Monday, November 24, 2014

So according to the Republicans the difference between the best American President in history and the worst

Yep, that's confusing alright.

What is even more confusing is how the conservatives can deify a President who could not even get nominated in this new uber Right Wing Republican party.


  1. Come on Gryphen! Look at their pictures! You can see the difference in the best and worst president (According to Republicans ).

  2. Dammit. What's the funcusion?! Ronald Wilson Reagan moved the bar! Read The Invisible Bridge since you won't believe me or remember the events!

  3. Your confusion relative to the deification of RWR, Gryph, fails to take into account one emphatically cogent point where Rethuglikans are concerned,......FACTS just don't matter!

  4. Porgey10:17 PM

    Never let the facts get in the way of the truth.Republicans have a selective memory.!!

  5. Gee. I wouldn't consider Reagan the *worst* president.

    (Yeah, I know)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.