Sunday, November 09, 2014

George W. Bush says that he has "no regrets" about starting the Iraq War. Sadly there are thousands of American families who cannot say the same.

This morning former President George W. Bush went on Face the Nation to promote his book, and answered a few questions from Bob Schieffer. Including if he still thought going into Iraq was the right decision.

This courtesy of Mediaite:  

Bush was on to discuss his new book praising his father (and to honor Face The Nation’ss sixtieth anniversary). 43 insisted he did not invade Iraq to finish what his father started, and said he was surprised when Saddam Hussein called his bluff over the invasion, but didn’t regret the decision to go in. 

“I think it was the right decision,” Bush said. “My regret is that a violent group of people has risen up again. This is al Qaeda plus. I put in the book that they need to be defeated. And I hope they are. I hope the strategy works.”

After all of this time, all of those American and Iraqi deaths, and this asshole still gets to walk free among us as if he were not the biggest war criminal in American history. We can never call ourselves a "Nation of laws" so long as George W. Bush walks free.

Pisses me off every time I think about it.

During the Bush administration, especially after his reelection, I walked around in such a state of agitation that my family was on pins and needles in my presence.

All I could think was that when I was in the grocery store checkout line that I was surrounded by people who helped to elect this mass murderer, this war criminal, this traitor to his country, and it made me want to grab each and every one of them and shake them until they told me why.

That is why I started this blog. So that I could use my words to express the rage that ate me up inside.

I have to say that after ten years of doing this very little of that rage has dissipated.  And I'm not sure if I could respect myself if it ever did.


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    SING IT BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous4:53 PM

    He and Cheney! Make me sick to my stomach!

    1. abbafan5:41 PM

      Absolutely! As the old saying goes "true power rests behind the throne". Dubya was the puppet; that old bastard Cheney pulled the strings! Fuckin' Halliburton skimmed billions from the American taxpayers!

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      "Fuckin' Halliburton skimmed billions from the American taxpayers!"

      And killed and wounded American soldiers in the process. They were able to survive enemy gunfire but were struck down by faulty wiring in the showers built by KBR.

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Halliburton skimmed billions from the American taxpayers!
      Don't forget all the money the Iraqi's stole.

      “I think it was the right decision,”
      Well I didn't expect that GW would admit he made a mistake. He should have been impeached and both he and Cheney belong in prison.

  3. WA Skeptic5:08 PM

    I spent eight years turning the channel everytime his smarmy face com on TV, and even now he enrages me to the point I cannot abide the sight of him. He was featured on the Sunday CBS show and I had to fast-forward past him. Thank the goddess I have a recording feature on my satellite TV.

  4. A J Billings5:11 PM

    I'm with you on this post Gryphen. When I saw the twin towers come down, I knew that it would be a disaster for America, chiefly because of Cheney.

    The minute Dick saw those towers come down, the dreams he'd had for decades came immediately to mind, and his next thoughts were how to convince Bush to attack as quickly as possible.

    Not since Dec 7, 1941 has such an evil man in a position of power been given a blank check to start wars, and try to fundamentally change the politics and culture of a nation.

    I had no doubt that Dick and his neo-con warmongering friends like Wolfowitz, Feith, Condi, and Rumsfeld would convince Bush to invade Afghanistan

    In Osama Bin Laden's wildest dream, I don't think he could have wished for a better outcome than the US invading Iraq, and wasting 5000 troops, 35,000 wounded, countless thousands of Iraqi citizens dead, and trillions of dollars wasted.

    No rational person could look at the LAST ELEVEN YEARS in Iraq, and by any means call the invasion a success.

    Not since Genghis Khan has anyone really succeeded in subduing and conquering the Muslim countries. A high school freshman with 15 minutes on Google could have told Bush and Cheney the would fail.

    What really tells the story is that W has the unmitigated gall to go on TV, and with his smug ignorance to proclaim it was the right decision to invade, even without any of their goals being accomplished

    WMD was a farce, and they had no direct evidence, and still don't

    Building democracy in a Muslim country sharply divided by Sunni/Shia conflict and tribal allegiances is impossible

    Removing Saddam only had a disastrous outcome as we see now daily in the news, and the tragedy is spilling over into Syria and Lebanon.

    When the bombs started falling in Baghdad in 2003, it started the same deep and terrible political and cultural divides that we still see today in the Teaparty and the Christian right beating the drums of war, religion, and theocracy.

    Damn George W Bush to eternal shame and infamy for his ignorance, smug arrogance, and the disaster he has brought to America and the suffering masses in the Mideast.

    1. Well put.
      Why aren't you, Mr. Billings, in Congress?
      Because 1/2 of America don't want Statesmen there
      -- they put those dumbass voters to shame.

      And as for shaking to pieces fellow Americans for their idiotic voting? I totally understand and am pissed off as well, but...
      How about shaking the non-voters who put assholes
      in Congress by their complacency? They should feel even more shame.

      Welcome to post-democracy, non-voters.You don't care about government? Well, now Congress AND the Senate don't care about you.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      When the towers came down I wondered which one of them, Cheney or W hatched the plan. To this day my money lies with Cheney, W was too stupid.

    3. A J Billings7:59 PM

      @Barbara: IF I ever decided to get into politics,
      I don't see either party supporting me, because I'm an independent, somewhat conservative, and worst of all for the electorate, a declared athiest.


      Aside from all the other conspiracy theories, and misinformation about how and why the twin towers came down, we have the irrefutable evidence of Building 7.

      Over 2,300 registered architects and structural engineers have all agreed and have a lot of hard evidence that Building 7 was taken down by demolition.

      It was not hit by any planes. It had very small fires near the ground floors.

      When it did come down (on live video for the world to see) it fell AT the speed of gravity, in other words free fall

      For a steel frame building that's impossible without physically cutting the main vertical structural steel.

      There was plenty of micro cell Thermite found in the dust of all the towers, but building 7 was the smoking gun

      Before dismissing my argument, go to the website, watch the videos, and read what thousands of professional architects and engineers have to say.

      These are the people who build the biggest bridges and skyscrapers in the world, and who better to examine the evidence.

      And speaking of evidence, 9/11 was the biggest crime scene in US history with the most murders in one place

      So why was 98% of the collapsed remnants of the tower steel shipped to China to melt down for scrap.

      The bigger the crime scene, the more important it is to preserver FOREVER the hard evidence, because future advances in science and forensics can prove guilt or innocence, and shine the light of truth on past cases.

    4. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Google Marvin Bush, the oldest of the Bush brothers. HE was Chief of Security for the Towers shortly before, during and after the 9/11 attck. He was hustled out of NYC right afterwards.

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Dumbya even said if it wasn't for his daddy he would never have been POTUS. No asshole it was the SCOTUS and your brother the FL gov that made you presidnet!

  6. I lived in TX when GW was a do nothing governor. If you do a little research on GW and Alberto Gonzalez you will find that these men feel they have to show no weakness...that means you do not buck the system in place re:police, judges, etc. No pardons, no mercy, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. There always comes a day of judgement...... I personally do not know how he can live with himself....and geez, another damn book, another painting...give me a break!

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Sandra Day O'Connor was on the Not So Supreme Court and admitted she voted to give the WH to W because "I have known the elder Bush's for many years, and did not want to see them disappointed"!! How is THAT for a well thought out decision? Knowing them, she MUST have known how dumb W is.

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    There's always the Thanksgiving holiday. Maybe we'll get lucky this year and Chimpy will invite his family, friends and former administration to shoot their holiday dinner at his ranch. It sure would be the only occasion in which I could imagine cheering for Dick Cheney.

    1. cckids8:42 PM

      Bush sold the ranch as soon as the dust cleared from the 2008 election. He bought it just a couple of months before he started his run for President in 1999. It was Rove's idea to make him seem like a cowboy.

      In reality, he's afraid of horses, and hates the whole "Texas ranch" life. Fake from beginning to end.

      I concur with the emotion about shooting any or all of them.

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Molly Ivins years ago wrote a book about W. She said Rove worked for the elder Bush. He was sent to the railroad stastion to pick up W, returning from school (goofing off at school more likely) Rove said, and Molly quoted "He cam striding down the platform in a weaTHERED LEATHER JACKET, JEANS, COWBOY BOOTS AND HAT. hE EXUDED MORE CHARISMA THAN ANYONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE"!!! Rove is not as smart as he wants people to believe, either, just an opportunist. He saw the big stupid goofball, and knew he could mold him into whatever he wanted. I often wondered if they had threesomes with Jeff Gannon, the male prostitute who spent more time at the WH than Cheney did.

  8. Anonymous5:52 PM

    "Yes, Daddy, that big and bad Saddam. that dissed you. No one insults MY daddy and I'll take thousands of lives to prove it."

    Next up Jeb. PLEASE make it stop.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Also Jeb's kid, George P. Bush is entering politics as Texas Land Commissioner. Welcome to the next generation of Bush's.

    2. Anonymous6:07 AM

      He has those elephant cross eyes that most of the Bush family has.

  9. To this day I cannot stand looking at this slimeball's smarmy face. I loathe and detest him with the passion of a thousand burning suns. How dare he be so flippant about the irreversible damage he caused so many people and the lives he ruined. He has some nerve even showing his face in public, he should crawl under a rock and stay there. I think if I ever saw him in public I would spit in his face and I am not a violent or confrontational person, I just despise what he did to our country.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I so agree with you. It comes close to making me physically ill to even see his face. To hear or read his ignorant, self serving words and the self satisfied look on his face is pure torture.
      To think that another Bush has the audacity to inflict himself on this country and it's people is the height of stupidity and bloviated ego. I honestly don't understand how any of them can show their faces without being consumed with embarassment . But then they are "Bushes (shrubs)" and have no awareness of how much they are hated.

  10. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bob Schieffer's brother Tom was Geo. Bush's Ambassador to Australia and then to Japan. He served Bush for eight years.
    I think of that every time I hear Schieffer. He should not have been the "news" man to interview Bush. Despicable.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      I bet privately Schieffer agrees with little lumpy Johnny McCain. He said "W is as dumb as a stump" when he was cam[aogning against him. Imagine that, two men who would never be in power if not for their fathers and grandfathers. Both gene pools have been watered down a lot since then.

    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Also Bush and He were business partners ...something to do with the baseball team . No he should not have been interviewing Bush. But the cowardly motherfucking Bush wouldn't be interviewed by anyone that wouldn't feliate him.They would have to invent new words to describe how much I hate the MFSOB.He fucked this country ,hell the world and how many people are dead or wounded because of this POS???And why drag the constantlly drugged Laura with him??? Too scared to go on his own?????

  11. I was seriously looking into moving to another country when GWB was president, I was horrified, but now that we have a Republican majority in Congress get ready for more war. Actually I did move to another country, Alaska.

  12. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Not one tiny bit of regret for the lives lost or damaged for the coalition forces and the people of Iraqi. Not one tiny bit of regret for the children left with only one or no parents. All in a war that was justified by blatant lies.

    Burn in hell GWB.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      And not one iota of regret for all the economic havoc caused by the unregulated financial and mortgage industries, the empty coffers for public education because he failed to lead at anything and because he was afraid to make the country pay for his war. George, join John McCain and Sarah Palin and just go away. And take the rest of your family with you.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Everything he touched all his life he ruined,Everything.

  13. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I feel the same way about those among me who elected Palin Governor. I still walk amongst them, and they among me. They are still stupid and unapologetic. I tend to rage more on the local level.

  14. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I ranted and raged over that useless war, I knew the evidence was falsified. Now look at it a vacuum that breeds hatred. Bush, Rice, Cheney, Rummy (and everyone that supported it) were/are all criminals. I hope they all rot in hell for the blood of innocent people that's on their hands.

  15. Anonymous8:44 PM

    OF COURSE he has no regrets - otherwise he would have to admit that he is a war criminal!

  16. You are not alone, my anger over that rat bastard has not subsided. How many kids did he send to their death over a war that had no meaning other to get control of their oil. That worked out, not! Seriously, with all the hatred that the right dishes out to our president, I get all worked out and wonder what planet do they live on? Were they not paying attention?

  17. Anonymous1:06 AM

    family member's one of Bush Jr henchmen in this.believe me they argue to this day that they did nothing wrong$$$$$ to admit regret just isn't in a neocon's chemistry.fucking'cons!there's a special place in Hell......

  18. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I hate him and Dick Cheney.
    Die already so I can bake a cake.
    Blights on humanity.

  19. It's not just those kids that were killed outright in HIS wars, but all the soldiers now committing suicide -- how many A DAY is it?

  20. Anonymous5:21 AM

    @ Billings -- the deliberate downing of Building 7 sounds all too plausible. Why not!? When a country's leaders go into war because a president wants to prove something to his daddy... and a VP candidate pretends to have a baby to get the anti-abortion vote... and if lies are drummed into gullible morons long enough they become truths... the head of the environment committee will be headed by a climate-change denier & women go to prison for having a natural miscarriage --- etc, etc, what kind of a country are you living in?

    Welcome to a hell of your own making, non-voters.
    The progressive citizens of the world just shake their heads in amazement. A black President brought out all the racist poison still in America, like a poultice. And it just seems to be getting worse and worse, with all other of your isms depending from the rage at his election.

    You are on the brink: can Democrats survive? will this be a wake-up call?

  21. Anonymous6:26 AM

    It's all part of the family strategy to put Jeb in the White House in 2016. Republicans are very clever at manipulating the past to suit their future plans. Woe unto us if they succeed!

  22. Anonymous4:32 PM

  23. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    I don't know why, but to this very day, I have the same visceral reaction you have, Gryphen, whenever I see/hear this man or see "shiney eyes" first lady bush with her lips zipped, legs crossed and that deer in the headlights look.
    I took I can't count how many people from other countries, to Ground Zero and it does nothing for me. I don't feel proud, the waters falling don't calm my nerves, and I doubt it honors any of the dead.
    We lost a dear friend in that war. Poor kid didn't know what he wanted to do for a career, and his parents thought "Hey, join the marines!", and so he did, and he came home in a body bag, his tags in a zip lock taped to the lid of his foot locker and handed over to his now guilt ridden parents for exchanging "tough Love" and "War", The last email my husband got from him arrived after he was buried, and parts of it were redacted/censored/ jibberish. George "No Regrets" W Bush has no conscience, no humanity.


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