Sunday, October 26, 2014

You know this is happening.


  1. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Scarah's "star" has dimmed with the American public -- it's as bright as a flashlight that hasn't been used for a couple of years.

    The Carol Costello FB page only has about 6200 posts (many, many multiple posts by the same people & of course very nasty) & the "Fire Carol Costello From all Media" FB page only has.......(drum roll).............35 'likes'....

    The Blaze (lol) has a poll about whether Carol Costello owes the Phailins an on air apology:

    The results, as of the time of this post:

    No, she shouldn't have to apologize at all!(364 Votes)56%

    No, she already made it clear that she's sorry for how she presented things.(236 Votes)36%

    Yes! Of course she should apologize for her insensitive remarks!(54 Votes)8%

    Doesn't look good for Barstool getting it..........

    The Politco article on Screech didn't do so well in the comments section -- most are not favorable to Phailin':

    The palin trolls have always been nasty; but it seems that all Scarah has left are the truly deranged ones. Their hatred in their posts seems to have amped up 100x's -- I guess it's just the desperation of being attached to such a loser -- kind of like Custer's Last Stand.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Palin must have increased the pay for trolls. No more minimum wage in purgatory for them there trolls.


      And I'll bet those same people are the 12 who showed up to the "Fire Dave" rally. lol.

      Does Bristol have an Email address? Someone should send her a .pdf of the police report for her to have a read through. I'm sure she'd be amazed at what's in it.

  2. Anonymous3:35 AM

    I cannot think of a story that has caused me to laugh more than the Palin brawl and it's aftermath. When I first started coming here to read about them, I wasn't convinced this could all be true, but the brawl audio tapes show that it WAS true and possibly even worse. This is quite possibly one of the most disturbing yet funny political episodes of all time.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      even funnier are the trolls that insist there are no films or audio and that Bristol was assaulted for defending her widdle baby sister, the hoodlum.

    2. AnonyMoose8:30 AM

      With any luck, this will be the Wasilla Clusterfucks' last stand.

  3. A. J. Billings3:36 AM

    Maybe when John McCain is gone, Meghan will spill the beans about what really happened.

    Nicole said the other day that she remembers during the 2008 campaign when she realized, that $arah realized how NOT ready to be VP she really was.

    And for $arah, that is a bomb going off, cuz for the sociopath, a moment of clarity and reckoning just ain't happening, never mind having somene else that you hate realize you KNOW you are a failure.

    Granny $arah, if you're reading this, you better get prepared, because no matter how much money you spread around, or how many people you threaten, somebody is going to come clean someday.

    Could even be one of your kids if you don't keep paying them enough, or even TAWD. Have you SEEN TAWD?


  4. Caroll Thompson3:37 AM

    John McCain will never live down his very bad choice for VP.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      As well he shouldn't. The damage his choice caused will haunt this country for decades.

  5. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Oh you KNOW it's happening! From his telling the press that the statute of limitations must have expired on Palin questions, to Meghan calling her the crazy aunt and laughing with no comment on whether she's fit to be president. He also stated he wouldn't reply to a question "lest she turn on me, too." I've no doubt that he's sorry he ever heard of her and well aware of what she's capable of retaliation-wise.

  6. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Rolling with the Straight Talk Express

  7. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Why does that look like Bush Sr?

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      I thought it looked like Pat Robertson. ;)

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Yes, "Bush I" for sure!

  8. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Treating this like an open thread, I still kind of love how Bristol can legitimately tell her son that there are even a couple people in Germany who've dedicated their lives to lying about her and family.

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Why are you here bitching about someone else's blog? Why aren't you over there commenting if they bother you so much? Go ahead, chickenshit, get on over there and tell them how you feel. Why you shakin', coward? Scared?
      Or you could always head back to your blog, or the other one, Go ahead, run along now.

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Oh, you mean Bristol the Phony Victim? Bristol who never met a person or participated in an event that she wasn't willing to lie about or heap scorn on, having learned the practice at her mother's scrawny knee?

    3. AnonyMoose8:34 AM

      You know, Soul Cancer, you can't legitimately defend the Wasilla Clusterfucks, but keep on trying if you must. What a tiny, sad life you must have, Soul Cancer. smh


      @6;31 - great Idea - I'm going to link to the .pdf of the official police report - the 90 minutes of Audio at Talking Points memo and the list of 12 witnesses how all say Korey's account was the CORRECT one and Bristol is a lying sack of moose-shit.

      Smart move dragging Chelsea Clinton into this - whose mother actually DEFENDED Sarah back in 2008. The Chelsea who works with at least 8 different charities while Bristol just steals from them.

    5. Anonymous10:27 AM

      There is a problem with that comment. ".....there are even a couple people in Germany who've dedicated their lives to lying about her and family. "

      Maybe it should read, "....there are even a couple of people who've dedicated their lives...." (proof read, for goodness sake, proof read).

      Maybe the person meant to write that there are two people in Germany, ".....there is a couple in Germany who....." But I think that there are more than two people in Germany with those sentiments-- more than just a couple of people. There are actually people around the world who dislike the lies that the Palins tell and like to call them on the their lies.

      It is bad parenting for Bristol to keep telling Tripp how much people hate her, him and everyone in their family. Bristol is a professional victim, and having chosen to be a public figure, she is subject to public criticism. Her skin is as thin as her mother's skin. No one is allowed to criticize a Palin. They mistake it for hate. If Bristol needs a reason to explain the hatred people have towards her, I suggest that since Bristol pretends to be such a good Christian mother, she should not be drunk, swearing and fighting with her 5 year old kid on the scene at 11 PM. That's criticism of Bristol. Her actions don't match the words that Nancy posts on Bristol's blog.

    6. Anita Winecooler4:49 PM

      Looks like someone's GPS isn't working right, did you mean to post this on Bristol's blog, Alaska, family, and What to wear when crashing a party with Nancy French, Buy my Book, homies! Stop making fun of me and persecuting me for my christianfullness!

  9. Anonymous4:13 AM

    This has been happening for six years. When John McCain can't outright avoid the subject of Sarah Palin and her squalid family, his go to response has been to comment what a great family they are. He's going to have to find a new spiel.

  10. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Sarah will be the 100 lb albatross tied around John's neck for all of eternity.

  11. Anonymous5:16 AM

    How appropriate!! I don't think McCain ever responded to her "apology" did he? I think that was her public attempt to get his support for her and her family. I don't think it's happening. That has to be very scary for her. She is on her own now, and not doing a very good job of it.
    Still visit the Facebook site to add support to Carol for her comments regarding the Bristol audio. I sure hope she does not lose her job.. Sarah has posted 2 scathing posts about her and she is still hanging on. That has got to make Sarah mad, mad, mad...

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      I can't believe I'm saying this but GOOD for CNN not firing her (yet) and I hope they don't! I'm so sick of that bitch throwing her weight around like she's the queen and untouchable. Unprofessional as it might have been, she's deserving of all the laughter directed her way.

    2. AnonyMoose8:35 AM

      CNN not firing her????????


      I tweeted the audio to Carol and CNN of Sarah laughing at a cancer survivor. CNN has the ammo to go against her now. If they play that, Sarah won't have a pot to shit in.

    4. Anonymous10:28 AM

      I think the real reason Sarah is angry at Costello is because Costello has a legitimate journalism job with good pay, and Sarah doesn't. It's the old Alaskan beauty pageant rivalry monster rising once again in Sarah's heart.

    5. Anonymous11:28 AM

      The reason that Sarah is angry with CNN's Carol Costello is because Carol played the police recording of a drunken, swearing Bristol and laughed at her. It's worth a laugh, because that is not how good Christians girls who claim to be public figures should act in public. It's like blaming the mirror for making you look too fat. All Carol did was let people who may not follow all of the internet stuff hear it.

    6. Anonymous8:22 PM

      The question is, CHARGE etal, will CNN go with it? She bragged about them having a hotline to her. I have no trust that they would ever call her out on it. CNN is not what ot used to be.

  12. Our Lad6:44 AM

    John McCain is many things, a great deal of them probably not so swell. One thing he is not, I assure you, is frightened of Mrs. Palin or her fake tough guy husband. Senator McCain, despite his shortcomings is and will likely remain a very powerful man with lots of money and a whole lot of friends. He may have sung like Tweetie Pie during his stay at the Hanoi Hilton, I don't give a shit, I know I couldn't last 30 seconds under torture. My point here, I suppose is that he survived. If he had an inkling that Mrs. Palin or her idiot tribe of backwater gophers was a real threat to him or his power or wealth I believe he could become an extremely dangerous man. The damage she's done to his legacy, well there's nothing he can do about that and he knows it. I'm sure he wishes it would all just go away. But scared of her ?. I doubt it.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I suspect there were some kind of arrangements made to eliminate her from power in case something happened to him.

    2. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:02 AM

      That's a good, realistic analysis.
      People should ask him about Sarah every time he goes on TV, which is far too often.

  13. Anonymous7:56 AM

    OMG, I am laughing so hard. This brawl is letting the creativity run wild on the net. Case in point:

    ...After a suspenseful wait in the spotlight of at least half a minute Sarah Palin appears from behind a curtain and approaches the contestant. In a loud stage voice she directly asks "Don't you know who I am?" The contestant has fifteen seconds to answer correctly or Sarah Palin bitch slaps her off the stage and out the stage door into a parking lot covered with snow. Winning contestants receive a free one year subscription to the Sarah Palin Channel so they can watch their appearance with Sarah over and over.

  14. hauksdottir10:09 AM

    I love how the artist has Palin's "Belmonts" pointed out to the sides like the tactical weaponry they are.

  15. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Writing or talking about Sarah Palin and her family is getting more and more difficult with each day and each new event. She ought to be posting rules so we, as common people, know how to accord The Queen the proper respect. Examples:
    1. The media can never never never write about Trig's birth.
    2. No one may speak the "R" word.
    3. If a Palin does something stupid, there is no laughing allowed. No one is allowed to make a joke about Palins.
    4. No photos of Sarah are allowed unless she is made up and attired in trashy clothing and a big wig.
    5. When Sarah is cleaning a moose or chopping wood (or was that cleaning wood and chopping a moose) she does not wear her wedding ring. No one is allowed to mention that.
    6. No matter what the Palin Family does, it is never their fault. They do not have to apologize for anything, ever.
    7. Sarah and Bristol trademarked themselves, so each time anyone uses their names in the media, in speech or in any other form of communication, royalties must be paid. That's where Sarah got the idea that she is Royalty, dontcha know.
    8. Good Christians never drink, swear, take drugs or have sex before marriage. To say otherwise will get you a cease and desist letter from the well paid Palin legal team.
    9. When Todd races in the Iron Dog, be damned sure to get out of his way. He is supposed to win.
    10. If you fail observe any of these rules, you must donate to Sarah's PAC as a penalty. The bigger the infraction, the bigger the donation. Sarah really really really needs the money. Those big wrapped trailers don't come cheap.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Great post Anonymous 10:11. Here is my Rule# 11:
      Not matter how much "word salad" Sarah spews, or how badly she mangles the English language, we are never allowed to question whether Sarah Heath in fact graduated from the University of Idaho in 1987.

  16. "Whatever"3:17 PM

    O/T slightly but important to us who don't know.

    Could someone please post a listing of some of the top sites and whether or not they are liberal or conservative leaning.

    It will help those of us who don't know get a grasp on the significance of the post and its comments.

    For instance, is Politico conservative? If so, then all those non-worship comments are a big deal. If it's seen as liberal, then one would expect the non-Palin-worshipers to comment.

    Thank you.

    ps and also too, and then some, if you think of it, since we have so many new readers here at IM, it would be helpful if you stated conservative or liberal when mentioning a site or that a site has lots of non-worship comments.

    Helps us all to see the significance in how many conservative sites and commenters are seeing the light. (At least that is my assumption when I see a link and a comment about all the anti-Palin comments an article generates.)

  17. Anita Winecooler4:58 PM

    The brawl, of all things, is the one that actually has "legs". Even in "The Europe" they're making fun of it!!!! The Italian Channel had a segment on it, including some of the clip where Sarah admonishes Willow to "Stop cussing", And my cousin in Argentina called to ask me for details because she caught part of it in the news.

    Where were these damn legs with Babygate etc?????

    McCain is such a maverick, is he still friends with the keating fellas? Is that where Sarah got grifting lessons? Spill, Megyn, Spill!!!!

  18. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Do a Google search on McCain and Lowell "Bud" Paxson, a wealthy Republican Fundamentalist,

    Is it just a coincidence that Sarah named the baby:Trig Paxson Van Palin?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.