Friday, November 21, 2014

Kirk Cameron is begging his Facebook "friends" to artificially inflate his craptastic Christmas film's Rotten Tomato ratings. Apparently most people thought it sucked jingle balls.

This from the Christmas revisionist in chief's Facebook page: 

Help me storm the gates of Rotten Tomatoes! 

All of you who love Saving Christmas - go rate it at Rotten Tomatoes right now and send the message to all the critics that WE decide what movies we want our families to see! If 2,000 of you (out of almost 2 million on this page) take a minute to rate Saving Christmas, it will give the film a huge boost and more will see it as a result! Thank you for all your help and support in putting the joy of Christ back in Christmas!

Now I have no personally seen the film because I don't feel it appropriate to go on a murderous rampage right before Christmas. but I have written about it

However apparently many of the people who were tricked into thinking they were going to see a....a...well you know an actual movie that made sense, have not been holding back their criticism.

Here is but a sample courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes:

First the critics:  

With a smile so wide and laughter that sounds so forced you half-expect the camera to pull back to reveal hostage takers, Mr. Cameron explains how several facets of the holiday - the tree, Santa Claus, gifts - have roots in religious tradition. 
Ben Kenigsberg New York Times 

Perhaps the only Christmas movie I can think of, especially of the religious-themed variety, that seems to flat-out endorse materialism, greed and outright gluttony. 
Peter Sobczynski 

As a movie, Saving Christmas is not good. But as a teaching aid for congregants about having their fruitcake and eating it, too? Sure, why not. Go nuts, guys. 
Kimberley Jones Austin Chronicle

Now the audience members:  

Beware! This movie will make you a dumber person. When you look into Kirk Cameron's vacant eyes, they will suck the intelligence from you like a particularly stupid industrial vacuum. His complete inability to form logical thoughts can be dangerously contagious. Do not under any circumstances allow children near this movie. 

As a struggling Christian, I saw this with hopes of finding comfort and peace in religion. After watching this, I feel more frustrated and disgusted by others who claim to be Christians. I think this would be more entertaining to unquestioning, uneducated people. What a waste. 

I don't think Jesus is going to come back now after seeing this! 

What a terrible movie. This should come with free eye bleach and a time machine capable of giving me back 2 hours. 

Falsification of history by a clueless faded child actor, making a bleak attempt to hide the fact that "Christian" traditions were borrowed from earlier cults and religions. 1h 20 mins you won't get back. Avoid.

There are forty six pages of these, almost all overwhelmingly negative. 

Hay Cameron do you know how to get good reviews for a movie, besides begging for them on Facebook?

By actually making a GOOD movie that does not attempt to change facts to suit your fundamentalist religious views! Or one that does not treat its audience like they have only six brain cells to rub together!

Just a thought.


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    So, like other right wing assholes, he has to CHEAT to get what he wants. He has to lie and manipulate and trick and misrepresent his crap. They do it in politics, they do it in book sales and they do it in movie reviews. Disgusting. And this is the 'poster boy' for Christianity? Asking people to cheat and overinflate numbers. Just like Sarah Palin and her faux glowing reviews. Just like Bristol and her packing the votes for DWTS. They can't do it legitimately, they just cheat. Cheaters are the lowest of the bunch. Right down there with predators and pimps.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      I agree. Great comment.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      + 1,000,000
      (not inflated)

    3. Boscoe3:27 PM

      That is because one of the primary symptoms of Conservative Brain Orientation is "the ends justify the means" syndrome. This is why they can happily contradict what they claimed they believed believed yesterday if it gets them what they want today. There is no such thing as "Conservative values" there is just the desperate need to maintain the appearance of "winning" even if it's a complete sham.

      To them, it is "just the way the game is played." and "if that's what it takes, so be it". Nevermind if they have to sell their soul along the way. Their narcissism tells them they are right and entitled, and their projection tells them everyone else is cheating too, so it's really all THEIR fault anyway.

    4. Paul in Minnesota5:44 PM


      Plus they get their share of Dominionists, Christian Reconstructionism. Dominion Theology or Dominionism mixed into it and similar of that ilk.

      So they go ahead and kill, lie, cheat, do anything for frigging Jesus and themselves under the guise of doing good.

      Yet it's like Charlie Brown football. Their rules do not apply to them and will change all of the time.

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I love that there are 46 pages of those almost overwhelmingly negative reviews.

    That made me smile.

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    "Perhaps the only Christmas movie I can think of, especially of the religious-themed variety, that seems to flat-out endorse materialism, greed and outright gluttony.
    Peter Sobczynski "

    I love this comment, because that's exactly what I thought when I watched the clip (right here on your site, Gryph). In that clip, I would have thought the "uninformed" liberal looking hippie guy who thought Christmas was so materialistic and fake and shiny would be pointing out that this misses the meaning of Christmas, but Kirk Cameron, the ultra Christian was saying that buying all this crap shows the real meaning of Christmas!

    Talk about smh!

    1. Maybe the movie exists as an apologia for those unwashed, illiterate mobs who trample one another to break down department store doors on pre-dawn Black Friday to save fifty bucks on a shitty, China-made flatscreen. Because nothing demonstrates one's conviction that 'Jesus is the reason for the season' like taking your voluntary subservience to consumerism to a pathology.

      Well, Rick Santorum is in the film making business now too, and maybe he and Kirk can collaborate on an anti-gay work so brain-atrophied the Supreme Court declares marriage equally in every remaining state, as well as begins taxing churches.

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    At first I thought he was dangerous - sort of like Palin dangerous. No. It is just the same old nonsense of trying to prop up a fallacy. In his case - the war on Christmas. Puuuuhleeze. Christmas is nothing but a yearly orgy of commercialism and the fantasies people believe are just that. He is beyond pathetic.
    Sort of like Palin buying a gazillion books to make it look like what she actually could not write was worth reading. Disgusting.

    Pst Padrnos

    Pat Padrnos

  5. So Mr. Born Again is urging his followers to bear false witness?

    I thought lying was a sin.

    Or does he want good ratings to boost his own ego, thus being a Pharisee for beating his chest in public to show what a religious man he is.

    I repeat. Most of the young people would go "Kirk who?" having never heard of or watched his one hit wonder TV show.

  6. Anonymous3:42 PM

    WWJP? ("What Would Jesus Purchase?")

    What fucking nutjob. Seriously. All this nonsense about saving Christmas coming from a citizen of the most consumerist country on the planet?

    Again, what a fucking loon.

  7. Anita Winecooler3:47 PM

    With all due respect, banana boy. The site's called "Rotten tomatoes" Those hot house spherical things you're caressing are hothouse tomatoes with fresh sharpie words written on them.
    What is is with these "Faux christians" and "Sharpies", do they put them in a plastic bag and inhale the fumes until their brain cells lose their ability to exchange neurons?
    Personally, I ain't watching this movie, no way, no how. But I can't wait to see him fondle Avocados and artichokes. Maybe he can learn to juggle and really give Sarah a run for her money.
    I feel sad for Christmas, it's got two morons defending. Christmas isn't going anywhere, as long as there's moolah to be made.

    1. Paul in Minnesota5:50 PM

      Lol, I'm gay and I like you're calling him Banana Boy. Lol. He does have quite a reputation (and not a good one) in the gay community. If you want to read some funny and NSFW, 196 comments, sigh, a lot:

    2. Anita Winecooler6:15 PM

      You'll love the reason for the name. Kirk's got no problem with banana's, but it's Evolution he's mad at because he believes God made bananas.
      Here's the clip - don't forget to move your adult beverage first.

      Life is good!

      Joe's got some brilliant comments!!!!

    3. "Whatever"7:06 PM

      Anita, thanks for the link. I thought it was parody / comedy, but apparently that guy is serious.

      This comment responds to my thoughts.

      "John Harwood
      2 months ago (edited)

      This HAS to be a comedy sketch. HAS TO BE!!!!!!!!!! What about the fucking coconut or pinapple? What were they designed as? Early puzzle boxes? Or something God created in order to prompt humans into developing axes and anything else needed to eat such user UNfriendly food? "

    4. Paul in Minnesota3:56 AM

      Anita Winecooler,

      I'm glad you enjoyed JMG's site and comments.

      Wow. Now I understand Banana Boy. That's an amazing video. I cannot believe they're serious. Lol. Thanks for the link.

    5. Anita Winecooler3:45 PM

      I'd have never found it had it not been for Gryff and I.M., What I would love most is for it to go totally viral and become a cult classic like "Rocky Horror Picture Show".because he just looks so uncomfortable in his own skin, it makes me wonder if he has a full closet, or just banana envy.

      I sent a link to Joe's site over to my nephew, and he goes "Where the hell have YOU been? The man's a god on the internet!"

      This is why I love this site. I learn something new all the time from both the posts AND the comments. And the cherry on the sundae is I get to laugh hysterically at that hot thang from the coldest state in the country and her family and friends.

  8. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Is this true?

    ... Sarah Palin: Send Immigrants 'Back Across Ocean' to Mexico

  9. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I just saw the trailer for this low budget, awful lighting, worse acting.

    These Christians should be playing their war out on Corporate America who make people work Thanksgiving thus taking time from their families when sometimes it's the only time enough of their families have the time off to spend together. Naw! In this day and age they should respect that someone actually took the time to be polite enough to say "Happy Holidays" instead of cussing and swearing and complaining that they had to wait in line at Christmas time.The jerk needs to work retail.

  10. Anonymous4:19 PM

    That's pathetic, but not nearly as pathetic as the Mormon church telling all of its members to go see the movie "The Mormons" on the opening weekend to make it a hit, to increase the interest of others to go see it. I live in Utah, and the churches (almost one on every street corner) had signs (like the politicians) promoting their movie on the church grounds. Sad.

  11. So...the stupid kid actor which I didn't particularly like to begin with has grown up. Usually you grow in your craft, or in wisdom and maybe faith as you get older, KC grew up to be one overzealous religious douchenozzle, and still a crappy actor..go figure.

  12. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Why doesn't the lazy prick get a job to support all his spawn? Are all those kids going to grow up and live off of the Koch money like their daddy and all his lazy conservative buddies like Sarah Palin?

  13. Paul in Minnesota5:31 PM

    I love the critics comments at

  14. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Did you notice the size of his forehead?

    1. Boscoe7:41 AM

      No, I was hypnotized by the utter lifeless, joyless look in his dead eyes.

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Thanks, I couldn't figure out why his face looked so odd, and I kept going back and look at the picture.

      You are right, and that was it- his forehead is almost as long as the whole rest of his face!

    3. So they can slap a stupid Jesus fish sticker on it

  15. Randall7:10 AM

    That's right - skew the ratings:
    let's all get together and make the rating system a LIE
    after all
    that would be the CHRISTIAN thing to do.

  16. Joe.My.God is a great website. I'm a straight, older woman and I read it everyday.


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