Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Just in time for Veteran's Day, a new coloring book is released calls "Ted Cruz Saves America!" No, I am NOT making this up!

Courtesy of PR Web:  

The Ted Cruz to the Future Coloring and Activity Book is back by popular demand. Really Big Coloring Books ® is releasing Ted Saves America as a supplement to the Ted Cruz book. The additional eight (8) page supplement is complimentary with the purchase of the Ted Cruz book, the #1 selling coloring book. Releasing the book and supplement on Veterans' Day corresponds with 2nd Amendment values. "The supplement and book are fact based, fair and objective, about a man who millions of American citizens consider a real life true to heart super hero for children to look up to," states Publisher Wayne Bell. "Ted Cruz is history in the making."

Wow, that made me throw in my mouth a little.  

As I am sure many of you have been unable to forget, this is actually the SECOND Ted Cruz coloring book released by this company. We wrote about the first way back in December of last year.

Now here is the problem that I am having when trying to write about the Republicans these days.

I quite literally do not know where the reality ends and the parody begins.

They have become walking talking SNL caricatures, to the point that I often read things like this and immediately think "Okay that's just bullshit, isn't it?" Only to find that it is all too real.

By the way if you ever learn that any of your friends actually purchased one of these books for their children or grandchildren, you need to immediately take them off your e-mail list.  Cause something be very wrong with them.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This is a joke, right? Please let this be a joke on Ted Cruze.

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      It's a big hit with Bobby Jindal's "stupid party." It speaks to them in a manner they can understand.

  2. Caroll Thompson2:54 PM

    Where is Sarah's comic book? If Ted makes any money from this, I think a Sarah comic book will not be far behind.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Sarah's whole life is a comic book.

    2. Caroll Thompson6:41 PM

      That may be so 4:30, but that comic book is not so funny.

    3. Anonymous9:54 PM

      If Sarah gets a comic book will the artist draw HER a wedding ring? LOL.

  3. Anonymous3:02 PM

    There seems to be no end as to what some politicians will do in our world of the USA today! Another 'shaking the head' type thing w/Ted Cruz!

  4. PalinsHoax3:15 PM

    I wonder if the Ol' Twobulled One is working on her own comic book series: Faux, Fauxier, Fauxiest.

    Faux ~ marriage to a pimp.
    Fauxier ~ falsies whose sizes change depending upon the day.
    Fauxiest ~ most desperate pregnancy hoax.

    She sure has alot of material to work with!!!

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I would think Sarah could find a ghoat writer to make up something for Track, Bristol and Willow's grade level.

      This pile of indoctrination crappola is way above Track's level and that also leaves out the girls.

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      3:48 PM

      Minor typo. I suspected all along her writers were goats.

  5. Anonymous3:24 PM

    OT Breaking SCOTUS denies Kansas request to stop same sex marriages, Scalia and Thomas side with Kansas.

    Sad that Clarence Thomas who happens to have a caucasian wife would vote this way when interracial marriages used to be banned. History will prove these two assholes wrong and a and reinforces they are bad jurists.

  6. Like, perhaps, Bristol Palin?

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Bible says Bristol should be stoned to death.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:16 PM

      Stop IT! Now I'm starting to like the old fart, and that's just wrong on so many levels. Did the brawl family fed ex their trampoline to Bristol and did she apologize for leaving her diaphram on their lawn?

    3. Anonymous10:34 PM

      I think Pat may have held this belief for a long time, seeing as he and his wife's first child was born just ten weeks after they got married.

      Or, maybe as he prospered, he couldn't let his followers know the truth. You know---the fake family values that are so important to some folks.

      This multi-millionaire televangelist lied for decades about his wedding date, stating it was 3-22-54 when in fact it was 8-27-54. He was outed by Time magazine reporters when he ran for President.

      Oh that some real reporter would investigate Sarah Palin's many lies and expose her also.

  7. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Is this a fucking joke? Seriously, is it?

  8. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Oh. So. Tacky.

  9. Anonymous4:50 PM

    It most certainly IS Number One...among coloring books about crazy, right wing, megalomaniacal, Cuban Senators who were born in Canada.

    I'll admit it's a comparatively small subset, but he's definitely got the top spot!

  10. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

    As a fan of real comic books, this is an outrage. Can't they come out with an action figure? Maybe Ken like with a maple leaf shirt, an american flag bikini underoos and some pancakes with real maple syrup, eh?

  11. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Hmmmmm.... 'bout time some enterprising adult did some coloring - and posted their masterpieces..ya know?????

  12. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Is that carpet eagle on the cover supposed to signify "the Cuban from Canada" taking over in the Oval Office?
    There is a REASON why "ted" is in quotes.
    Tell the truth, tell it often, tell the children...
    that rafael "ted" cruz is a joke...
    on the American people.

  13. Anonymous5:39 PM

    That's exactly where Ted the Cruz belongs, in a comic book.


  14. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:43 PM

    But can Carnival Cruz save America from really cheesy comic book art?

  15. Anonymous7:41 PM

    All I can say is finally a book his constituents can read, the question remains, can they color within the lines?

    More bad news:

    Senate Democrats Betray Their Supporters By Scheduling A Vote On Keystone XL

    In a move that mirrors their failed midterm election strategy, Senate Democrats are trying save Sen. Mary Landrieu’s job by voting on approval of the Keystone XL pipeline next week.

    The Senate will vote on Tuesday on whether or not to greenlight construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. ....

    ....The vast majority of Democrats are still opposed to Keystone, but this is an obvious ploy to boost Mary Landrieu’s chances in her Senate runoff. What is frustrating about this vote is that it is another example of Democrats refusing to act like Democrats. Their willingness to go back on years of arguments against this pipeline in order to help one senator save her seat is discouraging.

    Democrats lost the midterm election because they adopted a strategy of running away from their president and the successes of the last six years. They have upped the ante on that losing hand by holding a vote on an issue that most of their caucus have spent years opposing.

    The message that Democrats still have gotten from their defeat is that their voters want them to stick to their beliefs and principles. Democrats already lost one election by trying to be Republican lite. Now, they are betraying the values of their supporters by holding a vote on Keystone XL.

    What is going on with the democrats, are they trying to out stupid the stupid party?

    I am not sure that President Obama will veto this. What does the USA get? a few jobs, a lot of pollution, paying for clean up. Canada gets the big $$$.

  16. Anonymous8:01 PM

    "Tell the Truth-Tell it Often-Tell the Children."

    Sure, no problem. Just as soon as Ted starts (which will be fucking never as delusional, right-wing cock maggots like him never follow their own advice.)

  17. Call me senile, but umm did they make Ted look a bit like Ronald Reagan on the cover, or is it just me?

  18. Anonymous2:34 AM

    "I quite literally do not know where the reality ends and the parody begins."

    It IS parody. It is a litmus test of the dumming down and religious indoctrination of Americans. Remember the This is Herman Cain?? It was a joke - like This is Spinal Tap....yet most tohuht it was serious. The smart people aren't paying close enough attention in general. Those of us that get it realize it IS parody. The rest are ready for the idiocracy.
    Long live the idiocracy.
    I'm outta here. I'm not altruistic enough to try and fight this nonsense.

  19. Anonymous2:47 AM

    No matter HOW they try to "color" him, Cruz is never going to be president. There's a certain chutzpah required and, brainiac or not, he looks and acts too slimy. It's not going to happen.

  20. Wow. Is this for real? Look at the pretty little girls in their cutesy little 1950's dresses with cute little bows. Cute little woman on his arm in a little dress. None of these girls have faces to represent the women of this country. This, to me, speaks volumes.

  21. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Sorry guys, but this may be my stocking stuffer this year! The recipients are all hardcore, savvy libs, who never saw value in coloring inside the lines. The amusement factor is hard to ignore.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.