Sunday, November 09, 2014

Just more proof that CNN is becoming Fox News lite.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

A CNN chyron covering the turmoils of the Navy SEAL who claims to have shot Osama bin Laden accidentally made the typo we all thought was no more after the terrorist leader died.

You know I am sure that this is nothing more than an accident, and that the folks at CNN certainly did not mean to suggest that a Navy Seal had killed the President of the United States. But still....don't they have editors and proof readers?


  1. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Happens once; a typo. Happens over and over; deliberate.

    So, I guess they intended to write: "Seal who claims he killed OSAMA under attack"

    Osama who ?? Why would they use his first name ?? If this weren't deliberate, they would have written: "Seal who killed BIN LADEN under attack".

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      My thoughts exactly!

    2. I'm not given to that sort of thought. So why can't I get my jaw back into place?

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM


  2. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Oh isn't that clever!
    Fire the proofreader and typesetter typist/ whatever and also too.

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Yup. The B and the S are right next to each other on my keyboard! NOT!!!

  4. Nikogriego9:57 AM

    "Another Fake Bin Laden Story

    Paul Craig Roberts

    RT, one of my favorite news sources, has fallen for a fake story put out by the Pentagon to support the fantasy story that a SEAL team killed Osama bin Laden, who died a second time in Abbottabad, Pakistan, a decade after his first death from illness and disease.

    This fake story together with the fake movie and the fake book by an alleged SEAL team member is the way the fake story of bin Laden’s murder is perpetrated. Bin Laden’s alleged demise at the hands of a SEAL team was a propaganda orchestration, the purpose of which was to give Obama a hero’s laurels and deep six Democratic talk of challenging his nomination for a second term.

    Osama bin Laden died in December 2001 of renal failure and other health problems, having denied in his last recorded video any responsibility for 9/11, instead directing Americans to look inside their own government. The FBI itself has stated that there is no evidence that Osama bin Laden is responsible for 9/11. Bin Laden’s obituary appeared in numerous foreign and Arabic press, and also on Fox News. No one can survive renal failure for a decade, and no dialysis machine was found in the alleged Abbottabad compound of bin Laden, who allegedly was murdered by SEALs a decade after his obituary notices."

    Paul Craig Roberts

  5. Anita Winecooler4:21 PM

    They won't retract it, just keep watching.

    There's three seals that I know of making or trying to make money for doing their service during a secret mission and it makes my blood boil. Do the families of soldiers who died get the same latitude? Yes, the seals died honorably, but it was a team effort and just part of the job description.

  6. that would be a nope. They fired anyone who can use the English language to inform and educate.


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