sarah Palin the Idiot run for office when she doesn't know where its at:

    "Don't retreat. You reload with truth, which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue,
    -Sarah Palin Village Idiot

    How can Sarah Palin run for office when she doesn't know what the job requires:


    Larry Kudlow of CNBC's "Kudlow & Co." asked her about the possibility of becoming McCain's ticket mate.

    Palin replied: "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?

  79. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Sarah, we need you in the White House.... Thank you for your common sense! It is a breath of fresh air! Please take your grizzlies and get Obama out of the White House asap!
    -Joshua Thuma

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Anonymous5:37 AM
      I've read the same message copied over and over. It's one of the purchased "like" robots that woman is paying for to keep her "likes" up high.

  80. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Britta where are you?

    Why is that drunk allowed to hold your baby like that?

    That's a baby, not a bottle of malt liquor.

    Somebody call the Alaska Office of Children's Services


    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      If he drops that precious baby, no worries, there's more where that one came from.

      Just pull down your zipper and find another pastor's virgin daughter.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Anonymous5:45 AM
      That's not Brita's kid. Her kid is older..like maybe 2 or 3. That's either barstool's junker-offspring or one of the hidden abstinance babies.

  81. Anonymous5:52 AM

    A morning tip of the hat to "Sherri Smith" who infiltrated the pee puddle last night and got them all lathered up about the fact that there won't be any $arah '16. Those idiots are in for the biggest rude awakening and I, for one, hope they're barraged with a bunch of "told ya so"s after she trots out her big excuse.

    Those people are CLUELESS.

  82. Anonymous5:53 AM

    The family that drinks together fights together...

  83. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Sarah "I'm runnin' for office" Palin, why did you take Willow out of high school? Was it because Willow and her gang affiliations embarrassed you? So now what? Send Willow to hair school? HAIR SCHOOL?

    We finally know why Sarah's son Track is kept from public view. Sarah's excuse that her son is shy doesn't quite jibe with his arrogant foul mouth heard on the audio tapes. Sarah hides him because he is an embarrassment to her.

  84. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Somebody grab my ice cooler from that limo,
    I gots me a campaign to run.

    as soon as you point me in the right direction bar keep.

    Son of a bitch! There was 72 cans of brewskies in my ice chest! Who took 71 cans?

  85. Gryphen.....released by AP on Politico this morning,and on MSNBC Daily Rundown just now about a resignation (In August???) of the official from Homeland Security investigating the SS prostitution scandal in Colombia,because he was observed leaving a prostitution hangout by the FBI. When is someone,anyone going to investigate two-toned Todd,and his prostitution.Malia and you should team up for another round of inquiries sent to Homeland Security and SS.

  86. Anonymous6:52 AM

    "My only fuckin job is to bug the fuck out of those fuckin libruls."
    ~ Sarah Lou Heath Palin
    Professional Fuckin Troll & Grifter

  87. Anonymous7:30 AM

    MIGHT run means zip. Anyone might do something, anyone can 'might' run for office. She is making a chump of that poor Varney guy by using him as a doofus. did he bother to ask her about her exploratory efforts? The press looks stupid to make a big deal out of such a nothing who just wants to toss about something for attention and to work the pac racket. They would be wise to treat this as the joke that it is. Sad that our country can fall for such cheap thrills.

    Sarah Palin Announces She Might Run For Office Again, Despite ‘Haters’ (VIDEO)

  88. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Pulling her dress up every time she's in public will get Sarah some of the attention she craves, but the same gawkers will never have any respect for her.

    Sarah has reduced herself to nothing more than a punch line to a joke that anyone with a brain has heard far too many times already.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Ewww that's a nasty sight. Not even Todd wants to look at her old gross smelly mildew hoohah with all that loose skin.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.