Thursday, November 13, 2014

Attack on US sailors by Turkish protestors may be connected to incident during Iraq War.

Courtesy of CNN:  

Three U.S. Navy sailors were assaulted and had bags placed over their heads during a stop in Istanbul, Turkey, according to U.S. military officials. 

The incident, captured on video, happened Wednesday when sailors from the USS Ross were attacked by members of the Turkish Youth Union, according to local Turkish press accounts. 

"US Navy officials are working with the embassy and NCIS to investigate the incident. The three sailors were unharmed and are safely back aboard. They did not require medical attention," Capt. Greg Hicks, a spokesman with U.S. European Command told CNN. 

The assailants appeared to be neo-nationalists shouting slogans like "Yankee Go Home," according to local press accounts. They did not appear to be tied to ISIS, which is based in neighboring Syria.

Like many of you I saw this video yesterday but was a little confused as to why Turkish protesters were so upset with American military members. I thought we were cool with Turkey.

So I did some digging around and found what might have been the trigger.

See for yourself:

The Hood event (Turkish: Çuval Olayı) was an incident on July 4, 2003 following the 2003 invasion of Iraq where a group of Turkish military personnel operating in northern Iraq were captured, led away with hoods over their heads, and interrogated by the United States military. The soldiers were released after sixty hours, after Turkey protested to the United States. 

Though neither side ever apologized, a US-Turkish commission set up to investigate the incident later issued a joint statement of regret. In addition, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wrote a letter to the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan expressing sorrow over the incident. The Hood event damaged diplomatic relations between Turkey and the United States and marked a low point in US-Turkish relations. While the incident received comparatively little coverage in the United States, it was a major event in Turkey, many of whose citizens saw it as a deliberate insult and nicknamed it "The Hood event".

You know it may take decades for us to realize just how badly America's reputation has been damaged by the invasion of Iraq, and there is little doubt that more Americans will be hurt or possibly killed because of it, either in attacks overseas or terrorist attacks here at home.

I just know that the Right Wing will try to find some way to blame this on Obama, but if this incident was indeed the trigger, I think we all know where the fault lies. 

Hopefully the lessons we learn from this absolutely unnecessarily military action will not be forgotten, like the ones from Vietnam clearly were.


  1. Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney
    You Built this!

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Remember Turkey is mostly Muslim theocracy like the xtians here. Also they did kill Christian Armenians in the 1915 Armenian Genocide and deny it to this day. They have bribed our congress to deny is also...they have threatened to not let the military be able to use our base in Turkey if it is "Recognized" by the US as many Armenian groups demand.
    They are not very nice there, I can totally see them holding a grudge but nothing will be done about it.
    G I think the incident is related to THIS: White House will publicly display the ‘Armenian Orphan Rug’ as well as the Iraq war. This is very recent.
    They have THEIR propaganda/spin machine media like Faux does....
    Turkey has the Faux Poutrage the same as the Cons do here!!!
    A combo of issues here and our base in Turkey.
    checking out the
    "Youth Union of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Gençlik Birliği, TGB) is a Turkish far-left political[1], anti-government[2], anti-American[3] revolutionary youth organization founded on 19 May 2006. It comprises 65 student clubs and societies from over 40 Turkish universities.

    The TGB is an anarcho-communist organization that has strong beliefs in conspiracy theories about the West controlling the AK Party despite the AKP opposing many Western principles and initiatives as well as the continuously deteriorating relations with Western governments at the helm of the AKP leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The TGB has strong xenophobic beliefs such as removal of English classes from schools in Turkey."
    As you can see they are a bunch of extremists.
    Waiting for queen idiot to blow up over this.
    Since the Turks won't let us use the base we should recognize the genocide.
    PBO ran on that telling American Armenians he would recognize it. With our bought off Congress....
    good luck but he got the Rug memorialized.
    Look up Valerie Plane, Sibel Edmonds, Whistle blower
    And all this crap involved with of course Israel, which Turkey has a FRENEMY status with.
    Its a mess for sure.
    But watch the cons blow this shit up that "Obama didn't do anything while Military attacked" or some other BS.
    Watch for it.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Thank you for taking the time to explain what is going on.

      Not all countries are excited to see us on their land! This isn't our troops entering France in WW2 and the locals will welcome us with flowers and flags! Thanks to Bush and Cheney we are known around the world as "the ugly Americans". You reap what you sow. Little things like hoods and water-boarding are not soon forgotten! You don't think they aren't watching our elections? The Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran bunch came out on top after 6 years of PBO traveling around the world trying to soothe the ruffled feathers and animosity of the past 8 years of the Bush and Cheney bunch robbing and pillage before him. Perhaps a little reminder to sweep our own front porch before telling the others to clean up their act???

    2. Anita Winecooler3:34 PM

      Turkey was one of the few sovereign countries that allowed us to use their land and airspace, quite a gutsy move considering we'll be gone and they'll stay with the same neighbors. We owe Turkey and the elders of the villages for sticking their necks out and, in effect, taking sides. War is hell, and I don't blame their people one bit. We got what we needed/wanted and they got images of abu gareb seared into their psyche, along with innocent "collateral" damage. I forgot how deeply I loathe Donald Rumsfeld until I read his name in this article.
      Torture's fine when we do it to others, but we scream bloody murder when it happens to ours, suddenly the Geneva Treaty means something.
      And we have VP Cheyney, in an undisclosed location, and President GWBush in his "Mission Accomplished" Sort of, we don't care where Bin Laden is hiding.

  3. Anonymous8:41 AM

    OT: (sort of) but cue Conservative whine!
    "In a 7 to 1 vote on Tuesday, a Montgomery County Maryland school board has decided to strike Christian and Jewish holy days from the official 2015-2016 school calendar.

    The vote came after Muslim leaders pushed for officials to include Eid al-Adha, an Islamic holiday, to the school schedule, according to the Washington Post.

    Muslim leaders requested that Eid al-Adha be added to the list of holy days based on references to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

    Rather than include the Islamic holy day, Montgomery County Schools superintendent Joshua Starr recommended the mentions of named Jewish holy days simply be removed. The result was all religious names were removed, including Christmas and Easter."
    Uh OH!!!
    The War on XMas has begun!!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.