Sunday, October 19, 2014

What gun ownership looks like in America.

Courtesy of Slate:

 In early 2013, on a five-day assignment for the German magazine Stern, photographer Charles Ommanney traveled around the United States photographing Americans with their guns. Ommanney has built a career working as a political and documentary photographer and felt a responsibility to make a story that wasn’t just another “predictable NRA-bashing” type of series. He wanted to see “real” people to find out why they wanted to have guns in their homes. 

He also decided to shoot the project in a more engaged manner with his subjects instead of simply being a fly on the wall. Ommanney said the project took him to six states in the Southern and Western United States, where he met people who owned guns for protection, as preparation for when things go “horribly wrong,” or simply because they like the beauty of weaponry. Instead of photographing the gun owners at a firing range or at a National Rifle Association conference, Ommanney wanted to capture them in their homes to create a sense of “normalcy.”

Yeah I am not sure that I would use the word "normalcy" to describe that picture above.

There are some others that have less of a "Deliverance" vibe to them, but not by as much as I think this guy was, if you will pardon the pun, shooting for.

This one in particular really bothers me.

I cannot imagine the scenario where a father would think that an exchange of gunfire was reasonable while he had his child strapped to the same area where police officers usually strap their bullet prove vests.

Maybe it's just me.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I see "cantelope legs"

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      The family guy looks a bit like Don young?
      The little kid is cute. I wonder how long he will last with all the guns laying around? Does anyone remember before the Quitter was a Quitter how she was giving a NRA speech at the exact time a Anchorage Toddler reached for the gun on the TV stand and blew his brains out?
      Sarah palins Alaska.

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Wow the girl looks like Bristolbitch and the kid like a bigger version of Triggybear.
      Don young at the top.

      I notice all in the slate article for the most FAT WHITE PEOPLE in LOVE with their gunz.
      Remember John Lennon sang about "Happiness is a warm gun"
      Sadly he died by a a crazy her in the USA...RIP

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Sarah Palin's "Rill 'merika"! These (for the most part) are "her" people! And we saw how much a gun help Tammy what's her name when her house was being burglarized....nope she didn't shoot her guns at all. She hid in the room and called the cops.
      Taxpayer paid cops. Warning leads to "Twichy"

    4. Anonymous7:59 AM

      I wonder how they fit those fat fingers into the trigger guard to shoot?

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    The Baby on Board bothers me too.

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      And if the Mother is okay with this? What the hell?
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      The guy is wearing "mom jeans" :(

  3. Oh jeez. Yeah, your progeny on your chest and your glock on your hip. We get it. You have a penis.

    I'm betting this dude has a ginormous hood ornament on his car, too.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      And those fake balls on the back of his truck ...

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      He may have a penis, but he most certainly wishes it was big, bigger, biggest.

      He's so insecure it's laughable.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:09 PM

      The "Baby" as a human shield is soooo passe'. I see the first photo of the family with their guns and wonder if they're part of First Lady's "let's move" program? Seeing them makes MY arteries slam shut, can you imagine theirs?

  4. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I thought for sure you were going to show the pic of the guy in his mom's basement with his bed full of penis extenders. I can hear Dueling Banjos playing softly in the background... squeeel piggy!

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    There are some others that have less of a "Deliverance" vibe to them, but not by as much as I think this guy was, if you will pardon the pun, shooting for.
    OMFG I can hear the banjo's also! Thanks GOP NRA for making us the laughingstock of all country's with these inbred fools.

  6. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Man, these people need an intervention.
    M from MD

  7. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Hey Iowa, wanna see how extreme your pig castrating bitch is, take a listen to this! If you vote this twisted woman into office, you can rot in hell.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      If you vote this twisted woman into office, you can rot in hell.
      I can't understand WHY or HOW these people are voted in? I hear red states complain: there is not HC, not welfare, no social services or safety nets and its like hello why did you vote these cretins in?

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    And here's one of their sickest cheerleaders

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The second picture is so disturbing because Dad is all cleaned up and looks so "normal." Like something out of GQ. chilling. (I would shoot my son-in-law myself if he ever did such a ...where in the hell is mom?)

    1. Anita Winecooler4:11 PM

      She's taking the photo and posting it to Facebook. "Look, Bubba Jr.'s getting almost big enough to hold his own glock!"

  10. Anonymous8:45 AM

    That looks kinda like ram, there bottom left.

  11. Anonymous8:48 AM

    This is not only what gun ownership looks in America, this is what decline looks like in America.

  12. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The most disturbing thing is that some of these parents are killing their kids by the way they feed them. The only good thing is that a lot of these families will die early from heart disease. The bad thing is that before they die they'll stress the health care system with all their diabetic complications.

  13. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I'm embarrassed to be an American.

  14. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Meanwhile, I just spent a week hunting in Idaho where there were hundreds of people of all ages all armed to the teeth and not one bad thing happened. There as not one murder, or assault, rape, or robbery and everyone I met was having a good time. There were many family camps full of kids and parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles spending quality time together. And I wasn't the least bit scared of being in that crowd. I'll be going back next month with my wife and son who just passed his hunter safety course.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Hear hear.

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      What an absolutely revolting spectacle you describe of gun fetishists getting off on killing animals.. And how do you know there was no assault, rape, or robbery among your fellow gun humpers? Did you have a spy cam in every camp? Sick fucking asshole.

    3. Anonymous3:27 PM

      1:23 you live in a very small pathetic world. You just can't handle the fact that responsible, good people can organize and have such safe events. You can't handle it because you want to have control over other people, and it impedes all the arguements for senseless gun control out of the water. Sorry bub.

    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      And every single one of those responsible gun owners has a plan, just like you have a plan, for the safe removal of the guns should the owners become a menace through mental incapacity due to Alzheimers, dementia, bad reaction to a medication etc.

      How wonderful that you are such a responsible gun owner that you realize that any person can become incapable of safely handing a gun. And, of course, that hunter safety course ensured that every participant is aware that they are responsible for having a plan to cover their own incapacity.

      You probably failed to mention your plan merely because you don't want to people to even think about how many people are too stupid or arrogant not to have such a plan like my idiot aged neighbor.

    5. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Are you the top family Anonymous10:31 AM?
      Just saying'.
      Aren't y'all just the biggest hunters, hoo-boy killin' a innocent animal with a huge gun b/c you have a small dick.
      Small dick syndrome.
      Stay in IdaHOE!

    6. Anonymous10:44 AM

      1:23 and 5:22, You're the ones with issues, obviously. I didn't mention anything about getting off on killing animals. It's a necessary part of eating them. I was out harvesting food instead of letting someone else do my dirty work. Your anger speaks volumes.

  15. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:41 AM, John Lennon was singing about a hypodermic needle in Happiness is a Warm Gun. Shooting up Heroin.

    "I need a fix 'cause I'm going down"

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      I don't care what he was singing about he was killed by a nut with a gun...THAT is THE POINT!

  16. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Ugly Americans.

  17. Anita Winecooler4:15 PM

    Not all Americans are like this small sample, the sad thing is it's what people think Americans must all look and act like.

  18. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Do u have nothing but hate to spew? No one should own a gun ever? Guns have never protected anyone?


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