Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Benghazi might not be over as an issue in 2016 after all. At least not if Rand Paul has anything to say about it.

Courtesy of The Hill:  

Paul, a likely 2016 presidential contender, criticizes potential rival Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of State during the attacks, and vows to seek the truth about Benghazi. 

"This new Benghazi ‘intelligence’ report is little more than a C.Y.A. attempt designed to protect incompetent politicians and government agents at the expense of justice for the victims of September 11, 2012," Paul writes in an op-ed for Breitbart, a conservative website, using an acronym for "cover your ass." 

The report in question was issued by the House Intelligence Committee before Thanksgiving, and counters several claims made by some Republicans critical of the Obama administration's handling of the 2012 attacks that killed four Americans in Benghazi. 

The report found that "there was no intelligence failure prior to the attacks," "no evidence" of a stand down order to U.S. personnel responding to the assault and no CIA operation to secretly ship arms from Benghazi to Syria. 

Paul expresses skepticism at the report’s findings.

Now this is important because lately Rand Paul has been working pretty hard to portray himself as far less wingnutty than we know him to be. (Remember Paul has a fifteen year relationship with professional lunatic Alex Jones, and was once a frequent guest on his radio show.)

So for Paul to ignore the fact that this is just the latest of several investigations into Benghazi, all of which turned up no evidence of malfeasance on the part of the White House, nor any attempt to launch a coverup.

Now personally I expected certain individual to speak out against these findings, and so they have including Senator Lindsey Graham ("Full of crap!"), former Congressman Allen West, and various other Right Wing types. However I thought that Rand Paul was attempting to resist the conspiratorial whispers from the voices in his head and continue straightening his hairpiece and trying to play the grownup.

However I believe I may have given him too muhc credit. Take a look at how he justifies his reticence in accepting the findings of the report: 

"None of these accusations contain even a modicum of truth?" he asked. 

He points to a Fox News report that U.S. security personnel said the top CIA officer in Benghazi prevented them from responding faster, and to multiple articles on arms smuggling from Libya to Syria. 

"The Obama Administration has tried to paint members of Congress who ask these questions as somehow being extreme or crazy — and perhaps the House Intelligence Committee will now follow suit," Paul writes. "But remember, this is the same administration that called the investigation into the IRS scandal a product of a 'conspiracy theory.' "

So to support his faith that there really is a Benghazi scandal, despite the fact that his has been debunked, Paul turns to the IRS "scandal," which has also been debunked.

Awesome plan.


  1. Get that bird's nest off your head first, Randy, if you want me to take you seriously.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Paul is beyond stupid to keep beating the dead horse of Benghazi. The world has moved on but he and a few other crazy wingnuts have not.

  3. Randall5:26 PM

    This is why the Republicans are going to lose the next Presidential election...

    They believe Fox News is right.

    Only about 1 in 100 people actually believe what Fox News says, but since those that watch Fox News don't listen to anything or anyone else - they convince one another that what they're telling each other is the truth.

    And ONE of those silly things is that Benghazi is important to "the American people".

    When - IN REALITY - the vast, vast majority of US - the American people know that the Benghazi ploy is total partisan nonsense.

    I see Hillary wayyyyy out front in her track/pant-suit, easily running away with the race while Rand What's-that-on-your-head Paul, Miss Lindsey Graham Cracker, Ted Anchor-baby Cruz and the rest of the TeaBag gang are wayyyy back on the track, beating the dead horse known as Benghazi.

    1. Anonymous3:35 AM

      I despise Cruz immensely, but he isn't an anchor baby - which means born on American soil to no-Americna parent(s). He's a foreign-born US citizen by mother's citizenship; if the birthers were disputing President Obamas legitimacy (born in Hawaii on American soil to one citizen parent,) then they should be doubly screaming about Cruz - born on foreign (Canadian) soil to one citizen parent. Waiting for the birther outrage......

  4. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The little runt with the rug on his head will never be elected POTUS should he actually run.

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Too bad these morons didn't spend half as much time investigating going to war in Iraq.

  6. Anonymous7:37 PM

    LOL they just know there was a cover up, don't they? Years and years and investigation after investigation and committee after committee and they haven't found a shred of evidence to support their claim..... but they just know it's true. They can feel it in their rheumatis' like Granny Clampett.

  7. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Rand and the others are not acknowledging the fact that Republicans cannot retain memory of events from even a month ago, much less years back.

    I'd bet that if a reporter showed the man in the street photos of Ben Gazzara, and asked if this is the guy who caused all the hoopla, they'd point and cry, "Yeah! That's him!"

  8. Anonymous3:52 AM

    He knows his base ... some of the most 'in-touch' folks on the planet ... they stay 'informed' by diligent attention to Fox and AM radio. Alex Jones is a particular hero of theirs although Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, Levin, Coulter, Hannity, Malkin, et al. are also very popular. These folks are just glued to reality and will vote accordingly. Look no farther than these Park Dwellers for Murican Exceptionalism.

  9. Anonymous6:25 AM

    the poodle wants to beat that dead horse because he has nothing else. time to move on. sniveling girlyman.

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    The Pauls are a strange breed, almost everyone agrees with close to 1/2 of what they say. The problem being the other 1/2 of what they stand for is horrifying...I believe in no wars and legalized mj, as do they. I don't believe in their racist take on things or their views on abortion and education. It's as if they're 1/2 progressive & 1/2 wingnut.

  11. Anita Winecooler4:27 PM

    I love the part where he cites "Fox News" to support his claim, that's the go-to place for the truth LMAO! Wonder how much he got paid for the plug?


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