Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Showing side by side video of President Obama calling for peaceful protests alongside violence on the streets of Ferguson. Just Fox News things.

Courtesy of the You Tube site:

While President Obama delivered his response to the decision by the grand jury in Ferguson not to indict Officer Darren Wilson, Fox News offered a split screen view of events on the ground. At one particular moment, around 10:15 p.m. EST, as the president called for non-violent demonstrations, protestors could be seen attempting to turn over a police car.

You know you almost can't blame Fox. This is almost tailored made for their racist narrative.

Here is all of the evidence released by St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch. There is a journal entry from Witness 40 that, if accurate, seems to explain how Michael Brown was shot in the top of the head. But then Witness 14 had a completely different take.

And here are Officer Darrell Wilson's "injuries."

As you can see he was really manhandled. Apparently by a toddler. Remember Michael Brown was six foot five, and weighed 289 lbs.(And by the way these pictures look much different than ones taken in another series of photos after the shooting.)

I will admit that there is a lot of contradictory evidence released by the Grand Jury, but it seems clear that there was a lot more credibility given to Wilson's version of events than to versions coming from other witnesses.

After reading through some of it I think that if I had been an African American living in Ferguson I might have been on the streets last night as well.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    wow, punched on the right side of his face while sitting in car with supposed assailant at the driver's side door.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      I am gladsome one else noticed that!

      I also wonder how those red marks ended up on the lower side of his jaw: wasn't Michael Brown a big kid?

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Looks more like a skin condition. And how big is Wilson. The press makes it sound like he was an oompa loompa trying to fight off the incredible Hulk. He doesn't look like a small man.

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      I think they were basically the same height, but Brown had maybe 70 pounds on Wilson.

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Was Darren Wilson tested for drugs/alcohol? Can't seem to find it in the evidence dump.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    So depressing... I'm just not going to watch the news for a while out of respect for my mental health. Palin, Congress, the Kochs, Citizens United, Hobby Lobby, ultrasound shaming wands -- it's just been an awful time for truth, democracy, civil rights, and sanity.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      That's my plan as well.


  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    A poster on another blog commented that he receives more injuries daily from his kitten than Wilson seems to have sustained.

  5. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Wilson must have been in a Palin Brawl.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      lol keep on slandering...

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Number one, it's libel not slander when written. Number 2, the Palin family got wasted, jumped in a rented limo, crashed a party and got into fights. FACT.

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      9:32 AM 'LOL' Keep TROLLING, you are good at making a Fool of yourself. Are you still a teenager?

    4. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Dear 10:18 and all other IMers:

      Do you think the slander troll is mentally deficient, and therefore can't understand the definitions of "slander" and "libel"?
      Do you think the troll thinks "slander" sounds more serious?
      Do you think the troll simply ignores whatever is written here and just cuts and pastes "slander," thinking that it's a devastating attack on our comments?
      What, how, why would an English-speaking adult not be able to check -- on a computer dictionary -- the difference between the two words?

      Perhaps just trying to get our goat?
      From now on, I'll just ignore their ignorance and know that anyone using "slander" incorrectly has an IQ no higher than 83, the Palin gold standard.

    5. Anonymous1:31 PM


      I just got into trouble for calling it "simple". Go figure.

    6. Anonymous1:39 PM

      I think she's petulant and passive aggressive and refuses to use the correct word because she was ignorant about the difference until told by people here on IM.

      I don't believe she has a low IQ, but IQ isn't the same as emotional stability or maturity.

      I feel sorry for her and especially for her parents who will have to worry about her until the day they die.

    7. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Let me clarify that I don't think she has a low IQ judging from her comments. That's not to say she's smart, just that she isn't below average intelligence. That's my opinion as a professional paper grader (AKA college professor).

      Sarah Palin, on the other hand, never comes across as anything but a not-so-smart person who knew enough to bullshit her way through school with cliches, surface understanding, and word salad. She continues to bullshit her way through life.

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM


    This shows what a sham the entire process was.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      The National Bar Association..... "is the nation's oldest and largest national network of predominantly African-American attorneys and judges"....

      'Color' me surprised. Sounds like a bunch of racists looking for a lynching.....

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      11:52 AM You wrote the book on 'lynching'.

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Yeah, no you are wrong 4:49. Nice try though.

      Just kidding it wasn't a nice try. And you're an idiot and a bigot.

      It is just interesting that a group comprised of african americans, attorneys and judges no less, all of a sudden don't believe in the legal process, and as a group, without having been involved in the investigation at all, have decided what they want for this white man's fate. Seems like a lynching to me.

    4. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Where do you get that they don't believe in the legal process?

      They aren't suggesting anything outside the process. They aren't breaking in to the jailhouse to rip the guy from his cell. They aren't stringing him up. They don't have faith in the verdict so they are looking for federal prosecution.

      If that seems like a lynching to you, you either have no sense of history and no sense of reality or you are being provocative.

    5. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I'm laughing and shaking my head at you 5:19. Lynching? Katrina? That isn't even good trolling.

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Wilson is 6'4". Some reports say Michael Brown was also 6'4" but whether he was 6'4" or 6'5", Wilson's claim that he felt like a child being confronted by the Hulk is ridiculous...just one of his many ridiculous statements and inconsistencies.

    The prosecutor's statement belittled witness testimony while ignoring inconsistencies in Wilson's account who was allowed to testify before the Grand Jury basically without cross-examination or scrutiny. Anyway, witness inconsistencies are a reason to indict and allow a case to go to trial.

    All around disgusting.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Officer Wilson stopped his car near Michael Brown to tell him to get out of the street. Then Officer Wilson pulled forward. So we can infer that Officer Wilson noticed that Michael Brown was big, but still decided to reverse his vehicle and confront what was supposedly a suspect, possibly armed and already established as big. Officer Wilson chose to be close to Hulk while he was seated in his vehicle with the driver's side window down.

      Presumably this is the point in time that Officer Wilson developed this sudden realization that he felt like a child near Michael Brown.

      As a cover story, this reeks.

      From Wilson's TV interview, he did nothing wrong and would do it all again. Why not, when even an idiotic cover story snows a grand jury.

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    His speech was HORRIBLE. EVERY sane person on both sides of the aisle now hates him

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Every "sane" person huh? Now really, who are you to judge who is sane or not? I also imagine that you actually have friends that aren't rabid Teabangicals? Give me a break.

      And hate, hate is such a strong word but it's a simple word and you my friend are a simple person.

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Sane people don't hate.

    3. Anonymous11:05 AM

      10:16 AM You sound like a jerk! If you disagree, just say it nicely. You don't have to refer to them as 'simple' which only adds to the discord!

    4. "Ann Grimes10:00 AM
      His speech was HORRIBLE. EVERY sane person on both sides of the aisle now hates him"
      Who are you to think you speak for EVERYone?

    5. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Is that you, Alicia? Pretending you have any idea what a "sane" person feels or believes.

      Your idea of "sane" is Sarah Palin and her brood. How about you go and suck an egg?

    6. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Hey 11:05am

      Seriously? The resident Troll is about as simple as they come, I'm talking about IQ under 100 and I have to call them as I see them. Simple people make the world go 'round, hey, they lady that cleans my house isn't exactly a rocket scientist, but she does corner with a toothbrush for only $12.00/hour. Simple people serve a purpose, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. No harm, no foul.

  9. Anonymous10:05 AM

    It is really hard to believe Wilson's story when you see that there is hardly a mark on him. And that was some mean left hook, reaching all the way through the window on the driver's side of the police car to hit Wilson on his right cheek. I think that Track had more bruises on him than Wilson did.

  10. Anonymous10:05 AM

    What bull! Wilson always seems to have red cheeks in his photos!

    I'd be mad as hell too if I were black and living in the community of Ferguson. The police department there is majority white and very racists in their actions. Plus, the Grand Jury they had there was all white and three blacks. Don't think it fair at all!

    What is coming out is that we have many communities like this across the nation. Things are going to have to change because whites will eventually be in the minority!

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      In places like the St. Louis area with the large contingent of conservative whites, many of them seemingly KKK, whites may always be the majority because these people will fight to keep it that way. This is the south, remember, and while not the deep south the racial sentiments seem to mirror those of their more southern counterparts.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      10:20 am The thought under the comment at 10:05 am is that eventually whites will be in the minority due to the intermarriages of whites to blacks, Asians, Chinese, etc.

      We will eventually have more of them than the white race! We are already seeing it. I think Republicans are scared to death of this fact!

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    My undergrad degree is in journalism. Fox News does all the things we were taught not do in order to not unintentionally bring a subjective slant to the presentation of the news. And yes, I think they do that intentionally.

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Listen to some of Sarah Palin's speeches. Then, read some of her Facebook posts, not the ghost written ones but the ones where she calls the President of the United States by his first name. Then tell us if you think that she has a degree in Journalism, or is she even took a class in Journalism. Thanks.

  12. Anonymous10:13 AM

    He creeps me out in the same way George Zimmerman does, he just seems "off" and malice seems to ooze from his pores. I can't wait for this post to be further down page so I don't have to look at that mug!

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:21 PM

      Exactly what I was thinking. It's the same with all these Tea Party "heroes"--Zimmerman, Wilson, James O'Keefe, Scott Walker, and even the late Andrew Breitbart...they all look like disturbed, deranged, malicious children. I guess that appeals to their peer group. Either that, or most of the Rill Murikan Patriots are so close to senility that they think they're just "cute boys" who share their beliefs.

  13. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I once tripped over my cat and fell into my coffee table and sustained more injuries than Wilson.

    And I was also the victim of an actual horrific assault. I was mugged and beaten on the way home from the grocery store (the assailant was a preppy-looking white boy). My injuries were horrific. I had horrible brusing on my face, blood was everywhere-my clothes, my hair, I had internal injuries, I needed both x-rays and an MRI, I needed stitches and I needed to wear bandaging over my left eye for over a week, and briefly the doctors thought I might need some corrective surgery because my injuries were so extreme.

    Wilson looks like he was scratched by a 3 lb kitten.

    Jennifer K

  14. Hey, I follow your blog regularly even though I'm not even allowed to vote here. Love your blog.
    I read the complete testimony of Darrell and he said he doesn't like to carry taser as it is big and bulky. I was thinking may be just may be if he had taser, a life would have been saved. He may have still use gun instead of taser but again we would never know.

  15. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Just like Zimmerman, this person will not have another peaceful day in his life. He will have to watch over his shoulder constantly. He just married for the second time, I would like to hear from his first wife. I wonder why they divorced? He looks like a petulant child. No remorse, just beligerant. I doubt if any other police department will be eager to hire him. His newest wife is also a police officer. He may think he is off the hook, but his life as he knows it is OVER.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Yes, there are consequences for taking another person's life.

  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    10:44 am And, deservedly so! Same for Zimmerman!

  17. Anonymous10:58 AM

    PLEASE!! Somebody tell me the Website "The Daily Currant" is a fake site, there's no fuckin way $arah was on Hannity saying she's glad Mr Ferguson didn't get indicted, I Pray this is a hoax,

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Your intuition is correct, The Daily Currant is a satire site, but when they cover Mrs. Palin many question whether or not it is satire because most of the stuff that they write about her is stuff that the majority have no trouble believing that she actually said.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM


  18. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Don't watch fox news, but that is pretty funny. Think they actually got it about right this time.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      How did you get so brainwashed without watching Fox News? Oh, I get it, you're an american christian, never mind.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Nah 12:47, just an independent thinker, no political or religious affiliations. This whole episode reflects badly on the President even if all the Obama fans refuse to believe it.

    3. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Why does it reflect on the president at all? It was a state issue, not federal.

    4. Anonymous6:37 PM

      So the right keeps complaining they want the feds out and states should rule. Now they want to blame President Obama because the feds didn't intervene.
      Make up your mind, can't have it both ways, but of course that isn't the problem, your only happy when you are blaming the president.

      Too bad you didn't scrutinize every move Bush made.

  19. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I'd like to see Wilson's "wounds" three days after the incident. Chances are, they're all healed. He's so healthy he got married a few months later.
    Three days after the incident, Michael Brown's dead and lifeless body was put underground. He would never heal from his gunshot wounds, and would never know another day of sunshine or happiness.

  20. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I implore every media person who posted "sweet" photos of Mike Brown like he was still an angelic child to ask themselves, "where did things skew off into a less than respectable path in his life?" and "how could he be helped?" ALL who lose themselves can be helped. NO one deserves ridicule, not a victim, not a police officer, not a politician making statements.

    We ALL make mistakes, some less societally acceptable than others.

    Morality is a man made thing and really has no black and white.

    How can you help your loved ones who've made mistakes?

    How can YOU forgive people who've made mistakes?

    IT is not okay to embarras 18 yr olds, or 70 yr olds, over human flaws. This police officer in the Brown case and his family has to live with this forever.

    The media is SICK.

    No human is bad.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Some people do actually deserve ridicule.

      I put Sarah Palin at the top of that list.

      She deserves every ounce of scorn, mockery, jeering, and laughter aimed at her because she's been dishing it out ever since Johnny Mac introduced her to that nation. She is an adult who has shown her willful ignorance and special brand of nastiness time and time again.

      Is Sarah Palin "bad?" It depends on your definition. I think she does bad things, thinks bad thoughts, says bad things, is a bad parent, and was a bad politician/public servant.

      Do you think Sarah Palin can be helped? Please, by all means, figure out a way to help her. It's not my job to help or forgive her.

    2. PalinsHoax6:34 PM

      No human is bad. / Is Sarah Palin "bad?"
      - - -
      Well we hear that she sure smells bad!
      We see from pictures of her that she sure looks bad!
      Whenever she speaks, her voice is really bad on our ears and sensitivities!

      She personifies that adage of being "a bad apple", or "a bad penny", or a "bad-egg".

  21. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The announcement of the verdict was orchastrated to maxamize negative reactions. I would not be surpised if there were paid rioters on iste. This is the same type of event orchastrated by facists in Germany prior to Hitler's rise to power.

  22. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Every single channel I flipped to to watch Obama speak last night had the split screen. It just so happened that things in Ferguson were beginning to get even worse when Obama spoke. Bad timing. What I don't like is that the mayor blamed the governor of Missouri for not using the national guard last night and now the gov is blaming Obama!

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Remember the picture of Bush looking out the plane window at New Orleans.... Well this is Obama's Katrina moment that he will be remembered for, and he did step in it big time.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      No, 4:16. Bush had an obligation to step in with federal aid and he royally fucked it up. How is that similar to what Pres Obama is doing here? Do you expect him to overturn the GJ decision? Declare Marshall law and send in the fed troops?

      I swear, people expect miracles from the man.

    3. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Yep. This is definitely Obama's Katrina, the picture that captures it all and defines his presidency for history.

    4. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Why would this be the picture that defines his presidency. Was Bush Sr's presidency defined by the riots after L.A. riots in 1992? Absolutely not. So why would you even begin to think this will have that impact for President Obama? Because he's black and so are the protesters? Because he is a miracle worker who can (and therefore should) somehow change what's happening with mere words?

      I swear, some people will do all kinds of mental gymnastics to blame President Obama for every bad thing that happens in the country (and even around the world).

      "Thanks, Obama" is a meme, but one that is based on truth on a whole lot of truth.

    5. Paul in Minnesota6:11 PM

      515pm. No way is this Obama's Katrina. This lies squarely on the police in Ferguson, St. Louis County Sheriffs, The Governor of Missouri, the Grand Jury, etc. If anything, it's more like Katrina in terms of Danziger Bridge shootings. Yet at least in Louisiana, there was justice done there eventually.

  23. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Here's how the world sees us:


    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Correction- What Ferguson means abroad- as thru the opinon lens of the Huffpo. No Thanks.

  24. Wilson's a good looking man with a nice physique. Looks like he has good upper body development. I know he is 6' 4". I'd like to see some full body shirtless photos of him. They did take some shirtless photos of his tanned upper back and neck area. You can see a partial view of a tattoo on his left shoulder. I bet he'll be fathering a lot of babies.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.